. "$PSScriptRoot/../../lib/PowerManagement.ps1"; . "$PSScriptRoot/../../../lib/Software.ps1"; & { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the path to the Nextcloud configuration file. #> function Get-ConfigFile { return "$env:APPDATA/Nextcloud/nextcloud.cfg"; } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a new nextcloud sync to the current user. #> function Add-NextcloudSync { param( [string] $RemotePath, [string] $LocalPath, [switch] $VirtualFiles ) Write-Host "Adding a Nextcloud sync"; Write-Host "$RemotePath <=> $LocalPath"; $configName = "Folders"; $virtualName = "WithPlaceholders"; $LocalPath = $LocalPath.Replace("\", "/"); $RemotePath = $RemotePath.Replace("\", "/"); $oldContent = Get-Content (Get-ConfigFile); $additionalSettings = @(); $pattern = "^\d+\\$configName(?:$virtualName)?\\(\d+)"; $folderID = ( $oldContent | ` Where-Object { $_ -match "$pattern" } | ` ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "$pattern.*$", "`$1" } | ` Sort-Object -Unique | ` Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum + 1; if ($VirtualFiles.IsPresent) { $configName += $virtualName; $additionalSettings = @("0\$configName\$folderID\virtualFilesMode=wincfapi"); } $newSettings = ( @( "0\$configName\$folderID\localPath=$LocalPath", "0\$configName\$folderID\targetPath=$RemotePath" ) + $additionalSettings ) -join "`n"; & { $accountSectionEntered = $false; $accountSectionLeft = $false; for ($i = 0; $i -lt $oldContent.Count; $i++) { $line = $oldContent[$i]; if ($line -eq "[Accounts]") { $accountSectionEntered = $true; } if ($line -eq "" -and $accountSectionEntered) { $accountSectionLeft = $true; $newSettings; } $line; if ( (-not $accountSectionLeft) -and ($i -eq ($oldContent.Count - 1))) { $newSettings; } } } | Set-Content (Get-ConfigFile); } Start-SoftwareInstaller @args ` -Installer { Install-ChocoPackage nextcloud-client -ArgumentList "-y", "--params='/KeepUpdateCheck'"; } ` -UserConfigurator { param($Arguments) $user = $Arguments.Name; & { $syncs = Get-UserConfig -UserName $user "programs.nextcloud.folderSyncs"; $configExists = { (Test-Path (Get-ConfigFile) ) }; if ($syncs.Count -gt 0) { if (-not (& $configExists)) { while (-not (& $configExists)) { Read-Host "Please log in to the Nextcloud app and hit enter to continue"; if (-not (& $configExists)) { Write-Error -ErrorAction Continue "The login seems to have failed. Please try again."; } } } Write-Host "Stopping Nextcloud process"; $nextcloudProcess = Get-Process nextcloud; $nextcloudPath = [string]$nextcloudProcess[0].Path; $nextcloudProcess | Stop-Process -Force; foreach ($sync in $syncs) { Add-NextcloudSync -LocalPath $sync.localPath -RemotePath $sync.remotePath -VirtualFiles:$sync.virtualFiles; } Write-Host "Restarting Nextcloud"; Start-Process $nextcloudPath; } }; }; } @args;