using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using SharpMetal.Foundation; using SharpMetal.Metal; using SharpMetal.QuartzCore; using System; using System.Runtime.Versioning; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Metal { public enum EncoderType { Blit, Compute, Render, None } [SupportedOSPlatform("macos")] class Pipeline : IPipeline, IEncoderFactory, IDisposable { private const ulong MinByteWeightForFlush = 256 * 1024 * 1024; // MiB private readonly MTLDevice _device; private readonly MetalRenderer _renderer; private EncoderStateManager _encoderStateManager; private ulong _byteWeight; public MTLCommandBuffer CommandBuffer; public IndexBufferPattern QuadsToTrisPattern; public IndexBufferPattern TriFanToTrisPattern; internal CommandBufferScoped? PreloadCbs { get; private set; } internal CommandBufferScoped Cbs { get; private set; } internal CommandBufferEncoder Encoders => Cbs.Encoders; internal EncoderType CurrentEncoderType => Encoders.CurrentEncoderType; public Pipeline(MTLDevice device, MetalRenderer renderer) { _device = device; _renderer = renderer; renderer.CommandBufferPool.Initialize(this); CommandBuffer = (Cbs = _renderer.CommandBufferPool.Rent()).CommandBuffer; } internal void InitEncoderStateManager(BufferManager bufferManager) { _encoderStateManager = new EncoderStateManager(_device, bufferManager, this); QuadsToTrisPattern = new IndexBufferPattern(_renderer, 4, 6, 0, [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3], 4, false); TriFanToTrisPattern = new IndexBufferPattern(_renderer, 3, 3, 2, [int.MinValue, -1, 0], 1, true); } public EncoderState SwapState(EncoderState state, DirtyFlags flags = DirtyFlags.All, bool endRenderPass = true) { if (endRenderPass && CurrentEncoderType == EncoderType.Render) { EndCurrentPass(); } return _encoderStateManager.SwapState(state, flags); } public PredrawState SavePredrawState() { return _encoderStateManager.SavePredrawState(); } public void RestorePredrawState(PredrawState state) { _encoderStateManager.RestorePredrawState(state); } public void SetClearLoadAction(bool clear) { _encoderStateManager.SetClearLoadAction(clear); } public MTLRenderCommandEncoder GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(bool forDraw = false) { MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder = Cbs.Encoders.EnsureRenderEncoder(); if (forDraw) { _encoderStateManager.RebindRenderState(renderCommandEncoder); } return renderCommandEncoder; } public MTLBlitCommandEncoder GetOrCreateBlitEncoder() { return Cbs.Encoders.EnsureBlitEncoder(); } public MTLComputeCommandEncoder GetOrCreateComputeEncoder(bool forDispatch = false) { MTLComputeCommandEncoder computeCommandEncoder = Cbs.Encoders.EnsureComputeEncoder(); if (forDispatch) { _encoderStateManager.RebindComputeState(computeCommandEncoder); } return computeCommandEncoder; } public void EndCurrentPass() { Cbs.Encoders.EndCurrentPass(); } public MTLRenderCommandEncoder CreateRenderCommandEncoder() { return _encoderStateManager.CreateRenderCommandEncoder(); } public MTLComputeCommandEncoder CreateComputeCommandEncoder() { return _encoderStateManager.CreateComputeCommandEncoder(); } public void Present(CAMetalDrawable drawable, Texture src, Extents2D srcRegion, Extents2D dstRegion, bool isLinear) { // TODO: Clean this up var textureInfo = new TextureCreateInfo((int)drawable.Texture.Width, (int)drawable.Texture.Height, (int)drawable.Texture.Depth, (int)drawable.Texture.MipmapLevelCount, (int)drawable.Texture.SampleCount, 0, 0, 0, Format.B8G8R8A8Unorm, 0, Target.Texture2D, SwizzleComponent.Red, SwizzleComponent.Green, SwizzleComponent.Blue, SwizzleComponent.Alpha); var dst = new Texture(_device, _renderer, this, textureInfo, drawable.Texture, 0, 0); _renderer.HelperShader.BlitColor(Cbs, src, dst, srcRegion, dstRegion, isLinear, true); EndCurrentPass(); Cbs.CommandBuffer.PresentDrawable(drawable); FlushCommandsImpl(); // TODO: Auto flush counting _renderer.SyncManager.GetAndResetWaitTicks(); // Cleanup dst.Dispose(); } public CommandBufferScoped GetPreloadCommandBuffer() { PreloadCbs ??= _renderer.CommandBufferPool.Rent(); return PreloadCbs.Value; } public void FlushCommandsIfWeightExceeding(IAuto disposedResource, ulong byteWeight) { bool usedByCurrentCb = disposedResource.HasCommandBufferDependency(Cbs); if (PreloadCbs != null && !usedByCurrentCb) { usedByCurrentCb = disposedResource.HasCommandBufferDependency(PreloadCbs.Value); } if (usedByCurrentCb) { // Since we can only free memory after the command buffer that uses a given resource was executed, // keeping the command buffer might cause a high amount of memory to be in use. // To prevent that, we force submit command buffers if the memory usage by resources // in use by the current command buffer is above a given limit, and those resources were disposed. _byteWeight += byteWeight; if (_byteWeight >= MinByteWeightForFlush) { FlushCommandsImpl(); } } } public void FlushCommandsImpl() { EndCurrentPass(); _byteWeight = 0; if (PreloadCbs != null) { PreloadCbs.Value.Dispose(); PreloadCbs = null; } CommandBuffer = (Cbs = _renderer.CommandBufferPool.ReturnAndRent(Cbs)).CommandBuffer; _renderer.RegisterFlush(); } public void Blit( Texture src, Texture dst, Extents2D srcRegion, Extents2D dstRegion, bool isDepthOrStencil, bool linearFilter) { if (isDepthOrStencil) { _renderer.HelperShader.BlitDepthStencil(Cbs, src, dst, srcRegion, dstRegion); } else { _renderer.HelperShader.BlitColor(Cbs, src, dst, srcRegion, dstRegion, linearFilter); } } public void Barrier() { switch (CurrentEncoderType) { case EncoderType.Render: { var scope = MTLBarrierScope.Buffers | MTLBarrierScope.Textures | MTLBarrierScope.RenderTargets; MTLRenderStages stages = MTLRenderStages.RenderStageVertex | MTLRenderStages.RenderStageFragment; Encoders.RenderEncoder.MemoryBarrier(scope, stages, stages); break; } case EncoderType.Compute: { var scope = MTLBarrierScope.Buffers | MTLBarrierScope.Textures | MTLBarrierScope.RenderTargets; Encoders.ComputeEncoder.MemoryBarrier(scope); break; } } } public void ClearBuffer(BufferHandle destination, int offset, int size, uint value) { var blitCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateBlitEncoder(); var mtlBuffer = _renderer.BufferManager.GetBuffer(destination, offset, size, true).Get(Cbs, offset, size, true).Value; // Might need a closer look, range's count, lower, and upper bound // must be a multiple of 4 blitCommandEncoder.FillBuffer(mtlBuffer, new NSRange { location = (ulong)offset, length = (ulong)size }, (byte)value); } public void ClearRenderTargetColor(int index, int layer, int layerCount, uint componentMask, ColorF color) { float[] colors = [color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Alpha]; var dst = _encoderStateManager.RenderTargets[index]; // TODO: Remove workaround for Wonder which has an invalid texture due to unsupported format if (dst == null) { Logger.Warning?.PrintMsg(LogClass.Gpu, "Attempted to clear invalid render target!"); return; } _renderer.HelperShader.ClearColor(index, colors, componentMask, dst.Width, dst.Height); } public void ClearRenderTargetDepthStencil(int layer, int layerCount, float depthValue, bool depthMask, int stencilValue, int stencilMask) { var depthStencil = _encoderStateManager.DepthStencil; if (depthStencil == null) { return; } _renderer.HelperShader.ClearDepthStencil(depthValue, depthMask, stencilValue, stencilMask, depthStencil.Width, depthStencil.Height); } public void CommandBufferBarrier() { Barrier(); } public void CopyBuffer(BufferHandle src, BufferHandle dst, int srcOffset, int dstOffset, int size) { var srcBuffer = _renderer.BufferManager.GetBuffer(src, srcOffset, size, false); var dstBuffer = _renderer.BufferManager.GetBuffer(dst, dstOffset, size, true); BufferHolder.Copy(Cbs, srcBuffer, dstBuffer, srcOffset, dstOffset, size); } public void DispatchCompute(int groupsX, int groupsY, int groupsZ) { var computeCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateComputeEncoder(true); ComputeSize localSize = _encoderStateManager.ComputeLocalSize; computeCommandEncoder.DispatchThreadgroups( new MTLSize { width = (ulong)groupsX, height = (ulong)groupsY, depth = (ulong)groupsZ }, new MTLSize { width = (ulong)localSize.X, height = (ulong)localSize.Y, depth = (ulong)localSize.Z }); } public void Draw(int vertexCount, int instanceCount, int firstVertex, int firstInstance) { if (vertexCount == 0) { return; } var renderCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(true); if (TopologyUnsupported(_encoderStateManager.Topology)) { var pattern = GetIndexBufferPattern(); BufferHandle handle = pattern.GetRepeatingBuffer(vertexCount, out int indexCount); var buffer = _renderer.BufferManager.GetBuffer(handle, false); var mtlBuffer = buffer.Get(Cbs, 0, indexCount * sizeof(int)).Value; var primitiveType = TopologyRemap(_encoderStateManager.Topology).Convert(); renderCommandEncoder.DrawIndexedPrimitives( primitiveType, (ulong)indexCount, MTLIndexType.UInt32, mtlBuffer, 0); } else { var primitiveType = TopologyRemap(_encoderStateManager.Topology).Convert(); renderCommandEncoder.DrawPrimitives( primitiveType, (ulong)firstVertex, (ulong)vertexCount, (ulong)instanceCount, (ulong)firstInstance); } } private IndexBufferPattern GetIndexBufferPattern() { return _encoderStateManager.Topology switch { PrimitiveTopology.Quads => QuadsToTrisPattern, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => TriFanToTrisPattern, _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported topology: {_encoderStateManager.Topology}"), }; } private PrimitiveTopology TopologyRemap(PrimitiveTopology topology) { return topology switch { PrimitiveTopology.Quads => PrimitiveTopology.Triangles, PrimitiveTopology.QuadStrip => PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => PrimitiveTopology.Triangles, _ => topology, }; } private bool TopologyUnsupported(PrimitiveTopology topology) { return topology switch { PrimitiveTopology.Quads or PrimitiveTopology.TriangleFan or PrimitiveTopology.Polygon => true, _ => false, }; } public void DrawIndexed(int indexCount, int instanceCount, int firstIndex, int firstVertex, int firstInstance) { if (indexCount == 0) { return; } // TODO: Reindex unsupported topologies if (TopologyUnsupported(_encoderStateManager.Topology)) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Drawing indexed with unsupported topology: {_encoderStateManager.Topology}"); } var primitiveType = TopologyRemap(_encoderStateManager.Topology).Convert(); (MTLBuffer mtlBuffer, int offset, MTLIndexType type) = _encoderStateManager.IndexBuffer.GetIndexBuffer(_renderer, Cbs); if (mtlBuffer.NativePtr != IntPtr.Zero) { var renderCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(true); renderCommandEncoder.DrawIndexedPrimitives( primitiveType, (ulong)indexCount, type, mtlBuffer, (ulong)offset, (ulong)instanceCount, firstVertex, (ulong)firstInstance); } } public void DrawIndexedIndirect(BufferRange indirectBuffer) { // var renderCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(true); Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void DrawIndexedIndirectCount(BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { // var renderCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(true); Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void DrawIndirect(BufferRange indirectBuffer) { // var renderCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(true); Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void DrawIndirectCount(BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { // var renderCommandEncoder = GetOrCreateRenderEncoder(true); Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void DrawTexture(ITexture texture, ISampler sampler, Extents2DF srcRegion, Extents2DF dstRegion) { _renderer.HelperShader.DrawTexture(texture, sampler, srcRegion, dstRegion); } public void SetAlphaTest(bool enable, float reference, CompareOp op) { // This is currently handled using shader specialization, as Metal does not support alpha test. // In the future, we may want to use this to write the reference value into the support buffer, // to avoid creating one version of the shader per reference value used. } public void SetBlendState(AdvancedBlendDescriptor blend) { // Metal does not support advanced blend. } public void SetBlendState(int index, BlendDescriptor blend) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateBlendDescriptors(index, blend); } public void SetDepthBias(PolygonModeMask enables, float factor, float units, float clamp) { if (enables == 0) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateDepthBias(0, 0, 0); } else { _encoderStateManager.UpdateDepthBias(units, factor, clamp); } } public void SetDepthClamp(bool clamp) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateDepthClamp(clamp); } public void SetDepthMode(DepthMode mode) { // Metal does not support depth clip control. } public void SetDepthTest(DepthTestDescriptor depthTest) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateDepthState(depthTest); } public void SetFaceCulling(bool enable, Face face) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateCullMode(enable, face); } public void SetFrontFace(FrontFace frontFace) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateFrontFace(frontFace); } public void SetIndexBuffer(BufferRange buffer, IndexType type) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateIndexBuffer(buffer, type); } public void SetImage(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITexture texture, Format imageFormat) { if (texture is TextureBase tex) { var index = (ulong)binding; _encoderStateManager.UpdateImage(stage, index, tex); } } public void SetImageArray(ShaderStage stage, int binding, IImageArray array) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetImageArraySeparate(ShaderStage stage, int setIndex, IImageArray array) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetLineParameters(float width, bool smooth) { // Metal does not support wide-lines. } public void SetLogicOpState(bool enable, LogicalOp op) { // Metal does not support logic operations. } public void SetMultisampleState(MultisampleDescriptor multisample) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetPatchParameters(int vertices, ReadOnlySpan defaultOuterLevel, ReadOnlySpan defaultInnerLevel) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetPointParameters(float size, bool isProgramPointSize, bool enablePointSprite, Origin origin) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetPolygonMode(PolygonMode frontMode, PolygonMode backMode) { // Metal does not support polygon mode. } public void SetPrimitiveRestart(bool enable, int index) { // Always active for LineStrip and TriangleStrip // // // // Emulating disabling this is very difficult. It's unlikely for an index buffer to use the largest possible index, // so it's fine nearly all of the time. } public void SetPrimitiveTopology(PrimitiveTopology topology) { _encoderStateManager.UpdatePrimitiveTopology(topology); } public void SetProgram(IProgram program) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateProgram(program); } public void SetRasterizerDiscard(bool discard) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetRenderTargetColorMasks(ReadOnlySpan componentMask) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateRenderTargetColorMasks(componentMask); } public void SetRenderTargets(ITexture[] colors, ITexture depthStencil) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateRenderTargets(colors, depthStencil); } public void SetScissors(ReadOnlySpan> regions) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateScissors(regions); } public void SetStencilTest(StencilTestDescriptor stencilTest) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateStencilState(stencilTest); } public void SetUniformBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateUniformBuffers(buffers); } public void SetStorageBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateStorageBuffers(buffers); } internal void SetStorageBuffers(int first, ReadOnlySpan> buffers) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateStorageBuffers(first, buffers); } public void SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITexture texture, ISampler sampler) { if (texture is TextureBase tex) { if (sampler == null || sampler is Sampler) { var index = (ulong)binding; _encoderStateManager.UpdateTextureAndSampler(stage, index, tex, (Sampler)sampler); } } } public void SetTextureArray(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITextureArray array) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetTextureArraySeparate(ShaderStage stage, int setIndex, ITextureArray array) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, "Not Implemented!"); } public void SetUserClipDistance(int index, bool enableClip) { // TODO. Same as Vulkan } public void SetVertexAttribs(ReadOnlySpan vertexAttribs) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateVertexAttribs(vertexAttribs); } public void SetVertexBuffers(ReadOnlySpan vertexBuffers) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateVertexBuffers(vertexBuffers); } public void SetViewports(ReadOnlySpan viewports) { _encoderStateManager.UpdateViewports(viewports); } public void TextureBarrier() { if (CurrentEncoderType == EncoderType.Render) { Encoders.RenderEncoder.MemoryBarrier(MTLBarrierScope.Textures, MTLRenderStages.RenderStageFragment, MTLRenderStages.RenderStageFragment); } } public void TextureBarrierTiled() { TextureBarrier(); } public bool TryHostConditionalRendering(ICounterEvent value, ulong compare, bool isEqual) { // TODO: Implementable via indirect draw commands return false; } public bool TryHostConditionalRendering(ICounterEvent value, ICounterEvent compare, bool isEqual) { // TODO: Implementable via indirect draw commands return false; } public void EndHostConditionalRendering() { // TODO: Implementable via indirect draw commands } public void BeginTransformFeedback(PrimitiveTopology topology) { // Metal does not support transform feedback. } public void EndTransformFeedback() { // Metal does not support transform feedback. } public void SetTransformFeedbackBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { // Metal does not support transform feedback. } public void Dispose() { EndCurrentPass(); _encoderStateManager.Dispose(); } } }