#!/bin/pwsh $env:WIN_COMPUTER_NAME = "DerGeret"; $env:SETUP_SCRIPT_NAME = "$PSScriptRoot/Restore.ps1"; function Initialize-SetupConfig() { param( [xml] $config, [System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager] $namespace ); New-Module { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the XML element describing the installation partition ID. #> Get-InstallationPartition { $setupComponent.SelectSingleNode("./ua:ImageInstall/ua:OSImage/ua:InstallTo/ua:PartitionID", $namespace) } <# .SYNOPSIS Increases the ID of all partitions in the specified range by 1. #> function Move-PartitionRange { param ( [int]$From = 0, [System.Nullable[int]]$To = $null, [int]$By = 1 ) # Update installation partition ID if necessary $installationPartition = Get-InstallationPartition; $installPartitionID = [int]$installationPartition.InnerText; if (($installPartitionID -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($installPartitionID -lt $To))) { $installationPartition.InnerText = "$($installPartitionID + $By)"; } # Update IDs of all partition creations foreach ($partition in $partitionCreations) { $orderNode = $partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace); $order = [int]$orderNode.InnerText; $newOrder = $order; if (($newOrder -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($newOrder -lt $To))) { $newOrder += $By; } if ($order -ne $newOrder) { $orderNode.InnerText = "$newOrder"; } } # Update IDs of all partition modifications foreach ($partition in $partitionModifications) { $partitionNode = $partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:PartitionID", $namespace); $partitionID = [int]$partitionNode.InnerText; $newID = $partitionID; if (($newID -ge $From) -and (($null -eq $To) -or ($newID -lt $To))) { $newID += $By; } if ($partitionID -ne $newID) { $partitionNode.InnerText = "$newID"; $partition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace).InnerText = "$newID"; } } } function Add-Partition { param ( [int]$Index, [int]$Size, [string]$Type = "Primary" ) Move-PartitionRange -From $Index -By 1; $newPartition = $partitionCreations[0].CloneNode($true); $newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace).InnerText = "$Index"; $newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Type", $namespace).InnerText = "$Type"; $newPartition.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Size", $namespace).InnerText = "$Size"; $null = $partitionCreationContainer.AppendChild($newPartition); $newModification = $partitionModifications[2].CloneNode($true); $newModification.SelectSingleNode("./ua:Order", $namespace).InnerText = "$Index"; $newModification.SelectSingleNode("./ua:PartitionID", $namespace).InnerText = "$Index"; $null = $partitionModificationContainer.AppendChild($newModification); } <# .SYNOPSIS Relocates the partition with the specified `$From` ID to the specified `$To` ID. #> function Invoke-PartitionRelocation { param ( [int]$From, [int]$To ) Move-PartitionRange $From ($From + 1) (-1 * ($From + 1)) if ($From -gt $To) { Move-PartitionRange $To $From; } elseif ($From -lt $To) { Move-PartitionRange $From ($To + 1) -1; } Move-PartitionRange -1 0 ($To + 1) } } $setupComponent = $config.SelectSingleNode( "/ua:unattend/ua:settings[@pass='windowsPE']/ua:component[@name='Microsoft-Windows-Setup']", $namespace); $diskConfig = $setupComponent.SelectSingleNode("./ua:DiskConfiguration/ua:Disk", $namespace); $partitionCreationContainer = $diskConfig.SelectSingleNode("./ua:CreatePartitions", $namespace); $partitionCreations = $partitionCreationContainer.SelectNodes("./ua:CreatePartition", $namespace); $partitionModificationContainer = $diskConfig.SelectSingleNode("./ua:ModifyPartitions", $namespace); $partitionModifications = $partitionModificationContainer.SelectNodes("./ua:ModifyPartition", $namespace); # Resize EFI partition to 1GB $partitionCreations[1].SelectSingleNode("./ua:Size", $namespace).InnerText = "$(1024)"; # Swap Windows RE partition (partition #1) and boot partition (partition #2) Invoke-PartitionRelocation 2 1; # Add space before Windows installation... wha-!? For Linux, ofc! I use Arch Linux, btw. $swapSpacer = 100; Add-Partition 2 $swapSpacer; # Add a 1.2 TB partition for Linux Add-Partition 3 ((1.2 * 1024 * 1024) - 1024 - $swapSpacer); } . "$PSScriptRoot/../../../scripts/Windows/OS/Setup.ps1";