using Ryujinx.Common.Logging; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader; using SharpMetal.Foundation; using SharpMetal.Metal; using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Metal { [SupportedOSPlatform("macos")] public class Pipeline : IPipeline, IDisposable { private readonly MTLDevice _device; private readonly MTLCommandQueue _mtlCommandQueue; private MTLCommandBuffer _commandBuffer; private MTLCommandEncoder _currentEncoder; public MTLCommandEncoder CurrentEncoder; private RenderEncoderState _renderEncoderState; private MTLBuffer _indexBuffer; private MTLIndexType _indexType; private ulong _indexBufferOffset; public Pipeline(MTLDevice device, MTLCommandQueue commandQueue) { _device = device; _mtlCommandQueue = commandQueue; var renderPipelineDescriptor = new MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor(); var error = new NSError(IntPtr.Zero); _renderEncoderState = new(_device.NewRenderPipelineState(renderPipelineDescriptor, ref error), _device); if (error != IntPtr.Zero) { Logger.Error?.PrintMsg(LogClass.Gpu, $"Failed to create Render Pipeline State: {StringHelper.String(error.LocalizedDescription)}"); } _commandBuffer = _mtlCommandQueue.CommandBuffer(); } public void EndCurrentPass() { if (_currentEncoder != null) { _currentEncoder.EndEncoding(); _currentEncoder = null; } } public MTLRenderCommandEncoder BeginRenderPass() { EndCurrentPass(); var descriptor = new MTLRenderPassDescriptor { }; var renderCommandEncoder = _commandBuffer.RenderCommandEncoder(descriptor); _renderEncoderState.SetEncoderState(renderCommandEncoder); _currentEncoder = renderCommandEncoder; return renderCommandEncoder; } public MTLBlitCommandEncoder BeginBlitPass() { EndCurrentPass(); var descriptor = new MTLBlitPassDescriptor { }; var blitCommandEncoder = _commandBuffer.BlitCommandEncoder(descriptor); _currentEncoder = blitCommandEncoder; return blitCommandEncoder; } public void Present() { EndCurrentPass(); // TODO: Give command buffer a valid MTLDrawable // _commandBuffer.PresentDrawable(); _commandBuffer.Commit(); _commandBuffer = _mtlCommandQueue.CommandBuffer(); } public void Barrier() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ClearBuffer(BufferHandle destination, int offset, int size, uint value) { MTLBlitCommandEncoder blitCommandEncoder; if (_currentEncoder is MTLBlitCommandEncoder encoder) { blitCommandEncoder = encoder; } else { blitCommandEncoder = BeginBlitPass(); } // Might need a closer look, range's count, lower, and upper bound // must be a multiple of 4 MTLBuffer mtlBuffer = new(Unsafe.As(ref destination)); blitCommandEncoder.FillBuffer(mtlBuffer, new NSRange { location = (ulong)offset, length = (ulong)size }, (byte)value); } public void ClearRenderTargetColor(int index, int layer, int layerCount, uint componentMask, ColorF color) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void ClearRenderTargetDepthStencil(int layer, int layerCount, float depthValue, bool depthMask, int stencilValue, int stencilMask) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void CommandBufferBarrier() { // TODO: Only required for MTLHeap or untracked resources } public void CopyBuffer(BufferHandle source, BufferHandle destination, int srcOffset, int dstOffset, int size) { MTLBlitCommandEncoder blitCommandEncoder; if (CurrentEncoder is MTLBlitCommandEncoder encoder) { blitCommandEncoder = encoder; } else { blitCommandEncoder = BeginBlitPass(); } MTLBuffer sourceBuffer = new(Unsafe.As(ref source)); MTLBuffer destinationBuffer = new(Unsafe.As(ref destination)); blitCommandEncoder.CopyFromBuffer( sourceBuffer, (ulong)srcOffset, destinationBuffer, (ulong)dstOffset, (ulong)size); } public void DispatchCompute(int groupsX, int groupsY, int groupsZ) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void Draw(int vertexCount, int instanceCount, int firstVertex, int firstInstance) { MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder; if (_currentEncoder is MTLRenderCommandEncoder encoder) { renderCommandEncoder = encoder; } else { renderCommandEncoder = BeginRenderPass(); } // TODO: Support topology re-indexing to provide support for TriangleFans var primitiveType = _renderEncoderState.Topology.Convert(); renderCommandEncoder.DrawPrimitives(primitiveType, (ulong)firstVertex, (ulong)vertexCount, (ulong)instanceCount, (ulong)firstInstance); } public void DrawIndexed(int indexCount, int instanceCount, int firstIndex, int firstVertex, int firstInstance) { MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder; if (_currentEncoder is MTLRenderCommandEncoder encoder) { renderCommandEncoder = encoder; } else { renderCommandEncoder = BeginRenderPass(); } // TODO: Support topology re-indexing to provide support for TriangleFans var primitiveType = _renderEncoderState.Topology.Convert(); renderCommandEncoder.DrawIndexedPrimitives(primitiveType, (ulong)indexCount, _indexType, _indexBuffer, _indexBufferOffset, (ulong)instanceCount, firstVertex, (ulong)firstInstance); } public void DrawIndexedIndirect(BufferRange indirectBuffer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DrawIndexedIndirectCount(BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DrawIndirect(BufferRange indirectBuffer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DrawIndirectCount(BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void DrawTexture(ITexture texture, ISampler sampler, Extents2DF srcRegion, Extents2DF dstRegion) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetAlphaTest(bool enable, float reference, CompareOp op) { // Metal does not support alpha test. } public void SetBlendState(AdvancedBlendDescriptor blend) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetBlendState(int index, BlendDescriptor blend) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetDepthBias(PolygonModeMask enables, float factor, float units, float clamp) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetDepthClamp(bool clamp) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetDepthMode(DepthMode mode) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetDepthTest(DepthTestDescriptor depthTest) { var depthStencilState = _renderEncoderState.UpdateDepthState( depthTest.TestEnable ? MTLCompareFunction.Always : depthTest.Func.Convert(), depthTest.WriteEnable); if (_currentEncoder is MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder) { renderCommandEncoder.SetDepthStencilState(depthStencilState); } } public void SetFaceCulling(bool enable, Face face) { var cullMode = enable ? face.Convert() : MTLCullMode.None; if (_currentEncoder is MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder) { renderCommandEncoder.SetCullMode(cullMode); } _renderEncoderState.CullMode = cullMode; } public void SetFrontFace(FrontFace frontFace) { var winding = frontFace.Convert(); if (_currentEncoder is MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder) { renderCommandEncoder.SetFrontFacingWinding(winding); } _renderEncoderState.Winding = winding; } public void SetIndexBuffer(BufferRange buffer, IndexType type) { if (buffer.Handle != BufferHandle.Null) { _indexType = type.Convert(); _indexBufferOffset = (ulong)buffer.Offset; var handle = buffer.Handle; _indexBuffer = new(Unsafe.As(ref handle)); } } public void SetImage(int binding, ITexture texture, Format imageFormat) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetLineParameters(float width, bool smooth) { // Not supported in Metal } public void SetLogicOpState(bool enable, LogicalOp op) { // Not supported in Metal } public void SetMultisampleState(MultisampleDescriptor multisample) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetPatchParameters(int vertices, ReadOnlySpan defaultOuterLevel, ReadOnlySpan defaultInnerLevel) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetPointParameters(float size, bool isProgramPointSize, bool enablePointSprite, Origin origin) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetPolygonMode(PolygonMode frontMode, PolygonMode backMode) { // Not supported in Metal } public void SetPrimitiveRestart(bool enable, int index) { // TODO: Supported for LineStrip and TriangleStrip // // // } public void SetPrimitiveTopology(PrimitiveTopology topology) { _renderEncoderState.Topology = topology; } public void SetProgram(IProgram program) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetRasterizerDiscard(bool discard) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetRenderTargetColorMasks(ReadOnlySpan componentMask) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetRenderTargets(ITexture[] colors, ITexture depthStencil) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public unsafe void SetScissors(ReadOnlySpan> regions) { // TODO: Test max allowed scissor rects on device var mtlScissorRects = new MTLScissorRect[regions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < regions.Length; i++) { var region = regions[i]; mtlScissorRects[i] = new MTLScissorRect { height = (ulong)region.Height, width = (ulong)region.Width, x = (ulong)region.X, y = (ulong)region.Y }; } fixed (MTLScissorRect* pMtlScissorRects = mtlScissorRects) { // TODO: Fix this function which currently wont accept pointer as intended // _renderCommandEncoder.SetScissorRects(pMtlScissorRects, regions.Length); } } public void SetStencilTest(StencilTestDescriptor stencilTest) { var backFace = new MTLStencilDescriptor { StencilFailureOperation = stencilTest.BackSFail.Convert(), DepthFailureOperation = stencilTest.BackDpFail.Convert(), DepthStencilPassOperation = stencilTest.BackDpPass.Convert(), StencilCompareFunction = stencilTest.BackFunc.Convert(), ReadMask = (uint)stencilTest.BackFuncMask, WriteMask = (uint)stencilTest.BackMask }; var frontFace = new MTLStencilDescriptor { StencilFailureOperation = stencilTest.FrontSFail.Convert(), DepthFailureOperation = stencilTest.FrontDpFail.Convert(), DepthStencilPassOperation = stencilTest.FrontDpPass.Convert(), StencilCompareFunction = stencilTest.FrontFunc.Convert(), ReadMask = (uint)stencilTest.FrontFuncMask, WriteMask = (uint)stencilTest.FrontMask }; var depthStencilState = _renderEncoderState.UpdateStencilState(backFace, frontFace); if (_currentEncoder is MTLRenderCommandEncoder renderCommandEncoder) { renderCommandEncoder.SetDepthStencilState(depthStencilState); } } public void SetStorageBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetTextureAndSampler(ShaderStage stage, int binding, ITexture texture, ISampler sampler) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetUniformBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetUserClipDistance(int index, bool enableClip) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetVertexAttribs(ReadOnlySpan vertexAttribs) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetVertexBuffers(ReadOnlySpan vertexBuffers) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public unsafe void SetViewports(ReadOnlySpan viewports) { // TODO: Test max allowed viewports on device var mtlViewports = new MTLViewport[viewports.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < viewports.Length; i++) { var viewport = viewports[i]; mtlViewports[i] = new MTLViewport { originX = viewport.Region.X, originY = viewport.Region.Y, width = viewport.Region.Width, height = viewport.Region.Height, znear = viewport.DepthNear, zfar = viewport.DepthFar }; } fixed (MTLViewport* pMtlViewports = mtlViewports) { // TODO: Fix this function which currently wont accept pointer as intended // _renderCommandEncoder.SetViewports(pMtlViewports, viewports.Length); } } public void TextureBarrier() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void TextureBarrierTiled() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public bool TryHostConditionalRendering(ICounterEvent value, ulong compare, bool isEqual) { // TODO: Implementable via indirect draw commands return false; } public bool TryHostConditionalRendering(ICounterEvent value, ICounterEvent compare, bool isEqual) { // TODO: Implementable via indirect draw commands return false; } public void EndHostConditionalRendering() { // TODO: Implementable via indirect draw commands } public void BeginTransformFeedback(PrimitiveTopology topology) { // Metal does not support Transform Feedback } public void EndTransformFeedback() { // Metal does not support Transform Feedback } public void SetTransformFeedbackBuffers(ReadOnlySpan buffers) { // Metal does not support Transform Feedback } public void Dispose() { } } }