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622 lines
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622 lines
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using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation
class ResourceManager
// Those values are used if the shader as local or shared memory access,
// but for some reason the supplied size was 0.
private const int DefaultLocalMemorySize = 128;
private const int DefaultSharedMemorySize = 4096;
private static readonly string[] _stagePrefixes = new string[] { "cp", "vp", "tcp", "tep", "gp", "fp" };
private readonly IGpuAccessor _gpuAccessor;
private readonly ShaderStage _stage;
private readonly string _stagePrefix;
private readonly int[] _cbSlotToBindingMap;
private readonly int[] _sbSlotToBindingMap;
private uint _sbSlotWritten;
private readonly Dictionary<int, int> _sbSlots;
private readonly HashSet<int> _usedConstantBufferBindings;
private readonly record struct TextureInfo(int CbufSlot, int Handle, TextureFormat Format);
private struct TextureMeta
public int Binding;
public bool AccurateType;
public SamplerType Type;
public TextureUsageFlags UsageFlags;
private readonly Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> _usedTextures;
private readonly Dictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> _usedImages;
public int LocalMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int SharedMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int LocalVertexDataMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int LocalTopologyRemapMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int LocalVertexIndexVertexRateMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int LocalVertexIndexInstanceRateMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int LocalGeometryOutputVertexCountMemoryId { get; private set; }
public int LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId { get; private set; }
public ShaderProperties Properties { get; }
public ResourceReservations Reservations { get; }
public ResourceManager(ShaderStage stage, IGpuAccessor gpuAccessor, ResourceReservations reservations = null)
_gpuAccessor = gpuAccessor;
Properties = new();
Reservations = reservations;
_stage = stage;
_stagePrefix = GetShaderStagePrefix(stage);
_cbSlotToBindingMap = new int[18];
_sbSlotToBindingMap = new int[16];
_sbSlots = new();
_usedConstantBufferBindings = new();
_usedTextures = new();
_usedImages = new();
Properties.AddOrUpdateConstantBuffer(new(BufferLayout.Std140, 0, SupportBuffer.Binding, "support_buffer", SupportBuffer.GetStructureType()));
LocalMemoryId = -1;
SharedMemoryId = -1;
public void SetCurrentLocalMemory(int size, bool isUsed)
if (isUsed)
if (size <= 0)
size = DefaultLocalMemorySize;
var lmem = new MemoryDefinition("local_memory", AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, BitUtils.DivRoundUp(size, sizeof(uint)));
LocalMemoryId = Properties.AddLocalMemory(lmem);
LocalMemoryId = -1;
public void SetCurrentSharedMemory(int size, bool isUsed)
if (isUsed)
if (size <= 0)
size = DefaultSharedMemorySize;
var smem = new MemoryDefinition("shared_memory", AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, BitUtils.DivRoundUp(size, sizeof(uint)));
SharedMemoryId = Properties.AddSharedMemory(smem);
SharedMemoryId = -1;
public void SetVertexAsComputeLocalMemories(ShaderStage stage, InputTopology inputTopology)
LocalVertexDataMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_vertex_data", AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, Reservations.OutputSizePerInvocation);
if (stage == ShaderStage.Vertex)
LocalVertexIndexVertexRateMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_vertex_index_vr", AggregateType.U32);
LocalVertexIndexInstanceRateMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_vertex_index_ir", AggregateType.U32);
else if (stage == ShaderStage.Geometry)
LocalTopologyRemapMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_topology_remap", AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, inputTopology.ToInputVertices());
LocalGeometryOutputVertexCountMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_geometry_output_vertex", AggregateType.U32);
LocalGeometryOutputIndexCountMemoryId = AddMemoryDefinition("local_geometry_output_index", AggregateType.U32);
private int AddMemoryDefinition(string name, AggregateType type, int arrayLength = 1)
return Properties.AddLocalMemory(new MemoryDefinition(name, type, arrayLength));
public void EnsureBindlessBinding(TargetApi targetApi, SamplerType samplerType, bool isImage)
if (targetApi == TargetApi.Vulkan)
Properties.AddOrUpdateConstantBuffer(new BufferDefinition(
new StructureType(new[] { new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.Vector2 | AggregateType.U32, "table", 0x1000) })));
Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(new BufferDefinition(
new StructureType(new[] { new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.FP32, "scales", 0) })));
if (isImage)
string name = $"bindless_{samplerType.ToGlslImageType(AggregateType.FP32)}";
if (samplerType == SamplerType.TextureBuffer)
AddBindlessDefinition(8, 0, name, SamplerType.TextureBuffer);
AddBindlessDefinition(7, 0, name, samplerType);
string name = $"bindless_{(samplerType & ~SamplerType.Shadow).ToGlslSamplerType()}";
if (samplerType == SamplerType.TextureBuffer)
AddBindlessSeparateDefinition(5, 0, name, SamplerType.TextureBuffer);
AddBindlessSeparateDefinition(4, 2, name, samplerType);
// Sampler
AddBindlessDefinition(6, 0, "bindless_samplers", SamplerType.None);
private void AddBindlessDefinition(int set, int binding, string name, SamplerType samplerType)
TextureDefinition definition = new(set, binding, name, samplerType, TextureFormat.Unknown, TextureUsageFlags.None, 0);
private void AddBindlessSeparateDefinition(int set, int binding, string name, SamplerType samplerType)
samplerType = (samplerType & ~SamplerType.Shadow) | SamplerType.Separate;
AddBindlessDefinition(set, binding, name, samplerType);
public int GetConstantBufferBinding(int slot)
int binding = _cbSlotToBindingMap[slot];
if (binding < 0)
binding = _gpuAccessor.QueryBindingConstantBuffer(slot);
_cbSlotToBindingMap[slot] = binding;
string slotNumber = slot.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
AddNewConstantBuffer(binding, $"{_stagePrefix}_c{slotNumber}");
return SetBindingPair.Pack(Constants.VkConstantBufferSetIndex, binding);
public bool TryGetStorageBufferBinding(int sbCbSlot, int sbCbOffset, bool write, out int binding)
if (!TryGetSbSlot((byte)sbCbSlot, (ushort)sbCbOffset, out int slot))
binding = 0;
return false;
binding = _sbSlotToBindingMap[slot];
if (binding < 0)
binding = _gpuAccessor.QueryBindingStorageBuffer(slot);
_sbSlotToBindingMap[slot] = binding;
string slotNumber = slot.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
AddNewStorageBuffer(binding, $"{_stagePrefix}_s{slotNumber}");
binding = SetBindingPair.Pack(Constants.VkStorageBufferSetIndex, binding);
if (write)
_sbSlotWritten |= 1u << slot;
return true;
private bool TryGetSbSlot(byte sbCbSlot, ushort sbCbOffset, out int slot)
int key = PackSbCbInfo(sbCbSlot, sbCbOffset);
if (!_sbSlots.TryGetValue(key, out slot))
slot = _sbSlots.Count;
if (slot >= _sbSlotToBindingMap.Length)
return false;
_sbSlots.Add(key, slot);
return true;
public bool TryGetConstantBufferSlot(int binding, out int slot)
for (slot = 0; slot < _cbSlotToBindingMap.Length; slot++)
if (_cbSlotToBindingMap[slot] < 0)
if (SetBindingPair.Pack(Constants.VkConstantBufferSetIndex, _cbSlotToBindingMap[slot]) == binding)
return true;
slot = 0;
return false;
public int GetTextureOrImageBinding(
Instruction inst,
SamplerType type,
TextureFormat format,
TextureFlags flags,
int cbufSlot,
int handle)
inst &= Instruction.Mask;
bool isImage = inst == Instruction.ImageLoad || inst == Instruction.ImageStore || inst == Instruction.ImageAtomic;
bool isWrite = inst == Instruction.ImageStore || inst == Instruction.ImageAtomic;
bool accurateType = !inst.IsTextureQuery();
bool intCoords = isImage || flags.HasFlag(TextureFlags.IntCoords) || inst == Instruction.TextureQuerySize;
bool coherent = flags.HasFlag(TextureFlags.Coherent);
if (!isImage)
format = TextureFormat.Unknown;
int binding = GetTextureOrImageBinding(cbufSlot, handle, type, format, isImage, intCoords, isWrite, accurateType, coherent);
_gpuAccessor.RegisterTexture(handle, cbufSlot);
return SetBindingPair.Pack(isImage ? Constants.VkImageSetIndex : Constants.VkTextureSetIndex, binding);
private int GetTextureOrImageBinding(
int cbufSlot,
int handle,
SamplerType type,
TextureFormat format,
bool isImage,
bool intCoords,
bool write,
bool accurateType,
bool coherent)
var dimensions = type.GetDimensions();
var dict = isImage ? _usedImages : _usedTextures;
var usageFlags = TextureUsageFlags.None;
if (intCoords)
usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.NeedsScaleValue;
var canScale = _stage.SupportsRenderScale() && !write && dimensions == 2;
if (!canScale)
// Resolution scaling cannot be applied to this texture right now.
// Flag so that we know to blacklist scaling on related textures when binding them.
usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ResScaleUnsupported;
if (write)
usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ImageStore;
if (coherent)
usageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ImageCoherent;
var info = new TextureInfo(cbufSlot, handle, format);
var meta = new TextureMeta()
AccurateType = accurateType,
Type = type,
UsageFlags = usageFlags
int binding;
if (dict.TryGetValue(info, out var existingMeta))
dict[info] = MergeTextureMeta(meta, existingMeta);
binding = existingMeta.Binding;
bool isBuffer = (type & SamplerType.Mask) == SamplerType.TextureBuffer;
binding = isImage
? _gpuAccessor.QueryBindingImage(dict.Count, isBuffer)
: _gpuAccessor.QueryBindingTexture(dict.Count, isBuffer);
meta.Binding = binding;
dict.Add(info, meta);
string nameSuffix;
if (isImage)
nameSuffix = cbufSlot < 0
? $"i_tcb_{handle:X}_{format.ToGlslFormat()}"
: $"i_cb{cbufSlot}_{handle:X}_{format.ToGlslFormat()}";
nameSuffix = cbufSlot < 0 ? $"t_tcb_{handle:X}" : $"t_cb{cbufSlot}_{handle:X}";
var definition = new TextureDefinition(
isImage ? 3 : 2,
if (isImage)
return binding;
private static TextureMeta MergeTextureMeta(TextureMeta meta, TextureMeta existingMeta)
meta.Binding = existingMeta.Binding;
meta.UsageFlags |= existingMeta.UsageFlags;
// If the texture we have has inaccurate type information, then
// we prefer the most accurate one.
if (existingMeta.AccurateType)
meta.AccurateType = true;
meta.Type = existingMeta.Type;
return meta;
public void SetUsageFlagsForTextureQuery(int binding, SamplerType type)
TextureInfo selectedInfo = default;
TextureMeta selectedMeta = default;
bool found = false;
foreach ((TextureInfo info, TextureMeta meta) in _usedTextures)
if (SetBindingPair.Pack(Constants.VkTextureSetIndex, meta.Binding) == binding)
selectedInfo = info;
selectedMeta = meta;
found = true;
if (found)
selectedMeta.UsageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.NeedsScaleValue;
var dimensions = type.GetDimensions();
var canScale = _stage.SupportsRenderScale() && dimensions == 2;
if (!canScale)
// Resolution scaling cannot be applied to this texture right now.
// Flag so that we know to blacklist scaling on related textures when binding them.
selectedMeta.UsageFlags |= TextureUsageFlags.ResScaleUnsupported;
_usedTextures[selectedInfo] = selectedMeta;
public void SetUsedConstantBufferBinding(int binding)
public BufferDescriptor[] GetConstantBufferDescriptors()
var descriptors = new BufferDescriptor[_usedConstantBufferBindings.Count];
int descriptorIndex = 0;
for (int slot = 0; slot < _cbSlotToBindingMap.Length; slot++)
int binding = _cbSlotToBindingMap[slot];
if (binding >= 0 && _usedConstantBufferBindings.Contains(SetBindingPair.Pack(Constants.VkConstantBufferSetIndex, binding)))
descriptors[descriptorIndex++] = new BufferDescriptor(binding, slot);
if (descriptors.Length != descriptorIndex)
Array.Resize(ref descriptors, descriptorIndex);
return descriptors;
public BufferDescriptor[] GetStorageBufferDescriptors()
var descriptors = new BufferDescriptor[_sbSlots.Count];
int descriptorIndex = 0;
foreach ((int key, int slot) in _sbSlots)
int binding = _sbSlotToBindingMap[slot];
if (binding >= 0)
(int sbCbSlot, int sbCbOffset) = UnpackSbCbInfo(key);
BufferUsageFlags flags = (_sbSlotWritten & (1u << slot)) != 0 ? BufferUsageFlags.Write : BufferUsageFlags.None;
descriptors[descriptorIndex++] = new BufferDescriptor(binding, slot, sbCbSlot, sbCbOffset, flags);
if (descriptors.Length != descriptorIndex)
Array.Resize(ref descriptors, descriptorIndex);
return descriptors;
public TextureDescriptor[] GetTextureDescriptors()
return GetDescriptors(_usedTextures, _usedTextures.Count);
public TextureDescriptor[] GetImageDescriptors()
return GetDescriptors(_usedImages, _usedImages.Count);
private static TextureDescriptor[] GetDescriptors(IReadOnlyDictionary<TextureInfo, TextureMeta> usedResources, int count)
TextureDescriptor[] descriptors = new TextureDescriptor[count];
int descriptorIndex = 0;
foreach ((TextureInfo info, TextureMeta meta) in usedResources)
descriptors[descriptorIndex++] = new TextureDescriptor(
return descriptors;
public bool TryGetCbufSlotAndHandleForTexture(int binding, out int cbufSlot, out int handle)
foreach ((TextureInfo info, TextureMeta meta) in _usedTextures)
if (SetBindingPair.Pack(Constants.VkTextureSetIndex, meta.Binding) == binding)
cbufSlot = info.CbufSlot;
handle = info.Handle;
return true;
cbufSlot = 0;
handle = 0;
return false;
private static int FindDescriptorIndex(TextureDescriptor[] array, int setIndex, int binding)
return Array.FindIndex(array, x => SetBindingPair.Pack(setIndex, x.Binding) == binding);
public int FindTextureDescriptorIndex(int binding)
return FindDescriptorIndex(GetTextureDescriptors(), Constants.VkTextureSetIndex, binding);
public int FindImageDescriptorIndex(int binding)
return FindDescriptorIndex(GetImageDescriptors(), Constants.VkImageSetIndex, binding);
private void AddNewConstantBuffer(int binding, string name)
StructureType type = new(new[]
new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.Vector4 | AggregateType.FP32, "data", Constants.ConstantBufferSize / 16),
Properties.AddOrUpdateConstantBuffer(new(BufferLayout.Std140, 0, binding, name, type));
private void AddNewStorageBuffer(int binding, string name)
StructureType type = new(new[]
new StructureField(AggregateType.Array | AggregateType.U32, "data", 0),
Properties.AddOrUpdateStorageBuffer(new(BufferLayout.Std430, 1, binding, name, type));
public static string GetShaderStagePrefix(ShaderStage stage)
uint index = (uint)stage;
return index >= _stagePrefixes.Length ? "invalid" : _stagePrefixes[index];
private static int PackSbCbInfo(int sbCbSlot, int sbCbOffset)
return sbCbOffset | (sbCbSlot << 16);
private static (int, int) UnpackSbCbInfo(int key)
return ((byte)(key >> 16), (ushort)key);