set -l dir (status dirname) function initBackupConfig -V dir -d "Fetches the configuration by prompting the user to " set -l disabled VALHALLA_BACKUP_DISABLED if [ -z "$$disabled" ] if [ -z "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_DIR" ] argparse -i "action=" -- $argv set -l index set -l confirm fish "$dir/../../lib/modules/fileSystems/" switch "$_flag_action" case backup set index 1 case restore set index 2 case '*' set index 3 end if [ "$_flag_action" != restore ] || $confirm "Do you wish to restore a backup?" set -l keyVar VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_KEY set -l keyPath ~root/.config/port-valhalla/valhalla set -l server (string repeat --count 3 (printf "%s\n" "Please specify the host name of the SSH server: " | string collect -N)) set -l port (string repeat --count 3 (printf "%s\n" "Please specify the port of the SSH server (default 22): " | string collect -N)) set -l user (string repeat --count 3 (printf "%s\n" "Please specify the name of the user to log in to the SSH server: " | string collect -N)) set -l ssh \ "Do you wish to store the backup on an SSH server?" \ "Do you wish to restore the backup from an SSH server?" \ "Do you wish to backup or restore files on an SSH server?" set -l path \ "Please specify the path to the directory to save the backup to: " \ "Please specify the path to the directory to load the backup from: " \ "Please specify the path to the backup directory: " if $confirm $ssh[$index] n read -gxP $server[$index] VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER read -gxP $port[$index] VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_PORT read -gxP $user[$index] VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_USER end if [ -n "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER" ] set -l sshArgs if [ -z "$$keyVar" ] set -gx "$keyVar" "$keyPath" sudo mkdir -p (dirname "$keyPath") sudo ssh-keygen -f "$$keyVar" -N "" end if [ -n "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_PORT" ] set -a sshArgs -p "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_PORT" end echo echo "$(tput setaf 3)==== WARNING ====$(tput sgr0)" echo "For a seamless experience, please make sure that you are able to establish an unattended ssh connection using key authentication." echo echo "Your public key is:" sudo cat "$" echo echo "$(tput bold)This command should succeed without user interaction:$(tput sgr0)" echo "sudo ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -i $(string escape -- "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_KEY") $sshArgs $VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER true" read -P "Press enter once you're done: " echo end read -gxP $path[$index] VALHALLA_BACKUP_DIR else set -gx "$disabled" 1 end end end end function backupFiles if [ -n "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_DIR" ] argparse -i "base-directory=" -- $argv set -l tarArgs set -l path (getArchivePath $argv) set -l dir (dirname "$path") argparse -i "u/user=" "n/name=" -- $argv if runRestorationCommand test ! -d "$dir" runRestorationCommand mkdir -p "$dir" end if [ -n "$_flag_base_directory" ] set -a argv --base-directory "$_flag_base_directory" set -a tarArgs -C "$_flag_base_directory" else set -a tarArgs -P end sudo tar $tarArgs -cvz (fd $argv) | createArchive "$path" end end function restoreFiles if [ -n "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_DIR" ] set -l path (getArchivePath $argv) set -l tarArgs set -l sudoArgs argparse -i "user=" "base-directory=" -- $argv if [ -n "$_flag_base_directory" ] set -a tarArgs -C "$_flag_base_directory" else set -a tarArgs -P end if [ -n "$_flag_user" ] set -a sudoArgs -u "$_flag_user" end if runRestorationCommand test -f "$path" runRestorationCommand cat "$path" | sudo $sudoArgs tar $tarArgs -xvz end end end function createArchive -a path runRestorationCommand sh -c "tee $(string escape -- "$path") >/dev/null" end function runRestorationCommand if [ -z "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER" ] $argv else set -l args set -l host "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER" if [ -n "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_USER" ] set host "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_USER@$host" end if [ -n "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_PORT" ] set -a args -p $VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_PORT end sudo ssh -i $(string escape -- "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_SERVER_KEY") $args "$host" (string escape -- $argv) end end function getArchivePath argparse -i "u/user=" "n/name=" -- $argv set -l path "$VALHALLA_BACKUP_DIR" if [ -n "$_flag_user" ] set -a path Users "$_flag_user" else set -a path System end set -a path "$_flag_name.tar.gz" realpath -m (string join / $path) end