. "$PSScriptRoot/../../Types/InstallerAction.ps1"; $null = New-Module { . "$PSScriptRoot/../../Software/PowerShell/Profile.ps1"; <# .SYNOPSIS Generates the components for creating a module installer. .PARAMETER Name The name of the module to install. .PARAMETER NativeOnly A value indicating whether the module is installed in Windows PowerShell only. .PARAMETER NoProfile A value indicating whether the module is not added to the profile script of users. #> function Get-ModuleInstallerComponents { param( [string] $Name, [switch] $NativeOnly, [switch] $NoProfile ) @{ arguments = @{ name = $Name; nativeOnly = $NativeOnly; }; installer = { param( [hashtable] $Arguments ) $env:PENDING_MODULE_NAME = $Arguments.Name; $installAction = { $module = $env:PENDING_MODULE_NAME; if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable $module -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Install-Module -Scope AllUsers -Force $module @args; } }; if (-not $Arguments.NativeOnly) { & $installAction -AcceptLicense; } if (Test-Command powershell) { powershell -c ($installAction.ToString()); } Remove-Item Env:\PENDING_MODULE_NAME; }; configurator = ($NoProfile.IsPresent) ? { } : { param( [hashtable] $Arguments ) $name = $Arguments.Name; Add-PowerShellProfileStatement ` -DefaultUser ` -Category $name ` -Script "Import-Module `"$name`";"; }; } } };