using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using SharpMetal.Metal; using SharpMetal.QuartzCore; using System; using System.Runtime.Versioning; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Metal { [SupportedOSPlatform("macos")] public sealed class MetalRenderer : IRenderer { public const int TotalSets = 4; public const int UniformSetIndex = 0; public const int StorageSetIndex = 1; public const int TextureSetIndex = 2; public const int ImageSetIndex = 3; private readonly MTLDevice _device; private readonly MTLCommandQueue _queue; private readonly Func _getMetalLayer; private Pipeline _pipeline; private Window _window; public event EventHandler ScreenCaptured; public bool PreferThreading => true; public IPipeline Pipeline => _pipeline; public IWindow Window => _window; internal MTLCommandQueue BackgroundQueue { get; private set; } internal HelperShader HelperShader { get; private set; } internal BufferManager BufferManager { get; private set; } internal CommandBufferPool CommandBufferPool { get; private set; } internal BackgroundResources BackgroundResources { get; private set; } internal Action InterruptAction { get; private set; } internal SyncManager SyncManager { get; private set; } public MetalRenderer(Func metalLayer) { _device = MTLDevice.CreateSystemDefaultDevice(); if (_device.ArgumentBuffersSupport != MTLArgumentBuffersTier.Tier2) { throw new NotSupportedException("Metal backend requires Tier 2 Argument Buffer support."); } _queue = _device.NewCommandQueue(CommandBufferPool.MaxCommandBuffers + 1); BackgroundQueue = _device.NewCommandQueue(CommandBufferPool.MaxCommandBuffers); _getMetalLayer = metalLayer; } public void Initialize(GraphicsDebugLevel logLevel) { var layer = _getMetalLayer(); layer.Device = _device; layer.FramebufferOnly = false; CommandBufferPool = new CommandBufferPool(_queue); _window = new Window(this, layer); _pipeline = new Pipeline(_device, this); BufferManager = new BufferManager(_device, this, _pipeline); _pipeline.InitEncoderStateManager(BufferManager); BackgroundResources = new BackgroundResources(this); HelperShader = new HelperShader(_device, this, _pipeline); SyncManager = new SyncManager(this); } public void BackgroundContextAction(Action action, bool alwaysBackground = false) { // GetData methods should be thread safe, so we can call this directly. // Texture copy (scaled) may also happen in here, so that should also be thread safe. action(); } public BufferHandle CreateBuffer(int size, BufferAccess access) { return BufferManager.CreateWithHandle(size); } public BufferHandle CreateBuffer(IntPtr pointer, int size) { return BufferManager.Create(pointer, size); } public BufferHandle CreateBufferSparse(ReadOnlySpan storageBuffers) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public IImageArray CreateImageArray(int size, bool isBuffer) { return new ImageArray(size, isBuffer, _pipeline); } public IProgram CreateProgram(ShaderSource[] shaders, ShaderInfo info) { return new Program(shaders, info.ResourceLayout, _device, info.ComputeLocalSize); } public ISampler CreateSampler(SamplerCreateInfo info) { return new Sampler(_device, info); } public ITexture CreateTexture(TextureCreateInfo info) { if (info.Target == Target.TextureBuffer) { return new TextureBuffer(_device, this, _pipeline, info); } return new Texture(_device, this, _pipeline, info); } public ITextureArray CreateTextureArray(int size, bool isBuffer) { return new TextureArray(size, isBuffer, _pipeline); } public bool PrepareHostMapping(IntPtr address, ulong size) { // TODO: Metal Host Mapping return false; } public void CreateSync(ulong id, bool strict) { SyncManager.Create(id, strict); } public void DeleteBuffer(BufferHandle buffer) { BufferManager.Delete(buffer); } public PinnedSpan GetBufferData(BufferHandle buffer, int offset, int size) { return BufferManager.GetData(buffer, offset, size); } public Capabilities GetCapabilities() { // TODO: Finalize these values return new Capabilities( api: TargetApi.Metal, vendorName: HardwareInfoTools.GetVendor(), SystemMemoryType.UnifiedMemory, hasFrontFacingBug: false, hasVectorIndexingBug: false, needsFragmentOutputSpecialization: true, reduceShaderPrecision: true, supportsAstcCompression: true, supportsBc123Compression: true, supportsBc45Compression: true, supportsBc67Compression: true, supportsEtc2Compression: true, supports3DTextureCompression: true, supportsBgraFormat: true, supportsR4G4Format: false, supportsR4G4B4A4Format: true, supportsScaledVertexFormats: false, supportsSnormBufferTextureFormat: true, supportsSparseBuffer: false, supports5BitComponentFormat: true, supportsBlendEquationAdvanced: false, supportsFragmentShaderInterlock: true, supportsFragmentShaderOrderingIntel: false, supportsGeometryShader: false, supportsGeometryShaderPassthrough: false, supportsTransformFeedback: false, supportsImageLoadFormatted: false, supportsLayerVertexTessellation: false, supportsMismatchingViewFormat: true, supportsCubemapView: true, supportsNonConstantTextureOffset: false, supportsQuads: false, // TODO: Metal Bindless Support supportsSeparateSampler: false, supportsShaderBallot: false, supportsShaderBarrierDivergence: false, supportsShaderFloat64: false, supportsTextureGatherOffsets: false, supportsTextureShadowLod: false, supportsVertexStoreAndAtomics: false, supportsViewportIndexVertexTessellation: false, supportsViewportMask: false, supportsViewportSwizzle: false, supportsIndirectParameters: true, supportsDepthClipControl: false, uniformBufferSetIndex: UniformSetIndex, storageBufferSetIndex: StorageSetIndex, textureSetIndex: TextureSetIndex, imageSetIndex: ImageSetIndex, extraSetBaseIndex: 0, maximumExtraSets: 0, maximumUniformBuffersPerStage: Constants.MaxUniformBuffersPerStage, maximumStorageBuffersPerStage: Constants.MaxStorageBuffersPerStage, maximumTexturesPerStage: Constants.MaxTexturesPerStage, maximumImagesPerStage: Constants.MaxTextureBindings, maximumComputeSharedMemorySize: (int)_device.MaxThreadgroupMemoryLength, maximumSupportedAnisotropy: 0, shaderSubgroupSize: 256, storageBufferOffsetAlignment: 16, textureBufferOffsetAlignment: 16, gatherBiasPrecision: 0 ); } public ulong GetCurrentSync() { return SyncManager.GetCurrent(); } public HardwareInfo GetHardwareInfo() { return new HardwareInfo(HardwareInfoTools.GetVendor(), HardwareInfoTools.GetModel(), "Apple"); } public IProgram LoadProgramBinary(byte[] programBinary, bool hasFragmentShader, ShaderInfo info) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetBufferData(BufferHandle buffer, int offset, ReadOnlySpan data) { BufferManager.SetData(buffer, offset, data, _pipeline.Cbs); } public void UpdateCounters() { // } public void PreFrame() { SyncManager.Cleanup(); } public ICounterEvent ReportCounter(CounterType type, EventHandler resultHandler, float divisor, bool hostReserved) { // var counterEvent = new CounterEvent(); resultHandler?.Invoke(counterEvent, type == CounterType.SamplesPassed ? (ulong)1 : 0); return counterEvent; } public void ResetCounter(CounterType type) { // } public void WaitSync(ulong id) { SyncManager.Wait(id); } public void FlushAllCommands() { _pipeline.FlushCommandsImpl(); } public void RegisterFlush() { SyncManager.RegisterFlush(); // Periodically free unused regions of the staging buffer to avoid doing it all at once. BufferManager.StagingBuffer.FreeCompleted(); } public void SetInterruptAction(Action interruptAction) { InterruptAction = interruptAction; } public void Screenshot() { // TODO: Screenshots } public void Dispose() { BackgroundResources.Dispose(); _pipeline.Dispose(); _window.Dispose(); } } }