import browserSync, { BrowserSyncInstance } from "browser-sync"; import GulpClient, { TaskFunction } from "gulp"; import path from "upath"; import { Context } from "./gulp/Context.js"; const { dest, parallel, series, src, watch } = GulpClient; const { join } = path; const context = new Context(); /** * Builds javascript files. * * @returns * The resulting stream. */ export function JavaScript(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return src(context.SourcePath(context.JSDirName, "**", "*.js")).pipe( dest(context.StaticPath(context.JSDirName))); } /** * Builds css files. * * @returns * The resulting stream. */ export function Styles(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return src(context.SourcePath(context.StyleDirName, "**", "*.css")).pipe( dest(context.StaticPath(context.StyleDirName))); } /** * Builds asset files. * * @returns * The resulting stream. */ export function Assets(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return src(context.SourcePath(context.AssetDirName, "**", "*")).pipe( dest(context.StaticPath(context.AssetDirName))); } /** * Builds the web pages. * * @returns * The resulting stream. */ export function WebPages(): NodeJS.ReadWriteStream { return src(context.SourcePath("**", "*.html")).pipe( dest(context.StaticPath())); } /** * Builds all files. */ export function Build(): Promise { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { parallel( [ JavaScript, Styles, Assets, WebPages ])( (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } /** * Reloads all browsers using `browser-sync`. * * @param syncer * The browser-sync instance to work on. * * @param filePath * A glob-path which points to the files which must be reloaded. * * @returns * The actual task. */ function BrowserSync(syncer: BrowserSyncInstance, filePath?: string): TaskFunction { let BrowserSync: TaskFunction = (done) => { if (filePath) { syncer.reload(filePath); } else { syncer.reload(); } done(); }; return BrowserSync; } /** * Builds and watches the files for changes. */ export let Watch: TaskFunction = async (): Promise => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { series(Build)( (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { let syncer = browserSync.create(); syncer.init({ open: false, server: context.StaticPath(), online: false }); watch( context.SourcePath(context.JSDirName), series( JavaScript, BrowserSync(syncer, "*.js"))); watch( context.SourcePath(context.StyleDirName, "**", "*.css"), series( Styles, BrowserSync(syncer, "*.css"))); watch( context.SourcePath(context.AssetDirName), series( Assets, BrowserSync(syncer, join(context.AssetDirName, "**", "*")))); watch( context.SourcePath("**", "*.html"), series( WebPages, BrowserSync(syncer, "*.html"))); } }); }); };