
190 lines
7.2 KiB

$contextScript = "$PSScriptRoot/../../../Common/Scripts/Context.ps1";
. "$contextScript";
$preparedUsernameProperty = "AutoLoginUser";
$preparedPasswordProperty = "AutoLoginPassword";
$autoLoginTriggerProperty = "AutoLoginTrigger";
$uacDisablerTriggerProperty = "UACDisablerTrigger";
function New-PersonalUser([Context] $context, [string] $userName)
$userStageProperty = "UserStage";
$creationStage = "Create";
$postProcessStage = "ReEnableFeatures";
$adminRemovalStage = "RemoveAdmin";
function Get-UserStage() {
return $context.Get($userStageProperty);
function Set-UserStage() {
$context.Set($userStageProperty, $value);
switch (Get-UserStage) {
{ (-not $_) -or ($_ -eq $creationStage) } {
Set-UserStage $creationStage;
if (-not (Get-LocalUser $userName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Host "Creating Personal User ``$userName``";
Get-LocalUser | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $context.UserNames } |
while ($true) {
Write-Host (
"So... Windows is too dumb to create users which are bound to a Microsoft Account.",
"Thus, you have to do it by yourself.",
"So sorry..."));
$users = Get-LocalUser | ForEach-Object { $_.Name };
Write-Host "Following users exist already:"
Write-Host $users;
Write-Host "Create a user for ``$userName`` manually"
Read-Host "Please hit enter once you're done...";
$user = Get-LocalUser | Where-Object { -not ($users -contains $_.Name) } | Select-Object -Last 1;
if ($user) {
Write-Information "Found New User:";
Write-Information $user;
Write-Information "Renaming the new User to $userName";
Rename-LocalUser $user $userName;
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member $user &&
Set-LocalUser $context.AdminName -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "Admin") &&
Disable-LocalUser $context.AdminName;
Write-Information "Disabling Auto login";
Write-Host "Registering setup script for all new users";
Register-UserPostprocessingTasks $context;
Set-UserStage $postProcessStage;
Restart-Computer -Force;
$postProcessStage {
Enable-PersonalUserAutologon $context $userName;
Set-UserStage $adminRemovalStage;
Start-EventDrivenTask $context.Get($uacDisablerTriggerProperty);
$adminRemovalStage {
Write-Information "Removing Admin Account";
Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_UserProfile" -Filter "SID = '$((Get-LocalUser $context.AdminName).SID)'" | Remove-CimInstance;
function Register-UserPostprocessingTasks([Context] $context) {
Write-Information "Enabling UAC for the next login (Microsoft Account login won't work otherwise, lol)";
$tempTask = "PortValhalla Temp";
$autoLoginName = "PortValhalla AutoLogin Setup";
$uacDisablerName = "PortValhalla UAC Disabler";
$autoLoginTrigger = Get-Random -Maximum 0xFFFF;
$uacDisablerTrigger = Get-Random -Maximum 0xFFFF;
$context.Set($autoLoginTriggerProperty, $autoLoginTrigger, "DWord");
$context.Set($uacDisablerTriggerProperty, $uacDisablerTrigger, "DWord");
Write-Information "Registering tasks for re-enabling autologon and re-enabling UAC on next login";
$optionCollection = [System.Tuple[int, string, string[]][]]@(
". `"$PSScriptRoot/AutoLogin.ps1`"",
" $autoLoginTrigger",
" '$preparedUsernameProperty'",
" '$preparedPasswordProperty'")),
". `"$PSScriptRoot/UACDisabler.ps1`"",
" $uacDisablerTrigger",
" '$autoLoginName'",
" '$uacDisablerName'",
" '$autoLoginTriggerProperty'",
" '$uacDisablerTriggerProperty'")));
foreach ($options in $optionCollection) {
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "pwsh.exe" -Argument ((@("-c") + $options.Item3) -join " ");
schtasks /Create /SC ONEVENT /EC Application /MO "*[System[Provider[@Name='Application'] and EventID=$($options.Item1)]]" /TR cmd.exe /TN "$tempTask";
$trigger = (Get-ScheduledTask $tempTask).Triggers;
$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId "SYSTEM" -RunLevel Highest;
$task = New-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Principal $principal -Trigger $trigger;
$null = Register-ScheduledTask $options.Item2 -InputObject $task;
$null = Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false $tempTask;
function Enable-PersonalUserAutologon([Context] $context, [string] $userName)
Add-Type -assemblyname System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;
Write-Information "Re-Enabling Autologin for Current User";
$principalContext = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext]::new("Machine");
while ($true)
$password = Read-Host "Please enter the password of your Microsoft Account" -MaskInput;
if ($principalContext.ValidateCredentials($userName, $password))
else {
Write-Error "The specified password is incorrect!";
$context.Set($preparedUsernameProperty, $userName);
$context.Set($preparedPasswordProperty, $password);
Start-EventDrivenTask $context.Get($autoLoginTriggerProperty);
function Start-EventDrivenTask() {
powershell -c {
param (
$identifier = "EventLog$EventID";
$applicationLog = Get-EventLog -List | Where-Object { $_.Log -eq "Application" };
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $applicationLog -EventName EntryWritten -Action {
$entry = $event.SourceEventArgs.Entry;
if ($entry.EventID -eq $EventID) {
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier $identifier;
$job = Start-Job {
Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier $identifier;
Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier $identifier;
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "Application" -EventId $EventID -Message "This event was created by $env:Username";
$null = Wait-Job $job;
} -args $EventID