using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl
    static class Declarations
         * Description of MSL Binding Strategy
         * There are a few fundamental differences between how GLSL and MSL handle I/O.
         * This comment will set out to describe the reasons why things are done certain ways
         * and to describe the overall binding model that we're striving for here.
         * Main I/O Structs
         * Each stage will have a main input and output struct labeled as [Stage][In/Out], i.e VertexIn.
         * Every attribute within these structs will be labeled with an [[attribute(n)]] property,
         * and the overall struct will be labeled with [[stage_in]] for input structs, and defined as the
         * output type of the main shader function for the output struct. This struct also contains special
         * attribute-based properties like [[position]], therefore these are not confined to 'user-defined' variables.
         * Samplers & Textures
         * Metal does not have a combined image sampler like sampler2D in GLSL, as a result we need to bind
         * an individual texture and a sampler object for each instance of a combined image sampler.
         * Therefore, the binding indices of straight up textures (i.e. without a sampler) must start
         * after the last sampler/texture pair (n + Number of Pairs).
         * Uniforms
         * MSL does not have a concept of uniforms comparable to that of GLSL. As a result, instead of
         * being declared outside of any function body, uniforms are part of the function signature in MSL.
         * This applies to anything bound to the shader not included in the main I/O structs.

        public static void Declare(CodeGenContext context, StructuredProgramInfo info)
            context.AppendLine("#include <metal_stdlib>");
            context.AppendLine("#include <simd/simd.h>");
            context.AppendLine("using namespace metal;");

            if ((info.HelperFunctionsMask & HelperFunctionsMask.SwizzleAdd) != 0)


            DeclareInputAttributes(context, info.IoDefinitions.Where(x => IsUserDefined(x, StorageKind.Input)));
            DeclareOutputAttributes(context, info.IoDefinitions.Where(x => x.StorageKind == StorageKind.Output));
            DeclareBufferStructures(context, context.Properties.ConstantBuffers.Values);
            DeclareBufferStructures(context, context.Properties.StorageBuffers.Values);

        static bool IsUserDefined(IoDefinition ioDefinition, StorageKind storageKind)
            return ioDefinition.StorageKind == storageKind && ioDefinition.IoVariable == IoVariable.UserDefined;

        public static void DeclareLocals(CodeGenContext context, StructuredFunction function, ShaderStage stage)
            DeclareMemories(context, context.Properties.LocalMemories.Values, isShared: false);
            switch (stage)
                case ShaderStage.Vertex:
                    context.AppendLine("VertexOut out;");
                case ShaderStage.Fragment:
                    context.AppendLine("FragmentOut out;");

            foreach (AstOperand decl in function.Locals)
                string name = context.OperandManager.DeclareLocal(decl);

                context.AppendLine(GetVarTypeName(context, decl.VarType) + " " + name + ";");

        public static string GetVarTypeName(CodeGenContext context, AggregateType type)
            return type switch
                AggregateType.Void => "void",
                AggregateType.Bool => "bool",
                AggregateType.FP32 => "float",
                AggregateType.S32 => "int",
                AggregateType.U32 => "uint",
                AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.Bool => "bool2",
                AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.FP32 => "float2",
                AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.S32 => "int2",
                AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.U32 => "uint2",
                AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.Bool => "bool3",
                AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.FP32 => "float3",
                AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.S32 => "int3",
                AggregateType.Vector3 | AggregateType.U32 => "uint3",
                AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.Bool => "bool4",
                AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32 => "float4",
                AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.S32 => "int4",
                AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.U32 => "uint4",
                _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid variable type \"{type}\"."),

        private static void DeclareMemories(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<MemoryDefinition> memories, bool isShared)
            foreach (var memory in memories)
                string arraySize = "";
                if ((memory.Type & AggregateType.Array) != 0)
                    arraySize = $"[{memory.ArrayLength}]";
                var typeName = GetVarTypeName(context, memory.Type & ~AggregateType.Array);
                context.AppendLine($"{typeName} {memory.Name}{arraySize};");

        private static void DeclareBufferStructures(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<BufferDefinition> buffers)
            foreach (BufferDefinition buffer in buffers)
                context.AppendLine($"struct Struct_{buffer.Name}");

                foreach (StructureField field in buffer.Type.Fields)
                    if (field.Type.HasFlag(AggregateType.Array) && field.ArrayLength > 0)
                        string typeName = GetVarTypeName(context, field.Type & ~AggregateType.Array);

                        context.AppendLine($"{typeName} {field.Name}[{field.ArrayLength}];");
                        string typeName = GetVarTypeName(context, field.Type & ~AggregateType.Array);

                        context.AppendLine($"{typeName} {field.Name};");


        private static void DeclareInputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<IoDefinition> inputs)
            if (context.Definitions.IaIndexing)
                // Not handled
                if (inputs.Any() || context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
                    string prefix = "";

                    switch (context.Definitions.Stage)
                        case ShaderStage.Vertex:
                            context.AppendLine($"struct VertexIn");
                        case ShaderStage.Fragment:
                            context.AppendLine($"struct FragmentIn");


                    if (context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
                        // TODO: check if it's needed
                        context.AppendLine("float4 position [[position]];");
                        context.AppendLine("bool front_facing [[front_facing]];");

                    foreach (var ioDefinition in inputs.OrderBy(x => x.Location))
                        string type = ioDefinition.IoVariable switch
                            // IoVariable.Position => "float4",
                            IoVariable.GlobalId => "uint3",
                            IoVariable.VertexId => "uint",
                            IoVariable.VertexIndex => "uint",
                            _ => GetVarTypeName(context, context.Definitions.GetUserDefinedType(ioDefinition.Location, isOutput: false))
                        string name = ioDefinition.IoVariable switch
                            // IoVariable.Position => "position",
                            IoVariable.GlobalId => "global_id",
                            IoVariable.VertexId => "vertex_id",
                            IoVariable.VertexIndex => "vertex_index",
                            _ => $"{DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix}{ioDefinition.Location}"
                        string suffix = ioDefinition.IoVariable switch
                            // IoVariable.Position => "[[position]]",
                            IoVariable.GlobalId => "[[thread_position_in_grid]]",
                            IoVariable.VertexId => "[[vertex_id]]",
                            // TODO: Avoid potential redeclaration
                            IoVariable.VertexIndex => "[[vertex_id]]",
                            IoVariable.UserDefined => context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment ? $"[[user(loc{ioDefinition.Location})]]" : $"[[attribute({ioDefinition.Location})]]",
                            _ => ""

                        context.AppendLine($"{type} {name} {suffix};");


        private static void DeclareOutputAttributes(CodeGenContext context, IEnumerable<IoDefinition> outputs)
            if (context.Definitions.IaIndexing)
                // Not handled
                if (outputs.Any() || context.Definitions.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment)
                    string prefix = "";

                    switch (context.Definitions.Stage)
                        case ShaderStage.Vertex:
                            context.AppendLine($"struct VertexOut");
                        case ShaderStage.Fragment:
                            context.AppendLine($"struct FragmentOut");
                        case ShaderStage.Compute:
                            context.AppendLine($"struct KernelOut");


                    foreach (var ioDefinition in outputs.OrderBy(x => x.Location))
                        string type = ioDefinition.IoVariable switch
                            IoVariable.Position => "float4",
                            IoVariable.PointSize => "float",
                            IoVariable.FragmentOutputColor => GetVarTypeName(context, context.Definitions.GetFragmentOutputColorType(ioDefinition.Location)),
                            IoVariable.FragmentOutputDepth => "float",
                            _ => GetVarTypeName(context, context.Definitions.GetUserDefinedType(ioDefinition.Location, isOutput: true))
                        string name = ioDefinition.IoVariable switch
                            IoVariable.Position => "position",
                            IoVariable.PointSize => "point_size",
                            IoVariable.FragmentOutputColor => $"color{ioDefinition.Location}",
                            IoVariable.FragmentOutputDepth => "depth",
                            _ => $"{DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix}{ioDefinition.Location}"
                        string suffix = ioDefinition.IoVariable switch
                            IoVariable.Position => "[[position]]",
                            IoVariable.PointSize => "[[point_size]]",
                            IoVariable.UserDefined => $"[[user(loc{ioDefinition.Location})]]",
                            IoVariable.FragmentOutputColor => $"[[color({ioDefinition.Location})]]",
                            IoVariable.FragmentOutputDepth => "[[depth(any)]]",
                            _ => ""

                        context.AppendLine($"{type} {name} {suffix};");
