using Ryujinx.Common.Pools;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Memory;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.GPFifo
/// Represents a GPU General Purpose FIFO device.
public sealed class GPFifoDevice : IDisposable
/// Indicates if the command buffer has pre-fetch enabled.
private enum CommandBufferType
/// Command buffer data.
private struct CommandBuffer
/// Processor used to process the command buffer. Contains channel state.
public GPFifoProcessor Processor;
/// The type of the command buffer.
public CommandBufferType Type;
/// Fetched data.
public PooledBuffer Words;
/// The GPFIFO entry address (used in mode).
public ulong EntryAddress;
/// The count of entries inside this GPFIFO entry.
public uint EntryCount;
/// Fetch the command buffer.
/// If true, flushes potential GPU written data before reading the command buffer
public void Fetch(MemoryManager memoryManager, bool flush = true)
if (Words == null)
Words = BufferPool.Rent((int)EntryCount);
MemoryMarshal.Cast(memoryManager.GetSpan(EntryAddress, (int)EntryCount * 4, flush)).CopyTo(Words.AsSpan);
private readonly ConcurrentQueue _commandBufferQueue;
private CommandBuffer _currentCommandBuffer;
private GPFifoProcessor _prevChannelProcessor;
private readonly bool _ibEnable;
private readonly GpuContext _context;
private readonly AutoResetEvent _event;
private bool _interrupt;
private int _flushSkips;
/// Creates a new instance of the GPU General Purpose FIFO device.
/// GPU context that the GPFIFO belongs to
internal GPFifoDevice(GpuContext context)
_commandBufferQueue = new ConcurrentQueue();
_ibEnable = true;
_context = context;
_event = new AutoResetEvent(false);
/// Signal the FIFO that there are new entries to process.
public void SignalNewEntries()
/// Push a GPFIFO entry in the form of a prefetched command buffer.
/// It is intended to be used by nvservices to handle special cases.
/// Processor used to process
/// The command buffer containing the prefetched commands
internal void PushHostCommandBuffer(GPFifoProcessor processor, PooledBuffer commandBuffer)
_commandBufferQueue.Enqueue(new CommandBuffer
Processor = processor,
Type = CommandBufferType.Prefetch,
Words = commandBuffer,
EntryAddress = ulong.MaxValue,
EntryCount = (uint)commandBuffer.Length
/// Create a CommandBuffer from a GPFIFO entry.
/// Processor used to process the command buffer pointed to by
/// The GPFIFO entry
/// A new CommandBuffer based on the GPFIFO entry
private static CommandBuffer CreateCommandBuffer(GPFifoProcessor processor, GPEntry entry)
CommandBufferType type = CommandBufferType.Prefetch;
if (entry.Entry1Sync == Entry1Sync.Wait)
type = CommandBufferType.NoPrefetch;
ulong startAddress = ((ulong)entry.Entry0Get << 2) | ((ulong)entry.Entry1GetHi << 32);
return new CommandBuffer
Processor = processor,
Type = type,
Words = null,
EntryAddress = startAddress,
EntryCount = (uint)entry.Entry1Length
/// Pushes GPFIFO entries.
/// Processor used to process the command buffers pointed to by
/// GPFIFO entries
internal void PushEntries(GPFifoProcessor processor, ReadOnlySpan entries)
bool beforeBarrier = true;
for (int index = 0; index < entries.Length; index++)
ulong entry = entries[index];
CommandBuffer commandBuffer = CreateCommandBuffer(processor, Unsafe.As(ref entry));
if (beforeBarrier && commandBuffer.Type == CommandBufferType.Prefetch)
if (commandBuffer.Type == CommandBufferType.NoPrefetch)
beforeBarrier = false;
/// Waits until commands are pushed to the FIFO.
/// True if commands were received, false if wait timed out
public bool WaitForCommands()
return !_commandBufferQueue.IsEmpty || (_event.WaitOne(8) && !_commandBufferQueue.IsEmpty);
/// Processes commands pushed to the FIFO.
public void DispatchCalls()
// Use this opportunity to also dispose any pending channels that were closed.
// Process command buffers.
while (_ibEnable && !_interrupt && _commandBufferQueue.TryDequeue(out CommandBuffer entry))
bool flushCommandBuffer = true;
if (_flushSkips != 0)
flushCommandBuffer = false;
_currentCommandBuffer = entry;
_currentCommandBuffer.Fetch(entry.Processor.MemoryManager, flushCommandBuffer);
// If we are changing the current channel,
// we need to force all the host state to be updated.
if (_prevChannelProcessor != entry.Processor)
_prevChannelProcessor = entry.Processor;
entry.Processor.Process(entry.EntryAddress, _currentCommandBuffer.Words.AsSpan);
_interrupt = false;
/// Sets the number of flushes that should be skipped for subsequent command buffers.
/// This can improve performance when command buffer data only needs to be consumed by the GPU.
/// The amount of flushes that should be skipped
internal void SetFlushSkips(int count)
_flushSkips = count;
/// Interrupts command processing. This will break out of the DispatchCalls loop.
public void Interrupt()
_interrupt = true;
/// Disposes of resources used for GPFifo command processing.
public void Dispose() => _event.Dispose();