using ARMeilleure.CodeGen; using ARMeilleure.Memory; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ARMeilleure.Translation { static class JitCache { private const int PageSize = 4 * 1024; private const int PageMask = PageSize - 1; private const int CodeAlignment = 4; // Bytes private const int CacheSize = 2047 * 1024 * 1024; private static ReservedRegion _jitRegion; private static int _offset; private static readonly List<JitCacheEntry> _cacheEntries = new List<JitCacheEntry>(); private static readonly object _lock = new object(); private static bool _initialized; public static void Initialize(IJitMemoryAllocator allocator) { if (_initialized) return; lock (_lock) { if (_initialized) return; _jitRegion = new ReservedRegion(allocator, CacheSize); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { _jitRegion.ExpandIfNeeded(PageSize); JitUnwindWindows.InstallFunctionTableHandler(_jitRegion.Pointer, CacheSize); // The first page is used for the table based SEH structs. _offset = PageSize; } _initialized = true; } } public static IntPtr Map(CompiledFunction func) { byte[] code = func.Code; lock (_lock) { Debug.Assert(_initialized); int funcOffset = Allocate(code.Length); IntPtr funcPtr = _jitRegion.Pointer + funcOffset; Marshal.Copy(code, 0, funcPtr, code.Length); ReprotectRange(funcOffset, code.Length); Add(new JitCacheEntry(funcOffset, code.Length, func.UnwindInfo)); return funcPtr; } } private static void ReprotectRange(int offset, int size) { // Map pages that are already full as RX. // Map pages that are not full yet as RWX. // On unix, the address must be page aligned. int endOffs = offset + size; int pageStart = offset & ~PageMask; int pageEnd = endOffs & ~PageMask; int fullPagesSize = pageEnd - pageStart; if (fullPagesSize != 0) { _jitRegion.Block.MapAsRx((ulong)pageStart, (ulong)fullPagesSize); } int remaining = endOffs - pageEnd; if (remaining != 0) { _jitRegion.Block.MapAsRwx((ulong)pageEnd, (ulong)remaining); } } private static int Allocate(int codeSize) { codeSize = checked(codeSize + (CodeAlignment - 1)) & ~(CodeAlignment - 1); int allocOffset = _offset; _offset += codeSize; _jitRegion.ExpandIfNeeded((ulong)_offset); if ((ulong)(uint)_offset > CacheSize) { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } return allocOffset; } private static void Add(JitCacheEntry entry) { _cacheEntries.Add(entry); } public static bool TryFind(int offset, out JitCacheEntry entry) { lock (_lock) { foreach (JitCacheEntry cacheEntry in _cacheEntries) { int endOffset = cacheEntry.Offset + cacheEntry.Size; if (offset >= cacheEntry.Offset && offset < endOffset) { entry = cacheEntry; return true; } } } entry = default; return false; } } }