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3 commits

4 changed files with 141 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -158,8 +158,12 @@ $null = New-Module {
if (Get-Config "valhalla.hardware.elgatoWave") {
Install-ChocoPackage wavelink;
Remove-DesktopIcon "*Wave Link*";
if (-not (Test-ChocoPackage wavelink)) {
Install-ChocoPackage wavelink -ArgumentList '--install-arguments="/norestart"';
Remove-DesktopIcon "*Wave Link*";
if (Get-Config "valhalla.hardware.eyeX") {
@ -167,13 +171,21 @@ $null = New-Module {
# Windows Config
. "$PSScriptRoot/../Software/Windows/Manage.ps1" @arguments;
$null = New-Module {
# Windows Config
$softwarePath = "$PSScriptRoot/../Software";
. "$softwarePath/Windows/Manage.ps1" @arguments;
if (Test-Collection "essential") {
# Essentials
. "$PSScriptRoot/../Software/OpenSSH/Manage.ps1" @arguments;
if (Test-Collection "essential") {
# Essentials
. "$softwarePath/OpenSSH/Manage.ps1" @arguments;
if (Test-Collection "common") {
# Common Software
. "$softwarePath/WinSCP/Manage.ps1" @arguments;
switch (Get-Stage) {

View file

@ -1,62 +1,102 @@
using namespace System.Xml;
$null = New-Module {
class AppAssociations {
static $defaultAssociationsSelector = "/DefaultAssociations";
static $associationSelector = "./Association";
$rootSelector = "/DefaultAssociations";
$associationSelector = "./Association";
static [string] GetSelector([string] $identifier) {
return "$([AppAssociations]::associationSelector)[@Identifier='$identifier']";
Generates a selector for getting the association of the specified identifier.
.PARAMETER Identifier
The identifier to get the association of.
$getSelector = {
[string] $Identifier
[string] $filter = "";
if ($Identifier) {
$filter = "[@Identifier='$Identifier']";
static [xml] GetAppAssociations() {
[xml] $associations = [xml]::new();
$associations.LoadXml(((DISM /Online /Get-DefaultAppAssociations) | Select-Object -Skip 6 | Select-Object -SkipLast 2 | Out-String));
return $associations;
static SetAssociation([string] $identifier, [string] $progId, [string] $applicationName) {
$document = [AppAssociations]::GetAppAssociations();
$associations = $document.SelectSingleNode([AppAssociations]::defaultAssociationsSelector);
[System.Xml.XmlNode] $association = $null;
$candidates = $associations.SelectNodes([AppAssociations]::GetSelector($identifier));
if ($candidates.Count -eq 1) {
$association = $candidates[0];
} else {
$association = ($associations.SelectNodes([AppAssociations]::associationSelector) | Select-Object -Last 1).CloneNode($true);
$association.Identifier = $identifier;
$association = $associations.AppendChild($association);
$association.ProgId = $progId;
$association.ApplicationName = $applicationName;
static SaveAssociations([xml] $document) {
$associations = $document.SelectSingleNode([AppAssociations]::defaultAssociationsSelector);
$defaultAssociations = $associations.SelectNodes([AppAssociations]::associationSelector);
$defaultAssociations | ForEach-Object { $associations.RemoveChild($_); } | Sort-Object -Property "Identifier" | ForEach-Object { $associations.AppendChild($_); };
$configFile = New-TemporaryFile;
$writerSettings = [System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings]::new();
$writerSettings.Indent = $true;
$writerSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new();
$writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($configFile.FullName, $writerSettings);
DISM /Online "/Import-DefaultAppAssociations:$($configFile.FullName)";
Remove-Item $configFile;
Gets the default app associations of the running Windows system.
function Get-DefaultAppAssociations {
[xml]::new().LoadXml(((DISM /Online /Get-DefaultAppAssociations) | Select-Object -Skip 6 | Select-Object -SkipLast 2 | Out-String));
Sets a default app association.
.PARAMETER Identifier
The identifier of the association to set.
The ProgId to set the association to.
.PARAMETER ApplicationName
The ApplicationName to set the association to.
function Set-DefaultAppAssociation {
param (
[string] $Identifier,
[string] $ProgId,
[string] $ApplicationName
[AppAssociations]::SetAssociation($Identifier, $ProgId, $ApplicationName);
[System.Xml.XmlNode] $association = $null;
$document = Get-DefaultAppAssociations;
$candidates = $document.SelectNodes((& $getSelector $Identifier));
if ($candidates.Count -eq 1) {
$association = $candidates[0];
} else {
$association = ([System.Xml.XmlNode]($document.SelectNodes((& $getSelector)) | Select-Object -Last 1)[0]).CloneNode($true);
$association.Identifier = $Identifier;
$association.ProgId = $ProgId;
$association.ApplicationName = $ApplicationName;
Save-DefaultAppAssociations $document;
Saves the default app associations.
The xml document containing the declarations of the app associations.
function Save-DefaultAppAssociations {
[xml] $Document
$root = $document.SelectSingleNode($rootSelector);
$associations = $root.SelectNodes((& $getSelector));
# Reorder associations by their Identifier
$associations | ForEach-Object { $root.RemoveChild($_); } | Sort-Object -Property "Identifier" | ForEach-Object { $root.AppendChild($_); };
$configFile = New-TemporaryFile;
$writerSettings = [XmlWriterSettings]::new();
$writerSettings.Indent = $true;
$writerSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new();
$writer = [XmlWriter]::Create($configFile.FullName, $writerSettings);
DISM /Online "/Import-DefaultAppAssociations:$($configFile.FullName)";
Remove-Item $configFile;

View file

@ -19,11 +19,16 @@ $null = New-Module {
function Install-ChocoPackage {
[switch] $Force,
[string[]] $ArgumentList,
[string] $Name,
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
[string[]] $Names
[string[]] $AdditionalNames = @()
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $Names = $Names;
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $Names = @();
$null = $Names.Add($Name);
if (-not ($Force.IsPresent)) {
for ($i = $Names.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ $null = New-Module {
if ($Names.Count -ge 1) {
choco install -y $Names;
choco install -y $ArgumentList $Names;

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
using namespace Microsoft.Win32;
[hashtable] $Arguments
. "$PSScriptRoot/../../Scripts/AppAssociations.ps1";
. "$PSScriptRoot/../../Scripts/Software.ps1";
. "$PSScriptRoot/../../Scripts/System.ps1";
Start-SoftwareInstaller @PSBoundParameters `
-Installer {
[scriptblock] $Installer
Install-ChocoPackage winscp;
& $Installer -Action ([InstallerAction]::Configure)
} `
-Configurator {
Remove-DesktopIcon "WinSCP*";
Write-Host "Making WinSCP the default FTP program…";
Set-DefaultAppAssociation -Identifier "ftp" -ProgId "WinSCP.Url" -ApplicationName "WinSCP: SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, S3 and SCP client";