set -l dir (status dirname) function runActionSetup -V dir source "$dir/" source "$dir/" source "$dir/" echo "Installing dependencies..." and runHook --force installValhallaDeps 'Please set up a function `installValhallaDeps` for installing `fish`, `git`, `jq`, `nix`, `sudo` and `tmux`.' and echo "Preparing nix..." and runHook prepareNix || installNixPkgs and echo "Flagging repository as safe..." and sudo git config --system --add (realpath -m "$(status dirname)/../..") and runHook actionPreRun || true end function runActionConfigure -V dir and if [ -z "$CONFIG_NAME" ] source "$dir/" selectProfile config set -gx CONFIG_NAME "$config" end end function disposeAction -V dir source "$dir/" source "$dir/" runHook actionPostRun || true and uninstallNixPkgs and sudo git config remove-section --system safe || true end function runAction -V dir runActionSetup and runActionConfigure and $argv and disposeAction end function runSetupUserAction -V dir source "$dir/" runActionSetup runActionConfigure set -l env "CONFIG_NAME=$CONFIG_NAME" set -l name (getOSConfig if [ "$USER" != "$name" ] set -l cmdline (cat /proc/$fish_pid/cmdline | string split0) if [ (id -u) -ne 0 ] sudo --set-home --preserve-env $cmdline else if [ -z "$TMUX" ] tmux new-session -e "$env" $cmdline else set -l sudoConfig "/etc/sudoers.d/PortValhalla" begin echo "Creating setup user" and useradd \ --comment "PortValhalla Setup User" \ --system \ --groups nix-users \ --create-home \ --uid (getOSConfig --json) \ "$name" and begin echo "$name ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" end >"$sudoConfig" and sudo --preserve-env --set-home --user "$name" $cmdline disposeAction rm "$sudoConfig" userdel -rf "$name" end end end else $argv end end