diff --git a/pt-BR/Ryujinx.Ava/Assets/Locales/pt_BR.json b/pt-BR/Ryujinx.Ava/Assets/Locales/pt_BR.json deleted file mode 100644 index e5f3a5813..000000000 --- a/pt-BR/Ryujinx.Ava/Assets/Locales/pt_BR.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,613 +0,0 @@ -{ - "MenuBarFileOpenApplet": "Open Applet", - "MenuBarFileOpenAppletOpenMiiAppletToolTip": "Open Mii Editor Applet in Standalone mode", - "SettingsTabInputDirectMouseAccess": "Direct Mouse Access", - "SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerMode": "Memory Manager Mode:", - "SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerModeSoftware": "Software", - "SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerModeHost": "Host (fast)", - "SettingsTabSystemMemoryManagerModeHostUnchecked": "Host Unchecked (fastest, unsafe)", - "MenuBarFile": "_File", - "MenuBarFileOpenFromFile": "_Load Application From File", - "MenuBarFileOpenUnpacked": "Load _Unpacked Game", - "MenuBarFileOpenEmuFolder": "Open Ryujinx Folder", - "MenuBarFileOpenLogsFolder": "Open Logs Folder", - "MenuBarFileExit": "_Exit", - "MenuBarOptions": "Options", - "MenuBarOptionsToggleFullscreen": "Toggle Fullscreen", - "MenuBarOptionsStartGamesInFullscreen": "Start Games in Fullscreen Mode", - "MenuBarOptionsStopEmulation": "Stop Emulation", - "MenuBarOptionsSettings": "_Settings", - "MenuBarOptionsManageUserProfiles": "_Manage User Profiles", - "MenuBarActions": "_Actions", - "MenuBarOptionsSimulateWakeUpMessage": "Simulate Wake-up message", - "MenuBarActionsScanAmiibo": "Scan An Amiibo", - "MenuBarTools": "_Tools", - "MenuBarToolsInstallFirmware": "Install Firmware", - "MenuBarFileToolsInstallFirmwareFromFile": "Install a firmware from XCI or ZIP", - "MenuBarFileToolsInstallFirmwareFromDirectory": "Install a firmware from a directory", - "MenuBarHelp": "Help", - "MenuBarHelpCheckForUpdates": "Check for Updates", - "MenuBarHelpAbout": "About", - "MenuSearch": "Search...", - "GameListHeaderFavorite": "Fav", - "GameListHeaderIcon": "Icon", - "GameListHeaderApplication": "Name", - "GameListHeaderDeveloper": "Developer", - "GameListHeaderVersion": "Version", - "GameListHeaderTimePlayed": "Play Time", - "GameListHeaderLastPlayed": "Last Played", - "GameListHeaderFileExtension": "File Ext", - "GameListHeaderFileSize": "File Size", - "GameListHeaderPath": "Path", - "GameListContextMenuOpenUserSaveDirectory": "Open User Save Directory", - "GameListContextMenuOpenUserSaveDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's User Save", - "GameListContextMenuOpenUserDeviceDirectory": "Open User Device Directory", - "GameListContextMenuOpenUserDeviceDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's Device Save", - "GameListContextMenuOpenUserBcatDirectory": "Open User BCAT Directory", - "GameListContextMenuOpenUserBcatDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's BCAT Save", - "GameListContextMenuManageTitleUpdates": "Manage Title Updates", - "GameListContextMenuManageTitleUpdatesToolTip": "Opens the Title Update management window", - "GameListContextMenuManageDlc": "Manage DLC", - "GameListContextMenuManageDlcToolTip": "Opens the DLC management window", - "GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectory": "Open Mods Directory", - "GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's Mods", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagement": "Cache Management", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgePptc": "Queue PPTC Rebuild", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgePptcToolTip": "Trigger PPTC to rebuild at boot time on the next game launch", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgeShaderCache": "Purge Shader Cache", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementPurgeShaderCacheToolTip": "Deletes Application's shader cache", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenPptcDirectory": "Open PPTC Directory", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenPptcDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's PPTC cache", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenShaderCacheDirectory": "Open Shader Cache Directory", - "GameListContextMenuCacheManagementOpenShaderCacheDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's shader cache", - "GameListContextMenuExtractData": "Extract Data", - "GameListContextMenuExtractDataExeFS": "ExeFS", - "GameListContextMenuExtractDataExeFSToolTip": "Extract the ExeFS section from Application's current config (including updates)", - "GameListContextMenuExtractDataRomFS": "RomFS", - "GameListContextMenuExtractDataRomFSToolTip": "Extract the RomFS section from Application's current config (including updates)", - "GameListContextMenuExtractDataLogo": "Logo", - "GameListContextMenuExtractDataLogoToolTip": "Extract the Logo section from Application's current config (including updates)", - "StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} Games Loaded", - "StatusBarSystemVersion": "System Version: {0}", - "Settings": "Settings", - "SettingsTabGeneral": "User Interface", - "SettingsTabGeneralGeneral": "General", - "SettingsTabGeneralEnableDiscordRichPresence": "Enable Discord Rich Presence", - "SettingsTabGeneralCheckUpdatesOnLaunch": "Check for Updates on Launch", - "SettingsTabGeneralShowConfirmExitDialog": "Show \"Confirm Exit\" Dialog", - "SettingsTabGeneralHideCursorOnIdle": "Hide Cursor on Idle", - "SettingsTabGeneralGameDirectories": "Game Directories", - "SettingsTabGeneralAdd": "Add", - "SettingsTabGeneralRemove": "Remove", - "SettingsTabSystem": "System", - "SettingsTabSystemCore": "Core", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegion": "System Region:", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionJapan": "Japan", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionUSA": "USA", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionEurope": "Europe", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionAustralia": "Australia", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionChina": "China", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionKorea": "Korea", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemRegionTaiwan": "Taiwan", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguage": "System Language:", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageJapanese": "Japanese", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageAmericanEnglish": "American English", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageFrench": "French", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageGerman": "German", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageItalian": "Italian", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageSpanish": "Spanish", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageChinese": "Chinese", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageKorean": "Korean", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageDutch": "Dutch", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguagePortuguese": "Portuguese", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageRussian": "Russian", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageTaiwanese": "Taiwanese", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageBritishEnglish": "British English", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageCanadianFrench": "Canadian French", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageLatinAmericanSpanish": "Latin American Spanish", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageSimplifiedChinese": "Simplified Chinese", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageTraditionalChinese": "Traditional Chinese", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemTimeZone": "System TimeZone:", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemTime": "System Time:", - "SettingsTabSystemEnableVsync": "VSync", - "SettingsTabSystemEnablePptc": "PPTC (Profiled Persistent Translation Cache)", - "SettingsTabSystemEnableFsIntegrityChecks": "FS Integrity Checks", - "SettingsTabSystemAudioBackend": "Audio Backend:", - "SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendDummy": "Dummy", - "SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendOpenAL": "OpenAL", - "SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendSoundIO": "SoundIO", - "SettingsTabSystemAudioBackendSDL2": "SDL2", - "SettingsTabSystemHacks": "Hacks", - "SettingsTabSystemHacksNote": " (may cause instability)", - "SettingsTabSystemExpandDramSize": "Use alternative memory layout (Developers)", - "SettingsTabSystemIgnoreMissingServices": "Ignore Missing Services", - "SettingsTabGraphics": "Graphics", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAPI": "Graphics API", - "SettingsTabGraphicsEnableShaderCache": "Enable Shader Cache", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering": "Anisotropic Filtering:", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFilteringAuto": "Auto", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering2x": "2x", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering4x": "4x", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering8x": "8x", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAnisotropicFiltering16x": "16x", - "SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale": "Resolution Scale:", - "SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScaleCustom": "Custom (Not recommended)", - "SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScaleNative": "Native (720p/1080p)", - "SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale2x": "2x (1440p/2160p)", - "SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale3x": "3x (2160p/3240p)", - "SettingsTabGraphicsResolutionScale4x": "4x (2880p/4320p)", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio": "Aspect Ratio:", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio4x3": "4:3", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio16x9": "16:9", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio16x10": "16:10", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio21x9": "21:9", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatio32x9": "32:9", - "SettingsTabGraphicsAspectRatioStretch": "Stretch to Fit Window", - "SettingsTabGraphicsDeveloperOptions": "Developer Options", - "SettingsTabGraphicsShaderDumpPath": "Graphics Shader Dump Path:", - "SettingsTabLogging": "Logging", - "SettingsTabLoggingLogging": "Logging", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableLoggingToFile": "Enable Logging to File", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableStubLogs": "Enable Stub Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableInfoLogs": "Enable Info Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableWarningLogs": "Enable Warning Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableErrorLogs": "Enable Error Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableTraceLogs": "Enable Trace Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableGuestLogs": "Enable Guest Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableFsAccessLogs": "Enable Fs Access Logs", - "SettingsTabLoggingFsGlobalAccessLogMode": "Fs Global Access Log Mode:", - "SettingsTabLoggingDeveloperOptions": "Developer Options (WARNING: Will reduce performance)", - "SettingsTabLoggingOpenglLogLevel": "OpenGL Log Level:", - "SettingsTabLoggingOpenglLogLevelNone": "None", - "SettingsTabLoggingOpenglLogLevelError": "Error", - "SettingsTabLoggingOpenglLogLevelPerformance": "Slowdowns", - "SettingsTabLoggingOpenglLogLevelAll": "All", - "SettingsTabLoggingEnableDebugLogs": "Enable Debug Logs", - "SettingsTabInput": "Input", - "SettingsTabInputEnableDockedMode": "Docked Mode", - "SettingsTabInputDirectKeyboardAccess": "Direct Keyboard Access", - "SettingsButtonSave": "Save", - "SettingsButtonClose": "Close", - "SettingsButtonOk": "OK", - "SettingsButtonCancel": "Cancel", - "SettingsButtonApply": "Apply", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer": "Player", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer1": "Player 1", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer2": "Player 2", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer3": "Player 3", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer4": "Player 4", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer5": "Player 5", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer6": "Player 6", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer7": "Player 7", - "ControllerSettingsPlayer8": "Player 8", - "ControllerSettingsHandheld": "Handheld", - "ControllerSettingsInputDevice": "Input Device", - "ControllerSettingsRefresh": "Refresh", - "ControllerSettingsDeviceDisabled": "Disabled", - "ControllerSettingsControllerType": "Controller Type", - "ControllerSettingsControllerTypeHandheld": "Handheld", - "ControllerSettingsControllerTypeProController": "Pro Controller", - "ControllerSettingsControllerTypeJoyConPair": "JoyCon Pair", - "ControllerSettingsControllerTypeJoyConLeft": "JoyCon Left", - "ControllerSettingsControllerTypeJoyConRight": "JoyCon Right", - "ControllerSettingsProfile": "Profile", - "ControllerSettingsProfileDefault": "Default", - "ControllerSettingsLoad": "Load", - "ControllerSettingsAdd": "Add", - "ControllerSettingsRemove": "Remove", - "ControllerSettingsButtons": "Buttons", - "ControllerSettingsButtonA": "A", - "ControllerSettingsButtonB": "B", - "ControllerSettingsButtonX": "X", - "ControllerSettingsButtonY": "Y", - "ControllerSettingsButtonPlus": "+", - "ControllerSettingsButtonMinus": "-", - "ControllerSettingsDPad": "Directional Pad", - "ControllerSettingsDPadUp": "Up", - "ControllerSettingsDPadDown": "Down", - "ControllerSettingsDPadLeft": "Left", - "ControllerSettingsDPadRight": "Right", - "ControllerSettingsLStick": "Left Stick", - "ControllerSettingsLStickButton": "Button", - "ControllerSettingsLStickUp": "Up", - "ControllerSettingsLStickDown": "Down", - "ControllerSettingsLStickLeft": "Left", - "ControllerSettingsLStickRight": "Right", - "ControllerSettingsLStickStick": "Stick", - "ControllerSettingsLStickInvertXAxis": "Invert Stick X", - "ControllerSettingsLStickInvertYAxis": "Invert Stick Y", - "ControllerSettingsLStickDeadzone": "Deadzone:", - "ControllerSettingsRStick": "Right Stick", - "ControllerSettingsRStickButton": "Button", - "ControllerSettingsRStickUp": "Up", - "ControllerSettingsRStickDown": "Down", - "ControllerSettingsRStickLeft": "Left", - "ControllerSettingsRStickRight": "Right", - "ControllerSettingsRStickStick": "Stick", - "ControllerSettingsRStickInvertXAxis": "Invert Stick X", - "ControllerSettingsRStickInvertYAxis": "Invert Stick Y", - "ControllerSettingsRStickDeadzone": "Deadzone:", - "ControllerSettingsTriggersLeft": "Triggers Left", - "ControllerSettingsTriggersRight": "Triggers Right", - "ControllerSettingsTriggersButtonsLeft": "Trigger Buttons Left", - "ControllerSettingsTriggersButtonsRight": "Trigger Buttons Right", - "ControllerSettingsTriggers": "Triggers", - "ControllerSettingsTriggerL": "L", - "ControllerSettingsTriggerR": "R", - "ControllerSettingsTriggerZL": "ZL", - "ControllerSettingsTriggerZR": "ZR", - "ControllerSettingsLeftSL": "SL", - "ControllerSettingsLeftSR": "SR", - "ControllerSettingsRightSL": "SL", - "ControllerSettingsRightSR": "SR", - "ControllerSettingsExtraButtonsLeft": "Buttons Left", - "ControllerSettingsExtraButtonsRight": "Buttons Right", - "ControllerSettingsMisc": "Miscellaneous", - "ControllerSettingsTriggerThreshold": "Trigger Threshold:", - "ControllerSettingsMotion": "Motion", - "ControllerSettingsMotionUseCemuhookCompatibleMotion": "Use CemuHook compatible motion", - "ControllerSettingsMotionControllerSlot": "Controller Slot:", - "ControllerSettingsMotionMirrorInput": "Mirror Input", - "ControllerSettingsMotionRightJoyConSlot": "Right JoyCon Slot:", - "ControllerSettingsMotionServerHost": "Server Host:", - "ControllerSettingsMotionGyroSensitivity": "Gyro Sensitivity:", - "ControllerSettingsMotionGyroDeadzone": "Gyro Deadzone:", - "ControllerSettingsSave": "Save", - "ControllerSettingsClose": "Close", - "UserProfilesSelectedUserProfile": "Selected User Profile:", - "UserProfilesSaveProfileName": "Save Profile Name", - "UserProfilesChangeProfileImage": "Change Profile Image", - "UserProfilesAvailableUserProfiles": "Available User Profiles:", - "UserProfilesAddNewProfile": "Create Profile", - "UserProfilesDeleteSelectedProfile": "Delete Selected", - "UserProfilesClose": "Close", - "ProfileImageSelectionTitle": "Profile Image Selection", - "ProfileImageSelectionHeader": "Choose a profile Image", - "ProfileImageSelectionNote": "You may import a custom profile image, or select an avatar from system firmware", - "ProfileImageSelectionImportImage": "Import Image File", - "ProfileImageSelectionSelectAvatar": "Select Firmware Avatar", - "InputDialogTitle": "Input Dialog", - "InputDialogOk": "OK", - "InputDialogCancel": "Cancel", - "InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Choose the Profile Name", - "InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Please Enter a Profile Name", - "InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Max Length: {0})", - "AvatarChoose": "Choose", - "AvatarSetBackgroundColor": "Set Background Color", - "AvatarClose": "Close", - "ControllerSettingsLoadProfileToolTip": "Load Profile", - "ControllerSettingsAddProfileToolTip": "Add Profile", - "ControllerSettingsRemoveProfileToolTip": "Remove Profile", - "ControllerSettingsSaveProfileToolTip": "Save Profile", - "MenuBarFileToolsTakeScreenshot": "Take Screenshot", - "MenuBarFileToolsHideUi": "Hide Ui", - "GameListContextMenuToggleFavorite": "Toggle Favorite", - "GameListContextMenuToggleFavoriteToolTip": "Toggle Favorite status of Game", - "SettingsTabGeneralTheme": "Theme", - "SettingsTabGeneralThemeCustomTheme": "Custom Theme Path", - "SettingsTabGeneralThemeBaseStyle": "Base Style", - "SettingsTabGeneralThemeBaseStyleDark": "Dark", - "SettingsTabGeneralThemeBaseStyleLight": "Light", - "SettingsTabGeneralThemeEnableCustomTheme": "Enable Custom Theme", - "ButtonBrowse": "Browse", - "ControllerSettingsConfigureGeneral": "Configure", - "ControllerSettingsRumble": "Rumble", - "ControllerSettingsRumbleStrongMultiplier": "Strong Rumble Multiplier", - "ControllerSettingsRumbleWeakMultiplier": "Weak Rumble Multiplier", - "DialogMessageSaveNotAvailableMessage": "There is no savedata for {0} [{1:x16}]", - "DialogMessageSaveNotAvailableCreateSaveMessage": "Would you like to create savedata for this game?", - "DialogConfirmationTitle": "Ryujinx - Confirmation", - "DialogUpdaterTitle": "Ryujinx - Updater", - "DialogErrorTitle": "Ryujinx - Error", - "DialogWarningTitle": "Ryujinx - Warning", - "DialogExitTitle": "Ryujinx - Exit", - "DialogErrorMessage": "Ryujinx has encountered an error", - "DialogExitMessage": "Are you sure you want to close Ryujinx?", - "DialogExitSubMessage": "All unsaved data will be lost!", - "DialogMessageCreateSaveErrorMessage": "There was an error creating the specified savedata: {0}", - "DialogMessageFindSaveErrorMessage": "There was an error finding the specified savedata: {0}", - "FolderDialogExtractTitle": "Choose the folder to extract into", - "DialogNcaExtractionMessage": "Extracting {0} section from {1}...", - "DialogNcaExtractionTitle": "Ryujinx - NCA Section Extractor", - "DialogNcaExtractionMainNcaNotFoundErrorMessage": "Extraction failure. The main NCA was not present in the selected file.", - "DialogNcaExtractionCheckLogErrorMessage": "Extraction failure. Read the log file for further information.", - "DialogNcaExtractionSuccessMessage": "Extraction completed successfully.", - "DialogUpdaterConvertFailedMessage": "Failed to convert the current Ryujinx version.", - "DialogUpdaterCancelUpdateMessage": "Cancelling Update!", - "DialogUpdaterAlreadyOnLatestVersionMessage": "You are already using the most updated version of Ryujinx!", - "DialogUpdaterFailedToGetVersionMessage": "An error has occurred when trying to get release information from Github Release. This can be caused if a new release is being compiled by GitHub Actions. Try again in a few minutes.", - "DialogUpdaterConvertFailedGithubMessage": "Failed to convert the received Ryujinx version from Github Release.", - "DialogUpdaterDownloadingMessage": "Downloading Update...", - "DialogUpdaterExtractionMessage": "Extracting Update...", - "DialogUpdaterRenamingMessage": "Renaming Update...", - "DialogUpdaterAddingFilesMessage": "Adding New Update...", - "DialogUpdaterCompleteMessage": "Update Complete!", - "DialogUpdaterRestartMessage": "Do you want to restart Ryujinx now?", - "DialogUpdaterArchNotSupportedMessage": "You are not running a supported system architecture!", - "DialogUpdaterArchNotSupportedSubMessage": "(Only x64 systems are supported!)", - "DialogUpdaterNoInternetMessage": "You are not connected to the Internet!", - "DialogUpdaterNoInternetSubMessage": "Please verify that you have a working Internet connection!", - "DialogUpdaterDirtyBuildMessage": "You Cannot update a Dirty build of Ryujinx!", - "DialogUpdaterDirtyBuildSubMessage": "Please download Ryujinx at https://ryujinx.org/ if you are looking for a supported version.", - "DialogRestartRequiredMessage": "Restart Required", - "DialogThemeRestartMessage": "Theme has been saved. A restart is needed to apply the theme.", - "DialogThemeRestartSubMessage": "Do you want to restart", - "DialogFirmwareInstallEmbeddedMessage": "Would you like to install the firmware embedded in this game? (Firmware {0})", - "DialogFirmwareInstallEmbeddedSuccessMessage": "No installed firmware was found but Ryujinx was able to install firmware {0} from the provided game.\\nThe emulator will now start.", - "DialogFirmwareNoFirmwareInstalledMessage": "No Firmware Installed", - "DialogFirmwareInstalledMessage": "Firmware {0} was installed", - "DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Open Settings Window", - "DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Controller Applet", - "DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Error displaying Message Dialog: {0}", - "DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Error displaying Software Keyboard: {0}", - "DialogErrorAppletErrorExceptionMessage": "Error displaying ErrorApplet Dialog: {0}", - "DialogUserErrorDialogMessage": "{0}: {1}", - "DialogUserErrorDialogInfoMessage": "\nFor more information on how to fix this error, follow our Setup Guide.", - "DialogUserErrorDialogTitle": "Ryujinx Error ({0})", - "DialogAmiiboApiTitle": "Amiibo API", - "DialogAmiiboApiFailFetchMessage": "An error occured while fetching information from the API.", - "DialogAmiiboApiConnectErrorMessage": "Unable to connect to Amiibo API server. The service may be down or you may need to verify your internet connection is online.", - "DialogProfileInvalidProfileErrorMessage": "Profile {0} is incompatible with the current input configuration system.", - "DialogProfileDefaultProfileOverwriteErrorMessage": "Default Profile can not be overwritten", - "DialogProfileDeleteProfileTitle": "Deleting Profile", - "DialogProfileDeleteProfileMessage": "This action is irreversible, are you sure you want to continue?", - "DialogWarning": "Warning", - "DialogPPTCDeletionMessage": "You are about to queue a PPTC rebuild on the next boot of:\n\n{0}\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?", - "DialogPPTCDeletionErrorMessage": "Error purging PPTC cache at {0}: {1}", - "DialogShaderDeletionMessage": "You are about to delete the Shader cache for :\n\n{0}\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?", - "DialogShaderDeletionErrorMessage": "Error purging Shader cache at {0}: {1}", - "DialogRyujinxErrorMessage": "Ryujinx has encountered an error", - "DialogInvalidTitleIdErrorMessage": "UI error: The selected game did not have a valid title ID", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareNotFoundErrorMessage": "A valid system firmware was not found in {0}.", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallTitle": "Install Firmware {0}", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallMessage": "System version {0} will be installed.", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallSubMessage": "\n\nThis will replace the current system version {0}.", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallConfirmMessage": "\n\nDo you want to continue?", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallWaitMessage": "Installing firmware...", - "DialogFirmwareInstallerFirmwareInstallSuccessMessage": "System version {0} successfully installed.", - "DialogUserProfileDeletionWarningMessage": "There would be no other profiles to be opened if selected profile is deleted", - "DialogUserProfileDeletionConfirmMessage": "Do you want to delete the selected profile", - "DialogControllerSettingsModifiedConfirmMessage": "The current controller settings has been updated.", - "DialogControllerSettingsModifiedConfirmSubMessage": "Do you want to save?", - "DialogDlcLoadNcaErrorMessage": "{0}. Errored File: {1}", - "DialogDlcNoDlcErrorMessage": "The specified file does not contain a DLC for the selected title!", - "DialogPerformanceCheckLoggingEnabledMessage": "You have trace logging enabled, which is designed to be used by developers only.", - "DialogPerformanceCheckLoggingEnabledConfirmMessage": "For optimal performance, it's recommended to disable trace logging. Would you like to disable trace logging now?", - "DialogPerformanceCheckShaderDumpEnabledMessage": "You have shader dumping enabled, which is designed to be used by developers only.", - "DialogPerformanceCheckShaderDumpEnabledConfirmMessage": "For optimal performance, it's recommended to disable shader dumping. Would you like to disable shader dumping now?", - "DialogLoadAppGameAlreadyLoadedMessage": "A game has already been loaded", - "DialogLoadAppGameAlreadyLoadedSubMessage": "Please stop emulation or close the emulator before launching another game.", - "DialogUpdateAddUpdateErrorMessage": "The specified file does not contain an update for the selected title!", - "DialogSettingsBackendThreadingWarningTitle": "Warning - Backend Threading", - "DialogSettingsBackendThreadingWarningMessage": "Ryujinx must be restarted after changing this option for it to apply fully. Depending on your platform, you may need to manually disable your driver's own multithreading when using Ryujinx's.", - "SettingsTabGraphicsFeaturesOptions": "Features", - "SettingsTabGraphicsBackendMultithreading": "Graphics Backend Multithreading:", - "CommonAuto": "Auto", - "CommonOff": "Off", - "CommonOn": "On", - "InputDialogYes": "Yes", - "InputDialogNo": "No", - "DialogProfileInvalidProfileNameErrorMessage": "The file name contains invalid characters. Please try again.", - "MenuBarOptionsPauseEmulation": "Pause", - "MenuBarOptionsResumeEmulation": "Resume", - "AboutUrlTooltipMessage": "Click to open the Ryujinx website in your default browser.", - "AboutDisclaimerMessage": "Ryujinx is not affiliated with Nintendo™,\nor any of its partners, in any way.", - "AboutAmiiboDisclaimerMessage": "AmiiboAPI (www.amiiboapi.com) is used\nin our Amiibo emulation.", - "AboutPatreonUrlTooltipMessage": "Click to open the Ryujinx Patreon page in your default browser.", - "AboutGithubUrlTooltipMessage": "Click to open the Ryujinx GitHub page in your default browser.", - "AboutDiscordUrlTooltipMessage": "Click to open an invite to the Ryujinx Discord server in your default browser.", - "AboutTwitterUrlTooltipMessage": "Click to open the Ryujinx Twitter page in your default browser.", - "AboutRyujinxAboutTitle": "About:", - "AboutRyujinxAboutContent": "Ryujinx is an emulator for the Nintendo Switch™.\nPlease support us on Patreon.\nGet all the latest news on our Twitter or Discord.\nDevelopers interested in contributing can find out more on our GitHub or Discord.", - "AboutRyujinxMaintainersTitle": "Maintained By:", - "AboutRyujinxMaintainersContentTooltipMessage": "Click to open the Contributors page in your default browser.", - "AboutRyujinxSupprtersTitle": "Supported on Patreon By:", - "AmiiboSeriesLabel": "Amiibo Series", - "AmiiboCharacterLabel": "Character", - "AmiiboScanButtonLabel": "Scan It", - "AmiiboOptionsShowAllLabel": "Show All Amiibo", - "AmiiboOptionsUsRandomTagLabel": "Hack: Use Random tag Uuid", - "DlcManagerTableHeadingEnabledLabel": "Enabled", - "DlcManagerTableHeadingTitleIdLabel": "Title ID", - "DlcManagerTableHeadingContainerPathLabel": "Container Path", - "DlcManagerTableHeadingFullPathLabel": "Full Path", - "DlcManagerRemoveAllButton": "Remove All", - "DlcManagerEnableAllButton": "Enable All", - "DlcManagerDisableAllButton": "Disable All", - "MenuBarOptionsChangeLanguage": "Change Language", - "CommonSort": "Sort", - "CommonShowNames": "Show Names", - "CommonFavorite": "Favorite", - "OrderAscending": "Ascending", - "OrderDescending": "Descending", - "SettingsTabGraphicsFeatures": "Features & Enhancements", - "ErrorWindowTitle": "Error Window", - "ToggleDiscordTooltip": "Choose whether or not to display Ryujinx on your \"currently playing\" Discord activity", - "AddGameDirBoxTooltip": "Enter a game directory to add to the list", - "AddGameDirTooltip": "Add a game directory to the list", - "RemoveGameDirTooltip": "Remove selected game directory", - "CustomThemeCheckTooltip": "Use a custom Avalonia theme for the GUI to change the appearance of the emulator menus", - "CustomThemePathTooltip": "Path to custom GUI theme", - "CustomThemeBrowseTooltip": "Browse for a custom GUI theme", - "DockModeToggleTooltip": "Docked mode makes the emulated system behave as a docked Nintendo Switch. This improves graphical fidelity in most games. Conversely, disabling this will make the emulated system behave as a handheld Nintendo Switch, reducing graphics quality.\n\nConfigure player 1 controls if planning to use docked mode; configure handheld controls if planning to use handheld mode.\n\nLeave ON if unsure.", - "DirectKeyboardTooltip": "Direct keyboard access (HID) support. Provides games access to your keyboard as a text entry device.", - "DirectMouseTooltip": "Direct mouse access (HID) support. Provides games access to your mouse as a pointing device.", - "RegionTooltip": "Change System Region", - "LanguageTooltip": "Change System Language", - "TimezoneTooltip": "Change System TimeZone", - "TimeTooltip": "Change System Time", - "VSyncToggleTooltip": "Emulated console's Vertical Sync. Essentially a frame-limiter for the majority of games; disabling it may cause games to run at higher speed or make loading screens take longer or get stuck.\n\nCan be toggled in-game with a hotkey of your preference. We recommend doing this if you plan on disabling it.\n\nLeave ON if unsure.", - "PptcToggleTooltip": "Saves translated JIT functions so that they do not need to be translated every time the game loads.\n\nReduces stuttering and significantly speeds up boot times after the first boot of a game.\n\nLeave ON if unsure.", - "FsIntegrityToggleTooltip": "Checks for corrupt files when booting a game, and if corrupt files are detected, displays a hash error in the log.\n\nHas no impact on performance and is meant to help troubleshooting.\n\nLeave ON if unsure.", - "AudioBackendTooltip": "Changes the backend used to render audio.\n\nSDL2 is the preferred one, while OpenAL and SoundIO are used as fallbacks. Dummy will have no sound.\n\nSet to SDL2 if unsure.", - "MemoryManagerTooltip": "Change how guest memory is mapped and accessed. Greatly affects emulated CPU performance.\n\nSet to HOST UNCHECKED if unsure.", - "MemoryManagerSoftwareTooltip": "Use a software page table for address translation. Highest accuracy but slowest performance.", - "MemoryManagerHostTooltip": "Directly map memory in the host address space. Much faster JIT compilation and execution.", - "MemoryManagerUnsafeTooltip": "Directly map memory, but do not mask the address within the guest address space before access. Faster, but at the cost of safety. The guest application can access memory from anywhere in Ryujinx, so only run programs you trust with this mode.", - "DRamTooltip": "Utilizes an alternative MemoryMode layout to mimic a Switch development model.\n\nThis is only useful for higher-resolution texture packs or 4k resolution mods. Does NOT improve performance.\n\nLeave OFF if unsure.", - "IgnoreMissingServicesTooltip": "Ignores unimplemented Horizon OS services. This may help in bypassing crashes when booting certain games.\n\nLeave OFF if unsure.", - "GraphicsBackendThreadingTooltip": "Executes graphics backend commands on a second thread.\n\nSpeeds up shader compilation, reduces stuttering, and improves performance on GPU drivers without multithreading support of their own. Slightly better performance on drivers with multithreading.\n\nSet to AUTO if unsure.", - "GalThreadingTooltip": "Executes graphics backend commands on a second thread.\n\nSpeeds up shader compilation, reduces stuttering, and improves performance on GPU drivers without multithreading support of their own. Slightly better performance on drivers with multithreading.\n\nSet to AUTO if unsure.", - "ShaderCacheToggleTooltip": "Saves a disk shader cache which reduces stuttering in subsequent runs.\n\nLeave ON if unsure.", - "ResolutionScaleTooltip": "Resolution Scale applied to applicable render targets", - "ResolutionScaleEntryTooltip": "Floating point resolution scale, such as 1.5. Non-integral scales are more likely to cause issues or crash.", - "AnisotropyTooltip": "Level of Anisotropic Filtering (set to Auto to use the value requested by the game)", - "AspectRatioTooltip": "Aspect Ratio applied to the renderer window.", - "ShaderDumpPathTooltip": "Graphics Shaders Dump Path", - "FileLogTooltip": "Saves console logging to a log file on disk. Does not affect performance.", - "StubLogTooltip": "Prints stub log messages in the console. Does not affect performance.", - "InfoLogTooltip": "Prints info log messages in the console. Does not affect performance.", - "WarnLogTooltip": "Prints warning log messages in the console. Does not affect performance.", - "ErrorLogTooltip": "Prints error log messages in the console. Does not affect performance.", - "TraceLogTooltip": "Prints trace log messages in the console. Does not affect performance.", - "GuestLogTooltip": "Prints guest log messages in the console. Does not affect performance.", - "FileAccessLogTooltip": "Prints file access log messages in the console.", - "FSAccessLogModeTooltip": "Enables FS access log output to the console. Possible modes are 0-3", - "DeveloperOptionTooltip": "Use with care", - "OpenGlLogLevel": "Requires appropriate log levels enabled", - "DebugLogTooltip": "Prints debug log messages in the console.\n\nOnly use this if specifically instructed by a staff member, as it will make logs difficult to read and worsen emulator performance.", - "LoadApplicationFileTooltip": "Open a file explorer to choose a Switch compatible file to load", - "LoadApplicationFolderTooltip": "Open a file explorer to choose a Switch compatible, unpacked application to load", - "OpenRyujinxFolderTooltip": "Open Ryujinx filesystem folder", - "OpenRyujinxLogsTooltip": "Opens the folder where logs are written to", - "ExitTooltip": "Exit Ryujinx", - "OpenSettingsTooltip": "Open settings window", - "OpenProfileManagerTooltip": "Open User Profiles Manager window", - "StopEmulationTooltip": "Stop emulation of the current game and return to game selection", - "CheckUpdatesTooltip": "Check for updates to Ryujinx", - "OpenAboutTooltip": "Open About Window", - "GridSize": "Grid Size", - "GridSizeTooltip": "Change the size of grid items", - "SettingsTabSystemSystemLanguageBrazilianPortuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese", - "AboutRyujinxContributorsButtonHeader": "See All Contributors", - "SettingsTabSystemAudioVolume": "Volume: ", - "AudioVolumeTooltip": "Change Audio Volume", - "SettingsTabSystemEnableInternetAccess": "Guest Internet Access/LAN Mode", - "EnableInternetAccessTooltip": "Allows the emulated application to connect to the Internet.\n\nGames with a LAN mode can connect to each other when this is enabled and the systems are connected to the same access point. This includes real consoles as well.\n\nDoes NOT allow connecting to Nintendo servers. May cause crashing in certain games that try to connect to the Internet.\n\nLeave OFF if unsure.", - "GameListContextMenuManageCheatToolTip": "Manage Cheats", - "GameListContextMenuManageCheat": "Manage Cheats", - "ControllerSettingsStickRange": "Range:", - "DialogStopEmulationTitle": "Ryujinx - Stop Emulation", - "DialogStopEmulationMessage": "Are you sure you want to stop emulation?", - "SettingsTabCpu": "CPU", - "SettingsTabAudio": "Audio", - "SettingsTabNetwork": "Network", - "SettingsTabNetworkConnection": "Network Connection", - "SettingsTabCpuCache": "CPU Cache", - "SettingsTabCpuMemory": "CPU Memory", - "DialogUpdaterFlatpakNotSupportedMessage": "Please update Ryujinx via FlatHub.", - "UpdaterDisabledWarningTitle": "Updater Disabled!", - "GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Open Atmosphere Mods Directory", - "GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the alternative SD card Atmosphere directory which contains Application's Mods. Useful for mods that are packaged for real hardware.", - "ControllerSettingsRotate90": "Rotate 90° Clockwise", - "IconSize": "Icon Size", - "IconSizeTooltip": "Change the size of game icons", - "MenuBarOptionsShowConsole": "Show Console", - "ShaderCachePurgeError": "Error purging shader cache at {0}: {1}", - "UserErrorNoKeys": "Keys not found", - "UserErrorNoFirmware": "Firmware not found", - "UserErrorFirmwareParsingFailed": "Firmware parsing error", - "UserErrorApplicationNotFound": "Application not found", - "UserErrorUnknown": "Unknown error", - "UserErrorUndefined": "Undefined error", - "UserErrorNoKeysDescription": "Ryujinx was unable to find your 'prod.keys' file", - "UserErrorNoFirmwareDescription": "Ryujinx was unable to find any firmwares installed", - "UserErrorFirmwareParsingFailedDescription": "Ryujinx was unable to parse the provided firmware. This is usually caused by outdated keys.", - "UserErrorApplicationNotFoundDescription": "Ryujinx couldn't find a valid application at the given path.", - "UserErrorUnknownDescription": "An unknown error occured!", - "UserErrorUndefinedDescription": "An undefined error occured! This shouldn't happen, please contact a dev!", - "OpenSetupGuideMessage": "Open the Setup Guide", - "NoUpdate": "No Update", - "TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Version {0} - {1}", - "RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Info", - "RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Confirmation", - "FileDialogAllTypes": "All types", - "Never": "Never", - "SwkbdMinCharacters": "Must be at least {0} characters long", - "SwkbdMinRangeCharacters": "Must be {0}-{1} characters long", - "SoftwareKeyboard": "Software Keyboard", - "DialogControllerAppletMessagePlayerRange": "Application requests {0} player(s) with:\n\nTYPES: {1}\n\nPLAYERS: {2}\n\n{3}Please open Settings and reconfigure Input now or press Close.", - "DialogControllerAppletMessage": "Application requests exactly {0} player(s) with:\n\nTYPES: {1}\n\nPLAYERS: {2}\n\n{3}Please open Settings and reconfigure Input now or press Close.", - "DialogControllerAppletDockModeSet": "Docked mode set. Handheld is also invalid.\n\n", - "UpdaterRenaming": "Renaming Old Files...", - "UpdaterRenameFailed": "Updater was unable to rename file: {0}", - "UpdaterAddingFiles": "Adding New Files...", - "UpdaterExtracting": "Extracting Update...", - "UpdaterDownloading": "Downloading Update...", - "Game": "Game", - "Docked": "Docked", - "Handheld": "Handheld", - "ConnectionError": "Connection Error.", - "AboutPageDeveloperListMore": "{0} and more...", - "ApiError": "API Error.", - "LoadingHeading": "Loading {0}", - "CompilingPPTC": "Compiling PTC", - "CompilingShaders": "Compiling Shaders", - "AllKeyboards": "All keyboards", - "OpenFileDialogTitle": "Select a supported file to open", - "OpenFolderDialogTitle": "Select a folder with an unpacked game", - "AllSupportedFormats": "All Supported Formats", - "RyujinxUpdater": "Ryujinx Updater", - "SettingsTabHotkeys": "Keyboard Hotkeys", - "SettingsTabHotkeysHotkeys": "Keyboard Hotkeys", - "SettingsTabHotkeysToggleVsyncHotkey": "Toggle VSync:", - "SettingsTabHotkeysScreenshotHotkey": "Screenshot:", - "SettingsTabHotkeysShowUiHotkey": "Show UI:", - "SettingsTabHotkeysPauseHotkey": "Pause:", - "SettingsTabHotkeysToggleMuteHotkey": "Mute:", - "ControllerMotionTitle": "Motion Control Settings", - "ControllerRumbleTitle": "Rumble Settings", - "SettingsSelectThemeFileDialogTitle": "Select Theme File", - "SettingsXamlThemeFile": "Xaml Theme File", - "AvatarWindowTitle": "Manage Accounts - Avatar", - "Amiibo": "Amiibo", - "Unknown": "Unknown", - "Usage": "Usage", - "Writable": "Writable", - "SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Select DLC files", - "SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Select update files", - "UserProfileWindowTitle": "User Profiles Manager", - "CheatWindowTitle": "Cheats Manager", - "DlcWindowTitle": "Downloadable Content Manager", - "UpdateWindowTitle": "Title Update Manager", - "CheatWindowHeading": "Cheats Available for {0} [{1}]", - "DlcWindowHeading": "{0} Downloadable Content(s) available for {1} ({2})", - "UserProfilesEditProfile": "Edit Selected", - "Cancel": "Cancel", - "Save": "Save", - "Discard": "Discard", - "UserProfilesSetProfileImage": "Set Profile Image", - "UserProfileEmptyNameError": "Name is required", - "UserProfileNoImageError": "Profile image must be set", - "GameUpdateWindowHeading": "{0} Update(s) available for {1} ({2})", - "SettingsTabHotkeysResScaleUpHotkey": "Increase resolution:", - "SettingsTabHotkeysResScaleDownHotkey": "Decrease resolution:", - "UserProfilesName": "Name:", - "UserProfilesUserId": "User Id:", - "SettingsTabGraphicsBackend": "Graphics Backend", - "SettingsTabGraphicsBackendTooltip": "Graphics Backend to use", - "SettingsEnableTextureRecompression": "Enable Texture Recompression", - "SettingsEnableTextureRecompressionTooltip": "Compresses certain textures in order to reduce VRAM usage.\n\nRecommended for use with GPUs that have less than 4GiB VRAM.\n\nLeave OFF if unsure.", - "SettingsTabGraphicsPreferredGpu": "Preferred GPU", - "SettingsTabGraphicsPreferredGpuTooltip": "Select the graphics card that will be used with the Vulkan graphics backend.\n\nDoes not affect the GPU that OpenGL will use.\n\nSet to the GPU flagged as \"dGPU\" if unsure. If there isn't one, leave untouched.", - "SettingsAppRequiredRestartMessage": "Ryujinx Restart Required", - "SettingsGpuBackendRestartMessage": "Graphics Backend or GPU settings have been modified. This will require a restart to be applied", - "SettingsGpuBackendRestartSubMessage": "Do you want to restart now?", - "RyujinxUpdaterMessage": "Do you want to update Ryujinx to the latest version?", - "SettingsTabHotkeysVolumeUpHotkey": "Increase Volume:", - "SettingsTabHotkeysVolumeDownHotkey": "Decrease Volume:", - "SettingsEnableMacroHLE": "Enable Macro HLE", - "SettingsEnableMacroHLETooltip": "High-level emulation of GPU Macro code.\n\nImproves performance, but may cause graphical glitches in some games.\n\nLeave ON if unsure.", - "VolumeShort": "Vol", - "UserProfilesManageSaves": "Manage Saves", - "DeleteUserSave": "Do you want to delete user save for this game?", - "IrreversibleActionNote": "This action is not reversible.", - "SaveManagerHeading": "Manage Saves for {0}", - "SaveManagerTitle": "Save Manager", - "Name": "Name", - "Size": "Size", - "Search": "Search", - "UserProfilesRecoverLostAccounts": "Recover Lost Accounts", - "Recover": "Recover", - "UserProfilesRecoverHeading": "Saves were found for the following accounts" -}