#!/bin/env fish begin set -l dir (status dirname) source "$dir/../../Common/Scripts/config.fish" source "$dir/../../Common/Scripts/hooks.fish" set -q CONFIG_MODULE || set -l CONFIG_MODULE "$dir/config.nix" set -q ARCH_TIMEZONE || set -l ARCH_TIMEZONE "Europe/Zurich" set -q ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT || set -l ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT (getConfig valhalla.partition.rootDir) set -q ARCH_LANG || set -l ARCH_LANG en_US.UTF-8 set -q ARCH_KEYMAP || set -l ARCH_KEYMAP de_CH-latin1 set -q ARCH_X11_KEYMAP || set -l ARCH_X11_KEYMAP ch set -q USER_NAME || set -l USER_NAME manuel set -q USER_DISPLAYNAME set -q USER_GROUPS || set -l USER_GROUPS "" begin set -l projectRoot (realpath "$dir/../../..") set -l projectName (basename "$projectRoot") set -l relativeDir (realpath --relative-to "$projectRoot" "$dir") set -l tempRoot "/opt/$(basename "$projectName")" set -l tempDir "$tempRoot/$relativeDir" loadkeys "$ARCH_KEYMAP" and timedatectl set-timezone "$ARCH_TIMEZONE" and CONFIG_MODULE=$CONFIG_MODULE bash "$dir/../../Common/OS/partition.sh" and pacman-key --init and pacman-key --populate and pacstrap -K "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" \ base \ linux \ linux-firmware \ networkmanager \ man-db \ man-pages \ texinfo and runHook installDrivers "Installing drivers…" || true and "$dir/../../copy-repo.fish" "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT$tempRoot" and genfstab -U "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" >> "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT/etc/fstab" and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" systemctl enable NetworkManager and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" ln -sf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$ARCH_TIMEZONE" /etc/localtime and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" hwclock --systohc and begin getConfig valhalla.i18n.localeSettings --json | \ jq --raw-output '[.[] | split(".") | .[0]] | unique | join("\\\\|")' end | begin read LOCALES and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" sed -i "s/^#\?\(\($LOCALES\).*\)\$/\1/" /etc/locale.gen end and begin getConfig valhalla.i18n.localeSettings --json | \ jq --raw-output '[keys[] as $key | "\($key)=\(.[$key])"] | join("\n")' end | arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" tee /etc/locale.conf > /dev/null and echo "KEYMAP=$ARCH_KEYMAP" | arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" tee /etc/vconsole.conf > /dev/null and echo "$ARCH_HOSTNAME" | arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" tee /etc/hostname > /dev/null and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" mkinitcpio -P and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" bash "$tempDir/../Software/GRUB/install.sh" and arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" bash "$tempDir/../Software/sudo/install.sh" and pacstrap -K "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" git and USER_NAME="$USER_NAME" \ USER_DISPLAYNAME="$USER_DISPLAYNAME" \ USER_GROUPS="$USER_GROUPS" \ arch-chroot "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" bash "$tempDir/user.sh" and set -l serviceName set-keymap.service and set -l serviceFile "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT/etc/systemd/system/$serviceName" and cp "$dir/$serviceName" "$serviceFile" and systemd-nspawn -D "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" systemctl enable "$serviceName" and systemd-nspawn -bD "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" -E "ARCH_X11_KEYMAP=$ARCH_X11_KEYMAP" and systemd-nspawn -D "$ARCH_MOUNT_ROOT" systemctl disable "$serviceName" and rm "$serviceFile" end end