. "$PSScriptRoot/Context.ps1"; function Install-SoftwarePackage([Context] $context, [string] $location, [string[]] $argumentList = @("/S"), [switch]$local) { [string]$filePath = ""; [string]$tempDir = $null; if (-not ($local.IsPresent)) { $tempDir = $context.GetTempDirectory(); Write-Information "Determining the file name of $location"; $fileName = ([uri]$location).Segments[-1]; Write-Information "$fileName"; $filePath = Join-Path $tempDir $fileName; Write-Information "Downloading setup file from $location"; Invoke-WebRequest $location -OutFile $filePath; } else { $filePath = $location; } $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($filePath); Write-Information "Starting installation of $fileName"; Start-Process -Wait -FilePath $filePath -ArgumentList $argumentList; if ($tempDir) { Remove-Item -Recurse $tempDir; } } <# .SYNOPSIS Checks whether the specified package has been installed using Chocolatey. .PARAMETER Name The name of the package to check. #> function Test-ChocoPackage { [OutputType([bool])] param( [string] $Name ); -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty((choco list --limit-output --exact $name)); } <# .SYNOPSIS Checks whether a command with the specified name exists. .PARAMETER Name The name of the command to check. #> function Test-Command { param ( [string] $Name ) [bool] (Get-Command $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue); }