2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"MenuBarFileOpenApplet" : "Applet'i Aç" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarFileOpenAppletOpenMiiAppletToolTip" : "Mii Editör Applet'ini Bağı msı z Mod'da Aç" ,
"SettingsTabInputDirectMouseAccess" : "Doğrudan Mouse Erişimi" ,
"SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerMode" : "Hafı za Yönetim Modu:" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerModeSoftware" : "Yazı lı m" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerModeHost" : "Host (hı zlı )" ,
"SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerModeHostUnchecked" : "Host Unchecked (en hı zlı sı , tehlikeli)" ,
"MenuBarFile" : "_Dosya" ,
"MenuBarFileOpenFromFile" : "_Dosyadan Uygulama Aç" ,
"MenuBarFileOpenUnpacked" : "_Sı kı ştı rı lmamı ş Oyun Aç" ,
"MenuBarFileOpenEmuFolder" : "Ryujinx Klasörünü aç" ,
"MenuBarFileOpenLogsFolder" : "Logs Klasörünü aç" ,
"MenuBarFileExit" : "_Çı kı ş" ,
"MenuBarOptions" : "Seçenekler" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsToggleFullscreen" : "Tam Ekran Modunu Aç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsStartGamesInFullscreen" : "Oyunları Tam Ekran Modunda Başlat" ,
"MenuBarOptionsStopEmulation" : "Emülasyonu Durdur" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsSettings" : "_Seçenekler" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsManageUserProfiles" : "_Kullanı cı Profillerini Yönet" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarActions" : "_Eylemler" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsSimulateWakeUpMessage" : "Uyandı rma Mesajı Simüle Et" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"MenuBarActionsScanAmiibo" : "Bir Amiibo Tara" ,
"MenuBarTools" : "_Araçlar" ,
"MenuBarToolsInstallFirmware" : "Yazı lı m Yükle" ,
"MenuBarFileToolsInstallFirmwareFromFile" : "XCI veya ZIP'ten Yazı lı m Yükle" ,
"MenuBarFileToolsInstallFirmwareFromDirectory" : "Bir Dizin Üzerinden Yazı lı m Yükle" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarHelp" : "Yardı m" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"MenuBarHelpCheckForUpdates" : "Güncellemeleri Denetle" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarHelpAbout" : "Hakkı nda" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"MenuSearch" : "Ara..." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListHeaderFavorite" : "Favori" ,
"GameListHeaderIcon" : "Simge" ,
"GameListHeaderApplication" : "Oyun Adı " ,
"GameListHeaderDeveloper" : "Geliştirici" ,
"GameListHeaderVersion" : "Sürüm" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameListHeaderTimePlayed" : "Oynama Süresi" ,
"GameListHeaderLastPlayed" : "Son Oynama Tarihi" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListHeaderFileExtension" : "Dosya Uzantı sı " ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameListHeaderFileSize" : "Dosya Boyutu" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListHeaderPath" : "Yol" ,
"GameListContextMenuOpenUserSaveDirectory" : "Kullanı cı Kayı t Dosyası Dizinini Aç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenUserSaveDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n Kullanı cı Kaydı 'nı n bulunduğu dizini açar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenUserDeviceDirectory" : "Kullanı cı Cihaz Dizinini Aç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenUserDeviceDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n Kullanı cı Cihaz Kaydı 'nı n bulunduğu dizini açar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenUserBcatDirectory" : "Kullanı cı BCAT Dizinini Aç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenUserBcatDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n Kullanı cı BCAT Kaydı 'nı n bulunduğu dizini açar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuManageTitleUpdates" : "Oyun Güncellemelerini Yönet" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuManageTitleUpdatesToolTip" : "Oyun Güncelleme Yönetim Penceresini Açar" ,
"GameListContextMenuManageDlc" : "DLC'leri Yönet" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuManageDlcToolTip" : "DLC yönetim penceresini açar" ,
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectory" : "Mod Dizinini Aç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n modları nı n bulunduğu dizini açar" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagement" : "Önbellek Yönetimi" ,
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgePptc" : "PPTC Yeniden Yapı landı rması nı Başlat" ,
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgePptcToolTip" : "Oyunun bir sonraki açı lı şı nda PPTC'yi yeniden yapı landı r" ,
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgeShaderCache" : "Shader Önbelleğini Temizle" ,
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgeShaderCacheToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n shader önbelleğini temizler" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenPptcDirectory" : "PPTC Dizinini Aç" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenPptcDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n PPTC Önbelleğinin bulunduğu dizini açar" ,
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenShaderCacheDirectory" : "Shader Önbelleği Dizinini Aç" ,
"GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenShaderCacheDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n shader önbelleğinin bulunduğu dizini açar" ,
"GameListContextMenuExtractData" : "Veriyi Ayı kla" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuExtractDataExeFS" : "ExeFS" ,
"GameListContextMenuExtractDataExeFSToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n geçerli yapı landı rması ndan ExeFS kı smı nı ayı kla (Güncellemeler dahil)" ,
"GameListContextMenuExtractDataRomFS" : "RomFS" ,
"GameListContextMenuExtractDataRomFSToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n geçerli yapı landı rması ndan RomFS kı smı nı ayı kla (Güncellemeler dahil)" ,
"GameListContextMenuExtractDataLogo" : "Logo" ,
"GameListContextMenuExtractDataLogoToolTip" : "Uygulamanı n geçerli yapı landı rması ndan Logo kı smı nı ayı kla (Güncellemeler dahil)" ,
"StatusBarGamesLoaded" : "{0}/{1} Oyun Yüklendi" ,
"StatusBarSystemVersion" : "Sistem Sürümü: {0}" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"Settings" : "Ayarlar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabGeneral" : "Kullancı Arayüzü" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralGeneral" : "Genel" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabGeneralEnableDiscordRichPresence" : "Discord Zengin İçerik'i Etkinleştir" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabGeneralCheckUpdatesOnLaunch" : "Her Açı lı şta Güncellemeleri Denetle" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralShowConfirmExitDialog" : "\"Çı kı şı Onayla\" Diyaloğunu Göster" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralHideCursorOnIdle" : "Hareketsizlik durumunda imleci gizle" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralGameDirectories" : "Oyun Dizinleri" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralAdd" : "Ekle" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralRemove" : "Kaldı r" ,
"SettingsTabSystem" : "Sistem" ,
"SettingsTabSystemCore" : "Çekirdek" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegion" : "Sistem Bölgesi:" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionJapan" : "Japonya" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionUSA" : "ABD" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionEurope" : "Avrupa" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionAustralia" : "Avustralya" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionChina" : "Çin" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionKorea" : "Kore" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionTaiwan" : "Tayvan" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguage" : "Sistem Dili:" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageJapanese" : "Japonca" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageAmericanEnglish" : "Amerikan İngilizcesi" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageFrench" : "Fransı zca" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageGerman" : "Almanca" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageItalian" : "İtalyanca" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageSpanish" : "İspanyolca" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageChinese" : "Çince" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageKorean" : "Korece" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageDutch" : "Flemenkçe" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguagePortuguese" : "Portekizce" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageRussian" : "Rusça" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageTaiwanese" : "Tayvanca" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageBritishEnglish" : "İngiliz İngilizcesi" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageCanadianFrench" : "Kanada Fransı zcası " ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageLatinAmericanSpanish" : "Latin Amerika İspanyolcası " ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageSimplifiedChinese" : "Basitleştirilmiş Çince" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageTraditionalChinese" : "Geleneksel Çince" ,
"SettingsTabSystemSystemTimeZone" : "Sistem Saat Dilimi:" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemSystemTime" : "Sistem Saati:" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemEnableVsync" : "VSync" ,
"SettingsTabSystemEnablePptc" : "PPTC (Profilli Sürekli Çeviri Önbelleği)" ,
"SettingsTabSystemEnableFsIntegrityChecks" : "FS Bütünlük Kontrolleri" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemAudioBackend" : "Ses Motoru:" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendDummy" : "Yapay" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendOpenAL" : "OpenAL" ,
"SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendSoundIO" : "SoundIO" ,
"SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendSDL2" : "SDL2" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemHacks" : "Hack'ler" ,
"SettingsTabSystemHacksNote" : " (dengesizlik oluşturabilir)" ,
"SettingsTabSystemExpandDramSize" : "Alternatif bellek düzeni kullan (Geliştirici)" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemIgnoreMissingServices" : "Eksik Servisleri Görmezden Gel" ,
"SettingsTabGraphics" : "Grafikler" ,
Vulkan backend (#2518)
* WIP Vulkan implementation
* No need to initialize attributes on the SPIR-V backend anymore
* Allow multithreading shaderc and vkCreateShaderModule
You'll only really see the benefit here with threaded-gal or parallel shader cache compile.
Fix shaderc multithreaded changes
Thread safety for shaderc Options constructor
Dunno how they managed to make a constructor not thread safe, but you do you. May avoid some freezes.
* Support multiple levels/layers for blit.
Fixes MK8D when scaled, maybe a few other games. AMD software "safe" blit not supported right now.
* TextureStorage should hold a ref of the foreign storage, otherwise it might be freed while in use
* New depth-stencil blit method for AMD
* Workaround for AMD driver bug
* Fix some tessellation related issues (still doesn't work?)
* Submit command buffer before Texture GetData. (UE4 fix)
* DrawTexture support
* Fix BGRA on OpenGL backend
* Fix rebase build break
* Support format aliasing on SetImage
* Fix uniform buffers being lost when bindings are out of order
* Fix storage buffers being lost when bindings are out of order
(also avoid allocations when changing bindings)
* Use current command buffer for unscaled copy (perf)
Avoids flushing commands and renting a command buffer when fulfilling copy dependencies and when games do unscaled copies.
* Update to .net6
* Update Silk.NET to version 2.10.1
Somehow, massive performance boost. Seems like their vtable for looking up vulkan methods was really slow before.
* Fix PrimitivesGenerated query, disable Transform Feedback queries for now
Lets Splatoon 2 work on nvidia. (mostly)
* Update counter queue to be similar to the OGL one
Fixes softlocks when games had to flush counters.
* Don't throw when ending conditional rendering for now
This should be re-enabled when conditional rendering is enabled on nvidia etc.
* Update findMSB/findLSB to match master's instruction enum
* Fix triangle overlay on SMO, Captain Toad, maybe others?
* Don't make Intel Mesa pay for Intel Windows bugs
* Fix samplers with MinFilter Linear or Nearest (fixes New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe black borders)
* Update Spv.Generator
* Add alpha test emulation on shader (but no shader specialisation yet...)
* Fix R4G4B4A4Unorm texture format permutation
* Validation layers should be enabled for any log level other than None
* Add barriers around vkCmdCopyImage
Write->Read barrier for src image (we want to wait for a write to read it)
Write->Read barrier for dst image (we want to wait for the copy to complete before use)
* Be a bit more careful with texture access flags, since it can be used for anything
* Device local mapping for all buffers
May avoid issues with drivers with NVIDIA on linux/older gpus on windows when using large buffers (?)
Also some performance things and fixes issues with opengl games loading textures weird.
* Cleanup, disable device local buffers for now.
* Add single queue support
Multiqueue seems to be a bit more responsive on NVIDIA. Should fix texture flush on intel. AMD has been forced to single queue for an experiment.
* Fix some validation errors around extended dynamic state
* Remove Intel bug workaround, it was fixed on the latest driver
* Use circular queue for checking consumption on command buffers
Speeds up games that spam command buffers a little. Avoids checking multiple command buffers if multiple are active at once.
* Use SupportBufferUpdater, add single layer flush
* Fix counter queue leak when game decides to use host conditional rendering
* Force device local storage for textures (fixes linux performance)
* Port #3019
* Insert barriers around vkCmdBlitImage (may fix some amd flicker)
* Fix transform feedback on Intel, gl_Position feedback and clears to inexistent depth buffers
* Don't pause transform feedback for multi draw
* Fix draw outside of render pass and missing capability
* Workaround for wrong last attribute on AMD (affects FFVII, STRIKERS1945, probably more)
* Better workaround for AMD vertex buffer size alignment issue
* More instructions + fixes on SPIR-V backend
* Allow custom aspect ratio on Vulkan
* Correct GTK UI status bar positions
* SPIR-V: Functions must always end with a return
* SPIR-V: Fix ImageQuerySizeLod
* SPIR-V: Set DepthReplacing execution mode when FragDepth is modified
* SPIR-V: Implement LoopContinue IR instruction
* SPIR-V: Geometry shader support
* SPIR-V: Use correct binding number on storage buffers array
* Reduce allocations for Spir-v serialization
Passes BinaryWriter instead of the stream to Write and WriteOperand
- Removes creation of BinaryWriter for each instruction
- Removes allocations for literal string
* Some optimizations to Spv.Generator
- Dictionary for lookups of type declarations, constants, extinst
- LiteralInteger internal data format -> ushort
- Deterministic HashCode implementation to avoid spirv result not being the same between runs
- Inline operand list instead of List<T>, falls back to array if many operands. (large performance boost)
TODO: improve instruction allocation, structured program creator, ssa?
* Pool Spv.Generator resources, cache delegates, spv opts
- Pools for Instructions and LiteralIntegers. Can be passed in when creating the generator module.
- NewInstruction is called instead of new Instruction()
- Ryujinx SpirvGenerator passes in some pools that are static. The idea is for these to be shared between threads eventually.
- Estimate code size when creating the output MemoryStream
- LiteralInteger pools using ThreadStatic pools that are initialized before and after creation... not sure of a better way since the way these are created is via implicit cast.
Also, cache delegates for Spv.Generator for functions that are passed around to GenerateBinary etc, since passing the function raw creates a delegate on each call.
TODO: update python spv cs generator to make the coregrammar with NewInstruction and the `params` overloads.
* LocalDefMap for Ssa Rewriter
Rather than allocating a large array of all registers for each block in the shader, allocate one array of all registers and clear it between blocks. Reduces allocations in the shader translator.
* SPIR-V: Transform feedback support
* SPIR-V: Fragment shader interlock support (and image coherency)
* SPIR-V: Add early fragment tests support
* SPIR-V: Implement SwizzleAdd, add missing Triangles ExecutionMode for geometry shaders, remove SamplerType field from TextureMeta
* Don't pass depth clip state right now (fix decals)
Explicitly disabling it is incorrect. OpenGL currently automatically disables based on depth clamp, which is the behaviour if this state is omitted.
* Multisampling support
* Multisampling: Use resolve if src samples count > dst samples count
* Multisampling: We can only resolve for unscaled copies
* SPIR-V: Only add FSI exec mode if used.
* SPIR-V: Use ConstantComposite for Texture Offset Vector
Fixes a bunch of freezes with SPIR-V on AMD hardware, and validation errors. Note: Obviously assumes input offsets are constant, which they currently are.
* SPIR-V: Don't OpReturn if we already OpExit'ed
Fixes spir-v parse failure and stack smashing in RADV (obviously you still need bolist)
* SPIR-V: Only use input attribute type for input attributes
Output vertex attributes should always be of type float.
* Multithreaded Pipeline Compilation
* Address some feedback
* Make this 32
* Update topology with GpuAccessorState
* Cleanup for merge (note: disables spir-v)
* Make more robust to shader compilation failure
- Don't freeze when GLSL compilation fails
- Background SPIR-V pipeline compile failure results in skipped draws, similar to GLSL compilation failure.
* Fix Multisampling
* Only update fragment scale count if a vertex texture needs a scale.
Fixes a performance regression introduced by texture scaling in the vertex stage where support buffer updates would be very frequent, even at 1x, if any textures were used on the vertex stage.
This check doesn't exactly look cheap (a flag in the shader stage would probably be preferred), but it is much cheaper than uploading scales in both vulkan and opengl, so it will do for now.
* Use a bitmap to do granular tracking for buffer uploads.
This path is only taken if the much faster check of "is the buffer rented at all" is triggered, so it doesn't actually end up costing too much, and the time saved by not ending render passes (and on gpu for not waiting on barriers) is probably helpful.
Avoids ending render passes to update buffer data (not all the time)
- 140-180 to 35-45 in SMO metro kingdom (these updates are in the UI)
- Very variable 60-150(!) to 16-25 in mario kart 8 (these updates are in the UI)
As well as allowing more data to be preloaded persistently, this will also allow more data to be loaded in the preload buffer, which should be faster as it doesn't need to insert barriers between draws. (and on tbdr, does not need to flush and reload tile memory)
Improves performance in GPU limited scenarios. Should notably improve performance on TBDR gpus. Still a lot more to do here.
* Copy query results after RP ends, rather than ending to copy
We need to end the render pass to get the data (submit command buffer) anyways...
Reduces render passes created in games that use queries.
* Rework Query stuff a bit to avoid render pass end
Tries to reset returned queries in background when possible, rather than ending the render pass.
Still ends render pass when resetting a counter after draws, but maybe that can be solved too. (by just pulling an empty object off the pool?)
* Remove unnecessary lines
Was for testing
* Fix validation error for query reset
Need to think of a better way to do this.
* SPIR-V: Fix SwizzleAdd and some validation errors
* SPIR-V: Implement attribute indexing and StoreAttribute
* SPIR-V: Fix TextureSize for MS and Buffer sampler types
* Fix relaunch issues
* SPIR-V: Implement LogicalExclusiveOr
* SPIR-V: Constant buffer indexing support
* Ignore unsupported attributes rather than throwing (matches current GLSL behaviour)
* SPIR-V: Implement tessellation support
* SPIR-V: Geometry shader passthrough support
* SPIR-V: Implement StoreShader8/16 and StoreStorage8/16
* SPIR-V: Resolution scale support and fix TextureSample multisample with LOD bug
* SPIR-V: Fix field index for scale count
* SPIR-V: Fix another case of wrong field index
* SPIRV/GLSL: More scaling related fixes
* SPIR-V: Fix ImageLoad CompositeExtract component type
* SPIR-V: Workaround for Intel FrontFacing bug
* Enable SPIR-V backend by default
* Allow null samplers (samplers are not required when only using texelFetch to access the texture)
* Fix some validation errors related to texel block view usage flag and invalid image barrier base level
* Use explicit subgroup size if we can (might fix some block flickering on AMD)
* Take componentMask and scissor into account when clearing framebuffer attachments
* Add missing barriers around CmdFillBuffer (fixes Monster Hunter Rise flickering on NVIDIA)
* Use ClampToEdge for Clamp sampler address mode on Vulkan (fixes Hollow Knight)
Clamp is unsupported on Vulkan, but ClampToEdge behaves almost the same. ClampToBorder on the other hand (which was being used before) is pretty different
* Shader specialization for new Vulkan required state (fixes remaining alpha test issues, vertex stretching on AMD on Crash Bandicoot, etc)
* Check if the subgroup size is supported before passing a explicit size
* Only enable ShaderFloat64 if the GPU supports it
* We don't need to recompile shaders if alpha test state changed but alpha test is disabled
* Enable shader cache on Vulkan and implement MultiplyHighS32/U32 on SPIR-V (missed those before)
* Fix pipeline state saving before it is updated.
This should fix a few warnings and potential stutters due to bad pipeline states being saved in the cache. You may need to clear your guest cache.
* Allow null samplers on OpenGL backend
* _unit0Sampler should be set only for binding 0
* Remove unused PipelineConverter format variable (was causing IOR)
* Raise textures limit to 64 on Vulkan
* No need to pack the shader binaries if shader cache is disabled
* Fix backbuffer not being cleared and scissor not being re-enabled on OpenGL
* Do not clear unbound framebuffer color attachments
* Geometry shader passthrough emulation
* Consolidate UpdateDepthMode and GetDepthMode implementation
* Fix A1B5G5R5 texture format and support R4G4 on Vulkan
* Add barrier before use of some modified images
* Report 32 bit query result on AMD windows (smo issue)
* Add texture recompression support (disabled for now)
It recompresses ASTC textures into BC7, which might reduce VRAM usage significantly on games that uses ASTC textures
* Do not report R4G4 format as supported on Vulkan
It was causing mario head to become white on Super Mario 64 (???)
* Improvements to -1 to 1 depth mode.
- Transformation is only applied on the last stage in the vertex pipeline.
- Should fix some issues with geometry and tessellation (hopefully)
- Reading back FragCoord Z on fragment will transform back to -1 to 1.
* Geometry Shader index count from ThreadsPerInputPrimitive
Generally fixes SPIR-V emitting too many triangles, may change games in OpenGL
* Remove gl_FragDepth scaling
This is always 0-1; the other two issues were causing the problems. Fixes regression with Xenoblade.
* Add Gl StencilOp enum values to Vulkan
* Update guest cache to v1.1 (due to specialization state changes)
This will explode your shader cache from earlier vulkan build, but it must be done. :pensive:
* Vulkan/SPIR-V support for viewport inverse
* Fix typo
* Don't create query pools for unsupported query types
* Return of the Vector Indexing Bug
One day, everyone will get this right.
* Check for transform feedback query support
Sometimes transform feedback is supported without the query type.
* Fix gl_FragCoord.z transformation
FragCoord.z is always in 0-1, even when the real depth range is -1 to 1. Turns out the only bug was geo and tess stage outputs.
Fixes Pokemon Sword/Shield, possibly others.
* Fix Avalonia Rebase
Vulkan is currently not available on Avalonia, but the build does work and you can use opengl.
* Fix headless build
* Add support for BC6 and BC7 decompression, decompress all BC formats if they are not supported by the host
* Fix BCn 4/5 conversion, GetTextureTarget
BCn 4/5 could generate invalid data when a line's size in bytes was not divisible by 4, which both backends expect.
GetTextureTarget was not creating a view with the replacement format.
* Fix dependency
* Fix inverse viewport transform vector type on SPIR-V
* Do not require null descriptors support
* If MultiViewport is not supported, do not try to set more than one viewport/scissor
* Bounds check on bitmap add.
* Flush queries on attachment change rather than program change
Occlusion queries are usually used in a depth only pass so the attachments changing is a better indication of the query block ending.
Write mask changes are also considered since some games do depth only pass by setting 0 write mask on all the colour targets.
* Add support for avalonia (#6)
* add avalonia support
* only lock around skia flush
* addressed review
* cleanup
* add fallback size if avalonia attempts to render but the window size is 0. read desktop scale after enabling dpi check
* fix getting window handle on linux. skip render is size is 0
* Combine non-buffer with buffer image descriptor sets
* Support multisample texture copy with automatic resolve on Vulkan
* Remove old CompileShader methods from the Vulkan backend
* Add minimal pipeline layouts that only contains used bindings
They are used by helper shaders, the intention is avoiding needing to recompile the shaders (from GLSL to SPIR-V) if the bindings changes on the translated guest shaders
* Pre-compile helper shader as SPIR-V, and some fixes
* Remove pre-compiled shaderc binary for Windows as its no longer needed by default
* Workaround RADV crash
Enabling the descriptor indexing extension, even if it is not used, forces the radv driver to use "bolist".
* Use RobustBufferAccess on NVIDIA gpus
Avoids the SMO waterfall triangle on older NVIDIA gpus.
* Implement GPU selector and expose texture recompression on the UI and config
* Fix and enable background compute shader compilation
Also disables warnings from shader cache pipeline misses.
* Fix error due to missing subpass dependency when Attachment Write -> Shader Read barriers are added
* If S8D24 is not supported, use D32FS8
* Ensure all fences are destroyed on dispose
* Pre-allocate arrays up front on DescriptorSetUpdater, allows the removal of some checks
* Add missing clear layer parameter after rebase
* Use selected gpu from config for avalonia (#7)
* use configured device
* address review
* Fix D32S8 copy workaround (AMD)
Fixes water in Pokemon Legends Arceus on AMD GPUs. Possibly fixes other things.
* Use push descriptors for uniform buffer updates (disabled for now)
* Push descriptor support check, buffer redundancy checks
Should make push descriptors faster, needs more testing though.
* Increase light command buffer pool to 2 command buffers, throw rather than returning invalid cbs
* Adjust bindings array sizes
* Force submit command buffers if memory in use by its resources is high
* Add workaround for AMD GCN cubemap view sins
`ImageCreateCubeCompatibleBit` seems to generally break 2D array textures with mipmaps... even if they are eventually aliased as a cubemap with mipmaps. Forcing a copy here works around the issue.
This could be used in future if enabling this bit reduces performance on certain GPUs. (mobile class is generally a worry)
Currently also enabled on Linux as I don't know if they managed to dodge this bug (someone please tell me). Not enabled on Vega at the moment, but easy to add if the issue is there.
* Add mobile, non-RX variants to the GCN regex.
Also make sure that the 3 digit ones only include numbers starting with 7 or 8.
* Increase image limit per stage from 8 to 16
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was hiting the limit of 8
* Minor code cleanup
* Fix NRE caused by SupportBufferUpdater calling pipeline ClearBuffer
* Add gpu selector to Avalonia (#8)
* Add gpu selector to avalonia settings
* show backend label on window
* some fixes
* address review
* Minor changes to the Avalonia UI
* Update graphics window UI and locales. (#9)
* Update xaml and update locales
* locale updates
Did my best here but likely needs to be checked by native speakers, especially the use of ampersands in greek, russian and turkish?
* Fix locales with more (?) correct translations.
* add separator to render widget
* fix spanish and portuguese
* Add new IdList, replaces buffer list that could not remove elements and had unbounded growth
* Don't crash the settings window if Vulkan is not supported
* Fix Actions menu not being clickable on GTK UI after relaunch
* Rename VulkanGraphicsDevice to VulkanRenderer and Renderer to OpenGLRenderer
* Fix IdList and make it not thread safe
* Revert useless OpenGL format table changes
* Fix headless project build
* List throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
* SPIR-V: Fix tessellation
* Increase shader cache version due to tessellation fix
* Reduce number of Sync objects created (improves perf in some specific titles)
* Fix vulkan validation errors for NPOT compressed upload and GCN workaround.
* Add timestamp to the shader cache and force rebuild if host cache is outdated
* Prefer Mail box present mode for popups (#11)
* Prefer Mail box present mode
* fix debug
* switch present mode when vsync is toggled
* only disable vsync on the main window
* SPIR-V: Fix geometry shader input load with transform feedback
* BC7 Encoder: Prefer more precision on alpha rather than RGB when alpha is 0
* Fix Avalonia build
* Address initial PR feedback
* Only set transform feedback outputs on last vertex stage
* Address riperiperi PR feedback
* Remove outdated comment
* Remove unused constructor
* Only throw for negative results
* Throw for QueueSubmit and other errors
No point in delaying the inevitable
* Transform feedback decorations inside gl_PerVertex struct breaks the NVIDIA compiler
* Fix some resolution scale issues
* No need for two UpdateScale calls
* Fix comments on SPIR-V generator project
* Try to fix shader local memory size
On DOOM, a shader is using local memory, but both Low and High size are 0, CRS size is 1536, it seems to store on that region?
* Remove RectangleF that is now unused
* Fix ImageGather with multiple offsets
Needs ImageGatherExtended capability, and must use `ConstantComposite` instead of `CompositeConstruct`
* Address PR feedback from jD in all projects except Avalonia
* Address most of jD PR feedback on Avalonia
* Remove unsafe
* Fix VulkanSkiaGpu
* move present mode request out of Create Swapchain method
* split more parts of create swapchain
* addressed reviews
* addressed review
* Address second batch of jD PR feedback
* Fix buffer <-> image copy row length and height alignment
AlignUp helper does not support NPOT alignment, and ASTC textures can have NPOT block sizes
* Better fix for NPOT alignment issue
* Use switch expressions on Vulkan EnumConversion
Thanks jD
* Fix Avalonia build
* Add Vulkan selection prompt on startup
* Grammar fixes on Vulkan prompt message
* Add missing Vulkan migration flag
Co-authored-by: riperiperi <rhy3756547@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emmanuel Hansen <emmausssss@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MutantAura <44103205+MutantAura@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-07-31 21:26:06 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsAPI" : "Grafikler API" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsEnableShaderCache" : "Shader Önbelleğini Etkinleştir" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering" : "Eşyönsüz Doku Süzmesi:" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFilteringAuto" : "Otomatik" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering2x" : "2x" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering4x" : "4x" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering8x" : "8x" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering16x" : "16x" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale" : "Çözünürlük Ölçeği:" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScaleCustom" : "Özel (Tavsiye Edilmez)" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScaleNative" : "Yerel (720p/1080p)" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale2x" : "2x (1440p/2160p)" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale3x" : "3x (2160p/3240p)" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale4x" : "4x (2880p/4320p)" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio" : "En-Boy Oranı :" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio4x3" : "4:3" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio16x9" : "16:9" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio16x10" : "16:10" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio21x9" : "21:9" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio32x9" : "32:9" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatioStretch" : "Pencereye Sı ğdı rmak İçin Genişlet" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsDeveloperOptions" : "Geliştirici Seçenekleri" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsShaderDumpPath" : "Grafik Shader Döküm Yolu:" ,
"SettingsTabLogging" : "Loglama" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingLogging" : "Loglama" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableLoggingToFile" : "Logları Dosyaya Kaydetmeyi Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableStubLogs" : "Stub Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableInfoLogs" : "Bilgi Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableWarningLogs" : "Uyarı Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableErrorLogs" : "Hata Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableTraceLogs" : "Trace Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableGuestLogs" : "Guest Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableFsAccessLogs" : "Fs Erişim Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingFsGlobalAccessLogMode" : "Fs Evrensel Erişim Log Modu:" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingDeveloperOptions" : "Geliştirici Seçenekleri (UYARI: Performansı düşürecektir)" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabLoggingGraphicsBackendLogLevel" : "Grafik Arka Uç Günlük Düzeyi" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingGraphicsBackendLogLevelNone" : "Hiçbiri" ,
2022-12-06 00:48:41 +00:00
"SettingsTabLoggingGraphicsBackendLogLevelError" : "Hata" ,
"SettingsTabLoggingGraphicsBackendLogLevelPerformance" : "Yavaşlamalar" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabLoggingGraphicsBackendLogLevelAll" : "Hepsi" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabLoggingEnableDebugLogs" : "Hata Ayı klama Logları nı Etkinleştir" ,
"SettingsTabInput" : "Giriş Yöntemi" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabInputEnableDockedMode" : "Docked Modu Etkinleştir" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabInputDirectKeyboardAccess" : "Doğrudan Klavye Erişimi" ,
2022-12-02 12:46:18 +00:00
"SettingsButtonSave" : "Kaydet" ,
"SettingsButtonClose" : "Kapat" ,
2022-12-02 02:31:21 +00:00
"SettingsButtonOk" : "Tamam" ,
"SettingsButtonCancel" : "İptal" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsButtonApply" : "Uygula" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer" : "Oyuncu" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer1" : "Oyuncu 1" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer2" : "Oyuncu 2" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer3" : "Oyuncu 3" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer4" : "Oyuncu 4" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer5" : "Oyuncu 5" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer6" : "Oyuncu 6" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer7" : "Oyuncu 7" ,
"ControllerSettingsPlayer8" : "Oyuncu 8" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsHandheld" : "Portatif Mod" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsInputDevice" : "Giriş Cihazı " ,
"ControllerSettingsRefresh" : "Yenile" ,
"ControllerSettingsDeviceDisabled" : "Devre Dı şı " ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsControllerType" : "Kontrolcü Tipi" ,
"ControllerSettingsControllerTypeHandheld" : "Portatif Mod" ,
"ControllerSettingsControllerTypeProController" : "Profesyonel Denetleyici" ,
"ControllerSettingsControllerTypeJoyConPair" : "JoyCon Çifti" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsControllerTypeJoyConLeft" : "JoyCon Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsControllerTypeJoyConRight" : "JoyCon Sağ" ,
"ControllerSettingsProfile" : "Profil" ,
"ControllerSettingsProfileDefault" : "Varsayı lan" ,
"ControllerSettingsLoad" : "Yükle" ,
"ControllerSettingsAdd" : "Ekle" ,
"ControllerSettingsRemove" : "Kaldı r" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsButtons" : "Tuşlar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsButtonA" : "A" ,
"ControllerSettingsButtonB" : "B" ,
"ControllerSettingsButtonX" : "X" ,
"ControllerSettingsButtonY" : "Y" ,
"ControllerSettingsButtonPlus" : "+" ,
"ControllerSettingsButtonMinus" : "-" ,
"ControllerSettingsDPad" : "Yön Tuşları " ,
"ControllerSettingsDPadUp" : "Yukarı " ,
"ControllerSettingsDPadDown" : "Aşağı " ,
"ControllerSettingsDPadLeft" : "Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsDPadRight" : "Sağ" ,
"ControllerSettingsLStick" : "Sol Analog" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsLStickButton" : "Tuş" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsLStickUp" : "Yukarı " ,
"ControllerSettingsLStickDown" : "Aşağı " ,
"ControllerSettingsLStickLeft" : "Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsLStickRight" : "Sağ" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsLStickStick" : "Analog" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsLStickInvertXAxis" : "X Eksenini Tersine Çevir" ,
"ControllerSettingsLStickInvertYAxis" : "Y Eksenini Tersine Çevir" ,
"ControllerSettingsLStickDeadzone" : "Ölü Bölge:" ,
"ControllerSettingsRStick" : "Sağ Analog" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRStickButton" : "Tuş" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRStickUp" : "Yukarı " ,
"ControllerSettingsRStickDown" : "Aşağı " ,
"ControllerSettingsRStickLeft" : "Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsRStickRight" : "Sağ" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRStickStick" : "Analog" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRStickInvertXAxis" : "X Eksenini Tersine Çevir" ,
"ControllerSettingsRStickInvertYAxis" : "Y Eksenini Tersine Çevir" ,
"ControllerSettingsRStickDeadzone" : "Ölü Bölge:" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsTriggersLeft" : "Tetikler Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggersRight" : "Tetikler Sağ" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggersButtonsLeft" : "Tetik Tuşları Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggersButtonsRight" : "Tetik Tuşları Sağ" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsTriggers" : "Tetikler" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggerL" : "L" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggerR" : "R" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggerZL" : "ZL" ,
"ControllerSettingsTriggerZR" : "ZR" ,
"ControllerSettingsLeftSL" : "SL" ,
"ControllerSettingsLeftSR" : "SR" ,
"ControllerSettingsRightSL" : "SL" ,
"ControllerSettingsRightSR" : "SR" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsExtraButtonsLeft" : "Tuşlar Sol" ,
"ControllerSettingsExtraButtonsRight" : "Tuşlar Sağ" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsMisc" : "Diğer" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsTriggerThreshold" : "Tetik Eşiği:" ,
"ControllerSettingsMotion" : "Hareket" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsMotionUseCemuhookCompatibleMotion" : "CemuHook uyumlu hareket kullan" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsMotionControllerSlot" : "Kontrolcü Yuvası :" ,
"ControllerSettingsMotionMirrorInput" : "Girişi Aynala" ,
"ControllerSettingsMotionRightJoyConSlot" : "Sağ JoyCon Yuvası :" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsMotionServerHost" : "Sunucu Sahibi:" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsMotionGyroSensitivity" : "Gyro Hassasiyeti:" ,
"ControllerSettingsMotionGyroDeadzone" : "Gyro Ölü Bölgesi:" ,
"ControllerSettingsSave" : "Kaydet" ,
"ControllerSettingsClose" : "Kapat" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"UserProfilesSelectedUserProfile" : "Seçili Kullanı cı Profili:" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"UserProfilesSaveProfileName" : "Profil İsmini Kaydet" ,
"UserProfilesChangeProfileImage" : "Profil Resmini Değiştir" ,
"UserProfilesAvailableUserProfiles" : "Mevcut Kullanı cı Profilleri:" ,
"UserProfilesAddNewProfile" : "Yeni Profil Ekle" ,
"UserProfilesDeleteSelectedProfile" : "Seçili Profili Sil" ,
"UserProfilesClose" : "Kapat" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ProfileImageSelectionTitle" : "Profil Resmi Seçimi" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ProfileImageSelectionHeader" : "Profil Resmi Seç" ,
"ProfileImageSelectionNote" : "Özel bir profil resmi içeri aktarabilir veya sistem avatarları ndan birini seçebilirsiniz" ,
"ProfileImageSelectionImportImage" : "Resim İçeri Aktar" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ProfileImageSelectionSelectAvatar" : "Yazı lı m Avatarı Seç" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"InputDialogTitle" : "Giriş Yöntemi Diyaloğu" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"InputDialogOk" : "Tamam" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"InputDialogCancel" : "İptal" ,
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle" : "Profil İsmini Seç" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader" : "Lütfen Bir Profil İsmi Girin" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext" : "(Maksimum Uzunluk: {0})" ,
"AvatarChoose" : "Seç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"AvatarSetBackgroundColor" : "Arka Plan Rengi Ayarla" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"AvatarClose" : "Kapat" ,
"ControllerSettingsLoadProfileToolTip" : "Profil Yükle" ,
"ControllerSettingsAddProfileToolTip" : "Profil Ekle" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRemoveProfileToolTip" : "Profili Kaldı r" ,
"ControllerSettingsSaveProfileToolTip" : "Profili Kaydet" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarFileToolsTakeScreenshot" : "Ekran Görüntüsü Al" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"MenuBarFileToolsHideUi" : "Arayüzü Gizle" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuToggleFavorite" : "Favori Ayarla" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuToggleFavoriteToolTip" : "Oyunu Favorilere Ekle/Çı kar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabGeneralTheme" : "Tema" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralThemeCustomTheme" : "Özel Tema Yolu" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralThemeBaseStyle" : "Temel Stil" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralThemeBaseStyleDark" : "Karanlı k" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralThemeBaseStyleLight" : "Aydı nlı k" ,
"SettingsTabGeneralThemeEnableCustomTheme" : "Özel Tema Etkinleştir" ,
"ButtonBrowse" : "Göz At" ,
2022-07-05 18:06:31 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsConfigureGeneral" : "Ayarla" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRumble" : "Titreşim" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRumbleStrongMultiplier" : "Güçlü Titreşim Çoklayı cı " ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRumbleWeakMultiplier" : "Zayı f Titreşim Seviyesi" ,
"DialogMessageSaveNotAvailableMessage" : "{0} [{1:x16}] için kayı t verisi bulunamadı " ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogMessageSaveNotAvailableCreateSaveMessage" : "Bu oyun için kayı t verisi oluşturmak ister misiniz?" ,
"DialogConfirmationTitle" : "Ryujinx - Onay" ,
"DialogUpdaterTitle" : "Ryujinx - Güncelleyici" ,
"DialogErrorTitle" : "Ryujinx - Hata" ,
"DialogWarningTitle" : "Ryujinx - Uyarı " ,
"DialogExitTitle" : "Ryujinx - Çı kı ş" ,
"DialogErrorMessage" : "Ryujinx bir hata ile karşı laştı " ,
"DialogExitMessage" : "Ryujinx'i kapatmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?" ,
"DialogExitSubMessage" : "Kaydedilmeyen bütün veriler kaybedilecek!" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DialogMessageCreateSaveErrorMessage" : "Belirtilen kayı t verisi oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu: {0}" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogMessageFindSaveErrorMessage" : "Belirtilen kayı t verisi bulunmaya çalı şı rken hata: {0}" ,
"FolderDialogExtractTitle" : "İçine ayı klanacak klasörü seç" ,
"DialogNcaExtractionMessage" : "{1} den {0} kı smı ayı klanı yor..." ,
"DialogNcaExtractionTitle" : "Ryujinx - NCA Kı smı Ayı klayı cı sı " ,
"DialogNcaExtractionMainNcaNotFoundErrorMessage" : "Ayı klama hatası . Ana NCA seçilen dosyada bulunamadı ." ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DialogNcaExtractionCheckLogErrorMessage" : "Ayı klama hatası . Ek bilgi için kayı t dosyası nı okuyun." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogNcaExtractionSuccessMessage" : "Ayı klama başarı yla tamamlandı ." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterConvertFailedMessage" : "Güncel Ryujinx sürümü dönüştürülemedi." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterCancelUpdateMessage" : "Güncelleme iptal ediliyor!" ,
"DialogUpdaterAlreadyOnLatestVersionMessage" : "Zaten Ryujinx'in en güncel sürümünü kullanı yorsunuz!" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterFailedToGetVersionMessage" : "GitHub tarafı ndan sürüm bilgileri alı nı rken bir hata oluştu. Eğer yeni sürüm için hazı rlı klar yapı lı yorsa bu hatayı almanı z olası dı r. Lütfen birkaç dakika sonra tekrar deneyiniz." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterConvertFailedGithubMessage" : "Github Release'den alı nan Ryujinx sürümü dönüştürülemedi." ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterDownloadingMessage" : "Güncelleme İndiriliyor..." ,
"DialogUpdaterExtractionMessage" : "Güncelleme Ayı klanı yor..." ,
"DialogUpdaterRenamingMessage" : "Güncelleme Yeniden Adlandı rı lı yor..." ,
"DialogUpdaterAddingFilesMessage" : "Yeni Güncelleme Ekleniyor..." ,
"DialogUpdaterCompleteMessage" : "Güncelleme Tamamlandı !" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterRestartMessage" : "Ryujinx'i şimdi yeniden başlatmak istiyor musunuz?" ,
"DialogUpdaterArchNotSupportedMessage" : "Sistem mimariniz desteklenmemektedir!" ,
"DialogUpdaterArchNotSupportedSubMessage" : "(Sadece x64 sistemleri desteklenmektedir!)" ,
"DialogUpdaterNoInternetMessage" : "İnternete bağlı değilsiniz!" ,
"DialogUpdaterNoInternetSubMessage" : "Lütfen aktif bir internet bağlantı nı z olduğunu kontrol edin!" ,
"DialogUpdaterDirtyBuildMessage" : "Ryujinx'in Dirty build'lerini güncelleyemezsiniz!" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterDirtyBuildSubMessage" : "Desteklenen bir sürüm için lütfen Ryujinx'i https://ryujinx.org/ sitesinden indirin." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogRestartRequiredMessage" : "Yeniden Başlatma Gerekli" ,
"DialogThemeRestartMessage" : "Tema kaydedildi. Temayı uygulamak için yeniden başlatma gerekiyor." ,
"DialogThemeRestartSubMessage" : "Yeniden başlatmak ister misiniz" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DialogFirmwareInstallEmbeddedMessage" : "Bu oyunun içine gömülü olan yazı lı mı yüklemek ister misiniz? (Firmware {0})" ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallEmbeddedSuccessMessage" : "Yüklü firmware bulunamadı ancak Ryujinx sağlanan oyundan {0} firmware sürümünü yükledi.\nEmülatör şimdi başlatı lacak." ,
"DialogFirmwareNoFirmwareInstalledMessage" : "Yazı lı m Yüklü Değil" ,
"DialogFirmwareInstalledMessage" : "Yazı lı m {0} yüklendi" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel" : "Seçenekler Penceresini Aç" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"DialogControllerAppletTitle" : "Kontrolcü Applet'i" ,
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage" : "Mesaj diyaloğu gösterilirken hata: {0}" ,
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage" : "Mesaj diyaloğu gösterilirken hata: {0}" ,
"DialogErrorAppletErrorExceptionMessage" : "Applet diyaloğu gösterilirken hata: {0}" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogUserErrorDialogMessage" : "{0}: {1}" ,
"DialogUserErrorDialogInfoMessage" : "\nBu hatayı düzeltmek adı na daha fazla bilgi için kurulum kı lavuzumuzu takip edin." ,
"DialogUserErrorDialogTitle" : "Ryujinx Hatası ({0})" ,
"DialogAmiiboApiTitle" : "Amiibo API" ,
"DialogAmiiboApiFailFetchMessage" : "API'dan bilgi alı rken bir hata oluştu." ,
"DialogAmiiboApiConnectErrorMessage" : "Amiibo API sunucusuna bağlanı lamadı . Sunucu çevrimdı şı olabilir veya uygun bir internet bağlantı nı zı n olduğunu kontrol etmeniz gerekebilir." ,
"DialogProfileInvalidProfileErrorMessage" : "Profil {0} güncel giriş konfigürasyon sistemi ile uyumlu değil." ,
"DialogProfileDefaultProfileOverwriteErrorMessage" : "Varsayı lan Profil'in üstüne yazı lamaz" ,
"DialogProfileDeleteProfileTitle" : "Profil Siliniyor" ,
"DialogProfileDeleteProfileMessage" : "Bu eylem geri döndürülemez, devam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?" ,
"DialogWarning" : "Uyarı " ,
"DialogPPTCDeletionMessage" : "Belirtilen PPTC cache silinecek :\n\n{0}\n\nDevam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?" ,
"DialogPPTCDeletionErrorMessage" : "Belirtilen PPTC cache temizlenirken hata {0}: {1}" ,
"DialogShaderDeletionMessage" : "Belirtilen Shader cache silinecek :\n\n{0}\n\nDevam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?" ,
"DialogShaderDeletionErrorMessage" : "Belirtilen Shader cache temizlenirken hata {0}: {1}" ,
"DialogRyujinxErrorMessage" : "Ryujinx bir hata ile karşı laştı " ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"DialogInvalidTitleIdErrorMessage" : "Arayüz hatası : Seçilen oyun geçerli bir title ID'ye sahip değil" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareNotFoundErrorMessage" : "{0} da geçerli bir sistem firmware'i bulunamadı ." ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallTitle" : "Firmware {0} Yükle" ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallMessage" : "Sistem sürümü {0} yüklenecek." ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallSubMessage" : "\n\nBu şimdiki sistem sürümünün yerini alacak {0}." ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallConfirmMessage" : "\n\nDevam etmek istiyor musunuz?" ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallWaitMessage" : "Firmware yükleniyor..." ,
"DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallSuccessMessage" : "Sistem sürümü {0} başarı yla yüklendi." ,
"DialogUserProfileDeletionWarningMessage" : "Seçilen profil silinirse kullanı labilen başka profil kalmayacak" ,
"DialogUserProfileDeletionConfirmMessage" : "Seçilen profili silmek istiyor musunuz" ,
"DialogControllerSettingsModifiedConfirmMessage" : "Güncel kontrolcü seçenekleri güncellendi." ,
"DialogControllerSettingsModifiedConfirmSubMessage" : "Kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?" ,
"DialogDlcLoadNcaErrorMessage" : "{0}. Hatalı Dosya: {1}" ,
"DialogDlcNoDlcErrorMessage" : "Belirtilen dosya seçilen oyun için DLC içermiyor!" ,
"DialogPerformanceCheckLoggingEnabledMessage" : "Sadece geliştiriler için dizayn edilen Trace Loglama seçeneği etkin." ,
"DialogPerformanceCheckLoggingEnabledConfirmMessage" : "En iyi performans için trace loglama'nı n devre dı şı bı rakı lması tavsiye edilir. Trace loglama seçeneğini şimdi devre dı şı bı rakmak ister misiniz?" ,
"DialogPerformanceCheckShaderDumpEnabledMessage" : "Sadece geliştiriler için dizayn edilen Shader Dumping seçeneği etkin." ,
"DialogPerformanceCheckShaderDumpEnabledConfirmMessage" : "En iyi performans için Shader Dumping'in devre dı şı bı rakı lması tavsiye edilir. Shader Dumping seçeneğini şimdi devre dı şı bı rakmak ister misiniz?" ,
"DialogLoadAppGameAlreadyLoadedMessage" : "Bir oyun zaten yüklendi" ,
"DialogLoadAppGameAlreadyLoadedSubMessage" : "Lütfen yeni bir oyun açmadan önce emülasyonu durdurun veya emülatörü kapatı n." ,
"DialogUpdateAddUpdateErrorMessage" : "Belirtilen dosya seçilen oyun için güncelleme içermiyor!" ,
"DialogSettingsBackendThreadingWarningTitle" : "Uyarı - Backend Threading" ,
"DialogSettingsBackendThreadingWarningMessage" : "Bu seçeneğin tamamen uygulanması için Ryujinx'in kapatı p açı lması gerekir. Kullandı ğı nı z işletim sistemine bağlı olarak, Ryujinx'in multithreading'ini kullanı rken driver'ı nı zı n multithreading seçeneğini kapatmanı z gerekebilir." ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsFeaturesOptions" : "Özellikler" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsBackendMultithreading" : "Grafik Backend Multithreading:" ,
"CommonAuto" : "Otomatik" ,
"CommonOff" : "Kapalı " ,
"CommonOn" : "Açı k" ,
"InputDialogYes" : "Evet" ,
"InputDialogNo" : "Hayı r" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"DialogProfileInvalidProfileNameErrorMessage" : "Dosya adı geçersiz karakter içeriyor. Lütfen tekrar deneyin." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsPauseEmulation" : "Durdur" ,
"MenuBarOptionsResumeEmulation" : "Devam Et" ,
"AboutUrlTooltipMessage" : "Ryujinx'in websitesini varsayı lan tarayı cı nı zda açmak için tı klayı n." ,
"AboutDisclaimerMessage" : "Ryujinx, Nintendo™ veya ortakları yla herhangi bir şekilde bağlantı lı değildir." ,
"AboutAmiiboDisclaimerMessage" : "Amiibo emülasyonumuzda \nAmiiboAPI (www.amiiboapi.com) kullanı lmaktadı r." ,
"AboutPatreonUrlTooltipMessage" : "Ryujinx'in Patreon sayfası nı varsayı lan tarayı cı nı zda açmak için tı klayı n." ,
"AboutGithubUrlTooltipMessage" : "Ryujinx'in GitHub sayfası nı varsayı lan tarayı cı nı zda açmak için tı klayı n." ,
"AboutDiscordUrlTooltipMessage" : "Varsayı lan tarayı cı nı zda Ryujinx'in Discord'una bir davet açmak için tı klayı n." ,
"AboutTwitterUrlTooltipMessage" : "Ryujinx'in Twitter sayfası nı varsayı lan tarayı cı nı zda açmak için tı klayı n." ,
"AboutRyujinxAboutTitle" : "Hakkı nda:" ,
"AboutRyujinxAboutContent" : "Ryujinx bir Nintendo Switch™ emülatörüdür.\nLütfen bizi Patreon'da destekleyin.\nEn son haberleri Twitter veya Discord'umuzdan alı n.\nKatkı da bulunmak isteyen geliştiriciler GitHub veya Discord üzerinden daha fazla bilgi edinebilir." ,
"AboutRyujinxMaintainersTitle" : "Geliştiriciler:" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"AboutRyujinxMaintainersContentTooltipMessage" : "Katkı da bulunanlar sayfası nı varsayı lan tarayı cı nı zda açmak için tı klayı n." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"AboutRyujinxSupprtersTitle" : "Patreon Destekleyicileri:" ,
"AmiiboSeriesLabel" : "Amiibo Serisi" ,
"AmiiboCharacterLabel" : "Karakter" ,
"AmiiboScanButtonLabel" : "Tarat" ,
"AmiiboOptionsShowAllLabel" : "Tüm Amiibo'ları Göster" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"AmiiboOptionsUsRandomTagLabel" : "Hack: Rastgele bir Uuid kullan" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DlcManagerTableHeadingEnabledLabel" : "Etkin" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DlcManagerTableHeadingTitleIdLabel" : "Başlı k ID" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DlcManagerTableHeadingContainerPathLabel" : "Container Yol" ,
"DlcManagerTableHeadingFullPathLabel" : "Tam Yol" ,
"DlcManagerRemoveAllButton" : "Tümünü kaldı r" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"DlcManagerEnableAllButton" : "Tümünü Aktif Et" ,
"DlcManagerDisableAllButton" : "Tümünü Devre Dı şı Bı rak" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"MenuBarOptionsChangeLanguage" : "Dili Değiştir" ,
"CommonSort" : "Sı rala" ,
"CommonShowNames" : "İsimleri Göster" ,
"CommonFavorite" : "Favori" ,
"OrderAscending" : "Artan" ,
"OrderDescending" : "Azalan" ,
Vulkan backend (#2518)
* WIP Vulkan implementation
* No need to initialize attributes on the SPIR-V backend anymore
* Allow multithreading shaderc and vkCreateShaderModule
You'll only really see the benefit here with threaded-gal or parallel shader cache compile.
Fix shaderc multithreaded changes
Thread safety for shaderc Options constructor
Dunno how they managed to make a constructor not thread safe, but you do you. May avoid some freezes.
* Support multiple levels/layers for blit.
Fixes MK8D when scaled, maybe a few other games. AMD software "safe" blit not supported right now.
* TextureStorage should hold a ref of the foreign storage, otherwise it might be freed while in use
* New depth-stencil blit method for AMD
* Workaround for AMD driver bug
* Fix some tessellation related issues (still doesn't work?)
* Submit command buffer before Texture GetData. (UE4 fix)
* DrawTexture support
* Fix BGRA on OpenGL backend
* Fix rebase build break
* Support format aliasing on SetImage
* Fix uniform buffers being lost when bindings are out of order
* Fix storage buffers being lost when bindings are out of order
(also avoid allocations when changing bindings)
* Use current command buffer for unscaled copy (perf)
Avoids flushing commands and renting a command buffer when fulfilling copy dependencies and when games do unscaled copies.
* Update to .net6
* Update Silk.NET to version 2.10.1
Somehow, massive performance boost. Seems like their vtable for looking up vulkan methods was really slow before.
* Fix PrimitivesGenerated query, disable Transform Feedback queries for now
Lets Splatoon 2 work on nvidia. (mostly)
* Update counter queue to be similar to the OGL one
Fixes softlocks when games had to flush counters.
* Don't throw when ending conditional rendering for now
This should be re-enabled when conditional rendering is enabled on nvidia etc.
* Update findMSB/findLSB to match master's instruction enum
* Fix triangle overlay on SMO, Captain Toad, maybe others?
* Don't make Intel Mesa pay for Intel Windows bugs
* Fix samplers with MinFilter Linear or Nearest (fixes New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe black borders)
* Update Spv.Generator
* Add alpha test emulation on shader (but no shader specialisation yet...)
* Fix R4G4B4A4Unorm texture format permutation
* Validation layers should be enabled for any log level other than None
* Add barriers around vkCmdCopyImage
Write->Read barrier for src image (we want to wait for a write to read it)
Write->Read barrier for dst image (we want to wait for the copy to complete before use)
* Be a bit more careful with texture access flags, since it can be used for anything
* Device local mapping for all buffers
May avoid issues with drivers with NVIDIA on linux/older gpus on windows when using large buffers (?)
Also some performance things and fixes issues with opengl games loading textures weird.
* Cleanup, disable device local buffers for now.
* Add single queue support
Multiqueue seems to be a bit more responsive on NVIDIA. Should fix texture flush on intel. AMD has been forced to single queue for an experiment.
* Fix some validation errors around extended dynamic state
* Remove Intel bug workaround, it was fixed on the latest driver
* Use circular queue for checking consumption on command buffers
Speeds up games that spam command buffers a little. Avoids checking multiple command buffers if multiple are active at once.
* Use SupportBufferUpdater, add single layer flush
* Fix counter queue leak when game decides to use host conditional rendering
* Force device local storage for textures (fixes linux performance)
* Port #3019
* Insert barriers around vkCmdBlitImage (may fix some amd flicker)
* Fix transform feedback on Intel, gl_Position feedback and clears to inexistent depth buffers
* Don't pause transform feedback for multi draw
* Fix draw outside of render pass and missing capability
* Workaround for wrong last attribute on AMD (affects FFVII, STRIKERS1945, probably more)
* Better workaround for AMD vertex buffer size alignment issue
* More instructions + fixes on SPIR-V backend
* Allow custom aspect ratio on Vulkan
* Correct GTK UI status bar positions
* SPIR-V: Functions must always end with a return
* SPIR-V: Fix ImageQuerySizeLod
* SPIR-V: Set DepthReplacing execution mode when FragDepth is modified
* SPIR-V: Implement LoopContinue IR instruction
* SPIR-V: Geometry shader support
* SPIR-V: Use correct binding number on storage buffers array
* Reduce allocations for Spir-v serialization
Passes BinaryWriter instead of the stream to Write and WriteOperand
- Removes creation of BinaryWriter for each instruction
- Removes allocations for literal string
* Some optimizations to Spv.Generator
- Dictionary for lookups of type declarations, constants, extinst
- LiteralInteger internal data format -> ushort
- Deterministic HashCode implementation to avoid spirv result not being the same between runs
- Inline operand list instead of List<T>, falls back to array if many operands. (large performance boost)
TODO: improve instruction allocation, structured program creator, ssa?
* Pool Spv.Generator resources, cache delegates, spv opts
- Pools for Instructions and LiteralIntegers. Can be passed in when creating the generator module.
- NewInstruction is called instead of new Instruction()
- Ryujinx SpirvGenerator passes in some pools that are static. The idea is for these to be shared between threads eventually.
- Estimate code size when creating the output MemoryStream
- LiteralInteger pools using ThreadStatic pools that are initialized before and after creation... not sure of a better way since the way these are created is via implicit cast.
Also, cache delegates for Spv.Generator for functions that are passed around to GenerateBinary etc, since passing the function raw creates a delegate on each call.
TODO: update python spv cs generator to make the coregrammar with NewInstruction and the `params` overloads.
* LocalDefMap for Ssa Rewriter
Rather than allocating a large array of all registers for each block in the shader, allocate one array of all registers and clear it between blocks. Reduces allocations in the shader translator.
* SPIR-V: Transform feedback support
* SPIR-V: Fragment shader interlock support (and image coherency)
* SPIR-V: Add early fragment tests support
* SPIR-V: Implement SwizzleAdd, add missing Triangles ExecutionMode for geometry shaders, remove SamplerType field from TextureMeta
* Don't pass depth clip state right now (fix decals)
Explicitly disabling it is incorrect. OpenGL currently automatically disables based on depth clamp, which is the behaviour if this state is omitted.
* Multisampling support
* Multisampling: Use resolve if src samples count > dst samples count
* Multisampling: We can only resolve for unscaled copies
* SPIR-V: Only add FSI exec mode if used.
* SPIR-V: Use ConstantComposite for Texture Offset Vector
Fixes a bunch of freezes with SPIR-V on AMD hardware, and validation errors. Note: Obviously assumes input offsets are constant, which they currently are.
* SPIR-V: Don't OpReturn if we already OpExit'ed
Fixes spir-v parse failure and stack smashing in RADV (obviously you still need bolist)
* SPIR-V: Only use input attribute type for input attributes
Output vertex attributes should always be of type float.
* Multithreaded Pipeline Compilation
* Address some feedback
* Make this 32
* Update topology with GpuAccessorState
* Cleanup for merge (note: disables spir-v)
* Make more robust to shader compilation failure
- Don't freeze when GLSL compilation fails
- Background SPIR-V pipeline compile failure results in skipped draws, similar to GLSL compilation failure.
* Fix Multisampling
* Only update fragment scale count if a vertex texture needs a scale.
Fixes a performance regression introduced by texture scaling in the vertex stage where support buffer updates would be very frequent, even at 1x, if any textures were used on the vertex stage.
This check doesn't exactly look cheap (a flag in the shader stage would probably be preferred), but it is much cheaper than uploading scales in both vulkan and opengl, so it will do for now.
* Use a bitmap to do granular tracking for buffer uploads.
This path is only taken if the much faster check of "is the buffer rented at all" is triggered, so it doesn't actually end up costing too much, and the time saved by not ending render passes (and on gpu for not waiting on barriers) is probably helpful.
Avoids ending render passes to update buffer data (not all the time)
- 140-180 to 35-45 in SMO metro kingdom (these updates are in the UI)
- Very variable 60-150(!) to 16-25 in mario kart 8 (these updates are in the UI)
As well as allowing more data to be preloaded persistently, this will also allow more data to be loaded in the preload buffer, which should be faster as it doesn't need to insert barriers between draws. (and on tbdr, does not need to flush and reload tile memory)
Improves performance in GPU limited scenarios. Should notably improve performance on TBDR gpus. Still a lot more to do here.
* Copy query results after RP ends, rather than ending to copy
We need to end the render pass to get the data (submit command buffer) anyways...
Reduces render passes created in games that use queries.
* Rework Query stuff a bit to avoid render pass end
Tries to reset returned queries in background when possible, rather than ending the render pass.
Still ends render pass when resetting a counter after draws, but maybe that can be solved too. (by just pulling an empty object off the pool?)
* Remove unnecessary lines
Was for testing
* Fix validation error for query reset
Need to think of a better way to do this.
* SPIR-V: Fix SwizzleAdd and some validation errors
* SPIR-V: Implement attribute indexing and StoreAttribute
* SPIR-V: Fix TextureSize for MS and Buffer sampler types
* Fix relaunch issues
* SPIR-V: Implement LogicalExclusiveOr
* SPIR-V: Constant buffer indexing support
* Ignore unsupported attributes rather than throwing (matches current GLSL behaviour)
* SPIR-V: Implement tessellation support
* SPIR-V: Geometry shader passthrough support
* SPIR-V: Implement StoreShader8/16 and StoreStorage8/16
* SPIR-V: Resolution scale support and fix TextureSample multisample with LOD bug
* SPIR-V: Fix field index for scale count
* SPIR-V: Fix another case of wrong field index
* SPIRV/GLSL: More scaling related fixes
* SPIR-V: Fix ImageLoad CompositeExtract component type
* SPIR-V: Workaround for Intel FrontFacing bug
* Enable SPIR-V backend by default
* Allow null samplers (samplers are not required when only using texelFetch to access the texture)
* Fix some validation errors related to texel block view usage flag and invalid image barrier base level
* Use explicit subgroup size if we can (might fix some block flickering on AMD)
* Take componentMask and scissor into account when clearing framebuffer attachments
* Add missing barriers around CmdFillBuffer (fixes Monster Hunter Rise flickering on NVIDIA)
* Use ClampToEdge for Clamp sampler address mode on Vulkan (fixes Hollow Knight)
Clamp is unsupported on Vulkan, but ClampToEdge behaves almost the same. ClampToBorder on the other hand (which was being used before) is pretty different
* Shader specialization for new Vulkan required state (fixes remaining alpha test issues, vertex stretching on AMD on Crash Bandicoot, etc)
* Check if the subgroup size is supported before passing a explicit size
* Only enable ShaderFloat64 if the GPU supports it
* We don't need to recompile shaders if alpha test state changed but alpha test is disabled
* Enable shader cache on Vulkan and implement MultiplyHighS32/U32 on SPIR-V (missed those before)
* Fix pipeline state saving before it is updated.
This should fix a few warnings and potential stutters due to bad pipeline states being saved in the cache. You may need to clear your guest cache.
* Allow null samplers on OpenGL backend
* _unit0Sampler should be set only for binding 0
* Remove unused PipelineConverter format variable (was causing IOR)
* Raise textures limit to 64 on Vulkan
* No need to pack the shader binaries if shader cache is disabled
* Fix backbuffer not being cleared and scissor not being re-enabled on OpenGL
* Do not clear unbound framebuffer color attachments
* Geometry shader passthrough emulation
* Consolidate UpdateDepthMode and GetDepthMode implementation
* Fix A1B5G5R5 texture format and support R4G4 on Vulkan
* Add barrier before use of some modified images
* Report 32 bit query result on AMD windows (smo issue)
* Add texture recompression support (disabled for now)
It recompresses ASTC textures into BC7, which might reduce VRAM usage significantly on games that uses ASTC textures
* Do not report R4G4 format as supported on Vulkan
It was causing mario head to become white on Super Mario 64 (???)
* Improvements to -1 to 1 depth mode.
- Transformation is only applied on the last stage in the vertex pipeline.
- Should fix some issues with geometry and tessellation (hopefully)
- Reading back FragCoord Z on fragment will transform back to -1 to 1.
* Geometry Shader index count from ThreadsPerInputPrimitive
Generally fixes SPIR-V emitting too many triangles, may change games in OpenGL
* Remove gl_FragDepth scaling
This is always 0-1; the other two issues were causing the problems. Fixes regression with Xenoblade.
* Add Gl StencilOp enum values to Vulkan
* Update guest cache to v1.1 (due to specialization state changes)
This will explode your shader cache from earlier vulkan build, but it must be done. :pensive:
* Vulkan/SPIR-V support for viewport inverse
* Fix typo
* Don't create query pools for unsupported query types
* Return of the Vector Indexing Bug
One day, everyone will get this right.
* Check for transform feedback query support
Sometimes transform feedback is supported without the query type.
* Fix gl_FragCoord.z transformation
FragCoord.z is always in 0-1, even when the real depth range is -1 to 1. Turns out the only bug was geo and tess stage outputs.
Fixes Pokemon Sword/Shield, possibly others.
* Fix Avalonia Rebase
Vulkan is currently not available on Avalonia, but the build does work and you can use opengl.
* Fix headless build
* Add support for BC6 and BC7 decompression, decompress all BC formats if they are not supported by the host
* Fix BCn 4/5 conversion, GetTextureTarget
BCn 4/5 could generate invalid data when a line's size in bytes was not divisible by 4, which both backends expect.
GetTextureTarget was not creating a view with the replacement format.
* Fix dependency
* Fix inverse viewport transform vector type on SPIR-V
* Do not require null descriptors support
* If MultiViewport is not supported, do not try to set more than one viewport/scissor
* Bounds check on bitmap add.
* Flush queries on attachment change rather than program change
Occlusion queries are usually used in a depth only pass so the attachments changing is a better indication of the query block ending.
Write mask changes are also considered since some games do depth only pass by setting 0 write mask on all the colour targets.
* Add support for avalonia (#6)
* add avalonia support
* only lock around skia flush
* addressed review
* cleanup
* add fallback size if avalonia attempts to render but the window size is 0. read desktop scale after enabling dpi check
* fix getting window handle on linux. skip render is size is 0
* Combine non-buffer with buffer image descriptor sets
* Support multisample texture copy with automatic resolve on Vulkan
* Remove old CompileShader methods from the Vulkan backend
* Add minimal pipeline layouts that only contains used bindings
They are used by helper shaders, the intention is avoiding needing to recompile the shaders (from GLSL to SPIR-V) if the bindings changes on the translated guest shaders
* Pre-compile helper shader as SPIR-V, and some fixes
* Remove pre-compiled shaderc binary for Windows as its no longer needed by default
* Workaround RADV crash
Enabling the descriptor indexing extension, even if it is not used, forces the radv driver to use "bolist".
* Use RobustBufferAccess on NVIDIA gpus
Avoids the SMO waterfall triangle on older NVIDIA gpus.
* Implement GPU selector and expose texture recompression on the UI and config
* Fix and enable background compute shader compilation
Also disables warnings from shader cache pipeline misses.
* Fix error due to missing subpass dependency when Attachment Write -> Shader Read barriers are added
* If S8D24 is not supported, use D32FS8
* Ensure all fences are destroyed on dispose
* Pre-allocate arrays up front on DescriptorSetUpdater, allows the removal of some checks
* Add missing clear layer parameter after rebase
* Use selected gpu from config for avalonia (#7)
* use configured device
* address review
* Fix D32S8 copy workaround (AMD)
Fixes water in Pokemon Legends Arceus on AMD GPUs. Possibly fixes other things.
* Use push descriptors for uniform buffer updates (disabled for now)
* Push descriptor support check, buffer redundancy checks
Should make push descriptors faster, needs more testing though.
* Increase light command buffer pool to 2 command buffers, throw rather than returning invalid cbs
* Adjust bindings array sizes
* Force submit command buffers if memory in use by its resources is high
* Add workaround for AMD GCN cubemap view sins
`ImageCreateCubeCompatibleBit` seems to generally break 2D array textures with mipmaps... even if they are eventually aliased as a cubemap with mipmaps. Forcing a copy here works around the issue.
This could be used in future if enabling this bit reduces performance on certain GPUs. (mobile class is generally a worry)
Currently also enabled on Linux as I don't know if they managed to dodge this bug (someone please tell me). Not enabled on Vega at the moment, but easy to add if the issue is there.
* Add mobile, non-RX variants to the GCN regex.
Also make sure that the 3 digit ones only include numbers starting with 7 or 8.
* Increase image limit per stage from 8 to 16
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was hiting the limit of 8
* Minor code cleanup
* Fix NRE caused by SupportBufferUpdater calling pipeline ClearBuffer
* Add gpu selector to Avalonia (#8)
* Add gpu selector to avalonia settings
* show backend label on window
* some fixes
* address review
* Minor changes to the Avalonia UI
* Update graphics window UI and locales. (#9)
* Update xaml and update locales
* locale updates
Did my best here but likely needs to be checked by native speakers, especially the use of ampersands in greek, russian and turkish?
* Fix locales with more (?) correct translations.
* add separator to render widget
* fix spanish and portuguese
* Add new IdList, replaces buffer list that could not remove elements and had unbounded growth
* Don't crash the settings window if Vulkan is not supported
* Fix Actions menu not being clickable on GTK UI after relaunch
* Rename VulkanGraphicsDevice to VulkanRenderer and Renderer to OpenGLRenderer
* Fix IdList and make it not thread safe
* Revert useless OpenGL format table changes
* Fix headless project build
* List throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
* SPIR-V: Fix tessellation
* Increase shader cache version due to tessellation fix
* Reduce number of Sync objects created (improves perf in some specific titles)
* Fix vulkan validation errors for NPOT compressed upload and GCN workaround.
* Add timestamp to the shader cache and force rebuild if host cache is outdated
* Prefer Mail box present mode for popups (#11)
* Prefer Mail box present mode
* fix debug
* switch present mode when vsync is toggled
* only disable vsync on the main window
* SPIR-V: Fix geometry shader input load with transform feedback
* BC7 Encoder: Prefer more precision on alpha rather than RGB when alpha is 0
* Fix Avalonia build
* Address initial PR feedback
* Only set transform feedback outputs on last vertex stage
* Address riperiperi PR feedback
* Remove outdated comment
* Remove unused constructor
* Only throw for negative results
* Throw for QueueSubmit and other errors
No point in delaying the inevitable
* Transform feedback decorations inside gl_PerVertex struct breaks the NVIDIA compiler
* Fix some resolution scale issues
* No need for two UpdateScale calls
* Fix comments on SPIR-V generator project
* Try to fix shader local memory size
On DOOM, a shader is using local memory, but both Low and High size are 0, CRS size is 1536, it seems to store on that region?
* Remove RectangleF that is now unused
* Fix ImageGather with multiple offsets
Needs ImageGatherExtended capability, and must use `ConstantComposite` instead of `CompositeConstruct`
* Address PR feedback from jD in all projects except Avalonia
* Address most of jD PR feedback on Avalonia
* Remove unsafe
* Fix VulkanSkiaGpu
* move present mode request out of Create Swapchain method
* split more parts of create swapchain
* addressed reviews
* addressed review
* Address second batch of jD PR feedback
* Fix buffer <-> image copy row length and height alignment
AlignUp helper does not support NPOT alignment, and ASTC textures can have NPOT block sizes
* Better fix for NPOT alignment issue
* Use switch expressions on Vulkan EnumConversion
Thanks jD
* Fix Avalonia build
* Add Vulkan selection prompt on startup
* Grammar fixes on Vulkan prompt message
* Add missing Vulkan migration flag
Co-authored-by: riperiperi <rhy3756547@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Emmanuel Hansen <emmausssss@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: MutantAura <44103205+MutantAura@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-07-31 21:26:06 +00:00
"SettingsTabGraphicsFeatures" : "Özellikler & İyileştirmeler" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ErrorWindowTitle" : "Hata Penceresi" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"ToggleDiscordTooltip" : "Ryujinx'i \"şimdi oynanı yor\" Discord aktivitesinde göstermeyi veya göstermemeyi seçin" ,
"AddGameDirBoxTooltip" : "Listeye eklemek için oyun dizini seçin" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"AddGameDirTooltip" : "Listeye oyun dizini ekle" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"RemoveGameDirTooltip" : "Seçili oyun dizinini kaldı r" ,
"CustomThemeCheckTooltip" : "Emülatör pencerelerinin görünümünü değiştirmek için özel bir Avalonia teması kullan" ,
"CustomThemePathTooltip" : "Özel arayüz teması nı n yolu" ,
"CustomThemeBrowseTooltip" : "Özel arayüz teması için göz at" ,
"DockModeToggleTooltip" : "Docked modu emüle edilen sistemin yerleşik Nintendo Switch gibi davranması nı sağlar. Bu çoğu oyunda grafik kalitesini arttı rı r. Diğer yandan, bu seçeneği devre dı şı bı rakmak emüle edilen sistemin elde Ninendo Switch gibi davranması nı sağlayı p grafik kalitesini düşürür.\n\nDocked modu kullanmayı düşünüyorsanı z 1. Oyuncu kontrollerini; Handheld modunu kullanmak istiyorsanı z Handheld kontrollerini konfigüre edin.\n\nEmin değilseniz aktif halde bı rakı n." ,
"DirectKeyboardTooltip" : "Doğrudan Klavye Erişimi (HID) desteği. Oyunları n klavyenizi metin giriş cihazı olarak kullanması nı sağlar." ,
"DirectMouseTooltip" : "Doğrudan Fare Erişimi (HID) desteği. Oyunları n farenizi işaret aygı tı olarak kullanması nı sağlar." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"RegionTooltip" : "Sistem Bölgesini Değiştir" ,
"LanguageTooltip" : "Sistem Dilini Değiştir" ,
"TimezoneTooltip" : "Sistem Saat Dilimini Değiştir" ,
"TimeTooltip" : "Sistem Saatini Değiştir" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"VSyncToggleTooltip" : "Emüle edilen konsolun Dikey Senkronizasyonu. Çoğu oyun için kare sı nı rlayı cı işlevi görür, bu seçeneği devre dı şı bı rakmak bazı oyunları n normalden yüksek hı zda çalı şması nı ve yükleme ekranları nı n daha uzun sürmesini veya sı kı şı p kalması nı sağlar.\n\nTercih ettiğiniz bir kı sayol ile oyun içindeyken etkinleştirilip devre dı şı bı rakı labilir. Bu seçeneği devre dı şı bı rakmayı düşünüyorsanı z bir kı sayol atamanı zı öneririz.\n\nEmin değilseniz aktif halde bı rakı n." ,
"PptcToggleTooltip" : "Çevrilen JIT fonksiyonları nı oyun her açı ldı ğı nda çevrilmek zorunda kalmaması için kaydeder.\n\nTeklemeyi azaltı r ve ilk açı lı ştan sonra oyunları n ilk açı lı ş süresini ciddi biçimde hı zlandı rı r.\n\nEmin değilseniz aktif halde bı rakı n." ,
"FsIntegrityToggleTooltip" : "Oyun açarken hatalı dosyaları n olup olmadı ğı nı kontrol eder, ve hatalı dosya bulursa log dosyası nda hash hatası görüntüler.\n\nPerformansa herhangi bir etkisi yoktur ve sorun gidermeye yardı mcı olur.\n\nEmin değilseniz aktif halde bı rakı n." ,
"AudioBackendTooltip" : "Ses çı kı ş motorunu değiştirir.\n\nSDL2 tercih edilen seçenektir, OpenAL ve SoundIO ise alternatif olarak kullanı labilir. Dummy seçeneğinde ses çı kı şı olmayacaktı r.\n\nEmin değilseniz SDL2 seçeneğine ayarlayı n." ,
"MemoryManagerTooltip" : "Guest hafı zası nı n nası l tahsis edilip erişildiğini değiştirir. Emüle edilen CPU performansı nı ciddi biçimde etkiler.\n\nEmin değilseniz HOST UNCHECKED seçeneğine ayarlayı n." ,
"MemoryManagerSoftwareTooltip" : "Adres çevirisi için bir işlemci sayfası kullanı r. En yüksek doğruluğu ve en yavaş performansı sunar." ,
"MemoryManagerHostTooltip" : "Hafı zayı doğrudan host adres aralı ğı nda tahsis eder. Çok daha hı zlı JIT derleme ve işletimi sunar." ,
"MemoryManagerUnsafeTooltip" : "Hafı zayı doğrudan tahsis eder, ancak host aralı ğı na erişimden önce adresi maskelemez. Daha iyi performansa karşı lı k emniyetten ödün verir. Misafir uygulama Ryujinx içerisinden istediği hafı zaya erişebilir, bu sebeple bu seçenek ile sadece güvendiğiniz uygulamaları çalı ştı rı n." ,
2022-11-16 22:27:42 +00:00
"DRamTooltip" : "Emüle edilen sistem hafı zası nı 4GiB'dan 6GiB'a yükseltir.\n\nBu seçenek yalnı zca yüksek çözünürlük doku paketleri veya 4k çözünürlük modları için kullanı lı r. Performansı artı rMAZ!\n\nEmin değilseniz devre dı şı bı rakı n." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"IgnoreMissingServicesTooltip" : "Henüz programlanmamı ş Horizon işletim sistemi servislerini görmezden gelir. Bu seçenek belirli oyunları n açı lı rken çökmesinin önüne geçmeye yardı mcı olabilir.\n\nEmin değilseniz devre dı şı bı rakı n." ,
"GraphicsBackendThreadingTooltip" : "Grafik arka uç komutları nı ikinci bir iş parçacı ğı nda işletir.\n\nKendi multithreading desteği olmayan sürücülerde shader derlemeyi hı zlandı rı p performansı artı rı r. Multithreading desteği olan sürücülerde çok az daha iyi performans sağlar.\n\nEmin değilseniz Otomatik seçeneğine ayarlayı n." ,
"GalThreadingTooltip" : "Grafik arka uç komutları nı ikinci bir iş parçacı ğı nda işletir.\n\nKendi multithreading desteği olmayan sürücülerde shader derlemeyi hı zlandı rı p performansı artı rı r. Multithreading desteği olan sürücülerde çok az daha iyi performans sağlar.\n\nEmin değilseniz Otomatik seçeneğine ayarlayı n." ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"ShaderCacheToggleTooltip" : "Sonraki çalı şmalarda takı lmaları engelleyen bir gölgelendirici disk önbelleğine kaydeder." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"ResolutionScaleTooltip" : "Uygulanabilir grafik hedeflerine uygulanan çözünürlük ölçeği" ,
"ResolutionScaleEntryTooltip" : "Küsüratlı çözünürlük ölçeği, 1.5 gibi. Küsüratlı ölçekler hata oluşturmaya ve çökmeye daha yatkı ndı r." ,
"AnisotropyTooltip" : "Eşyönsüz doku süzmesi seviyesi (Oyun tarafı ndan istenen değeri kullanmak için Otomatik seçeneğine ayarlayı n)" ,
"AspectRatioTooltip" : "Grafik penceresine uygulanan en-boy oranı ." ,
"ShaderDumpPathTooltip" : "Grafik Shader Döküm Yolu" ,
"FileLogTooltip" : "Konsol logları nı diskte bir log dosyası na kaydeder. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"StubLogTooltip" : "Stub log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"InfoLogTooltip" : "Bilgi log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"WarnLogTooltip" : "Uyarı log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"ErrorLogTooltip" : "Hata log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"TraceLogTooltip" : "Trace log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"GuestLogTooltip" : "Guest log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r. Performansı etkilemez." ,
"FileAccessLogTooltip" : "Dosya sistemi erişim log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r." ,
"FSAccessLogModeTooltip" : "Konsola FS erişim logları nı n yazı lması nı etkinleştirir. Kullanı labilir modlar 0-3'tür" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DeveloperOptionTooltip" : "Dikkatli kullanı n" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"OpenGlLogLevel" : "Uygun log seviyesinin aktif olması nı gerektirir" ,
"DebugLogTooltip" : "Debug log mesajları nı konsola yazdı rı r.\n\nBu seçeneği yalnı zca geliştirici üyemiz belirtirse aktifleştirin, çünkü bu seçenek log dosyası nı okumayı zorlaştı rı r ve emülatörün performansı nı düşürür." ,
"LoadApplicationFileTooltip" : "Switch ile uyumlu bir dosya yüklemek için dosya tarayı cı sı nı açar" ,
"LoadApplicationFolderTooltip" : "Switch ile uyumlu ayrı ştı rı lmamı ş bir uygulama yüklemek için dosya tarayı cı sı nı açar" ,
"OpenRyujinxFolderTooltip" : "Ryujinx dosya sistem klasörünü açar" ,
"OpenRyujinxLogsTooltip" : "Log dosyaları nı n bulunduğu klasörü açar" ,
"ExitTooltip" : "Ryujinx'ten çı kı ş yapmayı sağlar" ,
"OpenSettingsTooltip" : "Seçenekler penceresini açar" ,
"OpenProfileManagerTooltip" : "Kullanı cı profil yöneticisi penceresini açar" ,
"StopEmulationTooltip" : "Oynanmakta olan oyunun emülasyonunu durdurup oyun seçimine geri döndürür" ,
"CheckUpdatesTooltip" : "Ryujinx güncellemelerini denetlemeyi sağlar" ,
"OpenAboutTooltip" : "Hakkı nda penceresini açar" ,
"GridSize" : "Öge Boyutu" ,
"GridSizeTooltip" : "Grid ögelerinin boyutunu değiştirmeyi sağlar" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageBrazilianPortuguese" : "Brezilya Portekizcesi" ,
"AboutRyujinxContributorsButtonHeader" : "Tüm katkı da bulunanları gör" ,
"SettingsTabSystemAudioVolume" : "Ses Seviyesi: " ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"AudioVolumeTooltip" : "Ses seviyesini değiştirir" ,
"SettingsTabSystemEnableInternetAccess" : "Guest Internet Erişimi/LAN Modu" ,
"EnableInternetAccessTooltip" : "Emüle edilen uygulamanı n internete bağlanması nı sağlar.\n\nLAN modu bulunan oyunlar bu seçenek ile birbirine bağlanabilir ve sistemler aynı access point'e bağlanı r. Bu gerçek konsolları da kapsar.\n\nNintendo sunucuları na bağlanmayı sağlaMAZ. Internete bağlanmaya çalı şan baz oyunları n çökmesine sebep olabilr.\n\nEmin değilseniz devre dı şı bı rakı n." ,
"GameListContextMenuManageCheatToolTip" : "Hileleri yönetmeyi sağlar" ,
"GameListContextMenuManageCheat" : "Hileleri Yönet" ,
"ControllerSettingsStickRange" : "Menzil:" ,
"DialogStopEmulationTitle" : "Ryujinx - Emülasyonu Durdur" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogStopEmulationMessage" : "Emülasyonu durdurmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabCpu" : "İşlemci" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"SettingsTabAudio" : "Ses" ,
"SettingsTabNetwork" : "Ağ" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabNetworkConnection" : "Ağ Bağlantı sı " ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabCpuCache" : "İşlemci Belleği" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabCpuMemory" : "CPU Hafı zası " ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"DialogUpdaterFlatpakNotSupportedMessage" : "Lütfen Ryujinx'i FlatHub aracı lı ğı yla güncelleyin." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"UpdaterDisabledWarningTitle" : "Güncelleyici Devre Dı şı !" ,
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory" : "Atmosphere Mod Dizini" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip" : "Uygulama Modları nı içeren alternatif SD kart Atmosfer dizinini açar. Gerçek donanı m için paketlenmiş modlar için kullanı şlı dı r." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"ControllerSettingsRotate90" : "Saat yönünde 90° Döndür" ,
"IconSize" : "Ikon Boyutu" ,
"IconSizeTooltip" : "Oyun ikonları nı n boyutunu değiştirmeyi sağlar" ,
"MenuBarOptionsShowConsole" : "Konsol'u Göster" ,
"ShaderCachePurgeError" : "Belirtilen shader cache temizlenirken hata {0}: {1}" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"UserErrorNoKeys" : "Keys bulunamadı " ,
"UserErrorNoFirmware" : "Firmware bulunamadı " ,
"UserErrorFirmwareParsingFailed" : "Firmware çözümleme hatası " ,
"UserErrorApplicationNotFound" : "Uygulama bulunamadı " ,
"UserErrorUnknown" : "Bilinmeyen hata" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"UserErrorUndefined" : "Tanı mlanmayan hata" ,
"UserErrorNoKeysDescription" : "Ryujinx 'prod.keys' dosyası nı bulamadı " ,
"UserErrorNoFirmwareDescription" : "Ryujinx yüklü herhangi firmware bulamadı " ,
"UserErrorFirmwareParsingFailedDescription" : "Ryujinx temin edilen firmware'i çözümleyemedi. Bu durum genellikle güncel olmayan keys'den kaynaklanı r." ,
"UserErrorApplicationNotFoundDescription" : "Ryujinx belirtilen yolda geçerli bir uygulama bulamadı ." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"UserErrorUnknownDescription" : "Bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu!" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"UserErrorUndefinedDescription" : "Tanı mlanmayan bir hata oluştu! Bu durum ile karşı laşı lmamalı ydı , lütfen bir geliştirici ile iletişime geçin!" ,
"OpenSetupGuideMessage" : "Kurulum Kı lavuzunu Aç" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"NoUpdate" : "Güncelleme Yok" ,
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel" : "Sürüm {0} - {1}" ,
"RyujinxInfo" : "Ryujinx - Bilgi" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"RyujinxConfirm" : "Ryujinx - Doğrulama" ,
"FileDialogAllTypes" : "Tüm türler" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"Never" : "Hiçbir Zaman" ,
"SwkbdMinCharacters" : "En az {0} karakter uzunluğunda olmalı " ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SwkbdMinRangeCharacters" : "{0}-{1} karakter uzunluğunda olmalı " ,
"SoftwareKeyboard" : "Yazı lı m Klavyesi" ,
"DialogControllerAppletMessagePlayerRange" : "Uygulama belirtilen türde {0} oyuncu istiyor:\n\nTÜRLER: {1}\n\nOYUNCULAR: {2}\n\n{3}Lütfen şimdi seçeneklerden giriş aygı tları nı ayarlayı n veya Kapat'a bası n." ,
"DialogControllerAppletMessage" : "Uygulama belirtilen türde tam olarak {0} oyuncu istiyor:\n\nTÜRLER: {1}\n\nOYUNCULAR: {2}\n\n{3}Lütfen şimdi seçeneklerden giriş aygı tları nı ayarlayı n veya Kapat'a bası n." ,
"DialogControllerAppletDockModeSet" : "Docked mode etkin. Handheld geçersiz.\n\n" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"UpdaterRenaming" : "Eski dosyalar yeniden adlandı rı lı yor..." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"UpdaterRenameFailed" : "Güncelleyici belirtilen dosyayı yeniden adlandı ramadı : {0}" ,
"UpdaterAddingFiles" : "Yeni Dosyalar Ekleniyor..." ,
"UpdaterExtracting" : "Güncelleme Ayrı ştı rı lı yor..." ,
"UpdaterDownloading" : "Güncelleme İndiriliyor..." ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"Game" : "Oyun" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"Docked" : "Yerleştirildi" ,
"Handheld" : "El tipi" ,
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
"ConnectionError" : "Bağlantı Hatası ." ,
"AboutPageDeveloperListMore" : "{0} ve daha fazla..." ,
"ApiError" : "API Hatası ." ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"LoadingHeading" : "{0} Yükleniyor" ,
"CompilingPPTC" : "PTC Derleniyor" ,
"CompilingShaders" : "Shaderlar Derleniyor" ,
"AllKeyboards" : "Tüm Klavyeler" ,
"OpenFileDialogTitle" : "Açmak için desteklenen bir dosya seçin" ,
"OpenFolderDialogTitle" : "Ayrı ştı rı lmamı ş oyun içeren bir klasör seçin" ,
2022-07-05 18:06:31 +00:00
"AllSupportedFormats" : "Tüm Desteklenen Formatlar" ,
"RyujinxUpdater" : "Ryujinx Güncelleyicisi" ,
"SettingsTabHotkeys" : "Klavye Kı sayolları " ,
"SettingsTabHotkeysHotkeys" : "Klavye Kı sayolları " ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabHotkeysToggleVsyncHotkey" : "VSync'i Etkinleştir/Devre Dı şı Bı rak:" ,
2022-07-05 18:06:31 +00:00
"SettingsTabHotkeysScreenshotHotkey" : "Ekran Görüntüsü Al:" ,
"SettingsTabHotkeysShowUiHotkey" : "Arayüzü Göster:" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsTabHotkeysPauseHotkey" : "Durdur:" ,
2022-07-05 18:06:31 +00:00
"SettingsTabHotkeysToggleMuteHotkey" : "Sustur:" ,
"ControllerMotionTitle" : "Hareket Kontrol Seçenekleri" ,
"ControllerRumbleTitle" : "Titreşim Seçenekleri" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"SettingsSelectThemeFileDialogTitle" : "Tema Dosyası Seç" ,
"SettingsXamlThemeFile" : "Xaml Tema Dosyası " ,
"AvatarWindowTitle" : "Hesapları Yönet - Avatar" ,
"Amiibo" : "Amiibo" ,
"Unknown" : "Bilinmeyen" ,
"Usage" : "Kullanı m" ,
"Writable" : "Yazı labilir" ,
"SelectDlcDialogTitle" : "DLC dosyaları nı seç" ,
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle" : "Güncelleme dosyaları nı seç" ,
"UserProfileWindowTitle" : "Kullanı cı Profillerini Yönet" ,
"CheatWindowTitle" : "Oyun Hilelerini Yönet" ,
"DlcWindowTitle" : "Oyun DLC'lerini Yönet" ,
"UpdateWindowTitle" : "Oyun Güncellemelerini Yönet" ,
"CheatWindowHeading" : "{0} için Hile mevcut [{1}]" ,
"DlcWindowHeading" : "{0} için DLC mevcut [{1}]" ,
"UserProfilesEditProfile" : "Seçiliyi Düzenle" ,
"Cancel" : "İptal" ,
"Save" : "Kaydet" ,
"Discard" : "Iskarta" ,
"UserProfilesSetProfileImage" : "Profil Resmi Ayarla" ,
"UserProfileEmptyNameError" : "İsim gerekli" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"UserProfileNoImageError" : "Profil resmi ayarlanmalı dı r" ,
2022-08-26 18:00:17 +00:00
"GameUpdateWindowHeading" : "{0} için güncellemeler mevcut [{1}]" ,
"SettingsTabHotkeysResScaleUpHotkey" : "Çözünürlüğü artı r:" ,
2023-01-04 20:48:36 +00:00
"SettingsTabHotkeysResScaleDownHotkey" : "Çözünürlüğü azalt:" ,
"UserProfilesName" : "İsim:" ,
"UserProfilesUserId" : "Kullanı cı Adı :" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsBackend" : "Grafik Arka Ucu" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsBackendTooltip" : "Kullanı lacak Grafik Arka Uç" ,
"SettingsEnableTextureRecompression" : "Yeniden Doku Sı kı ştı rı lması nı Aktif Et" ,
"SettingsEnableTextureRecompressionTooltip" : "4GB VRAM'in Altı nda Sistemler için önerilir.\n\nEmin değilseniz kapalı bı rakı n" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsPreferredGpu" : "Kullanı lan GPU" ,
"SettingsTabGraphicsPreferredGpuTooltip" : "Vulkan Grafik Arka Ucu ile kullanı lacak Ekran Kartı nı Seçin.\n\nOpenGL'nin kullanacağı GPU'yu etkilemez.\n\n Emin değilseniz \"dGPU\" olarak işaretlenmiş GPU'ya ayarlayı n. Eğer yoksa, dokunmadan bı rakı n.\n" ,
"SettingsAppRequiredRestartMessage" : "Ryujinx'i Yeniden Başlatma Gerekli" ,
"SettingsGpuBackendRestartMessage" : "Grafik Motoru ya da GPU ayarları değiştirildi. Bu işlemin uygulanması için yeniden başlatma gerekli." ,
"SettingsGpuBackendRestartSubMessage" : "Şimdi yeniden başlatmak istiyor musunuz?" ,
"RyujinxUpdaterMessage" : "Ryujinx'i en son sürüme güncellemek ister misiniz?" ,
"SettingsTabHotkeysVolumeUpHotkey" : "Sesi Arttı r:" ,
"SettingsTabHotkeysVolumeDownHotkey" : "Sesi Azalt:" ,
"SettingsEnableMacroHLE" : "Macro HLE'yi Aktifleştir" ,
"SettingsEnableMacroHLETooltip" : "GPU Macro kodunun yüksek seviye emülasyonu.\n\nPerformansı arttı rı r, ama bazı oyunlarda grafik hataları na yol açabilir.\n\nEmin değilseniz AÇIK bı rakı n." ,
"VolumeShort" : "Ses" ,
"UserProfilesManageSaves" : "Kayı tları Yönet" ,
"DeleteUserSave" : "Bu oyun için kullanı cı kaydı nı silmek istiyor musunuz?" ,
"IrreversibleActionNote" : "Bu eylem geri alı namaz." ,
"SaveManagerHeading" : "{0} için Kayı t Dosyaları nı Yönet" ,
"SaveManagerTitle" : "Kayı t Yöneticisi" ,
"Name" : "İsim" ,
"Size" : "Boyut" ,
"Search" : "Ara" ,
"UserProfilesRecoverLostAccounts" : "Kayı p Hesapları Kurtar" ,
"Recover" : "Kurtar" ,
"UserProfilesRecoverHeading" : "Aşağı daki hesaplar için kayı tlar bulundu"
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00