param( $Action, [hashtable] $Arguments ) . "$PSScriptRoot/../../../Common/Scripts/Software.ps1"; Start-SoftwareInstaller @PSBoundParameters ` -Installer { Install-ChocoPackage nextcloud-client -ArgumentList "-y","--params='/KeepUpdateCheck'"; } ` -Configurator { Write-Host "Making Firefox the default browser…"; $progIdSuffix = "-308046B0AF4A39CB"; $appName = "Firefox"; $extensions = @( ".htm", ".html", ".svg", ".xht", ".xhtml" ); $schemes = @( "http", "https" ); foreach ($extension in $extensions) { Set-DefaultAppAssociation -Identifier $extensions -ProgId "${appName}HTML$progIdSuffix" -ApplicationName $appName; } foreach ($scheme in $schemes) { Set-DefaultAppAssociation -Identifier $scheme -ProgId "${appName}URL$progIdSuffix" -ApplicationName $appName; } } ` -UserConfigurator { if (-not (Test-Path $context.GetNextcloudConfigFile())) { Write-Information "Setting up Nextcloud configuration"; Write-Information "Ensuring all Let's Encrypt certificates are cached"; $null = Invoke-WebRequest; while (-not (Test-Path $context.GetNextcloudConfigFile())) { Write-Host "Nextcloud has been installed!"; Read-Host "Please log in in the Nextcloud app and hit enter to continue"; if (-not (Test-Path $context.GetNextcloudConfigFile())) { Write-Error "The login seems to have failed. Please try again."; } } $context.Reboot(); exit; } };