using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Glsl { class OperandManager { private static string[] _stagePrefixes = new string[] { "cp", "vp", "tcp", "tep", "gp", "fp" }; private struct BuiltInAttribute { public string Name { get; } public VariableType Type { get; } public BuiltInAttribute(string name, VariableType type) { Name = name; Type = type; } } private static Dictionary<int, BuiltInAttribute> _builtInAttributes = new Dictionary<int, BuiltInAttribute>() { { AttributeConsts.TessLevelOuter0, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessLevelOuter[0]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessLevelOuter1, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessLevelOuter[1]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessLevelOuter2, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessLevelOuter[2]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessLevelOuter3, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessLevelOuter[3]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessLevelInner0, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessLevelInner[0]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessLevelInner1, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessLevelInner[1]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.Layer, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_Layer", VariableType.S32) }, { AttributeConsts.PointSize, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_PointSize", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.PositionX, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_Position.x", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.PositionY, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_Position.y", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.PositionZ, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_Position.z", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.PositionW, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_Position.w", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance0, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[0]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance1, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[1]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance2, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[2]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance3, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[3]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance4, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[4]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance5, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[5]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance6, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[6]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ClipDistance7, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_ClipDistance[7]", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.PointCoordX, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_PointCoord.x", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.PointCoordY, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_PointCoord.y", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessCoordX, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessCoord.x", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.TessCoordY, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_TessCoord.y", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.InstanceId, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_InstanceID", VariableType.S32) }, { AttributeConsts.VertexId, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_VertexID", VariableType.S32) }, { AttributeConsts.FrontFacing, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_FrontFacing", VariableType.Bool) }, // Special. { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputDepth, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_FragDepth", VariableType.F32) }, { AttributeConsts.ThreadKill, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_HelperInvocation", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.ThreadIdX, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_LocalInvocationID.x", VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.ThreadIdY, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_LocalInvocationID.y", VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.ThreadIdZ, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_LocalInvocationID.z", VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.CtaIdX, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_WorkGroupID.x", VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.CtaIdY, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_WorkGroupID.y", VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.CtaIdZ, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_WorkGroupID.z", VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.LaneId, new BuiltInAttribute(null, VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.InvocationId, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_InvocationID", VariableType.S32) }, { AttributeConsts.PrimitiveId, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_PrimitiveID", VariableType.S32) }, { AttributeConsts.PatchVerticesIn, new BuiltInAttribute("gl_PatchVerticesIn", VariableType.S32) }, { AttributeConsts.EqMask, new BuiltInAttribute(null, VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.GeMask, new BuiltInAttribute(null, VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.GtMask, new BuiltInAttribute(null, VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.LeMask, new BuiltInAttribute(null, VariableType.U32) }, { AttributeConsts.LtMask, new BuiltInAttribute(null, VariableType.U32) }, // Support uniforms. { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 0, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[0]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 4, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[1]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 8, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[2]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 12, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[3]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 16, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[4]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 20, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[5]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 24, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[6]", VariableType.Bool) }, { AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputIsBgraBase + 28, new BuiltInAttribute($"{DefaultNames.SupportBlockIsBgraName}[7]", VariableType.Bool) } }; private Dictionary<AstOperand, string> _locals; public OperandManager() { _locals = new Dictionary<AstOperand, string>(); } public string DeclareLocal(AstOperand operand) { string name = $"{DefaultNames.LocalNamePrefix}_{_locals.Count}"; _locals.Add(operand, name); return name; } public string GetExpression(AstOperand operand, ShaderConfig config) { return operand.Type switch { OperandType.Argument => GetArgumentName(operand.Value), OperandType.Attribute => GetAttributeName(operand.Value, config, perPatch: false), OperandType.AttributePerPatch => GetAttributeName(operand.Value, config, perPatch: true), OperandType.Constant => NumberFormatter.FormatInt(operand.Value), OperandType.ConstantBuffer => GetConstantBufferName(operand, config), OperandType.LocalVariable => _locals[operand], OperandType.Undefined => DefaultNames.UndefinedName, _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid operand type \"{operand.Type}\".") }; } private static string GetConstantBufferName(AstOperand operand, ShaderConfig config) { return GetConstantBufferName(operand.CbufSlot, operand.CbufOffset, config.Stage, config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(FeatureFlags.CbIndexing)); } public static string GetConstantBufferName(int slot, int offset, ShaderStage stage, bool cbIndexable) { return $"{GetUbName(stage, slot, cbIndexable)}[{offset >> 2}].{GetSwizzleMask(offset & 3)}"; } private static string GetVec4Indexed(string vectorName, string indexExpr, bool indexElement) { if (indexElement) { return $"{vectorName}[{indexExpr}]"; } string result = $"{vectorName}.x"; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { result = $"(({indexExpr}) == {i}) ? ({vectorName}.{GetSwizzleMask(i)}) : ({result})"; } return $"({result})"; } public static string GetConstantBufferName(int slot, string offsetExpr, ShaderStage stage, bool cbIndexable, bool indexElement) { return GetVec4Indexed(GetUbName(stage, slot, cbIndexable) + $"[{offsetExpr} >> 2]", offsetExpr + " & 3", indexElement); } public static string GetConstantBufferName(string slotExpr, string offsetExpr, ShaderStage stage, bool indexElement) { return GetVec4Indexed(GetUbName(stage, slotExpr) + $"[{offsetExpr} >> 2]", offsetExpr + " & 3", indexElement); } public static string GetOutAttributeName(int value, ShaderConfig config, bool perPatch) { return GetAttributeName(value, config, perPatch, isOutAttr: true); } public static string GetAttributeName(int value, ShaderConfig config, bool perPatch, bool isOutAttr = false, string indexExpr = "0") { if ((value & AttributeConsts.LoadOutputMask) != 0) { isOutAttr = true; } value &= AttributeConsts.Mask & ~3; char swzMask = GetSwizzleMask((value >> 2) & 3); if (value >= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase && value < AttributeConsts.UserAttributeEnd) { value -= AttributeConsts.UserAttributeBase; string prefix = isOutAttr ? DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix : DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix; bool indexable = config.UsedFeatures.HasFlag(isOutAttr ? FeatureFlags.OaIndexing : FeatureFlags.IaIndexing); if (!indexable && perPatch) { prefix = DefaultNames.PerPatchAttributePrefix; } if (indexable) { string name = prefix; if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry && !isOutAttr) { name += $"[{indexExpr}]"; } return name + $"[{(value >> 4)}]." + swzMask; } else if (config.TransformFeedbackEnabled && (config.Stage != ShaderStage.Vertex || isOutAttr)) { string name = $"{prefix}{(value >> 4)}_{swzMask}"; if (!perPatch && IsArrayAttribute(config.Stage, isOutAttr)) { name += isOutAttr ? "[gl_InvocationID]" : $"[{indexExpr}]"; } return name; } else { string name = $"{prefix}{(value >> 4)}"; if (!perPatch && IsArrayAttribute(config.Stage, isOutAttr)) { name += isOutAttr ? "[gl_InvocationID]" : $"[{indexExpr}]"; } return name + '.' + swzMask; } } else { if (value >= AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorBase && value < AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorEnd) { value -= AttributeConsts.FragmentOutputColorBase; return $"{DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix}{(value >> 4)}.{swzMask}"; } else if (_builtInAttributes.TryGetValue(value, out BuiltInAttribute builtInAttr)) { string subgroupMask = value switch { AttributeConsts.EqMask => "Eq", AttributeConsts.GeMask => "Ge", AttributeConsts.GtMask => "Gt", AttributeConsts.LeMask => "Le", AttributeConsts.LtMask => "Lt", _ => null }; if (subgroupMask != null) { return config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsShaderBallot() ? $"unpackUint2x32(gl_SubGroup{subgroupMask}MaskARB).x" : $"gl_Subgroup{subgroupMask}Mask.x"; } else if (value == AttributeConsts.LaneId) { return config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostSupportsShaderBallot() ? "gl_SubGroupInvocationARB" : "gl_SubgroupInvocationID"; } // TODO: There must be a better way to handle this... if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Fragment) { switch (value) { case AttributeConsts.PositionX: return $"(gl_FragCoord.x / {DefaultNames.SupportBlockRenderScaleName}[0])"; case AttributeConsts.PositionY: return $"(gl_FragCoord.y / {DefaultNames.SupportBlockRenderScaleName}[0])"; case AttributeConsts.PositionZ: return "gl_FragCoord.z"; case AttributeConsts.PositionW: return "gl_FragCoord.w"; case AttributeConsts.FrontFacing: if (config.GpuAccessor.QueryHostHasFrontFacingBug()) { // This is required for Intel on Windows, gl_FrontFacing sometimes returns incorrect // (flipped) values. Doing this seems to fix it. return "(-floatBitsToInt(float(gl_FrontFacing)) < 0)"; } break; } } string name = builtInAttr.Name; if (!perPatch && IsArrayAttribute(config.Stage, isOutAttr) && IsArrayBuiltIn(value)) { name = isOutAttr ? $"gl_out[gl_InvocationID].{name}" : $"gl_in[{indexExpr}].{name}"; } return name; } } // TODO: Warn about unknown built-in attribute. return isOutAttr ? "// bad_attr0x" + value.ToString("X") : "0.0"; } public static string GetAttributeName(string attrExpr, ShaderConfig config, bool isOutAttr = false, string indexExpr = "0") { string name = isOutAttr ? DefaultNames.OAttributePrefix : DefaultNames.IAttributePrefix; if (config.Stage == ShaderStage.Geometry && !isOutAttr) { name += $"[{indexExpr}]"; } return $"{name}[{attrExpr} >> 2][{attrExpr} & 3]"; } public static bool IsArrayAttribute(ShaderStage stage, bool isOutAttr) { if (isOutAttr) { return stage == ShaderStage.TessellationControl; } else { return stage == ShaderStage.TessellationControl || stage == ShaderStage.TessellationEvaluation || stage == ShaderStage.Geometry; } } private static bool IsArrayBuiltIn(int attr) { if (attr <= AttributeConsts.TessLevelInner1 || attr == AttributeConsts.TessCoordX || attr == AttributeConsts.TessCoordY) { return false; } return (attr & AttributeConsts.SpecialMask) == 0; } public static string GetUbName(ShaderStage stage, int slot, bool cbIndexable) { if (cbIndexable) { return GetUbName(stage, NumberFormatter.FormatInt(slot, VariableType.S32)); } return $"{GetShaderStagePrefix(stage)}_{DefaultNames.UniformNamePrefix}{slot}_{DefaultNames.UniformNameSuffix}"; } private static string GetUbName(ShaderStage stage, string slotExpr) { return $"{GetShaderStagePrefix(stage)}_{DefaultNames.UniformNamePrefix}[{slotExpr}].{DefaultNames.DataName}"; } public static string GetSamplerName(ShaderStage stage, AstTextureOperation texOp, string indexExpr) { return GetSamplerName(stage, texOp.CbufSlot, texOp.Handle, texOp.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Indexed), indexExpr); } public static string GetSamplerName(ShaderStage stage, int cbufSlot, int handle, bool indexed, string indexExpr) { string suffix = cbufSlot < 0 ? $"_tcb_{handle:X}" : $"_cb{cbufSlot}_{handle:X}"; if (indexed) { suffix += $"a[{indexExpr}]"; } return GetShaderStagePrefix(stage) + "_" + DefaultNames.SamplerNamePrefix + suffix; } public static string GetImageName(ShaderStage stage, AstTextureOperation texOp, string indexExpr) { return GetImageName(stage, texOp.CbufSlot, texOp.Handle, texOp.Format, texOp.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Indexed), indexExpr); } public static string GetImageName( ShaderStage stage, int cbufSlot, int handle, TextureFormat format, bool indexed, string indexExpr) { string suffix = cbufSlot < 0 ? $"_tcb_{handle:X}_{format.ToGlslFormat()}" : $"_cb{cbufSlot}_{handle:X}_{format.ToGlslFormat()}"; if (indexed) { suffix += $"a[{indexExpr}]"; } return GetShaderStagePrefix(stage) + "_" + DefaultNames.ImageNamePrefix + suffix; } public static string GetShaderStagePrefix(ShaderStage stage) { int index = (int)stage; if ((uint)index >= _stagePrefixes.Length) { return "invalid"; } return _stagePrefixes[index]; } private static char GetSwizzleMask(int value) { return "xyzw"[value]; } public static string GetArgumentName(int argIndex) { return $"{DefaultNames.ArgumentNamePrefix}{argIndex}"; } public static VariableType GetNodeDestType(CodeGenContext context, IAstNode node) { if (node is AstOperation operation) { if (operation.Inst == Instruction.LoadAttribute) { // Load attribute basically just returns the attribute value. // Some built-in attributes may have different types, so we need // to return the type based on the attribute that is being read. if (operation.GetSource(0) is AstOperand operand && operand.Type == OperandType.Constant) { if (_builtInAttributes.TryGetValue(operand.Value & ~3, out BuiltInAttribute builtInAttr)) { return builtInAttr.Type; } } return OperandInfo.GetVarType(OperandType.Attribute); } else if (operation.Inst == Instruction.Call) { AstOperand funcId = (AstOperand)operation.GetSource(0); Debug.Assert(funcId.Type == OperandType.Constant); return context.GetFunction(funcId.Value).ReturnType; } else if (operation is AstTextureOperation texOp && (texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageLoad || texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageStore || texOp.Inst == Instruction.ImageAtomic)) { return texOp.Format.GetComponentType(); } return GetDestVarType(operation.Inst); } else if (node is AstOperand operand) { if (operand.Type == OperandType.Argument) { int argIndex = operand.Value; return context.CurrentFunction.GetArgumentType(argIndex); } return GetOperandVarType(operand); } else { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid node type \"{node?.GetType().Name ?? "null"}\"."); } } private static VariableType GetOperandVarType(AstOperand operand) { if (operand.Type == OperandType.Attribute) { if (_builtInAttributes.TryGetValue(operand.Value & ~3, out BuiltInAttribute builtInAttr)) { return builtInAttr.Type; } } return OperandInfo.GetVarType(operand); } } }