2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
using ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC ;
using Avalonia ;
using Avalonia.OpenGL ;
using Avalonia.Rendering ;
using Avalonia.Threading ;
using Ryujinx.Ava.Ui.Controls ;
using Ryujinx.Ava.Ui.Windows ;
using Ryujinx.Common ;
using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration ;
using Ryujinx.Common.GraphicsDriver ;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging ;
using Ryujinx.Common.System ;
using Ryujinx.Common.SystemInfo ;
using Ryujinx.Modules ;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common ;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Configuration ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
namespace Ryujinx.Ava
internal class Program
public static double WindowScaleFactor { get ; set ; }
public static string Version { get ; private set ; }
public static string ConfigurationPath { get ; private set ; }
public static string CommandLineProfile { get ; set ; }
public static bool PreviewerDetached { get ; private set ; }
public static RenderTimer RenderTimer { get ; private set ; }
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int MessageBoxA ( IntPtr hWnd , string text , string caption , uint type ) ;
private const uint MB_ICONWARNING = 0x30 ;
public static void Main ( string [ ] args )
Version = ReleaseInformations . GetVersion ( ) ;
if ( OperatingSystem . IsWindows ( ) & & ! OperatingSystem . IsWindowsVersionAtLeast ( 10 , 0 , 17134 ) )
MessageBoxA ( IntPtr . Zero , "You are running an outdated version of Windows.\n\nStarting on June 1st 2022, Ryujinx will only support Windows 10 1803 and newer.\n" , $"Ryujinx {Version}" , MB_ICONWARNING ) ;
PreviewerDetached = true ;
Initialize ( args ) ;
RenderTimer = new RenderTimer ( ) ;
BuildAvaloniaApp ( ) . StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime ( args ) ;
RenderTimer . Dispose ( ) ;
public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp ( )
return AppBuilder . Configure < App > ( )
. UsePlatformDetect ( )
. With ( new X11PlatformOptions
EnableMultiTouch = true ,
EnableIme = true ,
UseEGL = false ,
UseGpu = true ,
GlProfiles = new List < GlVersion > ( )
new GlVersion ( GlProfileType . OpenGL , 4 , 3 )
} )
. With ( new Win32PlatformOptions
EnableMultitouch = true ,
UseWgl = true ,
WglProfiles = new List < GlVersion > ( )
new GlVersion ( GlProfileType . OpenGL , 4 , 3 )
} ,
AllowEglInitialization = false ,
CompositionBackdropCornerRadius = 8f ,
} )
. UseSkia ( )
. AfterSetup ( _ = >
AvaloniaLocator . CurrentMutable
. Bind < IRenderTimer > ( ) . ToConstant ( RenderTimer )
. Bind < IRenderLoop > ( ) . ToConstant ( new RenderLoop ( RenderTimer , Dispatcher . UIThread ) ) ;
} )
. LogToTrace ( ) ;
private static void Initialize ( string [ ] args )
// Parse Arguments.
string launchPathArg = null ;
string baseDirPathArg = null ;
bool startFullscreenArg = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < args . Length ; + + i )
string arg = args [ i ] ;
if ( arg = = "-r" | | arg = = "--root-data-dir" )
if ( i + 1 > = args . Length )
Logger . Error ? . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Invalid option '{arg}'" ) ;
continue ;
baseDirPathArg = args [ + + i ] ;
else if ( arg = = "-p" | | arg = = "--profile" )
if ( i + 1 > = args . Length )
Logger . Error ? . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Invalid option '{arg}'" ) ;
continue ;
CommandLineProfile = args [ + + i ] ;
else if ( arg = = "-f" | | arg = = "--fullscreen" )
startFullscreenArg = true ;
launchPathArg = arg ;
// Make process DPI aware for proper window sizing on high-res screens.
WindowScaleFactor = ForceDpiAware . GetWindowScaleFactor ( ) ;
// Delete backup files after updating.
Task . Run ( Updater . CleanupUpdate ) ;
Console . Title = $"Ryujinx Console {Version}" ;
// Hook unhandled exception and process exit events.
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . UnhandledException + = ( object sender , UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e ) = > ProcessUnhandledException ( e . ExceptionObject as Exception , e . IsTerminating ) ;
AppDomain . CurrentDomain . ProcessExit + = ( object sender , EventArgs e ) = > Exit ( ) ;
// Setup base data directory.
AppDataManager . Initialize ( baseDirPathArg ) ;
// Initialize the configuration.
ConfigurationState . Initialize ( ) ;
// Initialize the logger system.
LoggerModule . Initialize ( ) ;
// Initialize Discord integration.
DiscordIntegrationModule . Initialize ( ) ;
ReloadConfig ( ) ;
// Logging system information.
PrintSystemInfo ( ) ;
// Enable OGL multithreading on the driver, when available.
BackendThreading threadingMode = ConfigurationState . Instance . Graphics . BackendThreading ;
DriverUtilities . ToggleOGLThreading ( threadingMode = = BackendThreading . Off ) ;
// Check if keys exists.
bool hasSystemProdKeys = File . Exists ( Path . Combine ( AppDataManager . KeysDirPath , "prod.keys" ) ) ;
if ( ! hasSystemProdKeys )
if ( ! ( AppDataManager . Mode = = AppDataManager . LaunchMode . UserProfile & & File . Exists ( Path . Combine ( AppDataManager . KeysDirPathUser , "prod.keys" ) ) ) )
MainWindow . ShowKeyErrorOnLoad = true ;
if ( launchPathArg ! = null )
MainWindow . DeferLoadApplication ( launchPathArg , startFullscreenArg ) ;
2022-05-31 20:36:34 +00:00
public static void ReloadConfig ( )
2022-05-15 11:30:15 +00:00
string localConfigurationPath = Path . Combine ( AppDomain . CurrentDomain . BaseDirectory , "Config.json" ) ;
string appDataConfigurationPath = Path . Combine ( AppDataManager . BaseDirPath , "Config.json" ) ;
// Now load the configuration as the other subsystems are now registered
if ( File . Exists ( localConfigurationPath ) )
ConfigurationPath = localConfigurationPath ;
else if ( File . Exists ( appDataConfigurationPath ) )
ConfigurationPath = appDataConfigurationPath ;
if ( ConfigurationPath = = null )
// No configuration, we load the default values and save it to disk
ConfigurationPath = appDataConfigurationPath ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . LoadDefault ( ) ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . ToFileFormat ( ) . SaveConfig ( ConfigurationPath ) ;
if ( ConfigurationFileFormat . TryLoad ( ConfigurationPath , out ConfigurationFileFormat configurationFileFormat ) )
ConfigurationState . Instance . Load ( configurationFileFormat , ConfigurationPath ) ;
ConfigurationState . Instance . LoadDefault ( ) ;
Logger . Warning ? . PrintMsg ( LogClass . Application , $"Failed to load config! Loading the default config instead.\nFailed config location {ConfigurationPath}" ) ;
private static void PrintSystemInfo ( )
Logger . Notice . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Ryujinx Version: {Version}" ) ;
SystemInfo . Gather ( ) . Print ( ) ;
var enabledLogs = Logger . GetEnabledLevels ( ) ;
Logger . Notice . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Logs Enabled: {(enabledLogs.Count == 0 ? " < None > " : string.Join(" , ", enabledLogs))}" ) ;
if ( AppDataManager . Mode = = AppDataManager . LaunchMode . Custom )
Logger . Notice . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Launch Mode: Custom Path {AppDataManager.BaseDirPath}" ) ;
Logger . Notice . Print ( LogClass . Application , $"Launch Mode: {AppDataManager.Mode}" ) ;
private static void ProcessUnhandledException ( Exception ex , bool isTerminating )
Ptc . Close ( ) ;
PtcProfiler . Stop ( ) ;
string message = $"Unhandled exception caught: {ex}" ;
Logger . Error ? . PrintMsg ( LogClass . Application , message ) ;
if ( Logger . Error = = null )
Logger . Notice . PrintMsg ( LogClass . Application , message ) ;
if ( isTerminating )
Exit ( ) ;
public static void Exit ( )
DiscordIntegrationModule . Exit ( ) ;
Ptc . Dispose ( ) ;
PtcProfiler . Dispose ( ) ;
Logger . Shutdown ( ) ;