## Config File `Ryujinx.conf` should be present in executable folder (It's an *.ini file) following this format: - `Logging_Enable_Info` *(bool)* Enable the Informations Logging. - `Logging_Enable_Trace` *(bool)* Enable the Trace Logging (Enabled in Debug recommended). - `Logging_Enable_Debug` *(bool)* Enable the Debug Logging (Enabled in Debug recommended). - `Logging_Enable_Warn` *(bool)* Enable the Warning Logging (Enabled in Debug recommended). - `Logging_Enable_Error` *(bool)* Enable the Error Logging (Enabled in Debug recommended). - `Logging_Enable_Fatal` *(bool)* Enable the Fatal Logging (Enabled in Debug recommended). - `Logging_Enable_Ipc` *(bool)* Enable the Ipc Message Logging. - `Logging_Enable_LogFile` *(bool)* Enable writing the logging inside a Ryujinx.log file. - `GamePad_Index` *(int)* The index of the Controller Device. - `GamePad_Deadzone` *(float)* The deadzone of both analog sticks on the Controller. - `GamePad_Enable` *(bool)* Whether or not to enable Controller Support. - `Handheld_Device` *(String)* The specific Device to be the Emulated Handheld Device. - `Player(1-8)_Device` *(String)* The specific Device to be the Emulated Player(1-8) Device. - `PlayerUnknown_Device` *(String)* The specific Device to be the Emulated PlayerUnknown Device. (This should basically always be None) - Valid Emulated Device Mappings - None = Disabled - Keyboard = The Keyboard Device - GamePad_X = X GamePad Configuration - `Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_XX` *(int)* ``` Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Up (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Down (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Left (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Right (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Button (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_DPad_Up (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_DPad_Down (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_DPad_Left (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_DPad_Right (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Button_Minus (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Button_L (int) Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Button_ZL (int) ``` Keys of the Left Emulated Joycon, the values depend of the [OpenTK Enum Keys](https://github.com/opentk/opentk/blob/develop/src/OpenTK/Input/Key.cs). OpenTK uses a QWERTY layout, so pay attention if you use another Keyboard Layout. Ex: `Controls_Left_JoyConKeyboard_Button_Minus = 52` > Tab key (All Layout). - `Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_XX` *(int)* ``` Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Up (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Down (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Left (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Right (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Stick_Button (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_A (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_B (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_X (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_Y (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_Plus (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_R (int) Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_ZR (int) ``` Keys of the right Emulated Joycon, the values depend of the [OpenTK Enum Keys](https://github.com/opentk/opentk/blob/develop/src/OpenTK/Input/Key.cs). OpenTK uses a QWERTY layout, so pay attention if you use another Keyboard Layout. Ex: `Controls_Right_JoyConKeyboard_Button_A = 83` > A key (QWERTY Layout) / Q key (AZERTY Layout). - `X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_XX` *(String)* ``` X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_Stick (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_Stick_Button (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_DPad_Up (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_DPad_Down (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_DPad_Left (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_DPad_Right (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_Button_Minus (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_Button_L (String) X_Controls_Left_JoyConController_Button_ZL (String) ``` - `X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_XX` *(String)* ``` X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Stick (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Stick_Button (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_A (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_B (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_X (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_Y (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_Plus (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_R (String) X_Controls_Right_JoyConController_Button_ZR (String) ``` The "X" is the Controller Configuration Number, to add more configurations, copy the first configuration, then increment the Number "X" change the Button Configuration as you wish. - Valid Button Mappings - A = The A / Cross Button - B = The B / Circle Button - X = The X / Square Button - Y = The Y / Triangle Button - LStick = The Left Analog Stick when Pressed Down - RStick = The Right Analog Stick when Pressed Down - Start = The Start / Options Button - Back = The Select / Back / Share Button - RShoulder = The Right Shoulder Button - LShoulder = The Left Shoulder Button - RTrigger = The Right Trigger - LTrigger = The Left Trigger - DPadUp = Up on the DPad - DPadDown = Down on the DPad - DPadLeft = Left on the DPad - DpadRight = Right on the DPad - Valid Joystick Mappings - LJoystick = The Left Analog Stick - RJoystick = The Right Analog Stick On more obscure / weird controllers this can vary, so if this list doesn't work, trial and error will.