mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 20:40:18 +00:00
* 3D engine now uses DeviceState too, plus new state modification tracking * Remove old methods code * Remove GpuState and friends * Optimize DeviceState, force inline some functions * This change was not supposed to go in * Proper channel initialization * Optimize state read/write methods even more * Fix debug build * Do not dirty state if the write is redundant * The YControl register should dirty either the viewport or front face state too, to update the host origin * Avoid redundant vertex buffer updates * Move state and get rid of the Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.State namespace * Comments and nits * Fix rebase * PR feedback * Move changed = false to improve codegen * PR feedback * Carry RyuJIT a bit more
816 lines
30 KiB
816 lines
30 KiB
// This file was auto-generated from NVIDIA official Maxwell definitions.
using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Twod
/// <summary>
/// Notify type.
/// </summary>
enum NotifyType
WriteOnly = 0,
WriteThenAwaken = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Format of the destination texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetDstFormatV
A8r8g8b8 = 207,
A8rl8gl8bl8 = 208,
A2r10g10b10 = 223,
A8b8g8r8 = 213,
A8bl8gl8rl8 = 214,
A2b10g10r10 = 209,
X8r8g8b8 = 230,
X8rl8gl8bl8 = 231,
X8b8g8r8 = 249,
X8bl8gl8rl8 = 250,
R5g6b5 = 232,
A1r5g5b5 = 233,
X1r5g5b5 = 248,
Y8 = 243,
Y16 = 238,
Y32 = 255,
Z1r5g5b5 = 251,
O1r5g5b5 = 252,
Z8r8g8b8 = 253,
O8r8g8b8 = 254,
Y18x8 = 28,
Rf16 = 242,
Rf32 = 229,
Rf32Gf32 = 203,
Rf16Gf16Bf16Af16 = 202,
Rf16Gf16Bf16X16 = 206,
Rf32Gf32Bf32Af32 = 192,
Rf32Gf32Bf32X32 = 195,
R16G16B16A16 = 198,
Rn16Gn16Bn16An16 = 199,
Bf10gf11rf11 = 224,
An8bn8gn8rn8 = 215,
Rf16Gf16 = 222,
R16G16 = 218,
Rn16Gn16 = 219,
G8r8 = 234,
Gn8rn8 = 235,
Rn16 = 239,
Rn8 = 244,
A8 = 247,
/// <summary>
/// Memory layout of the destination texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetDstMemoryLayoutV
Blocklinear = 0,
Pitch = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Height in GOBs of the destination texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetDstBlockSizeHeight
OneGob = 0,
TwoGobs = 1,
FourGobs = 2,
EightGobs = 3,
SixteenGobs = 4,
ThirtytwoGobs = 5,
/// <summary>
/// Depth in GOBs of the destination texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetDstBlockSizeDepth
OneGob = 0,
TwoGobs = 1,
FourGobs = 2,
EightGobs = 3,
SixteenGobs = 4,
ThirtytwoGobs = 5,
/// <summary>
/// Format of the source texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetSrcFormatV
A8r8g8b8 = 207,
A8rl8gl8bl8 = 208,
A2r10g10b10 = 223,
A8b8g8r8 = 213,
A8bl8gl8rl8 = 214,
A2b10g10r10 = 209,
X8r8g8b8 = 230,
X8rl8gl8bl8 = 231,
X8b8g8r8 = 249,
X8bl8gl8rl8 = 250,
R5g6b5 = 232,
A1r5g5b5 = 233,
X1r5g5b5 = 248,
Y8 = 243,
Ay8 = 29,
Y16 = 238,
Y32 = 255,
Z1r5g5b5 = 251,
O1r5g5b5 = 252,
Z8r8g8b8 = 253,
O8r8g8b8 = 254,
Y18x8 = 28,
Rf16 = 242,
Rf32 = 229,
Rf32Gf32 = 203,
Rf16Gf16Bf16Af16 = 202,
Rf16Gf16Bf16X16 = 206,
Rf32Gf32Bf32Af32 = 192,
Rf32Gf32Bf32X32 = 195,
R16G16B16A16 = 198,
Rn16Gn16Bn16An16 = 199,
Bf10gf11rf11 = 224,
An8bn8gn8rn8 = 215,
Rf16Gf16 = 222,
R16G16 = 218,
Rn16Gn16 = 219,
G8r8 = 234,
Gn8rn8 = 235,
Rn16 = 239,
Rn8 = 244,
A8 = 247,
/// <summary>
/// Memory layout of the source texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetSrcMemoryLayoutV
Blocklinear = 0,
Pitch = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Height in GOBs of the source texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetSrcBlockSizeHeight
OneGob = 0,
TwoGobs = 1,
FourGobs = 2,
EightGobs = 3,
SixteenGobs = 4,
ThirtytwoGobs = 5,
/// <summary>
/// Depth in GOBs of the source texture.
/// </summary>
enum SetSrcBlockSizeDepth
OneGob = 0,
TwoGobs = 1,
FourGobs = 2,
EightGobs = 3,
SixteenGobs = 4,
ThirtytwoGobs = 5,
/// <summary>
/// Texture data caches to invalidate.
/// </summary>
enum TwodInvalidateTextureDataCacheV
L1Only = 0,
L2Only = 1,
L1AndL2 = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Sector promotion parameters.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromMemorySectorPromotionV
NoPromotion = 0,
PromoteTo2V = 1,
PromoteTo2H = 2,
PromoteTo4 = 3,
/// <summary>
/// Number of processing clusters.
/// </summary>
enum SetNumProcessingClustersV
All = 0,
One = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Color key format.
/// </summary>
enum SetColorKeyFormatV
A16r5g6b5 = 0,
A1r5g5b5 = 1,
A8r8g8b8 = 2,
A2r10g10b10 = 3,
Y8 = 4,
Y16 = 5,
Y32 = 6,
/// <summary>
/// Color blit operation.
/// </summary>
enum SetOperationV
SrccopyAnd = 0,
RopAnd = 1,
BlendAnd = 2,
Srccopy = 3,
Rop = 4,
SrccopyPremult = 5,
BlendPremult = 6,
/// <summary>
/// Texture pattern selection.
/// </summary>
enum SetPatternSelectV
Monochrome8x8 = 0,
Monochrome64x1 = 1,
Monochrome1x64 = 2,
Color = 3,
/// <summary>
/// Render enable override mode.
/// </summary>
enum SetRenderEnableOverrideMode
UseRenderEnable = 0,
AlwaysRender = 1,
NeverRender = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from memory horizontal direction.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionHorizontal
HwDecides = 0,
LeftToRight = 1,
RightToLeft = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from memory vertical direction.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionVertical
HwDecides = 0,
TopToBottom = 1,
BottomToTop = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Color format of the monochrome pattern.
/// </summary>
enum SetMonochromePatternColorFormatV
A8x8r5g6b5 = 0,
A1r5g5b5 = 1,
A8r8g8b8 = 2,
A8y8 = 3,
A8x8y16 = 4,
Y32 = 5,
ByteExpand = 6,
/// <summary>
/// Format of the monochrome pattern.
/// </summary>
enum SetMonochromePatternFormatV
Cga6M1 = 0,
LeM1 = 1,
/// <summary>
/// DMA semaphore reduction operation.
/// </summary>
enum MmeDmaReductionReductionOp
RedAdd = 0,
RedMin = 1,
RedMax = 2,
RedInc = 3,
RedDec = 4,
RedAnd = 5,
RedOr = 6,
RedXor = 7,
/// <summary>
/// DMA semaphore reduction format.
/// </summary>
enum MmeDmaReductionReductionFormat
Unsigned = 0,
Signed = 1,
/// <summary>
/// DMA semaphore reduction size.
/// </summary>
enum MmeDmaReductionReductionSize
FourBytes = 0,
EightBytes = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Data FIFO size.
/// </summary>
enum SetMmeDataFifoConfigFifoSize
Size0kb = 0,
Size4kb = 1,
Size8kb = 2,
Size12kb = 3,
Size16kb = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Render solid primitive mode.
/// </summary>
enum RenderSolidPrimModeV
Points = 0,
Lines = 1,
Polyline = 2,
Triangles = 3,
Rects = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Render solid primitive color format.
/// </summary>
enum SetRenderSolidPrimColorFormatV
Rf32Gf32Bf32Af32 = 192,
Rf16Gf16Bf16Af16 = 202,
Rf32Gf32 = 203,
A8r8g8b8 = 207,
A2r10g10b10 = 223,
A8b8g8r8 = 213,
A2b10g10r10 = 209,
X8r8g8b8 = 230,
X8b8g8r8 = 249,
R5g6b5 = 232,
A1r5g5b5 = 233,
X1r5g5b5 = 248,
Y8 = 243,
Y16 = 238,
Y32 = 255,
Z1r5g5b5 = 251,
O1r5g5b5 = 252,
Z8r8g8b8 = 253,
O8r8g8b8 = 254,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from CPU data type.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromCpuDataTypeV
Color = 0,
Index = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from CPU color format.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromCpuColorFormatV
A8r8g8b8 = 207,
A2r10g10b10 = 223,
A8b8g8r8 = 213,
A2b10g10r10 = 209,
X8r8g8b8 = 230,
X8b8g8r8 = 249,
R5g6b5 = 232,
A1r5g5b5 = 233,
X1r5g5b5 = 248,
Y8 = 243,
Y16 = 238,
Y32 = 255,
Z1r5g5b5 = 251,
O1r5g5b5 = 252,
Z8r8g8b8 = 253,
O8r8g8b8 = 254,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from CPU palette index format.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromCpuIndexFormatV
I1 = 0,
I4 = 1,
I8 = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from CPU monochrome format.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromCpuMonoFormatV
Cga6M1 = 0,
LeM1 = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from CPU wrap mode.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromCpuWrapV
WrapPixel = 0,
WrapByte = 1,
WrapDword = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from CPU monochrome opacity.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromCpuMonoOpacityV
Transparent = 0,
Opaque = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from memory block shape.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromMemoryBlockShapeV
Auto = 0,
Shape8x8 = 1,
Shape16x4 = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from memory origin.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeOrigin
Center = 0,
Corner = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Pixels from memory filter mode.
/// </summary>
enum SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeFilter
Point = 0,
Bilinear = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Render solid primitive point coordinates.
/// </summary>
struct RenderSolidPrimPoint
#pragma warning disable CS0649
public uint SetX;
public uint Y;
#pragma warning restore CS0649
/// <summary>
/// 2D class state.
/// </summary>
unsafe struct TwodClassState : IShadowState
#pragma warning disable CS0649
public uint SetObject;
public int SetObjectClassId => (int)((SetObject >> 0) & 0xFFFF);
public int SetObjectEngineId => (int)((SetObject >> 16) & 0x1F);
public fixed uint Reserved04[63];
public uint NoOperation;
public uint SetNotifyA;
public int SetNotifyAAddressUpper => (int)((SetNotifyA >> 0) & 0x1FFFFFF);
public uint SetNotifyB;
public uint Notify;
public NotifyType NotifyType => (NotifyType)(Notify);
public uint WaitForIdle;
public uint LoadMmeInstructionRamPointer;
public uint LoadMmeInstructionRam;
public uint LoadMmeStartAddressRamPointer;
public uint LoadMmeStartAddressRam;
public uint SetMmeShadowRamControl;
public SetMmeShadowRamControlMode SetMmeShadowRamControlMode => (SetMmeShadowRamControlMode)((SetMmeShadowRamControl >> 0) & 0x3);
public fixed uint Reserved128[2];
public uint SetGlobalRenderEnableA;
public int SetGlobalRenderEnableAOffsetUpper => (int)((SetGlobalRenderEnableA >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetGlobalRenderEnableB;
public uint SetGlobalRenderEnableC;
public int SetGlobalRenderEnableCMode => (int)((SetGlobalRenderEnableC >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SendGoIdle;
public uint PmTrigger;
public fixed uint Reserved144[3];
public uint SetInstrumentationMethodHeader;
public uint SetInstrumentationMethodData;
public fixed uint Reserved158[37];
public uint SetMmeSwitchState;
public bool SetMmeSwitchStateValid => (SetMmeSwitchState & 0x1) != 0;
public int SetMmeSwitchStateSaveMacro => (int)((SetMmeSwitchState >> 4) & 0xFF);
public int SetMmeSwitchStateRestoreMacro => (int)((SetMmeSwitchState >> 12) & 0xFF);
public fixed uint Reserved1F0[4];
public uint SetDstFormat;
public SetDstFormatV SetDstFormatV => (SetDstFormatV)((SetDstFormat >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetDstMemoryLayout;
public SetDstMemoryLayoutV SetDstMemoryLayoutV => (SetDstMemoryLayoutV)((SetDstMemoryLayout >> 0) & 0x1);
public uint SetDstBlockSize;
public SetDstBlockSizeHeight SetDstBlockSizeHeight => (SetDstBlockSizeHeight)((SetDstBlockSize >> 4) & 0x7);
public SetDstBlockSizeDepth SetDstBlockSizeDepth => (SetDstBlockSizeDepth)((SetDstBlockSize >> 8) & 0x7);
public uint SetDstDepth;
public uint SetDstLayer;
public uint SetDstPitch;
public uint SetDstWidth;
public uint SetDstHeight;
public uint SetDstOffsetUpper;
public int SetDstOffsetUpperV => (int)((SetDstOffsetUpper >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetDstOffsetLower;
public uint FlushAndInvalidateRopMiniCache;
public bool FlushAndInvalidateRopMiniCacheV => (FlushAndInvalidateRopMiniCache & 0x1) != 0;
public uint SetSpareNoop06;
public uint SetSrcFormat;
public SetSrcFormatV SetSrcFormatV => (SetSrcFormatV)((SetSrcFormat >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetSrcMemoryLayout;
public SetSrcMemoryLayoutV SetSrcMemoryLayoutV => (SetSrcMemoryLayoutV)((SetSrcMemoryLayout >> 0) & 0x1);
public uint SetSrcBlockSize;
public SetSrcBlockSizeHeight SetSrcBlockSizeHeight => (SetSrcBlockSizeHeight)((SetSrcBlockSize >> 4) & 0x7);
public SetSrcBlockSizeDepth SetSrcBlockSizeDepth => (SetSrcBlockSizeDepth)((SetSrcBlockSize >> 8) & 0x7);
public uint SetSrcDepth;
public uint TwodInvalidateTextureDataCache;
public TwodInvalidateTextureDataCacheV TwodInvalidateTextureDataCacheV => (TwodInvalidateTextureDataCacheV)((TwodInvalidateTextureDataCache >> 0) & 0x3);
public uint SetSrcPitch;
public uint SetSrcWidth;
public uint SetSrcHeight;
public uint SetSrcOffsetUpper;
public int SetSrcOffsetUpperV => (int)((SetSrcOffsetUpper >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetSrcOffsetLower;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemorySectorPromotion;
public SetPixelsFromMemorySectorPromotionV SetPixelsFromMemorySectorPromotionV => (SetPixelsFromMemorySectorPromotionV)((SetPixelsFromMemorySectorPromotion >> 0) & 0x3);
public uint SetSpareNoop12;
public uint SetNumProcessingClusters;
public SetNumProcessingClustersV SetNumProcessingClustersV => (SetNumProcessingClustersV)((SetNumProcessingClusters >> 0) & 0x1);
public uint SetRenderEnableA;
public int SetRenderEnableAOffsetUpper => (int)((SetRenderEnableA >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetRenderEnableB;
public uint SetRenderEnableC;
public int SetRenderEnableCMode => (int)((SetRenderEnableC >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SetSpareNoop08;
public uint SetSpareNoop01;
public uint SetSpareNoop11;
public uint SetSpareNoop07;
public uint SetClipX0;
public uint SetClipY0;
public uint SetClipWidth;
public uint SetClipHeight;
public uint SetClipEnable;
public bool SetClipEnableV => (SetClipEnable & 0x1) != 0;
public uint SetColorKeyFormat;
public SetColorKeyFormatV SetColorKeyFormatV => (SetColorKeyFormatV)((SetColorKeyFormat >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SetColorKey;
public uint SetColorKeyEnable;
public bool SetColorKeyEnableV => (SetColorKeyEnable & 0x1) != 0;
public uint SetRop;
public int SetRopV => (int)((SetRop >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetBeta1;
public uint SetBeta4;
public int SetBeta4B => (int)((SetBeta4 >> 0) & 0xFF);
public int SetBeta4G => (int)((SetBeta4 >> 8) & 0xFF);
public int SetBeta4R => (int)((SetBeta4 >> 16) & 0xFF);
public int SetBeta4A => (int)((SetBeta4 >> 24) & 0xFF);
public uint SetOperation;
public SetOperationV SetOperationV => (SetOperationV)((SetOperation >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SetPatternOffset;
public int SetPatternOffsetX => (int)((SetPatternOffset >> 0) & 0x3F);
public int SetPatternOffsetY => (int)((SetPatternOffset >> 8) & 0x3F);
public uint SetPatternSelect;
public SetPatternSelectV SetPatternSelectV => (SetPatternSelectV)((SetPatternSelect >> 0) & 0x3);
public uint SetDstColorRenderToZetaSurface;
public bool SetDstColorRenderToZetaSurfaceV => (SetDstColorRenderToZetaSurface & 0x1) != 0;
public uint SetSpareNoop04;
public uint SetSpareNoop15;
public uint SetSpareNoop13;
public uint SetSpareNoop03;
public uint SetSpareNoop14;
public uint SetSpareNoop02;
public uint SetCompression;
public bool SetCompressionEnable => (SetCompression & 0x1) != 0;
public uint SetSpareNoop09;
public uint SetRenderEnableOverride;
public SetRenderEnableOverrideMode SetRenderEnableOverrideMode => (SetRenderEnableOverrideMode)((SetRenderEnableOverride >> 0) & 0x3);
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDirection;
public SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionHorizontal SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionHorizontal => (SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionHorizontal)((SetPixelsFromMemoryDirection >> 0) & 0x3);
public SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionVertical SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionVertical => (SetPixelsFromMemoryDirectionVertical)((SetPixelsFromMemoryDirection >> 4) & 0x3);
public uint SetSpareNoop10;
public uint SetMonochromePatternColorFormat;
public SetMonochromePatternColorFormatV SetMonochromePatternColorFormatV => (SetMonochromePatternColorFormatV)((SetMonochromePatternColorFormat >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SetMonochromePatternFormat;
public SetMonochromePatternFormatV SetMonochromePatternFormatV => (SetMonochromePatternFormatV)((SetMonochromePatternFormat >> 0) & 0x1);
public uint SetMonochromePatternColor0;
public uint SetMonochromePatternColor1;
public uint SetMonochromePattern0;
public uint SetMonochromePattern1;
public Array64<uint> ColorPatternX8r8g8b8;
public int ColorPatternX8r8g8b8B0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX8r8g8b8[i] >> 0) & 0xFF);
public int ColorPatternX8r8g8b8G0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX8r8g8b8[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
public int ColorPatternX8r8g8b8R0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX8r8g8b8[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
public int ColorPatternX8r8g8b8Ignore0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX8r8g8b8[i] >> 24) & 0xFF);
public Array32<uint> ColorPatternR5g6b5;
public int ColorPatternR5g6b5B0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternR5g6b5[i] >> 0) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternR5g6b5G0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternR5g6b5[i] >> 5) & 0x3F);
public int ColorPatternR5g6b5R0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternR5g6b5[i] >> 11) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternR5g6b5B1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternR5g6b5[i] >> 16) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternR5g6b5G1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternR5g6b5[i] >> 21) & 0x3F);
public int ColorPatternR5g6b5R1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternR5g6b5[i] >> 27) & 0x1F);
public Array32<uint> ColorPatternX1r5g5b5;
public int ColorPatternX1r5g5b5B0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] >> 0) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternX1r5g5b5G0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] >> 5) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternX1r5g5b5R0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] >> 10) & 0x1F);
public bool ColorPatternX1r5g5b5Ignore0(int i) => (ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] & 0x8000) != 0;
public int ColorPatternX1r5g5b5B1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] >> 16) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternX1r5g5b5G1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] >> 21) & 0x1F);
public int ColorPatternX1r5g5b5R1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] >> 26) & 0x1F);
public bool ColorPatternX1r5g5b5Ignore1(int i) => (ColorPatternX1r5g5b5[i] & 0x80000000) != 0;
public Array16<uint> ColorPatternY8;
public int ColorPatternY8Y0(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternY8[i] >> 0) & 0xFF);
public int ColorPatternY8Y1(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternY8[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
public int ColorPatternY8Y2(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternY8[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
public int ColorPatternY8Y3(int i) => (int)((ColorPatternY8[i] >> 24) & 0xFF);
public uint SetRenderSolidPrimColor0;
public uint SetRenderSolidPrimColor1;
public uint SetRenderSolidPrimColor2;
public uint SetRenderSolidPrimColor3;
public uint SetMmeMemAddressA;
public int SetMmeMemAddressAUpper => (int)((SetMmeMemAddressA >> 0) & 0x1FFFFFF);
public uint SetMmeMemAddressB;
public uint SetMmeDataRamAddress;
public uint MmeDmaRead;
public uint MmeDmaReadFifoed;
public uint MmeDmaWrite;
public uint MmeDmaReduction;
public MmeDmaReductionReductionOp MmeDmaReductionReductionOp => (MmeDmaReductionReductionOp)((MmeDmaReduction >> 0) & 0x7);
public MmeDmaReductionReductionFormat MmeDmaReductionReductionFormat => (MmeDmaReductionReductionFormat)((MmeDmaReduction >> 4) & 0x3);
public MmeDmaReductionReductionSize MmeDmaReductionReductionSize => (MmeDmaReductionReductionSize)((MmeDmaReduction >> 8) & 0x1);
public uint MmeDmaSysmembar;
public bool MmeDmaSysmembarV => (MmeDmaSysmembar & 0x1) != 0;
public uint MmeDmaSync;
public uint SetMmeDataFifoConfig;
public SetMmeDataFifoConfigFifoSize SetMmeDataFifoConfigFifoSize => (SetMmeDataFifoConfigFifoSize)((SetMmeDataFifoConfig >> 0) & 0x7);
public fixed uint Reserved578[2];
public uint RenderSolidPrimMode;
public RenderSolidPrimModeV RenderSolidPrimModeV => (RenderSolidPrimModeV)((RenderSolidPrimMode >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SetRenderSolidPrimColorFormat;
public SetRenderSolidPrimColorFormatV SetRenderSolidPrimColorFormatV => (SetRenderSolidPrimColorFormatV)((SetRenderSolidPrimColorFormat >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetRenderSolidPrimColor;
public uint SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBits;
public bool SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBitsXmajXincYinc => (SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBits & 0x1) != 0;
public bool SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBitsXmajXdecYinc => (SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBits & 0x10) != 0;
public bool SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBitsYmajXincYinc => (SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBits & 0x100) != 0;
public bool SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBitsYmajXdecYinc => (SetRenderSolidLineTieBreakBits & 0x1000) != 0;
public fixed uint Reserved590[20];
public uint RenderSolidPrimPointXY;
public int RenderSolidPrimPointXYX => (int)((RenderSolidPrimPointXY >> 0) & 0xFFFF);
public int RenderSolidPrimPointXYY => (int)((RenderSolidPrimPointXY >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
public fixed uint Reserved5E4[7];
public Array64<RenderSolidPrimPoint> RenderSolidPrimPoint;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDataType;
public SetPixelsFromCpuDataTypeV SetPixelsFromCpuDataTypeV => (SetPixelsFromCpuDataTypeV)((SetPixelsFromCpuDataType >> 0) & 0x1);
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuColorFormat;
public SetPixelsFromCpuColorFormatV SetPixelsFromCpuColorFormatV => (SetPixelsFromCpuColorFormatV)((SetPixelsFromCpuColorFormat >> 0) & 0xFF);
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuIndexFormat;
public SetPixelsFromCpuIndexFormatV SetPixelsFromCpuIndexFormatV => (SetPixelsFromCpuIndexFormatV)((SetPixelsFromCpuIndexFormat >> 0) & 0x3);
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuMonoFormat;
public SetPixelsFromCpuMonoFormatV SetPixelsFromCpuMonoFormatV => (SetPixelsFromCpuMonoFormatV)((SetPixelsFromCpuMonoFormat >> 0) & 0x1);
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuWrap;
public SetPixelsFromCpuWrapV SetPixelsFromCpuWrapV => (SetPixelsFromCpuWrapV)((SetPixelsFromCpuWrap >> 0) & 0x3);
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuColor0;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuColor1;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuMonoOpacity;
public SetPixelsFromCpuMonoOpacityV SetPixelsFromCpuMonoOpacityV => (SetPixelsFromCpuMonoOpacityV)((SetPixelsFromCpuMonoOpacity >> 0) & 0x1);
public fixed uint Reserved820[6];
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuSrcWidth;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuSrcHeight;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDxDuFrac;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDxDuInt;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDyDvFrac;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDyDvInt;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDstX0Frac;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDstX0Int;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDstY0Frac;
public uint SetPixelsFromCpuDstY0Int;
public uint PixelsFromCpuData;
public fixed uint Reserved864[3];
public uint SetBigEndianControl;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX32Swap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x1) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX32Swap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x2) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX32Swap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x4) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX32Swap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x8) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX16Swap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x10) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX16Swap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x20) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX16Swap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x40) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX16Swap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x80) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX8Swap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x100) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX8Swap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x200) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX8Swap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x400) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlX8Swap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x800) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8Cga6Swap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x1000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8Cga6Swap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x2000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8Cga6Swap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x4000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8Cga6Swap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x8000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8LeSwap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x10000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8LeSwap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x20000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8LeSwap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x40000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI1X8LeSwap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x80000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI4Swap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x100000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI4Swap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x200000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI4Swap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x400000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI4Swap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x800000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI8Swap1 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x1000000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI8Swap4 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x2000000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI8Swap8 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x4000000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlI8Swap16 => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x8000000) != 0;
public bool SetBigEndianControlOverride => (SetBigEndianControl & 0x10000000) != 0;
public fixed uint Reserved874[3];
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryBlockShape;
public SetPixelsFromMemoryBlockShapeV SetPixelsFromMemoryBlockShapeV => (SetPixelsFromMemoryBlockShapeV)((SetPixelsFromMemoryBlockShape >> 0) & 0x7);
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryCorralSize;
public int SetPixelsFromMemoryCorralSizeV => (int)((SetPixelsFromMemoryCorralSize >> 0) & 0x3FF);
public uint SetPixelsFromMemorySafeOverlap;
public bool SetPixelsFromMemorySafeOverlapV => (SetPixelsFromMemorySafeOverlap & 0x1) != 0;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemorySampleMode;
public SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeOrigin SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeOrigin => (SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeOrigin)((SetPixelsFromMemorySampleMode >> 0) & 0x1);
public SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeFilter SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeFilter => (SetPixelsFromMemorySampleModeFilter)((SetPixelsFromMemorySampleMode >> 4) & 0x1);
public fixed uint Reserved890[8];
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDstX0;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDstY0;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDstWidth;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDstHeight;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDuDxFrac;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDuDxInt;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDvDyFrac;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemoryDvDyInt;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemorySrcX0Frac;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemorySrcX0Int;
public uint SetPixelsFromMemorySrcY0Frac;
public uint PixelsFromMemorySrcY0Int;
public uint SetFalcon00;
public uint SetFalcon01;
public uint SetFalcon02;
public uint SetFalcon03;
public uint SetFalcon04;
public uint SetFalcon05;
public uint SetFalcon06;
public uint SetFalcon07;
public uint SetFalcon08;
public uint SetFalcon09;
public uint SetFalcon10;
public uint SetFalcon11;
public uint SetFalcon12;
public uint SetFalcon13;
public uint SetFalcon14;
public uint SetFalcon15;
public uint SetFalcon16;
public uint SetFalcon17;
public uint SetFalcon18;
public uint SetFalcon19;
public uint SetFalcon20;
public uint SetFalcon21;
public uint SetFalcon22;
public uint SetFalcon23;
public uint SetFalcon24;
public uint SetFalcon25;
public uint SetFalcon26;
public uint SetFalcon27;
public uint SetFalcon28;
public uint SetFalcon29;
public uint SetFalcon30;
public uint SetFalcon31;
public fixed uint Reserved960[291];
public uint MmeDmaWriteMethodBarrier;
public bool MmeDmaWriteMethodBarrierV => (MmeDmaWriteMethodBarrier & 0x1) != 0;
public fixed uint ReservedDF0[2436];
public MmeShadowScratch SetMmeShadowScratch;
#pragma warning restore CS0649