riperiperi c6676007bf
GPU: Dispose Renderer after running deferred actions (#5144)
* GAL: Dispose Renderer after running deferred actions

Deferred actions from disposing physical memory instances always dispose the resources in their caches. The renderer can't be disposed before these resources get disposed, otherwise the dispose actions will not actually run, and the ThreadedRenderer may get stuck trying to enqueue too many commands when there is nothing consuming them.

This should fix most instances of the emulator freezing on close.

* Wait for main render commands to finish, but keep RenderThread alive til dispose

* Address some feedback.

* No parameterize needed

* Set thread name as part of constructor

* Port to Ava and SDL2
2023-05-31 21:43:20 +00:00

523 lines
16 KiB

using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Common.Configuration;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Commands;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Commands.Buffer;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Commands.Renderer;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Model;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Resources;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading.Resources.Programs;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL.Multithreading
/// <summary>
/// The ThreadedRenderer is a layer that can be put in front of any Renderer backend to make
/// its processing happen on a separate thread, rather than intertwined with the GPU emulation.
/// A new thread is created to handle the GPU command processing, separate from the renderer thread.
/// Calls to the renderer, pipeline and resources are queued to happen on the renderer thread.
/// </summary>
public class ThreadedRenderer : IRenderer
private const int SpanPoolBytes = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
private const int MaxRefsPerCommand = 2;
private const int QueueCount = 10000;
private int _elementSize;
private IRenderer _baseRenderer;
private Thread _gpuThread;
private Thread _backendThread;
private bool _running;
private AutoResetEvent _frameComplete = new AutoResetEvent(true);
private ManualResetEventSlim _galWorkAvailable;
private CircularSpanPool _spanPool;
private ManualResetEventSlim _invokeRun;
private AutoResetEvent _interruptRun;
private bool _lastSampleCounterClear = true;
private byte[] _commandQueue;
private object[] _refQueue;
private int _consumerPtr;
private int _commandCount;
private int _producerPtr;
private int _lastProducedPtr;
private int _invokePtr;
private int _refProducerPtr;
private int _refConsumerPtr;
private Action _interruptAction;
private object _interruptLock = new();
public event EventHandler<ScreenCaptureImageInfo> ScreenCaptured;
internal BufferMap Buffers { get; }
internal SyncMap Sync { get; }
internal CircularSpanPool SpanPool { get; }
internal ProgramQueue Programs { get; }
public IPipeline Pipeline { get; }
public IWindow Window { get; }
public IRenderer BaseRenderer => _baseRenderer;
public bool PreferThreading => _baseRenderer.PreferThreading;
public ThreadedRenderer(IRenderer renderer)
_baseRenderer = renderer;
renderer.ScreenCaptured += (sender, info) => ScreenCaptured?.Invoke(this, info);
Pipeline = new ThreadedPipeline(this, renderer.Pipeline);
Window = new ThreadedWindow(this, renderer);
Buffers = new BufferMap();
Sync = new SyncMap();
Programs = new ProgramQueue(renderer);
_galWorkAvailable = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
_invokeRun = new ManualResetEventSlim();
_interruptRun = new AutoResetEvent(false);
_spanPool = new CircularSpanPool(this, SpanPoolBytes);
SpanPool = _spanPool;
_elementSize = BitUtils.AlignUp(CommandHelper.GetMaxCommandSize(), 4);
_commandQueue = new byte[_elementSize * QueueCount];
_refQueue = new object[MaxRefsPerCommand * QueueCount];
public void RunLoop(ThreadStart gpuLoop)
_running = true;
_backendThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
_gpuThread = new Thread(gpuLoop)
Name = "GPU.MainThread"
public void RenderLoop()
// Power through the render queue until the Gpu thread work is done.
while (_running)
if (Volatile.Read(ref _interruptAction) != null)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _interruptAction, null);
// The other thread can only increase the command count.
// We can assume that if it is above 0, it will stay there or get higher.
while (Volatile.Read(ref _commandCount) > 0 && Volatile.Read(ref _interruptAction) == null)
int commandPtr = _consumerPtr;
Span<byte> command = new Span<byte>(_commandQueue, commandPtr * _elementSize, _elementSize);
// Run the command.
CommandHelper.RunCommand(command, this, _baseRenderer);
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _invokePtr, -1, commandPtr) == commandPtr)
_consumerPtr = (_consumerPtr + 1) % QueueCount;
Interlocked.Decrement(ref _commandCount);
internal SpanRef<T> CopySpan<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> data) where T : unmanaged
return _spanPool.Insert(data);
private TableRef<T> Ref<T>(T reference)
return new TableRef<T>(this, reference);
internal ref T New<T>() where T : struct
while (_producerPtr == (Volatile.Read(ref _consumerPtr) + QueueCount - 1) % QueueCount)
// If incrementing the producer pointer would overflow, we need to wait.
// _consumerPtr can only move forward, so there's no race to worry about here.
int taken = _producerPtr;
_lastProducedPtr = taken;
_producerPtr = (_producerPtr + 1) % QueueCount;
Span<byte> memory = new Span<byte>(_commandQueue, taken * _elementSize, _elementSize);
ref T result = ref Unsafe.As<byte, T>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(memory));
memory[memory.Length - 1] = (byte)((IGALCommand)result).CommandType;
return ref result;
internal int AddTableRef(object obj)
// The reference table is sized so that it will never overflow, so long as the references are taken after the command is allocated.
int index = _refProducerPtr;
_refQueue[index] = obj;
_refProducerPtr = (_refProducerPtr + 1) % _refQueue.Length;
return index;
internal object RemoveTableRef(int index)
Debug.Assert(index == _refConsumerPtr);
object result = _refQueue[_refConsumerPtr];
_refQueue[_refConsumerPtr] = null;
_refConsumerPtr = (_refConsumerPtr + 1) % _refQueue.Length;
return result;
internal void QueueCommand()
int result = Interlocked.Increment(ref _commandCount);
if (result == 1)
internal void InvokeCommand()
_invokePtr = _lastProducedPtr;
// Wait for the command to complete.
internal void WaitForFrame()
internal void SignalFrame()
internal bool IsGpuThread()
return Thread.CurrentThread == _gpuThread;
public void BackgroundContextAction(Action action, bool alwaysBackground = false)
if (IsGpuThread() && !alwaysBackground)
// The action must be performed on the render thread.
_baseRenderer.BackgroundContextAction(action, true);
public BufferHandle CreateBuffer(int size, BufferHandle storageHint)
BufferHandle handle = Buffers.CreateBufferHandle();
New<CreateBufferCommand>().Set(handle, size, storageHint);
return handle;
public BufferHandle CreateBuffer(nint pointer, int size)
BufferHandle handle = Buffers.CreateBufferHandle();
New<CreateHostBufferCommand>().Set(handle, pointer, size);
return handle;
public BufferHandle CreateBuffer(int size, BufferAccess access)
BufferHandle handle = Buffers.CreateBufferHandle();
New<CreateBufferAccessCommand>().Set(handle, size, access);
return handle;
public IProgram CreateProgram(ShaderSource[] shaders, ShaderInfo info)
var program = new ThreadedProgram(this);
SourceProgramRequest request = new SourceProgramRequest(program, shaders, info);
return program;
public ISampler CreateSampler(SamplerCreateInfo info)
var sampler = new ThreadedSampler(this);
New<CreateSamplerCommand>().Set(Ref(sampler), info);
return sampler;
public void CreateSync(ulong id, bool strict)
New<CreateSyncCommand>().Set(id, strict);
public ITexture CreateTexture(TextureCreateInfo info, float scale)
if (IsGpuThread())
var texture = new ThreadedTexture(this, info, scale);
New<CreateTextureCommand>().Set(Ref(texture), info, scale);
return texture;
var texture = new ThreadedTexture(this, info, scale);
texture.Base = _baseRenderer.CreateTexture(info, scale);
return texture;
public void DeleteBuffer(BufferHandle buffer)
public PinnedSpan<byte> GetBufferData(BufferHandle buffer, int offset, int size)
if (IsGpuThread())
ResultBox<PinnedSpan<byte>> box = new ResultBox<PinnedSpan<byte>>();
New<BufferGetDataCommand>().Set(buffer, offset, size, Ref(box));
return box.Result;
return _baseRenderer.GetBufferData(Buffers.MapBufferBlocking(buffer), offset, size);
public Capabilities GetCapabilities()
ResultBox<Capabilities> box = new ResultBox<Capabilities>();
return box.Result;
public ulong GetCurrentSync()
return _baseRenderer.GetCurrentSync();
public HardwareInfo GetHardwareInfo()
return _baseRenderer.GetHardwareInfo();
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the base renderer. Must be called on the render thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logLevel">Log level to use</param>
public void Initialize(GraphicsDebugLevel logLevel)
public IProgram LoadProgramBinary(byte[] programBinary, bool hasFragmentShader, ShaderInfo info)
var program = new ThreadedProgram(this);
BinaryProgramRequest request = new BinaryProgramRequest(program, programBinary, hasFragmentShader, info);
return program;
public void PreFrame()
public ICounterEvent ReportCounter(CounterType type, EventHandler<ulong> resultHandler, bool hostReserved)
ThreadedCounterEvent evt = new ThreadedCounterEvent(this, type, _lastSampleCounterClear);
New<ReportCounterCommand>().Set(Ref(evt), type, Ref(resultHandler), hostReserved);
if (type == CounterType.SamplesPassed)
_lastSampleCounterClear = false;
return evt;
public void ResetCounter(CounterType type)
_lastSampleCounterClear = true;
public void Screenshot()
public void SetBufferData(BufferHandle buffer, int offset, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data)
New<BufferSetDataCommand>().Set(buffer, offset, CopySpan(data));
public void UpdateCounters()
public void WaitSync(ulong id)
private void Interrupt(Action action)
// Interrupt the backend thread from any external thread and invoke the given action.
if (Thread.CurrentThread == _backendThread)
// If this is called from the backend thread, the action can run immediately.
lock (_interruptLock)
while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _interruptAction, action, null) != null) { }
public void SetInterruptAction(Action<Action> interruptAction)
// Threaded renderer ignores given interrupt action, as it provides its own to the child renderer.
public bool PrepareHostMapping(nint address, ulong size)
return _baseRenderer.PrepareHostMapping(address, size);
public void FlushThreadedCommands()
SpinWait wait = new();
while (Volatile.Read(ref _commandCount) > 0)
public void Dispose()
// Dispose must happen from the render thread, after all commands have completed.
// Stop the GPU thread.
_running = false;
if (_gpuThread != null && _gpuThread.IsAlive)
// Dispose the renderer.
// Dispose events.