. "$PSScriptRoot/PowerManagement.ps1"; . "$PSScriptRoot/SoftwareManagement.ps1"; . "$PSScriptRoot/../../Common/Scripts/Config.ps1"; . "$PSScriptRoot/../../Common/Scripts/SoftwareManagement.ps1"; . "$PSScriptRoot/../../Common/Types/InstallerAction.ps1"; <# .SYNOPSIS Deploys an action for each software selected for installation. .PARAMETER The action to execute. #> function Deploy-SoftwareAction { param( [System.Nullable[InstallerAction]] $Action = $null ) [bool] $install = $false; $arguments = [hashtable]@{ }; if ($null -ne $Action) { $install = ($Action -eq ([InstallerAction]::Install)); $null = $arguments.Add("action", $Action); } else { $install = $true; } $hardware = Get-OSConfig "hardware"; $collections = Get-OSConfig "software"; # Drivers & { $driverPath = "$PSScriptRoot/../Drivers"; $mbPath = "$driverPath/ROG Zenith Extreme Alpha"; if ($install) { if ($hardware.elgatoWave) { if (-not (Test-ChocoPackage wavelink)) { Install-ChocoPackage wavelink -ArgumentList '--install-arguments="/norestart"'; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Wave Link*"; Restart-Intermediate; exit; } } } foreach ($component in $hardware.components) { switcH ($component) { ("ROG Zenith Extreme Alpha") { & "$mbPath/MarvellEthernet/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$mbPath/IntelWiFi/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$mbPath/IntelBluetooth/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$mbPath/AMDChipsetX399/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$driverPath/AMDChipsetX399/Main.ps1" @arguments; } ("Predator Z301C") { & "$driverPath/Predator Z301C/Main.ps1" @arguments; } } } if ($install) { if ($hardware.amdCPU) { Install-ChocoPackage amd-ryzen-master; $ryzenPlan = [regex]::Match("" + ((powercfg /LIST) | Where-Object { $_ -like "*(AMD Ryzen*"; }), "Power Scheme GUID: ([0-9a-f-]+) ").Groups[1].Value; if ($ryzenPlan) { powercfg /S $ryzenPlan; Backup-PowerScheme; } } if ($hardware.nvidiaGPU) { Install-ChocoPackage geforce-game-ready-driver; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Geforce*"; } if ($hardware.corsairDevice) { Install-ChocoPackage icue; } } if ($hardware.eyeX) { & "$driverPath/Tobii EyeX/Main.ps1" @arguments; } }; & { $softwarePath = "$PSScriptRoot/../Software"; $commonSoftware = "$PSScriptRoot/../../Common/Software"; # Windows Config & "$softwarePath/windows/Main.ps1" @arguments; # Driver Programs & "$softwarePath/lghub/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/aliae/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/git/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/openssh/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/powershell/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/chocolatey/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/zoxide/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$commonSoftware/posh-git/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$commonSoftware/terminal-icons/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/oh-my-posh/Main.ps1" @arguments; if (Get-OSConfig "dualboot") { & "$softwarePath/ext4fsd/Main.ps1" @arguments; } # Essentials if ($collections.essential) { if ($install) { Install-ChocoPackage ` procexp ` procmon ` ; Install-WingetPackage ` KDE.KDEConnect ` ; } } # Common Software & "$softwarePath/winscp/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/thunderbird/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/putty/Main.ps1" @arguments; if ($collections.common) { if ($install) { Install-ChocoPackage ` 7zip ` chocolateygui ` DefaultProgramsEditor ` keepass ` ; Install-ChocoPackage bitwarden -ArgumentList '--install-arguments="/ALLUSERS=1"'; Install-WingetPackage ` SomePythonThings.WingetUIStore ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "UniGetUI*"; } } # Internet Access if ($install) { if (Test-Program "brave") { Install-WingetPackage Brave.Brave; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Brave*"; Remove-TaskbarItem "*Brave*"; } } if ($Action -eq ([InstallerAction]::ConfigureUser)) { if (Test-Program "pennywise") { Install-WingetPackage kamranahmedse.pennywise; Remove-DesktopIcon "Pennywise*"; } } & "$softwarePath/firefox/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/msedge-redirect/Main.ps1" @arguments; if ($collections.desktopExperience) { if ($install) { # Fonts Install-ChocoPackage nerd-fonts-CascadiaCode; # Tools Install-SetupPackage -Source "https://github.com/mRemoteNG/mRemoteNG/releases/download/2023.03.03-v1.77.3-nb/mRemoteNG-Installer-1.77.3.nb-1784.msi" -ArgumentList "/Quiet"; Remove-DesktopIcon "mRemoteNG*"; Install-ChocoPackage ` gimp ` gpu-z ` windirstat ` winmerge ` handbrake ` hwmonitor ` qbittorrent ` imgburn ` inkscape ` krita ` MetaX ` obs-studio ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "GIMP*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "GPU-Z*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "WinDirStat*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "*HWMonitor*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "ImgBurn*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "InkScape*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "Krita*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "MetaX*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "OBS Studio*"; Install-WingetPackage ` AntSoftware.AntRenamer ` AppWork.JDownloader ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "JDownloader*"; } } # ToDo: Consider hiding behind own config? & "$softwarePath/ubiquiti-unifi-controller/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/nextcloud/Main.ps1" @arguments; if ($collections.socialMedia) { if ($install) { Install-ChocoPackage ` signal ` threema-desktop ` element-desktop ` teamspeak ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Element*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "*TeamSpeak*"; } } . "$softwarePath/discord/Main.ps1" @arguments; if ($collections.media) { if ($install) { Install-ChocoPackage ` k-litecodecpackmega ` vlc ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "VLC*"; # When installing Jellyfin Media Player after iCUE, Jellyfin will try to reboot automatically Install-ChocoPackage jellyfin-media-player -ArgumentList "--install-args", "/norestart"; Remove-DesktopIcon "Jellyfin Media Player*"; Install-WingetPackage Ytmdesktop.Ytmdesktop; Remove-DesktopIcon "Youtube Music*"; } } if ($collections.coding) { if ($install) { Install-ChocoPackage ` gh ` github-desktop ` ida-free ` HxD ` imhex ` dotpeek ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "IDA *"; Remove-DesktopIcon "GitHub*"; if (Test-Program "docker") { Install-ChocoPackage docker-desktop; Remove-DesktopIcon "Docker*"; } } } & "$softwarePath/vscode/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/visualstudio/Main.ps1" @arguments; # Node.js & "$softwarePath/nvs/Main.ps1" @arguments; # Gaming if (Test-Program "steam") { Install-ChocoPackage ` steam ` -ArgumentList "--ignore-checksums" ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Steam*"; } if ($collections.gaming) { if ($install) { Install-ChocoPackage ` goggalaxy ` epicgameslauncher ` rayman-controlpanel ` ppsspp ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Epic Games*"; Remove-DesktopIcon "*PPSSPP *-Bit*"; Install-ChocoPackage ` ubisoft-connect ` -ArgumentList "--ignore-checksums" ` ; Remove-DesktopIcon "*Ubisoft Connect*"; Install-WingetPackage ElectronicArts.EADesktop; Remove-DesktopIcon "EA.*"; } } & "$softwarePath/tm-nations-forever/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/tm-united-forever/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/maniaplanet/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/osu!/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/osu!lazer/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/retroarch/Main.ps1" @arguments; & "$softwarePath/rewasd/Main.ps1" @arguments; }; }