#!/bin/env fish begin source "$(status dirname)/../../scripts/lib/config.fish" set -l projectName archiso-valhalla set -l overlayDir (mktemp -d) set -l upperDir (mktemp -d) set -l workDir (mktemp -d) set -l cacheRoot ~/".cache/$projectName" set -l nixCache "$cacheRoot/nixpkgs/$nixVersion" set -l root airootfs set -l rootHome "$overlayDir/$root/root" set -l profileDir "/mnt/$projectName" set -l projectDir "$rootHome/PortValhalla" set -l nixDir "$profileDir/$root/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs" mkdir -p "$rootHome" and fish "$(status dirname)/../../scripts/lib/copy-repo.fish" "$projectDir" and begin if [ ! -d "$nixCache" ] mkdir -p "$nixCache" and git clone https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git --depth=1 -b "$nixVersion" "$nixCache" and rm -rf "$nixCache/.git" end end and sudo mount --mkdir -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=.:"$overlayDir",upperdir="$upperDir",workdir="$workDir" "$profileDir" and sudo mount --mkdir --bind "$nixCache" "$nixDir" and sudo mkarchiso $argv "$profileDir" sudo umount "$nixDir" and sudo umount "$profileDir" end