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using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.IntermediateRepresentation;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr;
using Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.Translation;
using System;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions.InstGenHelper;
using static Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.StructuredIr.InstructionInfo;
namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader.CodeGen.Msl.Instructions
static class InstGenMemory
public static string GenerateLoadOrStore(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation, bool isStore)
StorageKind storageKind = operation.StorageKind;
string varName;
AggregateType varType;
int srcIndex = 0;
bool isStoreOrAtomic = operation.Inst == Instruction.Store || operation.Inst.IsAtomic();
int inputsCount = isStoreOrAtomic ? operation.SourcesCount - 1 : operation.SourcesCount;
if (operation.Inst == Instruction.AtomicCompareAndSwap)
switch (storageKind)
case StorageKind.ConstantBuffer:
case StorageKind.StorageBuffer:
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand bindingIndex || bindingIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
int binding = bindingIndex.Value;
BufferDefinition buffer = storageKind == StorageKind.ConstantBuffer
? context.Properties.ConstantBuffers[binding]
: context.Properties.StorageBuffers[binding];
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand fieldIndex || fieldIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
StructureField field = buffer.Type.Fields[fieldIndex.Value];
varName = buffer.Name;
varType = field.Type;
case StorageKind.LocalMemory:
case StorageKind.SharedMemory:
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand { Type: OperandType.Constant } bindingId)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
MemoryDefinition memory = storageKind == StorageKind.LocalMemory
? context.Properties.LocalMemories[bindingId.Value]
: context.Properties.SharedMemories[bindingId.Value];
varName = memory.Name;
varType = memory.Type;
case StorageKind.Input:
case StorageKind.InputPerPatch:
case StorageKind.Output:
case StorageKind.OutputPerPatch:
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand varId || varId.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"First input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
IoVariable ioVariable = (IoVariable)varId.Value;
bool isOutput = storageKind.IsOutput();
bool isPerPatch = storageKind.IsPerPatch();
int location = -1;
int component = 0;
if (context.Definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutput(ioVariable, isOutput))
if (operation.GetSource(srcIndex++) is not AstOperand vecIndex || vecIndex.Type != OperandType.Constant)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Second input of {operation.Inst} with {storageKind} storage must be a constant operand.");
location = vecIndex.Value;
if (operation.SourcesCount > srcIndex &&
operation.GetSource(srcIndex) is AstOperand elemIndex &&
elemIndex.Type == OperandType.Constant &&
context.Definitions.HasPerLocationInputOrOutputComponent(ioVariable, vecIndex.Value, elemIndex.Value, isOutput))
component = elemIndex.Value;
(varName, varType) = IoMap.GetMslBuiltIn(
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid storage kind {storageKind}.");
for (; srcIndex < inputsCount; srcIndex++)
IAstNode src = operation.GetSource(srcIndex);
if ((varType & AggregateType.ElementCountMask) != 0 &&
srcIndex == inputsCount - 1 &&
src is AstOperand elementIndex &&
elementIndex.Type == OperandType.Constant)
varName += "." + "xyzw"[elementIndex.Value & 3];
varName += $"[{GetSourceExpr(context, src, AggregateType.S32)}]";
if (isStore)
varType &= AggregateType.ElementTypeMask;
varName = $"{varName} = {GetSourceExpr(context, operation.GetSource(srcIndex), varType)}";
return varName;
public static string Load(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
return GenerateLoadOrStore(context, operation, isStore: false);
public static string Store(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
return GenerateLoadOrStore(context, operation, isStore: true);
public static string TextureSample(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation;
bool isGather = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Gather) != 0;
bool isShadow = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Shadow) != 0;
bool intCoords = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.IntCoords) != 0;
bool isArray = (texOp.Type & SamplerType.Array) != 0;
bool colorIsVector = isGather || !isShadow;
string samplerName = GetSamplerName(context.Properties, texOp);
string texCall = $"tex_{samplerName}";
texCall += ".";
int srcIndex = 0;
string Src(AggregateType type)
return GetSourceExpr(context, texOp.GetSource(srcIndex++), type);
if (intCoords)
texCall += "read(";
texCall += "sample(";
texCall += $"samp_{samplerName}";
int coordsCount = texOp.Type.GetDimensions();
int pCount = coordsCount;
if (isShadow && !isGather)
void Append(string str)
texCall += ", " + str;
AggregateType coordType = intCoords ? AggregateType.S32 : AggregateType.FP32;
string AssemblePVector(int count)
if (count > 1)
string[] elems = new string[count];
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
elems[index] = Src(coordType);
string prefix = intCoords ? "int" : "float";
return prefix + count + "(" + string.Join(", ", elems) + ")";
return Src(coordType);
if (isArray)
texCall += ", " + Src(AggregateType.S32);
texCall += ")" + (colorIsVector ? GetMaskMultiDest(texOp.Index) : "");
return texCall;
private static string GetSamplerName(ShaderProperties resourceDefinitions, AstTextureOperation textOp)
return resourceDefinitions.Textures[textOp.Binding].Name;
// TODO: Verify that this is valid in MSL
private static string GetMask(int index)
return $".{"rgba".AsSpan(index, 1)}";
private static string GetMaskMultiDest(int mask)
string swizzle = ".";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if ((mask & (1 << i)) != 0)
swizzle += "xyzw"[i];
return swizzle;
public static string TextureQuerySamples(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation;
bool isBindless = (texOp.Flags & TextureFlags.Bindless) != 0;
// TODO: Bindless texture support. For now we just return 0.
if (isBindless)
return NumberFormatter.FormatInt(0);
string textureName = "texture";
string texCall = textureName + ".";
texCall += $"get_num_samples()";
return texCall;
public static string TextureQuerySize(CodeGenContext context, AstOperation operation)
AstTextureOperation texOp = (AstTextureOperation)operation;
string textureName = "texture";
string texCall = textureName + ".";
if (texOp.Index == 3)
texCall += $"get_num_mip_levels()";
context.Properties.Textures.TryGetValue(texOp.Binding, out TextureDefinition definition);
bool hasLod = !definition.Type.HasFlag(SamplerType.Multisample) && (definition.Type & SamplerType.Mask) != SamplerType.TextureBuffer;
texCall += "get_";
if (texOp.Index == 0)
texCall += "width";
else if (texOp.Index == 1)
texCall += "height";
texCall += "depth";
texCall += "(";
if (hasLod)
IAstNode lod = operation.GetSource(0);
string lodExpr = GetSourceExpr(context, lod, GetSrcVarType(operation.Inst, 0));
texCall += $"{lodExpr}";
texCall += $"){GetMask(texOp.Index)}";
return texCall;