using namespace System.Xml;

$null = New-Module {
    $rootSelector = "/DefaultAssociations";
    $associationSelector = "./Association";

        Generates a selector for getting the association of the specified identifier.

        .PARAMETER Identifier
        The identifier to get the association of.
    $getSelector = {
            [string] $Identifier

        [string] $filter = "";

        if ($Identifier) {
            $filter = "[@Identifier='$Identifier']";


        Gets the default app associations of the running Windows system.
    function Get-DefaultAppAssociations {
        $result = [xml]::new();
        $result.LoadXml(((DISM /Online /Get-DefaultAppAssociations) | Select-Object -Skip 6 | Select-Object -SkipLast 2 | Out-String));

        Sets a default app association.

        .PARAMETER Identifier
        The identifier of the association to set.

        .PARAMETER ProgId
        The ProgId to set the association to.

        .PARAMETER ApplicationName
        The ApplicationName to set the association to.
    function Set-DefaultAppAssociation {
            [string] $Identifier,
            [string] $ProgId,
            [string] $ApplicationName

        [System.Xml.XmlNode] $association = $null;
        $document = Get-DefaultAppAssociations;
        $candidates = $document.SelectNodes((& $getSelector $Identifier));

        if ($candidates.Count -eq 1) {
            $association = $candidates[0];
        } else {
            $association = ([System.Xml.XmlNode]($document.SelectNodes((& $getSelector)) | Select-Object -Last 1)[0]).CloneNode($true);
            $association.Identifier = $Identifier;

        $association.ProgId = $ProgId;
        $association.ApplicationName = $ApplicationName;
        Save-DefaultAppAssociations $document;

        Saves the default app associations.

        .PARAMETER Document
        The xml document containing the declarations of the app associations.
    function Save-DefaultAppAssociations {
            [xml] $Document

        $root = $document.SelectSingleNode($rootSelector);
        $associations = $root.SelectNodes((& $getSelector));

        # Reorder associations by their Identifier
        $associations | ForEach-Object { $root.RemoveChild($_); } | Sort-Object -Property "Identifier" | ForEach-Object { $root.AppendChild($_); };

        $configFile = New-TemporaryFile;
        $writerSettings = [XmlWriterSettings]::new();
        $writerSettings.Indent = $true;
        $writerSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new();
        $writer = [XmlWriter]::Create($configFile.FullName, $writerSettings);
        Write-Host "$configFile";
        Read-Host "press enter";
        # DISM /Online "/Import-DefaultAppAssociations:$($configFile.FullName)";
        Remove-Item $configFile;