using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.Shader; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal.OpenGL { class OGLShader { private enum ShadingLanguage { Unknown, GLSL, SPIRV } private abstract class ShaderStage : IDisposable { public int Handle { get; protected set; } public GalShaderType Type { get; private set; } public IEnumerable TextureUsage { get; private set; } public IEnumerable UniformUsage { get; private set; } public ShaderStage( GalShaderType Type, IEnumerable TextureUsage, IEnumerable UniformUsage) { this.Type = Type; this.TextureUsage = TextureUsage; this.UniformUsage = UniformUsage; } public abstract void Compile(); public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing) { if (Disposing && Handle != 0) { GL.DeleteShader(Handle); Handle = 0; } } } private class GlslStage : ShaderStage { public string Code { get; private set; } public GlslStage( GalShaderType Type, string Code, IEnumerable TextureUsage, IEnumerable UniformUsage) : base(Type, TextureUsage, UniformUsage) { this.Code = Code; } public override void Compile() { if (Handle == 0) { Handle = GL.CreateShader(OGLEnumConverter.GetShaderType(Type)); GL.ShaderSource(Handle, Code); GL.CompileShader(Handle); CheckCompilation(Handle); } } } private class SpirvStage : ShaderStage { public byte[] Bytecode { get; private set; } public IDictionary Locations { get; private set; } public SpirvStage( GalShaderType Type, byte[] Bytecode, IEnumerable TextureUsage, IEnumerable UniformUsage, IDictionary Locations) : base(Type, TextureUsage, UniformUsage) { this.Bytecode = Bytecode; this.Locations = Locations; } public override void Compile() { if (Handle == 0) { Handle = GL.CreateShader(OGLEnumConverter.GetShaderType(Type)); BinaryFormat SpirvFormat = (BinaryFormat)0x9551; GL.ShaderBinary(1, new int[]{Handle}, SpirvFormat, Bytecode, Bytecode.Length); GL.SpecializeShader(Handle, "main", 0, new int[]{}, new int[]{}); CheckCompilation(Handle); } } } private struct ShaderProgram { public ShaderStage Vertex; public ShaderStage TessControl; public ShaderStage TessEvaluation; public ShaderStage Geometry; public ShaderStage Fragment; } private const int BuffersPerStage = Shader.UniformBinding.BuffersPerStage; private const int BufferSize = 16 * 1024; //ARB_uniform_buffer, 16 KiB private ShaderProgram Current; private ConcurrentDictionary Stages; private Dictionary Programs; private ShadingLanguage Language = ShadingLanguage.Unknown; private OGLStreamBuffer[][] Buffers; public int CurrentProgramHandle { get; private set; } public OGLShader() { Stages = new ConcurrentDictionary(); Programs = new Dictionary(); Buffers = new OGLStreamBuffer[5][]; //one per stage for (int Stage = 0; Stage < 5; Stage++) { Buffers[Stage] = new OGLStreamBuffer[BuffersPerStage]; } } public void Prepare(bool TrySPIRV) { Console.WriteLine(GL.GetInteger(GetPName.MaxUniformBufferBindings)); for (int Stage = 0; Stage < 5; Stage++) { for (int Cbuf = 0; Cbuf < BuffersPerStage; Cbuf++) { OGLStreamBuffer Buffer = OGLStreamBuffer.Create(BufferTarget.UniformBuffer, BufferSize); Buffer.Allocate(); Buffers[Stage][Cbuf] = Buffer; } } if (TrySPIRV) { if (HasSPIRV()) { Console.WriteLine("SPIR-V Shading Language"); Language = ShadingLanguage.SPIRV; } else { Console.WriteLine("GLSL fallback (SPIR-V not available)"); Language = ShadingLanguage.GLSL; } } else { Language = ShadingLanguage.GLSL; } } public void Create(IGalMemory Memory, long Tag, GalShaderType Type) { Stages.GetOrAdd(Tag, (Key) => ShaderStageFactory(Memory, Tag, Type)); } private ShaderStage ShaderStageFactory(IGalMemory Memory, long Position, GalShaderType Type) { switch (Language) { case ShadingLanguage.SPIRV: { SpirvProgram Program = GetSpirvProgram(Memory, Position, Type); return new SpirvStage( Type, Program.Bytecode, Program.Textures, Program.Uniforms, Program.Locations); } case ShadingLanguage.GLSL: { GlslProgram Program = GetGlslProgram(Memory, Position, Type); return new GlslStage( Type, Program.Code, Program.Textures, Program.Uniforms); } default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } private GlslProgram GetGlslProgram(IGalMemory Memory, long Position, GalShaderType Type) { GlslDecompiler Decompiler = new GlslDecompiler(); return Decompiler.Decompile(Memory, Position + 0x50, Type); } private SpirvProgram GetSpirvProgram(IGalMemory Memory, long Position, GalShaderType Type) { SpirvDecompiler Decompiler = new SpirvDecompiler(); return Decompiler.Decompile(Memory, Position + 0x50, Type); } public IEnumerable GetTextureUsage(long Tag) { if (Stages.TryGetValue(Tag, out ShaderStage Stage)) { return Stage.TextureUsage; } return Enumerable.Empty(); } private int GetUniformLocation(string Name, ShaderStage Stage) { switch (Language) { case ShadingLanguage.SPIRV: { SpirvStage Spirv = (SpirvStage)Stage; if (Spirv.Locations.TryGetValue(Name, out int Location)) { return Location; } break; } case ShadingLanguage.GLSL: { return GL.GetUniformLocation(CurrentProgramHandle, Name); } } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } private bool TrySpirvStageLocation(string Name, ShaderStage Stage, out int Location) { if (Stage == null) { Location = -1; return false; } SpirvStage Spirv = (SpirvStage)Stage; return Spirv.Locations.TryGetValue(Name, out Location); } private int GetSpirvLocation(string Name) { int Location; if (TrySpirvStageLocation(Name, Current.Vertex, out Location) || TrySpirvStageLocation(Name, Current.TessControl, out Location) || TrySpirvStageLocation(Name, Current.TessEvaluation, out Location) || TrySpirvStageLocation(Name, Current.Geometry, out Location) || TrySpirvStageLocation(Name, Current.Fragment, out Location)) { return Location; } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } private int GetUniformLocation(string Name) { switch (Language) { case ShadingLanguage.SPIRV: return GetSpirvLocation(Name); case ShadingLanguage.GLSL: return GL.GetUniformLocation(CurrentProgramHandle, Name); } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } public void SetConstBuffer(long Tag, int Cbuf, byte[] Data) { BindProgram(); if (Stages.TryGetValue(Tag, out ShaderStage Stage)) { foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Stage.UniformUsage.Where(x => x.Cbuf == Cbuf)) { if (Cbuf >= BuffersPerStage) { string Message = $"Game tried to write constant buffer #{Cbuf} but only 0-#{BuffersPerStage-1} are supported"; throw new NotSupportedException(Message); } OGLStreamBuffer Buffer = Buffers[(int)Stage.Type][Cbuf]; int Size = Math.Min(Data.Length, BufferSize); byte[] Destiny = Buffer.Map(Size); Array.Copy(Data, Destiny, Size); Buffer.Unmap(Size); } } } public void SetUniform1(string UniformName, int Value) { BindProgram(); int Location = GetUniformLocation(UniformName); GL.Uniform1(Location, Value); } public void SetUniform2F(string UniformName, float X, float Y) { BindProgram(); int Location = GetUniformLocation(UniformName); GL.Uniform2(Location, X, Y); } public void Bind(long Tag) { if (Stages.TryGetValue(Tag, out ShaderStage Stage)) { Bind(Stage); } } private void Bind(ShaderStage Stage) { switch (Stage.Type) { case GalShaderType.Vertex: Current.Vertex = Stage; break; case GalShaderType.TessControl: Current.TessControl = Stage; break; case GalShaderType.TessEvaluation: Current.TessEvaluation = Stage; break; case GalShaderType.Geometry: Current.Geometry = Stage; break; case GalShaderType.Fragment: Current.Fragment = Stage; break; } } public void BindProgram() { if (Current.Vertex == null || Current.Fragment == null) { return; } if (!Programs.TryGetValue(Current, out int Handle)) { Handle = GL.CreateProgram(); AttachIfNotNull(Handle, Current.Vertex); AttachIfNotNull(Handle, Current.TessControl); AttachIfNotNull(Handle, Current.TessEvaluation); AttachIfNotNull(Handle, Current.Geometry); AttachIfNotNull(Handle, Current.Fragment); GL.LinkProgram(Handle); CheckProgramLink(Handle); if (Language == ShadingLanguage.GLSL) { BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Handle, Current.Vertex); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Handle, Current.TessControl); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Handle, Current.TessEvaluation); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Handle, Current.Geometry); BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(Handle, Current.Fragment); } Programs.Add(Current, Handle); } GL.UseProgram(Handle); //TODO: This could be done once, right? for (int Stage = 0; Stage < 5; Stage++) { for (int Cbuf = 0; Cbuf < BuffersPerStage; Cbuf++) { OGLStreamBuffer Buffer = Buffers[Stage][Cbuf]; int Binding = Shader.UniformBinding.Get((GalShaderType)Stage, Cbuf); GL.BindBufferBase(BufferRangeTarget.UniformBuffer, Binding, Buffer.Handle); } } CurrentProgramHandle = Handle; } private void AttachIfNotNull(int ProgramHandle, ShaderStage Stage) { if (Stage != null) { Stage.Compile(); GL.AttachShader(ProgramHandle, Stage.Handle); } } private void BindUniformBlocksIfNotNull(int ProgramHandle, ShaderStage Stage) { if (Stage != null) { foreach (ShaderDeclInfo DeclInfo in Stage.UniformUsage) { int BlockIndex = GL.GetUniformBlockIndex(ProgramHandle, DeclInfo.Name); if (BlockIndex < 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } int Binding = Shader.UniformBinding.Get(Stage.Type, DeclInfo.Cbuf); GL.UniformBlockBinding(ProgramHandle, BlockIndex, Binding); } } } private static void CheckCompilation(int Handle) { int Status = 0; GL.GetShader(Handle, ShaderParameter.CompileStatus, out Status); if (Status == 0) { throw new ShaderException(GL.GetShaderInfoLog(Handle)); } } private static void CheckProgramLink(int Handle) { int Status = 0; GL.GetProgram(Handle, GetProgramParameterName.LinkStatus, out Status); if (Status == 0) { throw new ShaderException(GL.GetProgramInfoLog(Handle)); } } private static bool HasSPIRV() { int ExtensionCount = GL.GetInteger(GetPName.NumExtensions); for (int i = 0; i < ExtensionCount; i++) { if (GL.GetString(StringNameIndexed.Extensions, i) == "GL_ARB_gl_spirv") { return true; } } return false; } } }