Load dualboot sizes from nix

This commit is contained in:
Manuel Thalmann 2024-07-29 01:44:12 +02:00
parent de167f0d92
commit 71cdc21f2e
2 changed files with 175 additions and 139 deletions

View file

@ -1,139 +1,6 @@
$env:WIN_COMPUTER_NAME = "DerGeret";
$env:SETUP_SCRIPT_NAME = "$PSScriptRoot/Restore.ps1";
function Initialize-SetupConfig() {
[xml] $config,
[System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager] $namespace
$setupComponent = $config.SelectSingleNode(
$diskConfig = $setupComponent.SelectSingleNode("./ua:DiskConfiguration/ua:Disk", $namespace);
$partitionCreationContainer = $diskConfig.SelectSingleNode("./ua:CreatePartitions", $namespace);
$partitionCreations = $partitionCreationContainer.SelectNodes("./ua:CreatePartition", $namespace);
$partitionModificationContainer = $diskConfig.SelectSingleNode("./ua:ModifyPartitions", $namespace);
$partitionModifications = $partitionModificationContainer.SelectNodes("./ua:ModifyPartition", $namespace);
Gets the XML element describing the installation partition ID.
function Get-InstallationPartition {
$setupComponent.SelectSingleNode("./ua:ImageInstall/ua:OSImage/ua:InstallTo/ua:PartitionID", $namespace)
Increases the ID of all partitions in the specified range by 1.
function Move-PartitionRange {
param (
[int]$From = 0,
[System.Nullable[int]]$To = $null,
[int]$By = 1
# Update installation partition ID if necessary
$installationPartition = Get-InstallationPartition;
$installPartitionID = [int]$installationPartition.InnerText;
if (($installPartitionID -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($installPartitionID -le $To))) {
$installationPartition.InnerText = "$($installPartitionID + $By)";
# Update IDs of all partition creations
foreach ($partition in $partitionCreations) {
$orderNode = $partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace);
$order = [int]$orderNode.InnerText;
$newOrder = $order;
if (($newOrder -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($newOrder -le $To))) {
$newOrder += $By;
if ($order -ne $newOrder) {
$orderNode.InnerText = "$newOrder";
# Update IDs of all partition modifications
foreach ($partition in $partitionModifications) {
$partitionNode = $partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:PartitionID", $namespace);
$partitionID = [int]$partitionNode.InnerText;
$newID = $partitionID;
if (($newID -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($newID -le $To))) {
$newID += $By;
if ($partitionID -ne $newID) {
$partitionNode.InnerText = "$newID";
$partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace).InnerText = "$newID";
function Add-Partition {
param (
[string]$Type = "Primary"
Move-PartitionRange -From $Index -By 1;
$newPartition = $partitionCreations[0].CloneNode($true);
$newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace).InnerText = "$Index";
$newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Type", $namespace).InnerText = "$Type";
$newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Size", $namespace).InnerText = "$Size";
$null = $partitionCreationContainer.AppendChild($newPartition);
$newModification = $partitionModifications[2].CloneNode($true);
$newModification.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace).InnerText = "$Index";
$newModification.SelectSingleNode("./ua:PartitionID", $namespace).InnerText = "$Index";
$null = $partitionModificationContainer.AppendChild($newModification);
Relocates the partition with the specified `$From` ID to the specified `$To` ID.
function Invoke-PartitionRelocation {
param (
Move-PartitionRange $From $From (-1 * ($From + 1))
if ($From -gt $To) {
Move-PartitionRange $To ($From - 1);
elseif ($From -lt $To) {
Move-PartitionRange ($From + 1) $To -1;
Move-PartitionRange -1 -1 ($To + 1)
# Resize EFI partition to 1GB
$partitionCreations[1].SelectSingleNode("./ua:Size", $namespace).InnerText = "$(1024)";
# Swap Windows RE partition (partition #1) and boot partition (partition #2)
Invoke-PartitionRelocation 2 1;
# Add space before Windows installation... wha-!? For Linux, ofc! I use Arch Linux, btw.
$swapSpacer = 100;
Add-Partition 2 $swapSpacer;
# Add a 1.2 TB partition for Linux
Add-Partition 3 ((1.2 * 1024 * 1024) - 1024 - $swapSpacer);
$env:CONFIG_MODULE = "$PSScriptRoot/../config.nix";
. "$PSScriptRoot/../../../scripts/Windows/OS/Setup.ps1";

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function Start-Setup {
$null = $env:SETUP_SCRIPT_NAME;
$null = $env:CONFIG_MODULE;
$config = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content "$env:CONFIG_MODULE.json");
$valhallaConfig = ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content "$env:CONFIG_MODULE.json");
[xml]$unattendedConfig = [xml]::new();
$unattendedConfig.PreserveWhitespace = $true;
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ function Start-Setup {
$namespace = New-Object -TypeName "Xml.XmlNamespaceManager" -ArgumentList $unattendedConfig.NameTable;
$namespace.AddNamespace("ua", $unattendedConfig.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
function Get-InstallDisk {
function Get-PassSettings {
@ -28,6 +32,22 @@ function Start-Setup {
return $unattendedConfig.SelectSingleNode("/ua:unattend/ua:settings[@pass='$passName']", $namespace);
function Get-Component {
[System.Xml.XmlNode] $pass,
[string] $componentName = $null
$Local:selector = "./ua:component";
if ($null -ne $componentName) {
$Local:selector += "[@name='$componentName']";
return $pass.SelectSingleNode($Local:selector, $namespace);
function Get-RemoteScriptPath($path) {
$relativePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetRelativePath("$PSScriptRoot/../../..", $path);
Join-Path $env:REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH $relativePath;
@ -43,9 +63,144 @@ function Start-Setup {
"(Join-Path `$env:SystemDrive $(Get-Injection (Get-RemoteScriptPath $path)))"
function Get-DiskConfig {
[int] $Disk
$node = $disks | Where-Object { $_.SelectSingleNode("./ua:DiskID", $namespace).InnerText -eq $Disk };
$creations = $node.SelectSingleNode("./ua:CreatePartitions", $namespace);
$modifications = $node.SelectSingleNode("./ua:ModifyPartitions", $namespace);
PartitionCreationContainer = $creations;
PartitionCreations = $creations.SelectNodes("./ua:CreatePartition", $namespace);
PartitionModificationContainer = $modifications;
PartitionModifications = $modifications.SelectNodes("./ua:ModifyPartition", $namespace);
function Move-PartitionRange {
param (
[int] $Disk = (Get-InstallDisk),
[int] $From = 0,
[System.Nullable[int]] $To = $null,
[int] $By = 1
$diskInfo = Get-DiskConfig $Disk;
if ((Get-InstallDisk) -eq $Disk) {
$partition = [int]$installTarget.Partition.InnerText;
if (($partition -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($partition -le $To))) {
$installTarget.Partition.InnerText = "$($partition + $By)";
foreach ($config in @(@($diskInfo.PartitionCreations, @("Order")),
@($diskInfo.PartitionModifications, @("Order", "PartitionID")))) {
foreach ($partition in $config[0]) {
foreach ($property in $config[1]) {
$partitionNode = $partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:$property", $namespace);
$partitionID = [int]$partitionNode.InnerText;
$newID = $partitionID;
if (($newID -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($newID -le $To))) {
$newID += $By;
if ($partitionID -ne $newID) {
$partitionNode.InnerText = "$newID";
function Add-Partition {
param (
[int] $Disk = (Get-InstallDisk),
[int] $Index,
[int] $Size,
[string] $Type = "Primary"
$diskInfo = Get-DiskConfig $Disk;
Move-PartitionRange -Disk $Disk -From $Index -By 1;
$configs = @(
@("Order", "$Index"),
@("Type", "$Type"),
@("Size", "$Size"))),
@("Order", "$Index"),
@("PartitionID", "$Index")))
foreach ($config in $configs) {
$partition = $config[0][$config[1]];
$newPartition = $partition.CloneNode($true);
foreach ($entry in $config[2]) {
$newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:$($entry[0])", $namespace).InnerText = $entry[1];
$null = $partition.ParentNode.AppendChild($newPartition);
function Move-Partition {
param (
[int] $Disk = (Get-InstallDisk),
[int] $From,
[int] $To
Move-PartitionRange -Disk $Disk $From $From (-1 * ($From + 1));
if ($From -gt $To) {
Move-PartitionRange -Disk $Disk $To ($From - 1);
elseif ($From -lt $To) {
Move-PartitionRange -Disk $Disk ($From + 1) $To - 1;
Move-PartitionRange -Disk $Disk -1 -1 ($To + 1)
# Collect necessary variables
$winpePass = Get-PassSettings "windowsPE";
$setupConfig = Get-Component $winpePass "Microsoft-Windows-Setup";
$disks = $setupConfig.SelectNodes("./ua:DiskConfiguration/ua:Disk", $namespace);
$installTarget = & {
$target = $setupConfig.SelectSingleNode("./ua:ImageInstall/ua:OSImage/ua:InstallTo", $namespace);
Disk = $target.SelectSingleNode("./ua:DiskID", $namespace);
Partition = $target.SelectSingleNode("./ua:PartitionID", $namespace);
# Adjust unattended settings
$specializeSettings = Get-PassSettings "specialize";
$specializeSettings.SelectSingleNode("./ua:component[@name='Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup']/ua:ComputerName", $namespace).InnerText = "$env:WIN_COMPUTER_NAME";
$computerName = (Get-Component (Get-PassSettings "specialize") "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup").SelectSingleNode("./ua:ComputerName", $namespace);
$computerName.InnerText = "$env:WIN_COMPUTER_NAME";
# Execute corresponding installer script after startup
$oobeSystemSettings = Get-PassSettings "oobeSystem";
@ -62,8 +217,22 @@ function Start-Setup {
$orderElement.InnerText = ([int]($orderElement.InnerText) + 1);
$newCommand.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Description", $namespace).InnerText = "Install PowerShell Core and git and run setup script";
if (Get-Command Initialize-SetupConfig -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Initialize-SetupConfig $unattendedConfig $namespace;
if ($valhallaConfig.dualboot.enable) {
$diskSize = [long](ConvertFrom-Csv (wmic diskdrive where "Index=$(Get-InstallDisk)" get Size | ForEach-Object { "$_".Trim(); })).Size;
# Calculate Linux size
$linuxSize = ([System.Math]::Floor(($diskSize * ($valhallaConfig.dualboot.linuxPercentage / 100)) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)) * 1024;
# Resize EFI partition to 1GB (for GRUB)
(Get-DiskConfig (Get-InstallDisk)).PartitionCreations[1].SelectSingleNode("./ua:Size", $namespace).InnerText = "$(1024)";
# Move boot partition to the beginning
Move-Partition 2 1;
# Add a Swap spacer
$swapSpacer = 100;
Add-Partition 2 $swapSpacer;
Add-Partition 3 ($linuxSize - $swapSpacer);
$unattendedConfigFile = "X:\unattend.xml";