using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using SharpMetal.Metal; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Versioning; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Metal { public struct DirtyFlags { public bool RenderPipeline = false; public bool ComputePipeline = false; public bool DepthStencil = false; public DirtyFlags() { } public void MarkAll() { RenderPipeline = true; ComputePipeline = true; DepthStencil = true; } } [SupportedOSPlatform("macos")] struct EncoderState { public MTLFunction? VertexFunction = null; public MTLFunction? FragmentFunction = null; public MTLFunction? ComputeFunction = null; public TextureBase[] FragmentTextures = new TextureBase[Constants.MaxTextures]; public MTLSamplerState[] FragmentSamplers = new MTLSamplerState[Constants.MaxSamplers]; public TextureBase[] VertexTextures = new TextureBase[Constants.MaxTextures]; public MTLSamplerState[] VertexSamplers = new MTLSamplerState[Constants.MaxSamplers]; public TextureBase[] ComputeTextures = new TextureBase[Constants.MaxTextures]; public MTLSamplerState[] ComputeSamplers = new MTLSamplerState[Constants.MaxSamplers]; public List UniformBuffers = []; public List StorageBuffers = []; public MTLBuffer IndexBuffer = default; public MTLIndexType IndexType = MTLIndexType.UInt16; public ulong IndexBufferOffset = 0; public MTLDepthStencilState? DepthStencilState = null; public MTLDepthClipMode DepthClipMode = MTLDepthClipMode.Clip; public MTLCompareFunction DepthCompareFunction = MTLCompareFunction.Always; public bool DepthWriteEnabled = false; public float DepthBias; public float SlopeScale; public float Clamp; public MTLStencilDescriptor BackFaceStencil = new(); public MTLStencilDescriptor FrontFaceStencil = new(); public int BackRefValue = 0; public int FrontRefValue = 0; public bool StencilTestEnabled = false; public PrimitiveTopology Topology = PrimitiveTopology.Triangles; public MTLCullMode CullMode = MTLCullMode.None; public MTLWinding Winding = MTLWinding.CounterClockwise; public MTLViewport[] Viewports = []; public MTLScissorRect[] Scissors = []; // Changes to attachments take recreation! public Texture DepthStencil = default; public Texture[] RenderTargets = new Texture[Constants.MaxColorAttachments]; public MTLColorWriteMask[] RenderTargetMasks = Enumerable.Repeat(MTLColorWriteMask.All, Constants.MaxColorAttachments).ToArray(); public BlendDescriptor?[] BlendDescriptors = new BlendDescriptor?[Constants.MaxColorAttachments]; public ColorF BlendColor = new(); public VertexBufferDescriptor[] VertexBuffers = []; public VertexAttribDescriptor[] VertexAttribs = []; // Dirty flags public DirtyFlags Dirty = new(); // Only to be used for present public bool ClearLoadAction = false; public EncoderState() { } public readonly EncoderState Clone() { // Certain state (like viewport and scissor) doesn't need to be cloned, as it is always reacreated when assigned to EncoderState clone = this; clone.FragmentTextures = (TextureBase[])FragmentTextures.Clone(); clone.FragmentSamplers = (MTLSamplerState[])FragmentSamplers.Clone(); clone.VertexTextures = (TextureBase[])VertexTextures.Clone(); clone.VertexSamplers = (MTLSamplerState[])VertexSamplers.Clone(); clone.ComputeTextures = (TextureBase[])ComputeTextures.Clone(); clone.ComputeSamplers = (MTLSamplerState[])ComputeSamplers.Clone(); clone.BlendDescriptors = (BlendDescriptor?[])BlendDescriptors.Clone(); clone.VertexBuffers = (VertexBufferDescriptor[])VertexBuffers.Clone(); clone.VertexAttribs = (VertexAttribDescriptor[])VertexAttribs.Clone(); return clone; } } }