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synced 2025-03-21 15:10:18 +00:00
This commit implements the argv config key in Ryujinx (by creating a temporary copy of the homebrew executable in the sdmc VFS) to make it possible to load libnx's "romfs" files. This commit also call Os.Dispose in Ns.OnFinish to dispose all resources when exiting
446 lines
12 KiB
446 lines
12 KiB
using ChocolArm64;
using ChocolArm64.Events;
using ChocolArm64.Memory;
using ChocolArm64.State;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Executables;
using Ryujinx.HLE.Logging;
using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Diagnostics;
using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Exceptions;
using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Handles;
using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Kernel;
using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Services.Nv;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle
class Process : IDisposable
private const int TlsSize = 0x200;
private const int TotalTlsSlots = (int)MemoryRegions.TlsPagesSize / TlsSize;
private const int TickFreq = 19_200_000;
private Switch Ns;
public bool NeedsHbAbi { get; private set; }
public long HbAbiDataPosition { get; private set; }
public int ProcessId { get; private set; }
private ATranslator Translator;
public AMemory Memory { get; private set; }
public KProcessScheduler Scheduler { get; private set; }
public List<KThread> ThreadArbiterList { get; private set; }
public object ThreadSyncLock { get; private set; }
public KProcessHandleTable HandleTable { get; private set; }
public AppletStateMgr AppletState { get; private set; }
private SvcHandler SvcHandler;
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, AThread> TlsSlots;
private ConcurrentDictionary<long, KThread> Threads;
private KThread MainThread;
private List<Executable> Executables;
private Dictionary<long, string> SymbolTable;
private long ImageBase;
private bool ShouldDispose;
private bool Disposed;
public Process(Switch Ns, KProcessScheduler Scheduler, int ProcessId)
this.Ns = Ns;
this.Scheduler = Scheduler;
this.ProcessId = ProcessId;
Memory = new AMemory();
ThreadArbiterList = new List<KThread>();
ThreadSyncLock = new object();
HandleTable = new KProcessHandleTable();
AppletState = new AppletStateMgr();
SvcHandler = new SvcHandler(Ns, this);
TlsSlots = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, AThread>();
Threads = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, KThread>();
Executables = new List<Executable>();
ImageBase = MemoryRegions.AddrSpaceStart;
public void LoadProgram(IExecutable Program)
if (Disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Process));
Ns.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, $"Image base at 0x{ImageBase:x16}.");
Executable Executable = new Executable(Program, Memory, ImageBase);
ImageBase = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundUp(Executable.ImageEnd);
public void SetEmptyArgs()
//TODO: This should be part of Run.
ImageBase += AMemoryMgr.PageSize;
public bool Run(bool NeedsHbAbi = false)
if (Disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Process));
this.NeedsHbAbi = NeedsHbAbi;
if (Executables.Count == 0)
return false;
long StackTop = MemoryRegions.MainStackAddress + MemoryRegions.MainStackSize;
int Handle = MakeThread(Executables[0].ImageBase, StackTop, 0, 44, 0);
if (Handle == -1)
return false;
MainThread = HandleTable.GetData<KThread>(Handle);
if (NeedsHbAbi)
HbAbiDataPosition = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundUp(Executables[0].ImageEnd);
string SwitchPath = Ns.VFs.SystemPathToSwitchPath(Executables[0].FilePath);
Homebrew.WriteHbAbiData(Memory, HbAbiDataPosition, Handle, SwitchPath);
MainThread.Thread.ThreadState.X0 = (ulong)HbAbiDataPosition;
MainThread.Thread.ThreadState.X1 = ulong.MaxValue;
return true;
private void MapRWMemRegion(long Position, long Size, MemoryType Type)
Memory.Manager.Map(Position, Size, (int)Type, AMemoryPerm.RW);
public void StopAllThreadsAsync()
if (Disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Process));
if (MainThread != null)
foreach (AThread Thread in TlsSlots.Values)
public int MakeThread(
long EntryPoint,
long StackTop,
long ArgsPtr,
int Priority,
int ProcessorId)
if (Disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Process));
AThread CpuThread = new AThread(GetTranslator(), Memory, EntryPoint);
KThread Thread = new KThread(CpuThread, this, ProcessorId, Priority);
Thread.LastPc = EntryPoint;
int Handle = HandleTable.OpenHandle(Thread);
int ThreadId = GetFreeTlsSlot(CpuThread);
long Tpidr = MemoryRegions.TlsPagesAddress + ThreadId * TlsSize;
CpuThread.ThreadState.ProcessId = ProcessId;
CpuThread.ThreadState.ThreadId = ThreadId;
CpuThread.ThreadState.CntfrqEl0 = TickFreq;
CpuThread.ThreadState.Tpidr = Tpidr;
CpuThread.ThreadState.X0 = (ulong)ArgsPtr;
CpuThread.ThreadState.X1 = (ulong)Handle;
CpuThread.ThreadState.X31 = (ulong)StackTop;
CpuThread.ThreadState.Break += BreakHandler;
CpuThread.ThreadState.SvcCall += SvcHandler.SvcCall;
CpuThread.ThreadState.Undefined += UndefinedHandler;
CpuThread.WorkFinished += ThreadFinished;
Threads.TryAdd(CpuThread.ThreadState.Tpidr, Thread);
return Handle;
private void BreakHandler(object sender, AInstExceptionEventArgs e)
throw new GuestBrokeExecutionException();
private void UndefinedHandler(object sender, AInstUndefinedEventArgs e)
throw new UndefinedInstructionException(e.Position, e.RawOpCode);
private void MakeSymbolTable()
SymbolTable = new Dictionary<long, string>();
foreach (Executable Exe in Executables)
foreach (KeyValuePair<long, string> KV in Exe.SymbolTable)
SymbolTable.TryAdd(Exe.ImageBase + KV.Key, KV.Value);
private ATranslator GetTranslator()
if (Translator == null)
Translator = new ATranslator(SymbolTable);
Translator.CpuTrace += CpuTraceHandler;
return Translator;
public void EnableCpuTracing()
Translator.EnableCpuTrace = true;
public void DisableCpuTracing()
Translator.EnableCpuTrace = false;
private void CpuTraceHandler(object sender, ACpuTraceEventArgs e)
string NsoName = string.Empty;
for (int Index = Executables.Count - 1; Index >= 0; Index--)
if (e.Position >= Executables[Index].ImageBase)
NsoName = $"{(e.Position - Executables[Index].ImageBase):x16}";
Ns.Log.PrintDebug(LogClass.Cpu, $"Executing at 0x{e.Position:x16} {e.SubName} {NsoName}");
public void PrintStackTrace(AThreadState ThreadState)
long[] Positions = ThreadState.GetCallStack();
StringBuilder Trace = new StringBuilder();
Trace.AppendLine("Guest stack trace:");
foreach (long Position in Positions)
if (!SymbolTable.TryGetValue(Position, out string SubName))
SubName = $"Sub{Position:x16}";
else if (SubName.StartsWith("_Z"))
SubName = Demangler.Parse(SubName);
Trace.AppendLine(" " + SubName + " (" + GetNsoNameAndAddress(Position) + ")");
Ns.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Cpu, Trace.ToString());
private string GetNsoNameAndAddress(long Position)
string Name = string.Empty;
for (int Index = Executables.Count - 1; Index >= 0; Index--)
if (Position >= Executables[Index].ImageBase)
long Offset = Position - Executables[Index].ImageBase;
Name = $"{Executables[Index].Name}:{Offset:x8}";
return Name;
private int GetFreeTlsSlot(AThread Thread)
for (int Index = 1; Index < TotalTlsSlots; Index++)
if (TlsSlots.TryAdd(Index, Thread))
return Index;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private void ThreadFinished(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender is AThread Thread)
TlsSlots.TryRemove(GetTlsSlot(Thread.ThreadState.Tpidr), out _);
Threads.TryRemove(Thread.ThreadState.Tpidr, out KThread KernelThread);
if (TlsSlots.Count == 0)
if (ShouldDispose)
private int GetTlsSlot(long Position)
return (int)((Position - MemoryRegions.TlsPagesAddress) / TlsSize);
public KThread GetThread(long Tpidr)
if (!Threads.TryGetValue(Tpidr, out KThread Thread))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return Thread;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing)
if (Disposing && !Disposed)
if (NeedsHbAbi && Executables[0].FilePath.EndsWith(Homebrew.TemporaryNroSuffix))
//If there is still some thread running, disposing the objects is not
//safe as the thread may try to access those resources. Instead, we set
//the flag to have the Process disposed when all threads finishes.
//Note: This may not happen if the guest code gets stuck on a infinite loop.
if (TlsSlots.Count > 0)
ShouldDispose = true;
Ns.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, $"Process {ProcessId} waiting all threads terminate...");
Disposed = true;
foreach (object Obj in HandleTable.Clear())
if (Obj is KSession Session)
Ns.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, $"Process {ProcessId} exiting...");
} |