using LibHac.FsSystem; using Microsoft.FSharp.Core; using Microsoft.VisualBasic; using NUnit.Framework; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture.Astc; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.SurfaceFlinger; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Ryujinx.Tests.Graphics { /** * * NOTES * * HOW I GENERATED INPUT DATA * Step 1. Create ASTC-compressed image from sample data. * *** NOTE This image isn't 2^x evenly sized, it's 768x512 - something that would break down into nice squares, for sure. * `astcenc-sse2 -cl MoreRocks.png MoreRocks.l-4x4-100.astc 4x4 100` * * Step 2. Decompress the data we just created. * `astcenc-sse2 -dl MoreRocks.l-4x4-100.astc MoreRocks.l-4x4-100.astc.png` * * Step 3. * I used convertio to convert the PNG generated in step 2 to create MorRocks.l-4x4-100.astc.rgba * WHAT WE DO IN THE TEST BELOW: * 1. Read the sample image, ASTC-compressed reference, and decompressed reference that we generated above. * 2. Run TryDecodeToRgba8P on our ASTC-compressed texture. * 2a. Write the output of step 2 to the disk. * 3. Assert that the data we decompressed in our method is the same data as the decompressed reference image. * */ public class AstcDecoderTests { private string _workingDir; private string _testDataDir; [SetUp] public void SetupFixture() { _workingDir = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory; _testDataDir = Path.Join(_workingDir, "Graphics", "TestData"); GraphicsConfig.EnableTextureRecompression = false; } // public void [TestCase(4, 4)] [TestCase(5, 5)] [TestCase(5, 4)] [TestCase(6, 5)] [TestCase(6, 6)] [TestCase(8, 5)] [TestCase(8, 6)] [TestCase(8, 8)] [TestCase(10, 5)] [TestCase(10, 6)] [TestCase(10, 8)] [TestCase(10, 10)] [TestCase(12, 10)] [TestCase(12, 12)] public void Paramterized_BlockSizes_Test(int blockWidth, int blockHeight) { TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Testing Block Size {blockWidth}x{blockHeight}"); var (encodedRef, decodedRef) = _getTestDataTupleFromShortname("MoreRocks", blockWidth, blockHeight); int astcHeaderLength = 16; // skip the header. Decode method doesn't work without this and will return false. var rawastc = encodedRef.Slice(astcHeaderLength, encodedRef.Length - astcHeaderLength); int texWidth = 256; int texHeight = 256; byte[] outputBuffer = Array.Empty(); int depth = 1; int levels = 1; int layers = 1; bool succeeded = AstcDecoder.TryDecodeToRgba8P(rawastc, blockWidth, blockHeight, texWidth, texHeight, depth, levels, layers, out outputBuffer); // The decode function said it was valid data and that it could parse it. Assert.AreEqual(true, succeeded); // Length is the same as the one we made w/ ARM's decoder. That's good. Assert.AreEqual(decodedRef.Length, outputBuffer.Length); var wordsRef = RgbaWord.FromBytes(decodedRef.ToArray()); var wordsOut = RgbaWord.FromBytes(outputBuffer); var wordDifferences = wordsRef.Select((x, i) => new { index = i, diff = x.Diff(wordsOut[i]) }).ToArray(); // BUT compression is funny. // Calculate the byte differences. var byteDifferences = decodedRef.ToArray().Select((x, i) => new { index = i, delta = x - outputBuffer[i] }).ToList(); var matchCount = byteDifferences.Count(x => == 0); var matchPercent = ((float)matchCount / outputBuffer.Length); var wordUnchangedCount = wordDifferences.Count(x => x.diff.IsZero()); var wordUnchangedPercent = (float)wordUnchangedCount / wordDifferences.Count(); TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Pixel-wise comparison: {wordUnchangedPercent * 100:F4} ({wordUnchangedCount}/{wordDifferences.Length})"); TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"Byte-wise comparison: {matchPercent * 100:F4} ({matchCount}/{byteDifferences.Count}) were same."); for (var threshold = 1; threshold < 32; threshold++) { var tc = byteDifferences.Count(x => Math.Abs( >= threshold); var tcp = ((float)tc / byteDifferences.Count); if (tc >0) TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"{tcp * 100:F4}% ({tc}/{byteDifferences.Count}) are different by at least {threshold}."); } Assert.IsTrue(byteDifferences.All(x => Math.Abs( < 2)); } public void _Linear_4x4_Static_Test() { /// This test doesn't do anything particularly tricky. GraphicsConfig.EnableTextureRecompression = false; int blockWidth = 4; int blockHeight = 4; var (encodedRef, decodedRef) = _getTestDataTupleFromShortname("MoreRocks", blockWidth, blockHeight); int astcHeaderLength = 16; // skip the header. Decode method doesn't work without this and will return false. var rawastc = encodedRef.Slice(astcHeaderLength, encodedRef.Length - astcHeaderLength); int texWidth = 256; int texHeight = 256; byte[] outputBuffer = Array.Empty(); int depth = 1; int levels = 1; int layers = 1; bool succeeded = AstcDecoder.TryDecodeToRgba8P(rawastc, blockWidth, blockHeight, texWidth, texHeight, depth, levels, layers, out outputBuffer); // The decode function said it was valid data and that it could parse it. Assert.AreEqual(true, succeeded); // Length is the same as the one we made w/ ARM's decoder. That's good. Assert.AreEqual(decodedRef.Length, outputBuffer.Length); var wordsRef = RgbaWord.FromBytes(decodedRef.ToArray()); var wordsOut = RgbaWord.FromBytes(outputBuffer); var wordDifferences = wordsRef.Select((x, i) => new { index = i, diff = x.Diff(wordsOut[i]) }).ToArray(); // BUT compression is funny. // Calculate the byte differences. var byteDifferences = decodedRef.ToArray().Select((x, i) => new { index = i, delta = x - outputBuffer[i] }).ToList(); var matchCount = byteDifferences.Count(x => == 0); var matchPercent = ((float)matchCount / outputBuffer.Length); var wordUnchangedCount = wordDifferences.Count(x => x.diff.IsZero()); var wordUnchangedPercent = (float)wordUnchangedCount / wordDifferences.Count(); Debug.WriteLine($"Pixel-wise comparison: {wordUnchangedPercent * 100:F4} ({wordUnchangedCount}/{wordDifferences.Length})"); Debug.WriteLine($"Byte-wise comparison: {matchPercent * 100:F4} ({matchCount}/{byteDifferences.Count}) were same."); for (var threshold = 1; threshold< 16; threshold++) { var tc = byteDifferences.Count(x => Math.Abs( >= threshold); var tcp = ((float)tc / byteDifferences.Count); Debug.WriteLine($"{tcp*100:F4}% ({tc}/{byteDifferences.Count}) are different by at least {threshold}."); } Assert.IsTrue(byteDifferences.All(x => Math.Abs( < 2)); } /// /// Get test data from FS using short name naming convention. /// /// /// private (ReadOnlyMemory, ReadOnlyMemory) _getTestDataTupleFromShortname(string shortName, int blockWidth, int blockHeight) { var encodedRef = _getFileDataFromPath($"{shortName}.l-{blockWidth}x{blockHeight}-100.astc"); // var decodedRef = _getFileDataFromPath($"{shortName}.s4x4.astc.png"); var rgba8raw = _getFileDataFromPath($"{shortName}.l-{blockWidth}x{blockHeight}-100.astc.rgba"); return (encodedRef, rgba8raw); } private ReadOnlyMemory _getFileDataFromPath(string relativeFilePath) { var fullPath = Path.Join(_testDataDir, relativeFilePath); return File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath); } private class RgbaWord { public byte r; public byte g; public byte b; public byte a; public bool IsZero() { return r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0 && a == 0; } public bool SameAs(RgbaWord other) { return this.r == other.r && this.g == other.g && this.b == other.b && this.a == other.a; } public RgbaWord Diff(RgbaWord other) { /* Returns 0 for a field if equal and absolute value of diff if not. */ return new RgbaWord() { r = (byte)Math.Abs(this.r - other.r), g = (byte)Math.Abs(this.g - other.g), b = (byte)Math.Abs(this.b - other.b), a = (byte)Math.Abs(this.a - other.a) }; } /// /// Return an array of RGBA words given an array of bytes. /// /// /// public static RgbaWord[] FromBytes(byte[] rawBytes) { var result = new List(); // rawbytes has to be factor-of-4-sized. for (var i = 0; i < rawBytes.Length; i += 4) { result.Add(new RgbaWord() { r = rawBytes[i], g = rawBytes[i + 1], b = rawBytes[i + 2], a = rawBytes[i + 3] }); } return result.ToArray(); } } } }