using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Utilities;
using static Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Time.TimeZoneRule;

namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Time.TimeZone
    public class TimeZone
        private const int TimeTypeSize     = 8;
        private const int EpochYear        = 1970;
        private const int YearBase         = 1900;
        private const int EpochWeekDay     = 4;
        private const int SecondsPerMinute = 60;
        private const int MinutesPerHour   = 60;
        private const int HoursPerDays     = 24;
        private const int DaysPerWekk      = 7;
        private const int DaysPerNYear     = 365;
        private const int DaysPerLYear     = 366;
        private const int MonthsPerYear    = 12;
        private const int SecondsPerHour   = SecondsPerMinute * MinutesPerHour;
        private const int SecondsPerDay    = SecondsPerHour * HoursPerDays;

        private const int YearsPerRepeat         = 400;
        private const long AverageSecondsPerYear = 31556952;
        private const long SecondsPerRepeat      = YearsPerRepeat * AverageSecondsPerYear;

        private static readonly int[] YearLengths     = { DaysPerNYear, DaysPerLYear };
        private static readonly int[][] MonthsLengths = new int[][]
            new int[] { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
            new int[] { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }

        private const string TimeZoneDefaultRule = ",M4.1.0,M10.5.0";

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0x4, Size = 0x10)]
        private struct CalendarTimeInternal
            // NOTE: On the IPC side this is supposed to be a 16 bits value but internally this need to be a 64 bits value for ToPosixTime.
            public long  Year;
            public sbyte Month;
            public sbyte Day;
            public sbyte Hour;
            public sbyte Minute;
            public sbyte Second;

            public int CompareTo(CalendarTimeInternal other)
                if (Year != other.Year)
                    if (Year < other.Year)
                        return -1;

                    return 1;

                if (Month != other.Month)
                    return Month - other.Month;

                if (Day != other.Day)
                    return Day - other.Day;

                if (Hour != other.Hour)
                    return Hour - other.Hour;

                if (Minute != other.Minute)
                    return Minute - other.Minute;

                if (Second != other.Second)
                    return Second - other.Second;

                return 0;

        private enum RuleType

        private struct Rule
            public RuleType Type;
            public int      Day;
            public int      Week;
            public int      Month;
            public int      TransitionTime;

        private static int Detzcode32(byte[] bytes)
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                Array.Reverse(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            return BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);

        private static unsafe int Detzcode32(int* data)
            int result = *data;
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(result);
                Array.Reverse(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                result = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);

            return result;

        private static unsafe long Detzcode64(long* data)
            long result = *data;
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(result);
                Array.Reverse(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                result = BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0);

            return result;

        private static bool DifferByRepeat(long t1, long t0)
            return (t1 - t0) == SecondsPerRepeat;

        private static unsafe bool TimeTypeEquals(TimeZoneRule outRules, byte aIndex, byte bIndex)
            if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= outRules.TypeCount || bIndex < 0 || bIndex >= outRules.TypeCount)
                return false;

            TimeTypeInfo a = outRules.Ttis[aIndex];
            TimeTypeInfo b = outRules.Ttis[bIndex];

            fixed (char* chars = outRules.Chars)
                return a.GmtOffset              == b.GmtOffset &&
                       a.IsDaySavingTime        == b.IsDaySavingTime &&
                       a.IsStandardTimeDaylight == b.IsStandardTimeDaylight &&
                       a.IsGMT                  == b.IsGMT &&
                       StringUtils.CompareCStr(chars + a.AbbreviationListIndex, chars + b.AbbreviationListIndex) == 0;

        private static int GetQZName(char[] name, int namePosition, char delimiter)
            int i = namePosition;

            while (name[i] != '\0' && name[i] != delimiter)

            return i;

        private static int GetTZName(char[] name, int namePosition)
            int i = namePosition;

            char c = name[i];

            while (c != '\0' && !char.IsDigit(c) && c != ',' && c != '-' && c != '+')
                c = name[i];

            return i;

        private static bool GetNum(char[] name, ref int namePosition, out int num, int min, int max)
            num = 0;

            if (namePosition >= name.Length)
                return false;

            char c = name[namePosition];

            if (!char.IsDigit(c))
                return false;

                num = num * 10 + (c - '0');
                if (num > max)
                    return false;

                if (++namePosition >= name.Length)
                    return false;

                c = name[namePosition];
            while (char.IsDigit(c));

            if (num < min)
                return false;

            return true;

        private static bool GetSeconds(char[] name, ref int namePosition, out int seconds)
            seconds = 0;

            int num;

            bool isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out num, 0, HoursPerDays * DaysPerWekk - 1);
            if (!isValid)
                return false;

            seconds = num * SecondsPerHour;

            if (namePosition >= name.Length)
                return false;

            if (name[namePosition] == ':')
                isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out num, 0, MinutesPerHour - 1);
                if (!isValid)
                    return false;

                seconds += num * SecondsPerMinute;

                if (namePosition >= name.Length)
                    return false;

                if (name[namePosition] == ':')
                    isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out num, 0, SecondsPerMinute);
                    if (!isValid)
                        return false;

                    seconds += num;
            return true;

        private static bool GetOffset(char[] name, ref int namePosition, ref int offset)
            bool isNegative = false;

            if (namePosition >= name.Length)
                return false;

            if (name[namePosition] == '-')
                isNegative = true;
            else if (name[namePosition] == '+')

            if (namePosition >= name.Length)
                return false;

            bool isValid = GetSeconds(name, ref namePosition, out offset);
            if (!isValid)
                return false;

            if (isNegative)
                offset = -offset;

            return true;

        private static bool GetRule(char[] name, ref int namePosition, out Rule rule)
            rule = new Rule();

            bool isValid = false;

            if (name[namePosition] == 'J')

                rule.Type = RuleType.JulianDay;
                isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out rule.Day, 1, DaysPerNYear);
            else if (name[namePosition] == 'M')

                rule.Type = RuleType.MonthNthDayOfWeek;
                isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out rule.Month, 1, MonthsPerYear);

                if (!isValid)
                    return false;

                if (name[namePosition++] != '.')
                    return false;

                isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out rule.Week, 1, 5);
                if (!isValid)
                    return false;

                if (name[namePosition++] != '.')
                    return false;

                isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out rule.Day, 0, DaysPerWekk - 1);
            else if (char.IsDigit(name[namePosition]))
                rule.Type = RuleType.DayOfYear;
                isValid = GetNum(name, ref namePosition, out rule.Day, 0, DaysPerLYear - 1);
                return false;

            if (!isValid)
                return false;

            if (name[namePosition] == '/')
                return GetOffset(name, ref namePosition, ref rule.TransitionTime);
                rule.TransitionTime = 2 * SecondsPerHour;

            return true;

        private static int IsLeap(int year)
            if (((year) % 4) == 0 && (((year) % 100) != 0 || ((year) % 400) == 0))
                return 1;

            return 0;

        private static bool ParsePosixName(Span<char> name, out TimeZoneRule outRules, bool lastDitch)
            outRules = new TimeZoneRule
                Ats   = new long[TzMaxTimes],
                Types = new byte[TzMaxTimes],
                Ttis  = new TimeTypeInfo[TzMaxTypes],
                Chars = new char[TzCharsArraySize]

            int        stdLen;
            Span<char> stdName      = name;
            int        namePosition = 0;
            int        stdOffset    = 0;

            if (lastDitch)
                stdLen = 3;
                namePosition += stdLen;
                if (name[namePosition] == '<')

                    stdName = name.Slice(namePosition);

                    int stdNamePosition = namePosition;

                    namePosition = GetQZName(name.ToArray(), namePosition, '>');
                    if (name[namePosition] != '>')
                        return false;

                    stdLen = namePosition - stdNamePosition;
                    namePosition = GetTZName(name.ToArray(), namePosition);
                    stdLen = namePosition;

                if (stdLen == 0)
                    return false;

                bool isValid = GetOffset(name.ToArray(), ref namePosition, ref stdOffset);

                if (!isValid)
                    return false;

            int charCount = stdLen + 1;
            int destLen   = 0;
            int dstOffset = 0;

            Span<char> destName = name.Slice(namePosition);

            if (TzCharsArraySize < charCount)
                return false;

            if (name[namePosition] != '\0')
                if (name[namePosition] == '<')
                    destName = name.Slice(++namePosition);
                    int destNamePosition = namePosition;

                    namePosition = GetQZName(name.ToArray(), namePosition, '>');

                    if (name[namePosition] != '>')
                        return false;

                    destLen = namePosition - destNamePosition;
                    destName     = name.Slice(namePosition);
                    namePosition = GetTZName(name.ToArray(), namePosition);
                    destLen      = namePosition;

                if (destLen == 0)
                    return false;

                charCount += destLen + 1;
                if (TzCharsArraySize < charCount)
                    return false;

                if (name[namePosition] != '\0' && name[namePosition] != ',' && name[namePosition] != ';')
                    bool isValid = GetOffset(name.ToArray(), ref namePosition, ref dstOffset);

                    if (!isValid)
                        return false;
                    dstOffset = stdOffset - SecondsPerHour;

                if (name[namePosition] == '\0')
                    name = TimeZoneDefaultRule.ToCharArray();
                    namePosition = 0;

                if (name[namePosition] == ',' || name[namePosition] == ';')

                    bool IsRuleValid = GetRule(name.ToArray(), ref namePosition, out Rule start);
                    if (!IsRuleValid)
                        return false;

                    if (name[namePosition++] != ',')
                        return false;

                    IsRuleValid = GetRule(name.ToArray(), ref namePosition, out Rule end);
                    if (!IsRuleValid)
                        return false;

                    if (name[namePosition] != '\0')
                        return false;

                    outRules.TypeCount = 2;

                    outRules.Ttis[0] = new TimeTypeInfo
                        GmtOffset             = -dstOffset,
                        IsDaySavingTime       = true,
                        AbbreviationListIndex = stdLen + 1

                    outRules.Ttis[1] = new TimeTypeInfo
                        GmtOffset             = -stdOffset,
                        IsDaySavingTime       = false,
                        AbbreviationListIndex = 0

                    outRules.DefaultType = 0;

                    int  timeCount    = 0;
                    long janFirst     = 0;
                    int  janOffset    = 0;
                    int  yearBegining = EpochYear;

                        int yearSeconds = YearLengths[IsLeap(yearBegining - 1)] * SecondsPerDay;
                        if (IncrementOverflow64(ref janFirst, -yearSeconds))
                            janOffset = -yearSeconds;
                    while (EpochYear - YearsPerRepeat / 2 < yearBegining);

                    int yearLimit = yearBegining + YearsPerRepeat + 1;
                    int year;
                    for (year = yearBegining; year < yearLimit; year++)
                        int startTime = TransitionTime(year, start, stdOffset);
                        int endTime   = TransitionTime(year, end, dstOffset);

                        int yearSeconds = YearLengths[IsLeap(year)] * SecondsPerDay;

                        bool isReversed = endTime < startTime;
                        if (isReversed)
                            int swap = startTime;

                            startTime = endTime;
                            endTime   = swap;

                        if (isReversed || (startTime < endTime && (endTime - startTime < (yearSeconds + (stdOffset - dstOffset)))))
                            if (TzMaxTimes - 2 < timeCount)

                            outRules.Ats[timeCount] = janFirst;
                            if (!IncrementOverflow64(ref outRules.Ats[timeCount], janOffset + startTime))
                                outRules.Types[timeCount++] = isReversed ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
                            else if (janOffset != 0)
                                outRules.DefaultType = isReversed ? 1 : 0;

                            outRules.Ats[timeCount] = janFirst;
                            if (!IncrementOverflow64(ref outRules.Ats[timeCount], janOffset + endTime))
                                outRules.Types[timeCount++] = isReversed ? (byte)0 : (byte)1;
                                yearLimit = year + YearsPerRepeat + 1;
                            else if (janOffset != 0)
                                outRules.DefaultType = isReversed ? 0 : 1;

                        if (IncrementOverflow64(ref janFirst, janOffset + yearSeconds))

                        janOffset = 0;

                    outRules.TimeCount = timeCount;

                    // There is no time variation, this is then a perpetual DST rule
                    if (timeCount == 0)
                        outRules.TypeCount = 1;
                    else if (YearsPerRepeat < year - yearBegining)
                        outRules.GoBack  = true;
                        outRules.GoAhead = true;
                    if (name[namePosition] == '\0')
                        return false;

                    long theirStdOffset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TimeCount; i++)
                        int j = outRules.Types[i];
                        if (outRules.Ttis[j].IsStandardTimeDaylight)
                            theirStdOffset = -outRules.Ttis[j].GmtOffset;

                    long theirDstOffset = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TimeCount; i++)
                        int j = outRules.Types[i];
                        if (outRules.Ttis[j].IsDaySavingTime)
                            theirDstOffset = -outRules.Ttis[j].GmtOffset;

                    bool isDaySavingTime = false;
                    long theirOffset     = theirStdOffset;
                    for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TimeCount; i++)
                        int j = outRules.Types[i];
                        outRules.Types[i] = outRules.Ttis[j].IsDaySavingTime ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
                        if (!outRules.Ttis[j].IsGMT)
                            if (isDaySavingTime && !outRules.Ttis[j].IsStandardTimeDaylight)
                                outRules.Ats[i] += dstOffset - theirStdOffset;
                                outRules.Ats[i] += stdOffset - theirStdOffset;

                        theirOffset = -outRules.Ttis[j].GmtOffset;
                        if (outRules.Ttis[j].IsDaySavingTime)
                            theirDstOffset = theirOffset;
                            theirStdOffset = theirOffset;

                    outRules.Ttis[0] = new TimeTypeInfo
                        GmtOffset             = -stdOffset,
                        IsDaySavingTime       = false,
                        AbbreviationListIndex = 0

                    outRules.Ttis[1] = new TimeTypeInfo
                        GmtOffset             = -dstOffset,
                        IsDaySavingTime       = true,
                        AbbreviationListIndex = stdLen + 1

                    outRules.TypeCount   = 2;
                    outRules.DefaultType = 0;
                // default is perpetual standard time
                outRules.TypeCount   = 1;
                outRules.TimeCount   = 0;
                outRules.DefaultType = 0;
                outRules.Ttis[0]     = new TimeTypeInfo
                    GmtOffset             = -stdOffset,
                    IsDaySavingTime       = false,
                    AbbreviationListIndex = 0

            outRules.CharCount = charCount;

            int charsPosition = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < stdLen; i++)
                outRules.Chars[i] = stdName[i];

            charsPosition += stdLen;
            outRules.Chars[charsPosition++] = '\0';

            if (destLen != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < destLen; i++)
                    outRules.Chars[charsPosition + i] = destName[i];
                outRules.Chars[charsPosition + destLen] = '\0';

            return true;

        private static int TransitionTime(int year, Rule rule, int offset)
            int leapYear = IsLeap(year);

            int value;
            switch (rule.Type)
                case RuleType.JulianDay:
                    value = (rule.Day - 1) * SecondsPerDay;
                    if (leapYear == 1 && rule.Day >= 60)
                        value += SecondsPerDay;

                case RuleType.DayOfYear:
                    value = rule.Day * SecondsPerDay;

                case RuleType.MonthNthDayOfWeek:
                    // Here we use Zeller's Congruence to get the day of week of the first month.

                    int m1  = (rule.Month + 9) % 12 + 1;
                    int yy0 = (rule.Month <= 2) ? (year - 1) : year;
                    int yy1 = yy0 / 100;
                    int yy2 = yy0 % 100;

                    int dayOfWeek = ((26 * m1 - 2) / 10 + 1 + yy2 + yy2 / 4 + yy1 / 4 - 2 * yy1) % 7;

                    if (dayOfWeek < 0)
                        dayOfWeek += DaysPerWekk;

                    // Get the zero origin
                    int d = rule.Day - dayOfWeek;

                    if (d < 0)
                        d += DaysPerWekk;

                    for (int i = 1; i < rule.Week; i++)
                        if (d + DaysPerWekk >= MonthsLengths[leapYear][rule.Month - 1])

                        d += DaysPerWekk;

                    value = d * SecondsPerDay;
                    for (int i = 0; i < rule.Month - 1; i++)
                        value += MonthsLengths[leapYear][i] * SecondsPerDay;

                    throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown time transition!");

            return value + rule.TransitionTime + offset;

        private static bool NormalizeOverflow32(ref int ip, ref int unit, int baseValue)
            int delta;

            if (unit >= 0)
                delta = unit / baseValue;
                delta = -1 - (-1 - unit) / baseValue;

            unit -= delta * baseValue;

            return IncrementOverflow32(ref ip, delta);

        private static bool NormalizeOverflow64(ref long ip, ref long unit, long baseValue)
            long delta;

            if (unit >= 0)
                delta = unit / baseValue;
                delta = -1 - (-1 - unit) / baseValue;

            unit -= delta * baseValue;

            return IncrementOverflow64(ref ip, delta);

        private static bool IncrementOverflow32(ref int time, int j)
                time = checked(time + j);

                return false;
            catch (OverflowException)
                return true;

        private static bool IncrementOverflow64(ref long time, long j)
                time = checked(time + j);

                return false;
            catch (OverflowException)
                return true;

        internal static bool ParsePosixName(string name, out TimeZoneRule outRules)
            return ParsePosixName(name.ToCharArray(), out outRules, false);

        internal static unsafe bool LoadTimeZoneRules(out TimeZoneRule outRules, Stream inputData)
            outRules = new TimeZoneRule
                Ats   = new long[TzMaxTimes],
                Types = new byte[TzMaxTimes],
                Ttis  = new TimeTypeInfo[TzMaxTypes],
                Chars = new char[TzCharsArraySize]

            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(inputData);

            long streamLength = reader.BaseStream.Length;

            if (streamLength < Marshal.SizeOf<TzifHeader>())
                return false;

            TzifHeader header = reader.ReadStruct<TzifHeader>();

            streamLength -= Marshal.SizeOf<TzifHeader>();

            int ttisGMTCount = Detzcode32(header.TtisGMTCount);
            int ttisSTDCount = Detzcode32(header.TtisSTDCount);
            int leapCount    = Detzcode32(header.LeapCount);
            int timeCount    = Detzcode32(header.TimeCount);
            int typeCount    = Detzcode32(header.TypeCount);
            int charCount    = Detzcode32(header.CharCount);

            if (!(0 <= leapCount
                && leapCount < TzMaxLeaps
                && 0 < typeCount
                && typeCount < TzMaxTypes
                && 0 <= timeCount
                && timeCount < TzMaxTimes
                && 0 <= charCount
                && charCount < TzMaxChars
                && (ttisSTDCount == typeCount || ttisSTDCount == 0)
                && (ttisGMTCount == typeCount || ttisGMTCount == 0)))
                return false;

            if (streamLength < (timeCount * TimeTypeSize
                                 + timeCount
                                 + typeCount * 6
                                 + charCount
                                 + leapCount * (TimeTypeSize + 4)
                                 + ttisSTDCount
                                 + ttisGMTCount))
                return false;

            outRules.TimeCount = timeCount;
            outRules.TypeCount = typeCount;
            outRules.CharCount = charCount;

            byte[] workBuffer = StreamUtils.StreamToBytes(inputData);

            timeCount = 0;

            fixed (byte* workBufferPtrStart = workBuffer)
                byte* p = workBufferPtrStart;
                for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TimeCount; i++)
                    long at = Detzcode64((long*)p);
                    outRules.Types[i] = 1;

                    if (timeCount != 0 && at <= outRules.Ats[timeCount - 1])
                        if (at < outRules.Ats[timeCount - 1])
                            return false;

                        outRules.Types[i - 1] = 0;

                    outRules.Ats[timeCount++] = at;

                    p += TimeTypeSize;

                timeCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TimeCount; i++)
                    byte type = *p++;
                    if (outRules.TypeCount <= type)
                        return false;

                    if (outRules.Types[i] != 0)
                        outRules.Types[timeCount++] = type;

                outRules.TimeCount = timeCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TypeCount; i++)
                    TimeTypeInfo ttis = outRules.Ttis[i];
                    ttis.GmtOffset = Detzcode32((int*)p);
                    p += 4;

                    if (*p >= 2)
                        return false;

                    ttis.IsDaySavingTime = *p != 0;

                    int abbreviationListIndex = *p++;
                    if (abbreviationListIndex >= outRules.CharCount)
                        return false;

                    ttis.AbbreviationListIndex = abbreviationListIndex;

                    outRules.Ttis[i] = ttis;

                fixed (char* chars = outRules.Chars)
                    Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(p, outRules.CharCount, chars, outRules.CharCount);

                p += outRules.CharCount;
                outRules.Chars[outRules.CharCount] = '\0';

                for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TypeCount; i++)
                    if (ttisSTDCount == 0)
                        outRules.Ttis[i].IsStandardTimeDaylight = false;
                        if (*p >= 2)
                            return false;

                        outRules.Ttis[i].IsStandardTimeDaylight = *p++ != 0;


                for (int i = 0; i < outRules.TypeCount; i++)
                    if (ttisSTDCount == 0)
                        outRules.Ttis[i].IsGMT = false;
                        if (*p >= 2)
                            return false;

                        outRules.Ttis[i].IsGMT = *p++ != 0;


                long position = (p - workBufferPtrStart);
                long nRead    = streamLength - position;

                if (nRead < 0)
                    return false;

                // Nintendo abort in case of a TzIf file with a POSIX TZ Name too long to fit inside a TimeZoneRule.
                // As it's impossible in normal usage to achive this, we also force a crash.
                if (nRead > (TzNameMax + 1))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                char[] tempName = new char[TzNameMax + 1];
                Array.Copy(workBuffer, position, tempName, 0, nRead);

                if (nRead > 2 && tempName[0] == '\n' && tempName[nRead - 1] == '\n' && outRules.TypeCount + 2 <= TzMaxTypes)
                    tempName[nRead - 1] = '\0';

                    char[] name = new char[TzNameMax];
                    Array.Copy(tempName, 1, name, 0, nRead - 1);

                    if (ParsePosixName(name, out TimeZoneRule tempRules, false))
                        int abbreviationCount = 0;
                        charCount = outRules.CharCount;

                        fixed (char* chars = outRules.Chars)
                            for (int i = 0; i < tempRules.TypeCount; i++)
                                fixed (char* tempChars = tempRules.Chars)
                                    char* tempAbbreviation = tempChars + tempRules.Ttis[i].AbbreviationListIndex;
                                    int j;

                                    for (j = 0; j < charCount; j++)
                                        if (StringUtils.CompareCStr(chars + j, tempAbbreviation) == 0)
                                            tempRules.Ttis[i].AbbreviationListIndex = j;

                                    if (j >= charCount)
                                        int abbreviationLength = StringUtils.LengthCstr(tempAbbreviation);
                                        if (j + abbreviationLength < TzMaxChars)
                                            for (int x = 0; x < abbreviationLength; x++)
                                                chars[j + x] = tempAbbreviation[x];

                                            charCount = j + abbreviationLength + 1;

                                            tempRules.Ttis[i].AbbreviationListIndex = j;

                            if (abbreviationCount == tempRules.TypeCount)
                                outRules.CharCount = charCount;

                                // Remove trailing
                                while (1 < outRules.TimeCount && (outRules.Types[outRules.TimeCount - 1] == outRules.Types[outRules.TimeCount - 2]))

                                int i;

                                for (i = 0; i < tempRules.TimeCount; i++)
                                    if (outRules.TimeCount == 0 || outRules.Ats[outRules.TimeCount - 1] < tempRules.Ats[i])

                                while (i < tempRules.TimeCount && outRules.TimeCount < TzMaxTimes)
                                    outRules.Ats[outRules.TimeCount]   = tempRules.Ats[i];
                                    outRules.Types[outRules.TimeCount] = (byte)(outRules.TypeCount + (byte)tempRules.Types[i]);


                                for (i = 0; i < tempRules.TypeCount; i++)
                                    outRules.Ttis[outRules.TypeCount++] = tempRules.Ttis[i];

                if (outRules.TypeCount == 0)
                    return false;

                if (outRules.TimeCount > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < outRules.TimeCount; i++)
                        if (TimeTypeEquals(outRules, outRules.Types[i], outRules.Types[0]) && DifferByRepeat(outRules.Ats[i], outRules.Ats[0]))
                            outRules.GoBack = true;

                    for (int i = outRules.TimeCount - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (TimeTypeEquals(outRules, outRules.Types[outRules.TimeCount - 1], outRules.Types[i]) && DifferByRepeat(outRules.Ats[outRules.TimeCount - 1], outRules.Ats[i]))
                            outRules.GoAhead = true;

                int defaultType;

                for (defaultType = 0; defaultType < outRules.TimeCount; defaultType++)
                    if (outRules.Types[defaultType] == 0)

                defaultType = defaultType < outRules.TimeCount ? -1 : 0;

                if (defaultType < 0 && outRules.TimeCount > 0 && outRules.Ttis[outRules.Types[0]].IsDaySavingTime)
                    defaultType = outRules.Types[0];
                    while (--defaultType >= 0)
                        if (!outRules.Ttis[defaultType].IsDaySavingTime)

                if (defaultType < 0)
                    defaultType = 0;
                    while (outRules.Ttis[defaultType].IsDaySavingTime)
                        if (++defaultType >= outRules.TypeCount)
                            defaultType = 0;

                outRules.DefaultType = defaultType;

            return true;

        private static long GetLeapDaysNotNeg(long year)
            return year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400;

        private static long GetLeapDays(long year)
            if (year < 0)
                return -1 - GetLeapDaysNotNeg(-1 - year);
                return GetLeapDaysNotNeg(year);

        private static ResultCode CreateCalendarTime(long time, int gmtOffset, out CalendarTimeInternal calendarTime, out CalendarAdditionalInfo calendarAdditionalInfo)
            long year             = EpochYear;
            long timeDays         = time / SecondsPerDay;
            long remainingSeconds = time % SecondsPerDay;

            calendarTime           = new CalendarTimeInternal();
            calendarAdditionalInfo = new CalendarAdditionalInfo()
                TimezoneName = new char[8]

            while (timeDays < 0 || timeDays >= YearLengths[IsLeap((int)year)])
                long timeDelta = timeDays / DaysPerLYear;
                long delta     = timeDelta;

                if (delta == 0)
                    delta = timeDays < 0 ? -1 : 1;

                long newYear = year;

                if (IncrementOverflow64(ref newYear, delta))
                    return ResultCode.OutOfRange;

                long leapDays = GetLeapDays(newYear - 1) - GetLeapDays(year - 1);
                timeDays -= (newYear - year) * DaysPerNYear;
                timeDays -= leapDays;
                year = newYear;

            long dayOfYear = timeDays;
            remainingSeconds += gmtOffset;
            while (remainingSeconds < 0)
                remainingSeconds += SecondsPerDay;
                dayOfYear -= 1;

            while (remainingSeconds >= SecondsPerDay)
                remainingSeconds -= SecondsPerDay;
                dayOfYear += 1;

            while (dayOfYear < 0)
                if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, -1))
                    return ResultCode.OutOfRange;

                dayOfYear += YearLengths[IsLeap((int)year)];

            while (dayOfYear >= YearLengths[IsLeap((int)year)])
                dayOfYear -= YearLengths[IsLeap((int)year)];

                if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, 1))
                    return ResultCode.OutOfRange;

            calendarTime.Year                = year;
            calendarAdditionalInfo.DayOfYear = (uint)dayOfYear;

            long dayOfWeek = (EpochWeekDay + ((year - EpochYear) % DaysPerWekk) * (DaysPerNYear % DaysPerWekk) + GetLeapDays(year - 1) - GetLeapDays(EpochYear - 1) + dayOfYear) % DaysPerWekk;
            if (dayOfWeek < 0)
                dayOfWeek += DaysPerWekk;

            calendarAdditionalInfo.DayOfWeek = (uint)dayOfWeek;

            calendarTime.Hour = (sbyte)((remainingSeconds / SecondsPerHour) % SecondsPerHour);
            remainingSeconds %= SecondsPerHour;

            calendarTime.Minute = (sbyte)(remainingSeconds / SecondsPerMinute);
            calendarTime.Second = (sbyte)(remainingSeconds % SecondsPerMinute);

            int[] ip = MonthsLengths[IsLeap((int)year)];

            while (dayOfYear >= ip[calendarTime.Month])
                calendarTime.Month += 1;

                dayOfYear -= ip[calendarTime.Month];

            calendarTime.Day = (sbyte)(dayOfYear + 1);

            calendarAdditionalInfo.IsDaySavingTime = false;
            calendarAdditionalInfo.GmtOffset       = gmtOffset;

            return 0;

        private static ResultCode ToCalendarTimeInternal(TimeZoneRule rules, long time, out CalendarTimeInternal calendarTime, out CalendarAdditionalInfo calendarAdditionalInfo)
            calendarTime           = new CalendarTimeInternal();
            calendarAdditionalInfo = new CalendarAdditionalInfo()
                TimezoneName = new char[8]

            ResultCode result;

            if ((rules.GoAhead && time < rules.Ats[0]) || (rules.GoBack && time > rules.Ats[rules.TimeCount - 1]))
                long newTime = time;

                long seconds;
                long years;

                if (time < rules.Ats[0])
                    seconds = rules.Ats[0] - time;
                    seconds = time - rules.Ats[rules.TimeCount - 1];

                seconds -= 1;

                years   = (seconds / SecondsPerRepeat + 1) * YearsPerRepeat;
                seconds = years * AverageSecondsPerYear;

                if (time < rules.Ats[0])
                    newTime += seconds;
                    newTime -= seconds;

                if (newTime < rules.Ats[0] && newTime > rules.Ats[rules.TimeCount - 1])
                    return ResultCode.TimeNotFound;

                result = ToCalendarTimeInternal(rules, newTime, out calendarTime, out calendarAdditionalInfo);
                if (result != 0)
                    return result;

                if (time < rules.Ats[0])
                    calendarTime.Year -= years;
                    calendarTime.Year += years;

                return ResultCode.Success;

            int ttiIndex;

            if (rules.TimeCount == 0 || time < rules.Ats[0])
                ttiIndex = rules.DefaultType;
                int low  = 1;
                int high = rules.TimeCount;

                while (low < high)
                    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;

                    if (time < rules.Ats[mid])
                        high = mid;
                        low = mid + 1;

                ttiIndex = rules.Types[low - 1];

            result = CreateCalendarTime(time, rules.Ttis[ttiIndex].GmtOffset, out calendarTime, out calendarAdditionalInfo);

            if (result == 0)
                calendarAdditionalInfo.IsDaySavingTime = rules.Ttis[ttiIndex].IsDaySavingTime;

                    fixed (char* timeZoneAbbreviation = &rules.Chars[rules.Ttis[ttiIndex].AbbreviationListIndex])
                        int timeZoneSize = Math.Min(StringUtils.LengthCstr(timeZoneAbbreviation), 8);
                        for (int i = 0; i < timeZoneSize; i++)
                            calendarAdditionalInfo.TimezoneName[i] = timeZoneAbbreviation[i];

            return result;

        private static ResultCode ToPosixTimeInternal(TimeZoneRule rules, CalendarTimeInternal calendarTime, out long posixTime)
            posixTime = 0;

            int hour   = calendarTime.Hour;
            int minute = calendarTime.Minute;

            if (NormalizeOverflow32(ref hour, ref minute, MinutesPerHour))
                return ResultCode.Overflow;

            calendarTime.Minute = (sbyte)minute;

            int day = calendarTime.Day;
            if (NormalizeOverflow32(ref day, ref hour, HoursPerDays))
                return ResultCode.Overflow;

            calendarTime.Day  = (sbyte)day;
            calendarTime.Hour = (sbyte)hour;

            long year  = calendarTime.Year;
            long month = calendarTime.Month;

            if (NormalizeOverflow64(ref year, ref month, MonthsPerYear))
                return ResultCode.Overflow;

            calendarTime.Month = (sbyte)month;

            if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, YearBase))
                return ResultCode.Overflow;

            while (day <= 0)
                if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, -1))
                    return ResultCode.Overflow;

                long li = year;

                if (1 < calendarTime.Month)

                day += YearLengths[IsLeap((int)li)];

            while (day > DaysPerLYear)
                long li = year;

                if (1 < calendarTime.Month)

                day -= YearLengths[IsLeap((int)li)];

                if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, 1))
                    return ResultCode.Overflow;

            while (true)
                int i = MonthsLengths[IsLeap((int)year)][calendarTime.Month];

                if (day <= i)

                day -= i;
                calendarTime.Month += 1;

                if (calendarTime.Month >= MonthsPerYear)
                    calendarTime.Month = 0;
                    if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, 1))
                        return ResultCode.Overflow;

            calendarTime.Day = (sbyte)day;

            if (IncrementOverflow64(ref year, -YearBase))
                return ResultCode.Overflow;

            calendarTime.Year = year;

            int savedSeconds;

            if (calendarTime.Second >= 0 && calendarTime.Second < SecondsPerMinute)
                savedSeconds = 0;
            else if (year + YearBase < EpochYear)
                int second = calendarTime.Second;
                if (IncrementOverflow32(ref second, 1 - SecondsPerMinute))
                    return ResultCode.Overflow;

                savedSeconds = second;
                calendarTime.Second = 1 - SecondsPerMinute;
                savedSeconds = calendarTime.Second;
                calendarTime.Second = 0;

            long low  = long.MinValue;
            long high = long.MaxValue;

            while (true)
                long pivot = low / 2 + high / 2;

                if (pivot < low)
                    pivot = low;
                else if (pivot > high)
                    pivot = high;

                int direction;

                ResultCode result = ToCalendarTimeInternal(rules, pivot, out CalendarTimeInternal candidateCalendarTime, out _);
                if (result != 0)
                    if (pivot > 0)
                        direction = 1;
                        direction = -1;
                    direction = candidateCalendarTime.CompareTo(calendarTime);

                if (direction == 0)
                    long timeResult = pivot + savedSeconds;

                    if ((timeResult < pivot) != (savedSeconds < 0))
                        return ResultCode.Overflow;

                    posixTime = timeResult;
                    if (pivot == low)
                        if (pivot == long.MaxValue)
                            return ResultCode.TimeNotFound;

                        pivot += 1;
                        low += 1;
                    else if (pivot == high)
                        if (pivot == long.MinValue)
                            return ResultCode.TimeNotFound;

                        pivot -= 1;
                        high -= 1;

                    if (low > high)
                        return ResultCode.TimeNotFound;

                    if (direction > 0)
                        high = pivot;
                        low = pivot;

            return ResultCode.Success;

        internal static ResultCode ToCalendarTime(TimeZoneRule rules, long time, out CalendarInfo calendar)
            ResultCode result = ToCalendarTimeInternal(rules, time, out CalendarTimeInternal calendarTime, out CalendarAdditionalInfo calendarAdditionalInfo);

            calendar = new CalendarInfo()
                Time = new CalendarTime()
                    Year   = (short)calendarTime.Year,
                    Month  = calendarTime.Month,
                    Day    = calendarTime.Day,
                    Hour   = calendarTime.Hour,
                    Minute = calendarTime.Minute,
                    Second = calendarTime.Second
                AdditionalInfo = calendarAdditionalInfo

            return result;

        internal static ResultCode ToPosixTime(TimeZoneRule rules, CalendarTime calendarTime, out long posixTime)
            CalendarTimeInternal calendarTimeInternal = new CalendarTimeInternal()
                Year   = calendarTime.Year,
                Month  = calendarTime.Month,
                Day    = calendarTime.Day,
                Hour   = calendarTime.Hour,
                Minute = calendarTime.Minute,
                Second = calendarTime.Second

            return ToPosixTimeInternal(rules, calendarTimeInternal, out posixTime);