#!/bin/env fish begin set -l dir (status dirname) functions -e installSW functions -e configureSW functions -e userConfig function runPSUserAction -a script action name pwsh -CommandWithArgs '& $args[0] $args[1] @{ name=$args[2]; }' "$script" "$action" "$name" end function runPSUserConfig -a script name runPSUserAction "$script" ConfigureUser "$name" end function inherit -a script -d "Inherits the installer from the specified script." set -l actions \ installSW \ install \ configureSW \ configure \ userConfig \ userConfig for i in (seq 1 2 (count $actions)) set -l functionName "$actions[$i]Base" function $functionName -V script -V actions -V i fish "$script" $actions[(math $i + 1)] $argv end function $actions[$i] -V functionName $functionName $argv end end end function runInstaller -V dir -a action set -l path (status stack-trace | head -n4 | tail -n1 | string replace --regex -- '^\s*called on line \d+ of file (.*)$' '$1') set -l name (basename (dirname $path)) runInstallerAction $name $argv end function runInstallerAction -V dir argparse "force" -- $argv set -l install set -l args $_flag_force set -l name $argv[1] set -l action $argv[2] source "$dir/settings.fish" if [ -n "$_flag_force" ] set force true else set force false end if isProgramEnabled $name || $force set install true else set install false end if [ -z "$action" ] || [ "$action" = install ] if functions -q installSW && $install echo "Installing `$name`..." installSW $argv[3..] end runInstallerAction $args $name configure if not isConfigured || [ "$USER" != (getConfig "valhalla.setupUser.name") ] runInstallerAction $args $name userConfig end else if [ "$action" = configure ] if functions -q configureSW && $install echo "Configuring `$name`..." configureSW $argv[3..] end else if [ "$action" = userConfig ] set -l user $argv[3] if [ -z "$user" ] set user "$USER" end if isProgramEnabled "$name" "$user" || $force set install true else set install false end if functions -q userConfig && $install echo "Configuring `$name` for `$user`..." userConfig "$user" $argv[4..] end end end end