import oscilloscope import serial import from time import sleep SAMPLE_FREQ = 625*10**6 RO_CNT = 64 TRNG_PAIR_CNT = 64 def list_resources(resources: list, resource_name: str): if not resources: print('no', resource_name, 'available') else: print('available', resource_name + ':') for resource_id in range(len(resources)): print('[', resource_id, '] ', resources[resource_id]) def list_scopes(): found_oscilloscopes = oscilloscope.get_oscilloscopes() list_resources(found_oscilloscopes, 'oscilloscopes') def channel_meas(scope, n): scope.command_check(":WAVeform:SOURce", 'CHANnel{}'.format(n)) trace = scope.query_binary(':WAVeform:DATA?') return trace # Infinite test run # The cycle iterates over all ROs. Can be interrupted by pressing CTRL-C def run(fpga_comm): print ("Infinite run, press CTRL-C to break.") try: i = 0 while True: fpga_comm.write(bytes([i,i])) i = (i + 1) % RO_CNT sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def trng_read(scope, fpga_comm): with open('data_info.txt', "w") as finfo, open ('data.bin', "wb") as fdata: for i in range(TRNG_PAIR_CNT): print('--------------------------MEAS {}-------------------------------'.format(i)) scope.write(':SINGle') sleep(0.1) fpga_comm.write(bytes([i,i])) trace1 = channel_meas(scope, 1) trace2 = channel_meas(scope, 2) if i == 0: tracelength = scope.query(':WAVeform:POINts?') fs = scope.query(':ACQuire:SRATe?') print(tracelength, file = finfo) print(int(float(fs)), file = finfo) fdata.write(trace1) fdata.write(trace2) val = print(val.hex()) print(val.hex(), file = finfo) if __name__ == '__main__': list_scopes() ports = list_resources(ports, "COM") # modify the device numbers in the following two lines: s = serial.Serial(ports[3].device, 923076) scope = oscilloscope.Oscilloscope(5) scope.setup_measurement() # scope.save_conf('scope_setup.conf') scope.load_conf('scope_setup.conf') sleep(2) # wait for the oscilloscope to process the setup # test run -- only TRNG, no recording # run(s) # measurement -- RESET the FPGA >first! (USB disconnect+connect) trng_read(scope, s)