mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 03:00:17 +00:00
Async + Avoid Copies
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 140 additions and 293 deletions
@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ using LibHac.Common;
using LibHac.Fs;
using LibHac.Fs;
using LibHac.Fs.Shim;
using LibHac.Fs.Shim;
using LibHac.Ns;
using LibHac.Ns;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Windows;
using Ryujinx.Ava.UI.Windows;
using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Helper;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.Helper;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.SaveManager;
using Ryujinx.Ui.Common.SaveManager;
@ -49,30 +47,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
_loadingEventArgs.Max = userSaves.Length + 1; // Add one for metadata file
_loadingEventArgs.Max = userSaves.Length + 1; // Add one for metadata file
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
// Create the top level temp dir for the intermediate copies - ensure it's empty
return await CreateOrReplaceZipFile(userSaves, savePath.LocalPath);
// TODO: should this go in the location since data has to go there anyway? might make the ultimate zip faster since IO is local?
var backupTempDir = Path.Combine(AppDataManager.BackupDirPath, $"{userId}_library_saveTemp");
// Delete temp for good measure?
_ = Directory.CreateDirectory(backupTempDir);
return await BatchCopySavesToTempDir(userSaves, backupTempDir)
&& CreateOrReplaceZipFile(backupTempDir, savePath.LocalPath);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to backup user data - {ex.Message}");
return false;
if (Directory.Exists(backupTempDir))
Directory.Delete(backupTempDir, true);
private IEnumerable<BackupSaveMeta> GetUserSaveData(LibHacUserId userId)
private IEnumerable<BackupSaveMeta> GetUserSaveData(LibHacUserId userId)
@ -145,169 +120,147 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
return saves;
return saves;
private async Task<bool> BatchCopySavesToTempDir(IEnumerable<BackupSaveMeta> userSaves, string backupTempDir)
private async static Task<bool> CreateOrReplaceZipFile(IEnumerable<BackupSaveMeta> userSaves, string zipPath)
await using FileStream zipFileSteam = new(zipPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
using ZipArchive zipArchive = new(zipFileSteam, ZipArchiveMode.Create);
// Batch intermediate copies so we don't overwhelm systems
const int BATCH_SIZE = 5;
List<Task<bool>> tempCopyTasks = new(BATCH_SIZE);
// Copy each applications save data to it's own folder in the temp dir
foreach (var save in userSaves)
foreach (var meta in userSaves)
// Find the most recent version of the data, there is a committed (0) and working (1) paths directory
var saveRootPath = ApplicationHelper.FindValidSaveDir(save.SaveDataId);
// The actual title in the name would be nice but titleId is more reliable
// /[titleId]/[saveType]
var copyDestPath = Path.Combine(save.TitleId.Value.ToString(), save.Type.ToString());
foreach (string filename in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(saveRootPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
// if the buffer is full, wait for it to drain
var attributes = File.GetAttributes(filename);
if (tempCopyTasks.Count >= BATCH_SIZE)
if (attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Directory))
// TODO: error handling with options
_ = await Task.WhenAll(tempCopyTasks);
// Add backup task
tempCopyTasks.Add(CopySaveDataToIntermediateDirectory(meta, backupTempDir));
await using FileStream sourceFile = new(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
var filePath = Path.Join(copyDestPath, Path.GetRelativePath(saveRootPath, filename));
ZipArchiveEntry entry = zipArchive.CreateEntry(filePath, CompressionLevel.SmallestSize);
await using StreamWriter writer = new(entry.Open());
await sourceFile.CopyToAsync(writer.BaseStream);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to zip file: {ex.Message}");
// wait for any outstanding temp copies to complete
_ = await Task.WhenAll(tempCopyTasks);
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to copy save data to intermediate directory - {ex.Message}");
return false;
return true;
private async Task<bool> CopySaveDataToIntermediateDirectory(BackupSaveMeta saveMeta, string destinationDir)
// Find the most recent version of the data, there is a commited (0) and working (1) paths directory
var saveRootPath = ApplicationHelper.FindValidSaveDir(saveMeta.SaveDataId);
// the actual title in the name would be nice but titleId is more reliable
// [backupLocation]/[titleId]/[saveType]
var copyDestPath = Path.Combine(destinationDir, saveMeta.TitleId.Value.ToString(), saveMeta.Type.ToString());
var result = await CopyDirectoryAsync(saveRootPath, copyDestPath);
// Update progress for each dir we copy save data for
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
return result;
public static bool CreateOrReplaceZipFile(string sourceDataDirectory, string backupDestinationFullPath)
if (File.Exists(backupDestinationFullPath))
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(sourceDataDirectory, backupDestinationFullPath, CompressionLevel.SmallestSize, false);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to zip data.\n{ex.Message}");
return false;
#region Restore
#region Restore
public async Task<bool> RestoreUserSaveDataFromZip(LibHacUserId userId,
public async Task<bool> RestoreUserSaveDataFromZip(LibHacUserId userId, string zipPath)
string sourceDataPath)
var sourceInfo = new FileInfo(sourceDataPath);
var titleDirectories = new List<RestoreSaveMeta>();
var determinedSourcePath = sourceInfo.FullName;
bool requireSourceCleanup = false;
if (sourceInfo.Extension.Equals(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
determinedSourcePath = Path.Combine(AppDataManager.BackupDirPath, userId.ToString(), "import", "temp");
requireSourceCleanup = true;
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceInfo.FullName, determinedSourcePath, true);
sourceInfo = new FileInfo(determinedSourcePath);
catch (Exception ex)
var error = $"Failed to extract save backup zip {ex.Message}";
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, error);
return false;
// Reset progress bar
await using FileStream zipFileSteam = new(zipPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
_loadingEventArgs.Curr = 0;
using ZipArchive zipArchive = new(zipFileSteam, ZipArchiveMode.Read);
_loadingEventArgs.Max = 0;
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
var identifiedTitleDirectories = GetTitleDirectories(sourceInfo);
// Directories do not always have entries
if (identifiedTitleDirectories.IsNullOrEmpty())
foreach (var entry in zipArchive.Entries)
return false;
var pathByDepth = entry.FullName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Start import
// Depth 1 is title IDs, Depth 2 the save type
_loadingEventArgs.Max = identifiedTitleDirectories.Count();
if (pathByDepth.Length < 2)
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
// buffer of concurrent saves to import -- limited so we don't overwhelm systems
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4; // multiple of cores is ideal
List<Task<bool>> importBuffer = new(BUFFER_SIZE);
// find the saveId for each titleId and migrate it. Use cache to avoid duplicate lookups of known titleId
foreach (var importMeta in identifiedTitleDirectories)
if (importBuffer.Count >= BUFFER_SIZE)
_ = await Task.WhenAll(importBuffer);
importBuffer.Add(ImportSaveData(importMeta, userId));
var parentDirectoryName = pathByDepth[0];
var directoryName = pathByDepth[1];
// Mark complete
if (!ulong.TryParse(parentDirectoryName, out var titleId))
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
if (Enum.TryParse<SaveDataType>(directoryName, out var saveType))
var meta = new RestoreSaveMeta { TitleId = titleId, SaveType = saveType };
if (!titleDirectories.Contains(meta))
// let the import complete
_ = await Task.WhenAll(importBuffer);
var mappings = new List<MetaToLocalMap?>();
return true;
// Find the saveId for each titleId and migrate it. Use cache to avoid duplicate lookups of known titleId
foreach (var importMeta in titleDirectories)
if (PrepareLocalSaveData(importMeta, userId, out string localDir))
mappings.Add(new MetaToLocalMap
RelativeDir = Path.Join(importMeta.TitleId.ToString(), importMeta.SaveType.ToString()),
LocalDir = localDir
foreach (var entry in zipArchive.Entries)
if (entry.FullName[^1] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
var optional = mappings.FirstOrDefault(x => entry.FullName.Contains(x.Value.RelativeDir), null);
if (!optional.HasValue)
var map = optional.Value;
var localPath = Path.Join(map.LocalDir, Path.GetRelativePath(map.RelativeDir, entry.FullName));
entry.ExtractToFile(localPath, true);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to import save data - {ex.Message}");
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to import save data - {ex.Message}");
var error = $"Failed to load save backup zip: {ex.Message}";
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, error);
return false;
return false;
if (requireSourceCleanup)
Directory.Delete(determinedSourcePath, true);
private async Task<bool> ImportSaveData(RestoreSaveMeta meta, LibHacUserId userId)
private bool PrepareLocalSaveData(RestoreSaveMeta meta, UserId userId, out String? path)
path = null;
// Lookup the saveId based on title for the user we're importing too
// Lookup the saveId based on title for the user we're importing too
var saveDataFilter = SaveDataFilter.Make(meta.TitleId,
var saveDataFilter = SaveDataFilter.Make(meta.TitleId,
@ -340,7 +293,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
// Find the most recent version of the data, there is a commited (0) and working (1) directory
// Find the most recent version of the data, there is a committed (0) and working (1) directory
var userHostSavePath = ApplicationHelper.FindValidSaveDir(saveDataInfo.SaveDataId);
var userHostSavePath = ApplicationHelper.FindValidSaveDir(saveDataInfo.SaveDataId);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userHostSavePath))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userHostSavePath))
@ -348,154 +301,41 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
return false;
return false;
// copy from backup path to host save path
path = userHostSavePath;
var copyResult = await CopyDirectoryAsync(meta.ImportPath, userHostSavePath);
return true;
BackupProgressUpdated?.Invoke(this, _loadingEventArgs);
BackupImportSave?.Invoke(this, new ImportSaveEventArgs
SaveInfo = saveDataInfo
return copyResult;
#region LocalFunction
bool TryGenerateSaveEntry(ulong titleId, LibHacUserId userId)
// resolve from app data
var titleIdHex = titleId.ToString("x16");
var appData = MainWindow.MainWindowViewModel.Applications
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TitleId.Equals(titleIdHex, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (appData is null)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"No application loaded with titleId {titleIdHex}");
return false;
ref ApplicationControlProperty control = ref appData.ControlHolder.Value;
Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Creating save directory for Title: [{titleId:x16}]");
if (appData.ControlHolder.ByteSpan.IsZeros())
// If the current application doesn't have a loaded control property, create a dummy one
// and set the savedata sizes so a user savedata will be created.
control = ref new BlitStruct<ApplicationControlProperty>(1).Value;
// The set sizes don't actually matter as long as they're non-zero because we use directory savedata.
control.UserAccountSaveDataSize = 0x4000;
control.UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize = 0x4000;
Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "No control file was found for this game. Using a dummy one instead. This may cause inaccuracies in some games.");
Uid user = new(userId.Id.High, userId.Id.Low);
return _horizonClient.Fs.EnsureApplicationSaveData(out _, new LibHac.Ncm.ApplicationId(titleId), in control, in user)
private static IEnumerable<RestoreSaveMeta> GetTitleDirectories(FileInfo sourceInfo)
private void TryGenerateSaveEntry(ulong titleId, UserId userId)
if ((sourceInfo.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) != FileAttributes.Directory)
// Resolve from app data
var titleIdHex = titleId.ToString("x16");
var appData = MainWindow.MainWindowViewModel.Applications
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TitleId.Equals(titleIdHex, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (appData is null)
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Unsupported entry specified to extract save data from {sourceInfo.FullName}");
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"No application loaded with titleId {titleIdHex}");
return Enumerable.Empty<RestoreSaveMeta>();
// Find the "root" save directories
ref ApplicationControlProperty control = ref appData.ControlHolder.Value;
var outcome = new List<RestoreSaveMeta>();
foreach (var entry in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(sourceInfo.FullName))
Logger.Info?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Creating save directory for Title: [{titleId:x16}]");
if (appData.ControlHolder.ByteSpan.IsZeros())
// check if the leaf directory is a titleId
// If the current application doesn't have a loaded control property, create a dummy one
if (!ulong.TryParse(entry[(entry.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1)..], out var titleId))
// and set the save data sizes so a user save data will be created.
control = ref new BlitStruct<ApplicationControlProperty>(1).Value;
Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Skipping import of unknown directory {entry}");
// it looks like a titleId, see if we can find the save type directories we expect
// The set sizes don't actually matter as long as they're non-zero because we use directory save data.
foreach (var saveTypeDir in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(entry))
control.UserAccountSaveDataSize = 0x4000;
control.UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize = 0x4000;
var saveTypeEntryInfo = new FileInfo(saveTypeDir);
// Check empty dirs?
Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Application, "No control file was found for this game. Using a dummy one instead. This may cause inaccuracies in some games.");
if (Enum.TryParse<SaveDataType>(saveTypeEntryInfo.Name, out var saveType))
outcome.Add(new RestoreSaveMeta
TitleId = titleId,
SaveType = saveType,
ImportPath = saveTypeEntryInfo.FullName
return outcome;
Uid user = new(userId.Id.High, userId.Id.Low);
_horizonClient.Fs.EnsureApplicationSaveData(out _, new LibHac.Ncm.ApplicationId(titleId), in control, in user);
#region Utilities
private static async Task<bool> CopyDirectoryAsync(string sourceDirectory, string destDirectory)
bool result = true;
foreach (string filename in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(sourceDirectory))
var itemDest = Path.Combine(destDirectory, Path.GetFileName(filename));
var attrs = File.GetAttributes(filename);
result &= attrs switch
_ when (attrs & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory => await CopyDirectoryAsync(filename, itemDest),
_ => await CopyFileAsync(filename, itemDest)
if (!result)
// TODO: use options to decide hard fail
return result;
#region LocalMethod
static async Task<bool> CopyFileAsync(string source, string destination, int retryCount = 0)
if (retryCount > 0)
Logger.Debug?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Backing off retrying copy of {source}");
await Task.Delay((int)(Math.Pow(2, retryCount) * 200));
using FileStream sourceStream = File.Open(source, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using FileStream destinationStream = File.Create(destination);
await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(destinationStream);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.Contains("is being used by another process", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
const int RetryThreshold = 3;
return ++retryCount < RetryThreshold
&& await CopyFileAsync(source, destination, retryCount);
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Application, $"Failed to copy file {source} - {ex.Message}");
return false;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using LibHac.Fs;
using LibHac.Fs;
using LibHac.Ncm;
using LibHac.Ncm;
using System.IO.Compression;
namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
@ -14,6 +15,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Common.SaveManager
public ulong TitleId { get; init; }
public ulong TitleId { get; init; }
public SaveDataType SaveType { get; init; }
public SaveDataType SaveType { get; init; }
public string ImportPath { get; init; }
internal readonly record struct MetaToLocalMap
public string RelativeDir { get; init; }
public string LocalDir { get; init; }
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent" Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('OSX'))">
<Target Name="PostBuild" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent" Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('OSX'))">
Reference in a new issue