LDj3SNuD 733b6b340b RO optimization.
Allows the same dynamic module (NRO) to always be remapped to the same base address, so that the Translator can reuse the same dynamic functions in it, without having to retranslate them and thus without having to add them back into the Jit Cache.
2022-09-26 13:29:30 +02:00

407 lines
12 KiB

using Ryujinx.Memory.Range;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Ryujinx.Memory
/// <summary>
/// Represents a address space manager.
/// Supports virtual memory region mapping, address translation and read/write access to mapped regions.
/// </summary>
public sealed class AddressSpaceManager : IVirtualMemoryManager, IWritableBlock
public const int PageBits = PageTable<ulong>.PageBits;
public const int PageSize = PageTable<ulong>.PageSize;
public const int PageMask = PageTable<ulong>.PageMask;
/// <summary>
/// Address space width in bits.
/// </summary>
public int AddressSpaceBits { get; }
private readonly ulong _addressSpaceSize;
private readonly MemoryBlock _backingMemory;
private readonly PageTable<ulong> _pageTable;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the memory manager.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="backingMemory">Physical backing memory where virtual memory will be mapped to</param>
/// <param name="addressSpaceSize">Size of the address space</param>
public AddressSpaceManager(MemoryBlock backingMemory, ulong addressSpaceSize)
ulong asSize = PageSize;
int asBits = PageBits;
while (asSize < addressSpaceSize)
asSize <<= 1;
AddressSpaceBits = asBits;
_addressSpaceSize = asSize;
_backingMemory = backingMemory;
_pageTable = new PageTable<ulong>();
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Map(ulong va, ulong pa, ulong size)
AssertValidAddressAndSize(va, size);
while (size != 0)
_pageTable.Map(va, pa);
va += PageSize;
pa += PageSize;
size -= PageSize;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Unmap(ulong va, ulong size, bool clearRejitQueueOnly = false)
AssertValidAddressAndSize(va, size);
while (size != 0)
va += PageSize;
size -= PageSize;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public T Read<T>(ulong va) where T : unmanaged
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, T>(GetSpan(va, Unsafe.SizeOf<T>()))[0];
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Read(ulong va, Span<byte> data)
ReadImpl(va, data);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Write<T>(ulong va, T value) where T : unmanaged
Write(va, MemoryMarshal.Cast<T, byte>(MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref value, 1)));
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Write(ulong va, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
if (data.Length == 0)
AssertValidAddressAndSize(va, (ulong)data.Length);
if (IsContiguousAndMapped(va, data.Length))
data.CopyTo(_backingMemory.GetSpan(GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va), data.Length));
int offset = 0, size;
if ((va & PageMask) != 0)
ulong pa = GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va);
size = Math.Min(data.Length, PageSize - (int)(va & PageMask));
data.Slice(0, size).CopyTo(_backingMemory.GetSpan(pa, size));
offset += size;
for (; offset < data.Length; offset += size)
ulong pa = GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va + (ulong)offset);
size = Math.Min(data.Length - offset, PageSize);
data.Slice(offset, size).CopyTo(_backingMemory.GetSpan(pa, size));
/// <inheritdoc/>
public ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetSpan(ulong va, int size, bool tracked = false)
if (size == 0)
return ReadOnlySpan<byte>.Empty;
if (IsContiguousAndMapped(va, size))
return _backingMemory.GetSpan(GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va), size);
Span<byte> data = new byte[size];
ReadImpl(va, data);
return data;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public unsafe WritableRegion GetWritableRegion(ulong va, int size, bool tracked = false)
if (size == 0)
return new WritableRegion(null, va, Memory<byte>.Empty);
if (IsContiguousAndMapped(va, size))
return new WritableRegion(null, va, _backingMemory.GetMemory(GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va), size));
Memory<byte> memory = new byte[size];
GetSpan(va, size).CopyTo(memory.Span);
return new WritableRegion(this, va, memory);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public ref T GetRef<T>(ulong va) where T : unmanaged
if (!IsContiguous(va, Unsafe.SizeOf<T>()))
return ref _backingMemory.GetRef<T>(GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va));
/// <inheritdoc/>
private int GetPagesCount(ulong va, uint size, out ulong startVa)
// WARNING: Always check if ulong does not overflow during the operations.
startVa = va & ~(ulong)PageMask;
ulong vaSpan = (va - startVa + size + PageMask) & ~(ulong)PageMask;
return (int)(vaSpan / PageSize);
private static void ThrowMemoryNotContiguous() => throw new MemoryNotContiguousException();
private bool IsContiguousAndMapped(ulong va, int size) => IsContiguous(va, size) && IsMapped(va);
private bool IsContiguous(ulong va, int size)
if (!ValidateAddress(va) || !ValidateAddressAndSize(va, (ulong)size))
return false;
int pages = GetPagesCount(va, (uint)size, out va);
for (int page = 0; page < pages - 1; page++)
if (!ValidateAddress(va + PageSize))
return false;
if (GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va) + PageSize != GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va + PageSize))
return false;
va += PageSize;
return true;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IEnumerable<MemoryRange> GetPhysicalRegions(ulong va, ulong size)
if (size == 0)
return Enumerable.Empty<MemoryRange>();
if (!ValidateAddress(va) || !ValidateAddressAndSize(va, size))
return null;
int pages = GetPagesCount(va, (uint)size, out va);
var regions = new List<MemoryRange>();
ulong regionStart = GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va);
ulong regionSize = PageSize;
for (int page = 0; page < pages - 1; page++)
if (!ValidateAddress(va + PageSize))
return null;
ulong newPa = GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va + PageSize);
if (GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va) + PageSize != newPa)
regions.Add(new MemoryRange(regionStart, regionSize));
regionStart = newPa;
regionSize = 0;
va += PageSize;
regionSize += PageSize;
regions.Add(new MemoryRange(regionStart, regionSize));
return regions;
private void ReadImpl(ulong va, Span<byte> data)
if (data.Length == 0)
AssertValidAddressAndSize(va, (ulong)data.Length);
int offset = 0, size;
if ((va & PageMask) != 0)
ulong pa = GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va);
size = Math.Min(data.Length, PageSize - (int)(va & PageMask));
_backingMemory.GetSpan(pa, size).CopyTo(data.Slice(0, size));
offset += size;
for (; offset < data.Length; offset += size)
ulong pa = GetPhysicalAddressInternal(va + (ulong)offset);
size = Math.Min(data.Length - offset, PageSize);
_backingMemory.GetSpan(pa, size).CopyTo(data.Slice(offset, size));
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool IsMapped(ulong va)
if (!ValidateAddress(va))
return false;
return _pageTable.Read(va) != 0;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool IsRangeMapped(ulong va, ulong size)
if (size == 0UL)
return true;
if (!ValidateAddressAndSize(va, size))
return false;
int pages = GetPagesCount(va, (uint)size, out va);
for (int page = 0; page < pages; page++)
if (!IsMapped(va))
return false;
va += PageSize;
return true;
private bool ValidateAddress(ulong va)
return va < _addressSpaceSize;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the combination of virtual address and size is part of the addressable space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="va">Virtual address of the range</param>
/// <param name="size">Size of the range in bytes</param>
/// <returns>True if the combination of virtual address and size is part of the addressable space</returns>
private bool ValidateAddressAndSize(ulong va, ulong size)
ulong endVa = va + size;
return endVa >= va && endVa >= size && endVa <= _addressSpaceSize;
/// <summary>
/// Ensures the combination of virtual address and size is part of the addressable space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="va">Virtual address of the range</param>
/// <param name="size">Size of the range in bytes</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidMemoryRegionException">Throw when the memory region specified outside the addressable space</exception>
private void AssertValidAddressAndSize(ulong va, ulong size)
if (!ValidateAddressAndSize(va, size))
throw new InvalidMemoryRegionException($"va=0x{va:X16}, size=0x{size:X16}");
private ulong GetPhysicalAddressInternal(ulong va)
return _pageTable.Read(va) + (va & PageMask);
/// <summary>
/// Reprotect a region of virtual memory for tracking. Sets software protection bits.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="va">Virtual address base</param>
/// <param name="size">Size of the region to protect</param>
/// <param name="protection">Memory protection to set</param>
public void TrackingReprotect(ulong va, ulong size, MemoryPermission protection)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SignalMemoryTracking(ulong va, ulong size, bool write, bool precise = false)
// Only the ARM Memory Manager has tracking for now.