using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Avalonia; using Avalonia.Platform; using Avalonia.Skia; using Avalonia.X11; using Ryujinx.Ava.Ui.Vulkan; using Silk.NET.Vulkan; using SkiaSharp; namespace Ryujinx.Ava.Ui.Backend.Vulkan { public class VulkanSkiaGpu : ISkiaGpu { private readonly VulkanPlatformInterface _vulkan; private readonly long? _maxResourceBytes; private GRContext _grContext; private GRVkBackendContext _grVkBackend; private bool _initialized; public GRContext GrContext { get => _grContext; set => _grContext = value; } public VulkanSkiaGpu(long? maxResourceBytes) { _vulkan = AvaloniaLocator.Current.GetService(); _maxResourceBytes = maxResourceBytes; } private void Initialize() { if (_initialized) { return; } _initialized = true; GRVkGetProcedureAddressDelegate getProc = (string name, IntPtr instanceHandle, IntPtr deviceHandle) => { IntPtr addr = IntPtr.Zero; if (deviceHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { addr = _vulkan.Device.Api.GetDeviceProcAddr(new Device(deviceHandle), name); if (addr != IntPtr.Zero) return addr; addr = _vulkan.Device.Api.GetDeviceProcAddr(new Device(_vulkan.Device.Handle), name); if (addr != IntPtr.Zero) return addr; } addr = _vulkan.Device.Api.GetInstanceProcAddr(new Instance(_vulkan.Instance.Handle), name); if (addr == IntPtr.Zero) addr = _vulkan.Device.Api.GetInstanceProcAddr(new Instance(instanceHandle), name); return addr; }; _grVkBackend = new GRVkBackendContext() { VkInstance = _vulkan.Device.Handle, VkPhysicalDevice = _vulkan.PhysicalDevice.Handle, VkDevice = _vulkan.Device.Handle, VkQueue = _vulkan.Device.Queue.Handle, GraphicsQueueIndex = _vulkan.PhysicalDevice.QueueFamilyIndex, GetProcedureAddress = getProc }; _grContext = GRContext.CreateVulkan(_grVkBackend); if (_maxResourceBytes.HasValue) { _grContext.SetResourceCacheLimit(_maxResourceBytes.Value); } } public ISkiaGpuRenderTarget TryCreateRenderTarget(IEnumerable surfaces) { foreach (var surface in surfaces) { VulkanWindowSurface window; if (surface is IPlatformHandle handle) { window = new VulkanWindowSurface(handle.Handle); } else if (surface is X11FramebufferSurface x11FramebufferSurface) { // As of Avalonia 0.10.13, an IPlatformHandle isn't passed for linux, so use reflection to otherwise get the window id var xId = (IntPtr)x11FramebufferSurface.GetType().GetField( "_xid", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(x11FramebufferSurface); window = new VulkanWindowSurface(xId); } else { continue; } var vulkanRenderTarget = new VulkanRenderTarget(_vulkan, window); Initialize(); vulkanRenderTarget.GrContext = _grContext; return vulkanRenderTarget; } return null; } public ISkiaSurface TryCreateSurface(PixelSize size, ISkiaGpuRenderSession session) { return null; } } }