Vulkan spec states that input topology should always be PatchList when a tessellation pipeline is present. The AMD GPU on windows crashes so hard it BSODs the machine if this isn't the case, so it's forced here just in case.
I'm not sure what providing a different topology here would even do, as you'd think it would always be a patch list input.
This barrier has always been missing, but it only became apparent when #7012 merged.
I also added some barriers in case the target buffer used here is used by other commands, though right now it isn't.
Fixes a regression where water would turn white on AMD GPUs with the proprietary driver. May fix other issues on this driver.
* More guarantees for buffer correct placement, defer guest requested buffers
* Split RP on indirect barrier rn
* Better handling for feedback loops.
* Qualcomm barriers suck too
* Fix condition
* Remove unused field
* Allow render pass barriers on turnip for now
* Do not use template updates for buffer textures and buffer images
* No need to do it for images
* Simply buffer texture existence check
* Pipeline is now unused on DescriptorSetUpdater
* Fix some validation errors
* Whitespace correction
* Resolve some runtime validation errors.
* Whitespace
* Properly fix usage realted validation error by setting Extended Usage image creation flag.
* Only if supported
* Remove checking extension for features that are core functionality of Vulkan 1.2
* Ensure descriptor sets are only re-used when all command buffers using it have completed
* Fix some SPIR-V capabilities
* Set update after bind flag if we exceed limits
* Simpler fix for Intel
* Format whitespace
* Make struct readonly
* Add barriers for extra set arrays too
* Dynamic state for Depth Bounds should not be passed to PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo as the command to set them is never called.
Do not pass pointer to viewport and scissor as those dynamic states should be supported on all devices.
Same as above for DepthBias values.
* Code Review Suggestion
* Pipeline derivation is not implemented and is not suggested.
* Depth Bounds are not used.
* feat: add new types MemoryOwner and SpanOwner
* use SpanOwner instead of new array allocation
* change for loop condition to `fences.Length` instead of `count` to elide Span boundary checks on `fences`
VUID-vkCmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT-None-09422(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1559328192 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT-None-09422 ] Object 0: handle = 0x25f0eb40170, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xa30e8a40 | vkCmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT(): extendedDynamicState2PatchControlPoints or shaderObject feature is not enabled. The Vulkan spec states: At least one of the following must be true: The extendedDynamicState2PatchControlPoints feature is enabled The shaderObject feature is enabled (
Objects: 1
[0] 0x25f0eb40170, type: 6, name: NULL
VUID-vkCmdDraw-logicOp-04878(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 282117419 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdDraw-logicOp-04878 ] Object 0: handle = 0x2db247c7370, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; Object 1: handle = 0x81dc7e0000000305, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_PIPELINE; | MessageID = 0x10d0c52b | vkCmdDraw(): VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_LOGIC_OP_EXT state not set for this command buffer. The Vulkan spec states: If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_LOGIC_OP_EXT dynamic state enabled then vkCmdSetLogicOpEXT must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command and the logicOp must be a valid VkLogicOp value (
Objects: 2
[0] 0x2db247c7370, type: 6, name: NULL
[1] 0x81dc7e0000000305, type: 19, name: NULL
VUID-VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo-pDynamicStates-01442(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 1313692360 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo-pDynamicStates-01442 ] | MessageID = 0x4e4d5ac8 | vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(): pCreateInfos[0].pDynamicState has VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT at pDynamicStates[0] and pDynamicStates[28]. The Vulkan spec states: Each element of pDynamicStates must be unique (
Objects: 0
VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pDynamicStates-04132(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -206448348 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pDynamicStates-04132 ] | MessageID = 0xf3b1d924 | vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(): pCreateInfos[0].pDynamicState pDynamicStates[15] is VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT and pDynamicStates[28] is VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT. The Vulkan spec states: If the pipeline requires pre-rasterization shader state, and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT is included in the pDynamicStates array then VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT must not be present (
Objects: 0
VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pDynamicStates-04133(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -858144982 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo-pDynamicStates-04133 ] | MessageID = 0xccd9bf2a | vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(): pCreateInfos[0].pDynamicState pDynamicStates[16] is VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT and pDynamicStates[1] is VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR. The Vulkan spec states: If the pipeline requires pre-rasterization shader state, and VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT is included in the pDynamicStates array then VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR must not be present (
Objects: 0
Topology Dynamic State is not working as intended. Need to add check to set correct Topology class. Circle back to this later. For now revert it.
Some minor fixes.
* Report base and extra sets from the backend
* Pass texture set index everywhere
* Key textures using set and binding (rather than just binding)
* Start using extra sets for array textures
* Shader cache version bump
* Separate new commands, some PR feedback
* Introduce new manual descriptor set reservation method that prevents it from being used by something else while owned by an array
* Move bind extra sets logic to new method
* Should only use separate array is MaximumExtraSets is not zero
* Format whitespace
* intel workaround
built on top of the amd workaround
* forgot to update the note
* Logic Change
Enabled workaround for all vendors that aren't nvidia
* Applied Suggestions