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using Ryujinx.Common.Memory;
using Silk.NET.Vulkan;
using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan
struct PipelineState : IDisposable
private const int RequiredSubgroupSize = 32;
public PipelineUid Internal;
public float LineWidth
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id0 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id0 = (Internal.Id0 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 0);
public float DepthBiasClamp
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id0 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id0 = (Internal.Id0 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 32);
public float DepthBiasConstantFactor
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id1 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id1 = (Internal.Id1 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 0);
public float DepthBiasSlopeFactor
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id1 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id1 = (Internal.Id1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 32);
public uint StencilFrontCompareMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id2 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id2 = (Internal.Id2 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StencilFrontWriteMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id2 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id2 = (Internal.Id2 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public uint StencilFrontReference
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id3 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id3 = (Internal.Id3 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StencilBackCompareMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id3 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id3 = (Internal.Id3 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public uint StencilBackWriteMask
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id4 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id4 = (Internal.Id4 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StencilBackReference
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id4 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id4 = (Internal.Id4 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public float MinDepthBounds
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id5 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 0);
public float MaxDepthBounds
readonly get => BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle((int)((Internal.Id5 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
set => Internal.Id5 = (Internal.Id5 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)(uint)BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits(value) << 32);
public PolygonMode PolygonMode
readonly get => (PolygonMode)((Internal.Id6 >> 0) & 0x3FFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint StagesCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id6 >> 30) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFFFC03FFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 30);
public uint VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id6 >> 38) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFFFC03FFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 38);
public uint VertexBindingDescriptionsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id6 >> 46) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xFFC03FFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 46);
public uint ViewportsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id6 >> 54) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id6 = (Internal.Id6 & 0xC03FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 54);
public uint ScissorsCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id7 >> 0) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint ColorBlendAttachmentStateCount
readonly get => (byte)((Internal.Id7 >> 8) & 0xFF);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF00FF) | ((ulong)value << 8);
public PrimitiveTopology Topology
readonly get => (PrimitiveTopology)((Internal.Id7 >> 16) & 0xF);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFF0FFFF) | ((ulong)value << 16);
public LogicOp LogicOp
readonly get => (LogicOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 20) & 0xF);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFFFF0FFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 20);
public CompareOp DepthCompareOp
readonly get => (CompareOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 24) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFFF8FFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 24);
public StencilOp StencilFrontFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 27) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFFC7FFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 27);
public StencilOp StencilFrontPassOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 30) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFFE3FFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 30);
public StencilOp StencilFrontDepthFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 33) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFFF1FFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 33);
public CompareOp StencilFrontCompareOp
readonly get => (CompareOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 36) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFF8FFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 36);
public StencilOp StencilBackFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 39) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFFC7FFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 39);
public StencilOp StencilBackPassOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 42) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFFE3FFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 42);
public StencilOp StencilBackDepthFailOp
readonly get => (StencilOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 45) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFFF1FFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 45);
public CompareOp StencilBackCompareOp
readonly get => (CompareOp)((Internal.Id7 >> 48) & 0x7);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFF8FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 48);
public CullModeFlags CullMode
readonly get => (CullModeFlags)((Internal.Id7 >> 51) & 0x3);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFE7FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 51);
public bool PrimitiveRestartEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 53) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 53);
public bool DepthClampEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 54) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFFBFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 54);
public bool RasterizerDiscardEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 55) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFF7FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 55);
public FrontFace FrontFace
readonly get => (FrontFace)((Internal.Id7 >> 56) & 0x1);
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 56);
public bool DepthBiasEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 57) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 57);
public bool DepthTestEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 58) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xFBFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 58);
public bool DepthWriteEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 59) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xF7FFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 59);
public bool DepthBoundsTestEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 60) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 60);
public bool StencilTestEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 61) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 61);
public bool LogicOpEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 62) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0xBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 62);
public bool HasDepthStencil
readonly get => ((Internal.Id7 >> 63) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id7 = (Internal.Id7 & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 63);
public uint PatchControlPoints
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id8 >> 0) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) | ((ulong)value << 0);
public uint SamplesCount
readonly get => (uint)((Internal.Id8 >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
set => Internal.Id8 = (Internal.Id8 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((ulong)value << 32);
public bool AlphaToCoverageEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id9 >> 0) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id9 = (Internal.Id9 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 0);
public bool AlphaToOneEnable
readonly get => ((Internal.Id9 >> 1) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id9 = (Internal.Id9 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 1);
public bool AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied
readonly get => ((Internal.Id9 >> 2) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id9 = (Internal.Id9 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFB) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 2);
public bool AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied
readonly get => ((Internal.Id9 >> 3) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id9 = (Internal.Id9 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 3);
public BlendOverlapEXT AdvancedBlendOverlap
readonly get => (BlendOverlapEXT)((Internal.Id9 >> 4) & 0x3);
set => Internal.Id9 = (Internal.Id9 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCF) | ((ulong)value << 4);
public bool DepthMode
readonly get => ((Internal.Id9 >> 6) & 0x1) != 0UL;
set => Internal.Id9 = (Internal.Id9 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBF) | ((value ? 1UL : 0UL) << 6);
public bool HasTessellationControlShader;
public NativeArray<PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo> Stages;
public PipelineLayout PipelineLayout;
public SpecData SpecializationData;
private Array32<VertexInputAttributeDescription> _vertexAttributeDescriptions2;
public void Initialize()
HasTessellationControlShader = false;
Stages = new NativeArray<PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo>(Constants.MaxShaderStages);
AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied = true;
AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied = true;
AdvancedBlendOverlap = BlendOverlapEXT.UncorrelatedExt;
LineWidth = 1f;
SamplesCount = 1;
DepthMode = true;
public unsafe Auto<DisposablePipeline> CreateComputePipeline(
VulkanRenderer gd,
Device device,
ShaderCollection program,
PipelineCache cache)
if (program.TryGetComputePipeline(ref SpecializationData, out var pipeline))
return pipeline;
var pipelineCreateInfo = new ComputePipelineCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.ComputePipelineCreateInfo,
Stage = Stages[0],
BasePipelineIndex = -1,
Layout = PipelineLayout,
Pipeline pipelineHandle = default;
bool hasSpec = program.SpecDescriptions != null;
var desc = hasSpec ? program.SpecDescriptions[0] : SpecDescription.Empty;
if (hasSpec && SpecializationData.Length < (int)desc.Info.DataSize)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Specialization data size does not match description");
fixed (SpecializationInfo* info = &desc.Info)
fixed (SpecializationMapEntry* map = desc.Map)
fixed (byte* data = SpecializationData.Span)
if (hasSpec)
info->PMapEntries = map;
info->PData = data;
pipelineCreateInfo.Stage.PSpecializationInfo = info;
gd.Api.CreateComputePipelines(device, cache, 1, &pipelineCreateInfo, null, &pipelineHandle).ThrowOnError();
pipeline = new Auto<DisposablePipeline>(new DisposablePipeline(gd.Api, device, pipelineHandle));
program.AddComputePipeline(ref SpecializationData, pipeline);
return pipeline;
public unsafe Auto<DisposablePipeline> CreateGraphicsPipeline(
VulkanRenderer gd,
Device device,
ShaderCollection program,
PipelineCache cache,
RenderPass renderPass,
bool throwOnError = false)
if (program.TryGetGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, out var pipeline))
return pipeline;
Pipeline pipelineHandle = default;
bool isMoltenVk = gd.IsMoltenVk;
if (isMoltenVk)
bool supportsExtDynamicState = gd.Capabilities.SupportsExtendedDynamicState;
bool supportsExtDynamicState2 = gd.Capabilities.SupportsExtendedDynamicState2;
fixed (VertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions = &Internal.VertexAttributeDescriptions[0])
fixed (VertexInputAttributeDescription* pVertexAttributeDescriptions2 = &_vertexAttributeDescriptions2[0])
fixed (VertexInputBindingDescription* pVertexBindingDescriptions = &Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[0])
fixed (PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState* pColorBlendAttachmentState = &Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[0])
var vertexInputState = new PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo,
VertexAttributeDescriptionCount = VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount,
PVertexAttributeDescriptions = isMoltenVk ? pVertexAttributeDescriptions2 : pVertexAttributeDescriptions,
VertexBindingDescriptionCount = VertexBindingDescriptionsCount,
PVertexBindingDescriptions = pVertexBindingDescriptions,
// Using patches topology without a tessellation shader is invalid.
// If we find such a case, return null pipeline to skip the draw.
if (Topology == PrimitiveTopology.PatchList && !HasTessellationControlShader)
program.AddGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, null);
return null;
var inputAssemblyState = new PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo,
Topology = Topology,
if (!supportsExtDynamicState)
inputAssemblyState.PrimitiveRestartEnable = PrimitiveRestartEnable;
var tessellationState = new PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo,
PatchControlPoints = PatchControlPoints,
var rasterizationState = new PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo,
DepthClampEnable = DepthClampEnable,
PolygonMode = PolygonMode,
if (isMoltenVk)
//When widelines feature is not supported it must be 1.0f per spec.
rasterizationState.LineWidth = 1.0f;
if (!supportsExtDynamicState)
rasterizationState.CullMode = CullMode;
rasterizationState.FrontFace = FrontFace;
if (!supportsExtDynamicState2)
rasterizationState.DepthBiasEnable = DepthBiasEnable;
rasterizationState.RasterizerDiscardEnable = RasterizerDiscardEnable;
var viewportState = new PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo,
if (!supportsExtDynamicState)
viewportState.ViewportCount = ViewportsCount;
viewportState.ScissorCount = ScissorsCount;
if (gd.Capabilities.SupportsDepthClipControl && !gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3DepthClipNegativeOneToOne)
var viewportDepthClipControlState = new PipelineViewportDepthClipControlCreateInfoEXT
SType = StructureType.PipelineViewportDepthClipControlCreateInfoExt,
NegativeOneToOne = DepthMode,
viewportState.PNext = &viewportDepthClipControlState;
var multisampleState = new PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo,
SampleShadingEnable = false,
RasterizationSamples = TextureStorage.ConvertToSampleCountFlags(gd.Capabilities.SupportedSampleCounts, SamplesCount),
MinSampleShading = 1,
AlphaToCoverageEnable = AlphaToCoverageEnable,
AlphaToOneEnable = AlphaToOneEnable,
var depthStencilState = new PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo,
DepthBoundsTestEnable = DepthBoundsTestEnable,
MinDepthBounds = MinDepthBounds,
MaxDepthBounds = MaxDepthBounds,
if (!supportsExtDynamicState)
var stencilFront = new StencilOpState(
var stencilBack = new StencilOpState(
depthStencilState.Front = stencilFront;
depthStencilState.Back = stencilBack;
depthStencilState.StencilTestEnable = StencilTestEnable;
depthStencilState.DepthTestEnable = DepthTestEnable;
depthStencilState.DepthWriteEnable = DepthWriteEnable;
depthStencilState.DepthCompareOp = DepthCompareOp;
uint blendEnables = 0;
if (isMoltenVk && Internal.AttachmentIntegerFormatMask != 0)
// Blend can't be enabled for integer formats, so let's make sure it is disabled.
uint attachmentIntegerFormatMask = Internal.AttachmentIntegerFormatMask;
while (attachmentIntegerFormatMask != 0)
int i = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(attachmentIntegerFormatMask);
if (Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i].BlendEnable)
blendEnables |= 1u << i;
Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i].BlendEnable = false;
attachmentIntegerFormatMask &= ~(1u << i);
var colorBlendState = new PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo,
LogicOpEnable = LogicOpEnable,
AttachmentCount = ColorBlendAttachmentStateCount,
PAttachments = pColorBlendAttachmentState,
if (!(supportsExtDynamicState2 && gd.ExtendedLogicOp))
colorBlendState.LogicOp = LogicOp;
PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT colorBlendAdvancedState;
if (!AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied ||
!AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied ||
AdvancedBlendOverlap != BlendOverlapEXT.UncorrelatedExt)
colorBlendAdvancedState = new PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT
SType = StructureType.PipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoExt,
SrcPremultiplied = AdvancedBlendSrcPreMultiplied,
DstPremultiplied = AdvancedBlendDstPreMultiplied,
BlendOverlap = AdvancedBlendOverlap,
colorBlendState.PNext = &colorBlendAdvancedState;
int baseDynamicStatesCount = 7;
int additionalDynamicStatesCount = 0;
if (!isMoltenVk)
if (supportsExtDynamicState)
additionalDynamicStatesCount += isMoltenVk ? 10 : 11;
if (supportsExtDynamicState2)
additionalDynamicStatesCount += 3;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState2Features.ExtendedDynamicState2LogicOp)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState2Features.ExtendedDynamicState2PatchControlPoints)
if (supportsExtDynamicState3)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3DepthClampEnable)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3LogicOpEnable)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3AlphaToCoverageEnable)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3AlphaToOneEnable)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3DepthClipNegativeOneToOne)
int dynamicStatesCount = baseDynamicStatesCount + additionalDynamicStatesCount;
DynamicState* dynamicStates = stackalloc DynamicState[dynamicStatesCount];
dynamicStates[0] = DynamicState.Viewport;
dynamicStates[1] = DynamicState.Scissor;
dynamicStates[2] = DynamicState.DepthBias;
dynamicStates[3] = DynamicState.StencilCompareMask;
dynamicStates[4] = DynamicState.StencilWriteMask;
dynamicStates[5] = DynamicState.StencilReference;
dynamicStates[6] = DynamicState.BlendConstants;
int currentIndex = 7;
if (!isMoltenVk)
//LineWidth is only supported on MacOS when using Metal Private API on newer version of MoltenVK
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.LineWidth;
if (supportsExtDynamicState)
if (!isMoltenVk)
//Requires Metal 3.1 and new MoltenVK
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.VertexInputBindingStrideExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.CullModeExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.FrontFaceExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.DepthTestEnableExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.DepthWriteEnableExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.DepthCompareOpExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.StencilTestEnableExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.ViewportWithCountExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.ScissorWithCountExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.StencilOpExt;
if (supportsExtDynamicState2)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.DepthBiasEnableExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.RasterizerDiscardEnableExt;
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.PrimitiveRestartEnableExt;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState2Features.ExtendedDynamicState2LogicOp)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.LogicOpExt;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState2Features.ExtendedDynamicState2PatchControlPoints)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.PatchControlPointsExt;
if (supportsExtDynamicState3)
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3DepthClampEnable)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.DepthClampEnableExt;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3LogicOpEnable)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.LogicOpEnableExt;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3AlphaToCoverageEnable)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.AlphaToCoverageEnableExt;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3AlphaToOneEnable)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.AlphaToOneEnableExt;
if (gd.ExtendedDynamicState3Features.ExtendedDynamicState3DepthClipNegativeOneToOne)
dynamicStates[currentIndex++] = DynamicState.DepthClipNegativeOneToOneExt;
var pipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo = new PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo,
DynamicStateCount = (uint)dynamicStatesCount,
PDynamicStates = dynamicStates,
var pipelineCreateInfo = new GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo
SType = StructureType.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo,
StageCount = StagesCount,
PStages = Stages.Pointer,
PVertexInputState = &vertexInputState,
PInputAssemblyState = &inputAssemblyState,
PTessellationState = &tessellationState,
PViewportState = &viewportState,
PRasterizationState = &rasterizationState,
PMultisampleState = &multisampleState,
PDepthStencilState = &depthStencilState,
PColorBlendState = &colorBlendState,
PDynamicState = &pipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo,
Layout = PipelineLayout,
RenderPass = renderPass,
Result result = gd.Api.CreateGraphicsPipelines(device, cache, 1, &pipelineCreateInfo, null, &pipelineHandle);
if (throwOnError)
else if (result.IsError())
program.AddGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, null);
return null;
// Restore previous blend enable values if we changed it.
while (blendEnables != 0)
int i = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(blendEnables);
Internal.ColorBlendAttachmentState[i].BlendEnable = true;
blendEnables &= ~(1u << i);
pipeline = new Auto<DisposablePipeline>(new DisposablePipeline(gd.Api, device, pipelineHandle));
program.AddGraphicsPipeline(ref Internal, pipeline);
return pipeline;
private void UpdateVertexAttributeDescriptions(VulkanRenderer gd)
// Vertex attributes exceeding the stride are invalid.
// In metal, they cause glitches with the vertex shader fetching incorrect values.
// To work around this, we reduce the format to something that doesn't exceed the stride if possible.
// The assumption is that the exceeding components are not actually accessed on the shader.
for (int index = 0; index < VertexAttributeDescriptionsCount; index++)
var attribute = Internal.VertexAttributeDescriptions[index];
int vbIndex = GetVertexBufferIndex(attribute.Binding);
if (vbIndex >= 0)
ref var vb = ref Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[vbIndex];
Format format = attribute.Format;
while (vb.Stride != 0 && attribute.Offset + FormatTable.GetAttributeFormatSize(format) > vb.Stride)
Format newFormat = FormatTable.DropLastComponent(format);
if (newFormat == format)
// That case means we failed to find a format that fits within the stride,
// so just restore the original format and give up.
format = attribute.Format;
format = newFormat;
if (attribute.Format != format && gd.FormatCapabilities.BufferFormatSupports(FormatFeatureFlags.VertexBufferBit, format))
attribute.Format = format;
_vertexAttributeDescriptions2[index] = attribute;
private int GetVertexBufferIndex(uint binding)
for (int index = 0; index < VertexBindingDescriptionsCount; index++)
if (Internal.VertexBindingDescriptions[index].Binding == binding)
return index;
return -1;
public readonly void Dispose()