#!/bin/env fish begin set -l varName WIN11_IMAGE_PATH set -l $varName set -l dir (status dirname) source "$dir/lib/choose-disk.fish" source "$dir/lib/confirm.fish" set $varName (bash -c ". $(string escape $dir)/.env; echo \$$varName" 2> /dev/null) [ ! -z "$$varName" ] or begin if [ ! -f "$dir/.env" ] cp $dir/.env.template $dir/.env end echo "Please epecify the path to the Windows 11 ISO image in your .env file located at:" realpath --relative-to (pwd) (realpath $dir/.env) exit 1 end function mkWinPath sed "s/\//\\\\/g" end argparse --name (status filename) -x "iso,usb" iso usb debug -- $argv or exit 1 set -l mountDir /mnt set -l setupLabel winiso-valhalla set -l projectPath PortValhalla set -l systemDrivePath "sources/\$OEM\$/\$1" set -l pwshPath pwsh set -l localProjectPath "$systemDrivePath/$projectPath" set -l cacheDir ~/.cache/winiso-valhalla set -l winpe "$cacheDir/winpe.iso" set -l winPath "$mountDir/win" set -l winpePath "$mountDir/winpe" set -l valhallaPath "$mountDir/winiso-valhalla" set -l winpeOverlay (mktemp -d) set -l winOverlay (mktemp -d) set -l upperDir (mktemp -d) set -l workDir (mktemp -d) set -l editionField "Edition ID" set -l wimFile "sources/install.wim" set -l tempPaths \ "$winpeOverlay" \ "$winOverlay" \ "$upperDir" \ "$workDir" set -l mountPaths \ "$valhallaPath" \ "$winPath" \ "$winpePath" set -l files set -l fileDefinitions ( # Intel LAN driver ) \ drivers/network/intel \ "https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/04LAN/DRV_LAN_Intel_I211_UWD_TP_W10_64_VER12151841_20190306R.zip?model=ROG%20ZENITH%20EXTREME%20ALPHA" \ zip \ . ( # Marvell LAN driver ) \ drivers/network/marvell \ "https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/04LAN/DRV_LAN_Marvell_TP_TSD_W11_64_V3130_20211118R.zip?model=ROG%20ZENITH%20EXTREME%20ALPHA" \ zip \ ./x64 ( # Git ) \ software/git \ "https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.41.0.windows.1/PortableGit-2.41.0-64-bit.7z.exe" \ exe \ . ( # PowerShell Core ) \ software/pwsh \ "https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v7.3.7/PowerShell-7.3.7-win-x64.zip" \ zip \ . for i in (seq 1 4 (count $fileDefinitions)) set -l entry $fileDefinitions[$i.."$(math "$i" + 3)"] set -l name "$entry[1]" set -l url "$entry[2]" set -l type "$entry[3]" set -l dir "$entry[4]" set -l winPath "X:\\$(echo "$name" | mkWinPath)" set -l file "$cacheDir/$name.$type" set -l target "$winpeOverlay/$name" set -a files \ "$file" \ "$dir" \ "$name" \ "$target" \ "$winPath" and mkdir -p (dirname "$file") and if [ ! -f "$file" ] curl -L "$url" -o "$file" end and begin set -l tempDir (mktemp -d) and switch $type case zip unzip "$file" -d "$tempDir" case exe pushd "$tempDir" >/dev/null and 7z x "$file" and popd >/dev/null end and mkdir -p (dirname "$target") and cp -r "$tempDir/$dir" "$target" and rm -rf "$tempDir" end end set -l intel $files[1..5] set -l marvell $files[6..10] set -l git $files[11..15] set -l pwsh $files[16..20] and cp -r "$dir/winpefs"/* "$winpeOverlay" and begin set -l startupFile "$winpeOverlay/Windows/System32/startnet.cmd" and mkdir -p (dirname "$startupFile") begin set -l path and for sw in git pwsh set -a path $$sw[1][5] end and printf %s\n \ "@echo off" ( string join ";" \ "set PATH=%PATH%" \ $path \ "$git[5]\\bin" ) \ "set SETUP_LABEL=$setupLabel" \ ( begin if [ -n "$_flag_debug" ] echo "set DEBUG=1" end end ) \ "set PWSH_PATH=$(echo "$pwshPath" | mkWinPath)" \ "set LOCAL_PROJECT_PATH=$(echo "$localProjectPath" | mkWinPath)" \ "set REMOTE_PROJECT_PATH=$(echo "$projectPath" | mkWinPath)" \ "echo Loading Drivers..." \ 'pwsh -file "X:\Scripts\Drivers.ps1"' \ "echo Configuring Network..." \ wpeinit \ "echo Configuring keyboard layout..." \ "wpeutil SetKeyboardLayout 0807:00000807" \ "echo Disabling Energy Saving Mode..." \ "powercfg /s 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c" \ 'start pwsh -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file "X:\Scripts\Startup.ps1"' end | sudo tee "$startupFile" >/dev/null end and mkdir -p "$(dirname "$winpe")" and sudo mount --mkdir $$varName "$winPath" and mkwinpeimg --iso --arch amd64 --overlay "$winpeOverlay" --windows-dir "$winPath" "$winpe" and sudo mount --mkdir "$winpe" "$winpePath" and begin echo "$wimFile" end | rsync --files-from=/dev/stdin "$winPath" "$winOverlay" and begin set -l wimFile "$winOverlay/$wimFile" and chmod u+w (dirname "$wimFile") and chmod u+w "$wimFile" and while [ ! (wiminfo "$wimFile" 1 | grep "^$editionField" | cut -d ":" -f2 | string trim) = Professional ] wimdelete --soft "$wimFile" 1 end and while wiminfo "$wimFile" 2 &>/dev/null wimdelete --soft "$wimFile" 2 end and wimoptimize "$wimFile" || true and chmod u-w "$wimFile" and chmod u-w (dirname "$wimFile") end begin set -l projectPath "$winOverlay/$localProjectPath" set -l rootDir "$projectPath" and while [ ! -d "$rootDir" ] set rootDir (dirname "$rootDir") end and chmod u+w "$rootDir" and mkdir -p "$projectPath" and cp -r "$pwsh[4]" "$winOverlay/$systemDrivePath/$pwshPath" and fish "$dir/../scripts/lib/copy-repo.fish" "$projectPath" and rm -rf "$projectPath/archiso" and begin source "$dir/../scripts/lib/settings.fish" and for name in (getProfiles | jq '.[]' --raw-output0 | string split0 || true) set -l CONFIG_NAME "$name" set -l file "$projectPath/.config/$name.json" and mkdir -p (dirname $file) and getConfig "valhalla.windows.config" --json >"$file" end end and chmod -R u-w "$rootDir" end and sudo mount --mkdir -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir="$winOverlay":"$winpePath":"$winPath",upperdir="$upperDir",workdir="$workDir" "$valhallaPath" and if [ -z "$_flag_usb" ] set -l isoFile "$(status dirname)/build/winiso-valhalla.iso" and mkdir -p (dirname "$isoFile") and mkisofs \ -V "$setupLabel" \ -no-emul-boot \ -b "efi/microsoft/boot/efisys.bin" \ -iso-level 4 \ -udf \ -joliet \ -disable-deep-relocation \ -omit-version-number \ -relaxed-filenames \ -output "$isoFile" \ "$valhallaPath" else set -l bootPath "$mountDir/boot" set -l dataPath "$mountDir/data" set -a mountPaths \ "$bootPath" \ "$dataPath" chooseDisk winDisk and echo "Proceeding will cause the disk `$winDisk` to be wiped." and if ! confirm "Are you sure you want to continue?" n exit 1 end and sudo shred -vfzn 0 -s 512 "$winDisk" and begin printf %s\n \ "label: dos" \ "size=+2G type=uefi" \ "type=07" end | sudo sfdisk "$winDisk" and sudo partprobe and sudo udevadm trigger and begin set -l disks set -l diskPath (find -L /dev/disk/by-diskseq -samefile $winDisk) set -l bootDisk "$diskPath-part1" set -l dataDisk "$diskPath-part2" and sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 -n BOOT "$bootDisk" and sudo mkfs.ntfs -fFL "$setupLabel" "$dataDisk" and sudo mount --mkdir "$bootDisk" "$bootPath" and sudo mount --mkdir "$dataDisk" "$dataPath" and sudo cp -r "$winpePath"/* "$bootPath" and sudo cp -r "$valhallaPath"/* "$dataPath" and sudo cp -r "$valhallaPath/efi" "$bootPath" end end for path in $mountPaths sudo umount -vf "$path" end for path in $mountPaths $tempPaths sudo rm -rf "$path" end end