using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan { interface IRefEquatable { bool Equals(ref T other); } class HashTableSlim where K : IRefEquatable { private const int TotalBuckets = 16; // Must be power of 2 private const int TotalBucketsMask = TotalBuckets - 1; private struct Entry { public K Key; public V Value; } private readonly Entry[][] _hashTable = new Entry[TotalBuckets][]; public IEnumerable Keys { get { foreach (Entry[] bucket in _hashTable) { foreach (Entry entry in bucket) { yield return entry.Key; } } } } public IEnumerable Values { get { foreach (Entry[] bucket in _hashTable) { if (bucket != null) { foreach (Entry entry in bucket) { yield return entry.Value; } } } } } public void Add(ref K key, V value) { var entry = new Entry() { Key = key, Value = value }; int hashCode = key.GetHashCode(); int bucketIndex = hashCode & TotalBucketsMask; var bucket = _hashTable[bucketIndex]; if (bucket != null) { int index = bucket.Length; Array.Resize(ref _hashTable[bucketIndex], index + 1); _hashTable[bucketIndex][index] = entry; } else { _hashTable[bucketIndex] = new Entry[] { entry }; } } public bool TryGetValue(ref K key, out V value) { int hashCode = key.GetHashCode(); /* for (int i = 0; i < _hashTable.Length; i++) { var b = _hashTable[i]; if (b != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(typeof(K).Name + " " + i + " " + b.Length); } } */ var bucket = _hashTable[hashCode & TotalBucketsMask]; if (bucket != null) { for (int i = 0; i < bucket.Length; i++) { ref var entry = ref bucket[i]; if (entry.Key.Equals(ref key)) { value = entry.Value; return true; } } } value = default; return false; } } }