#!/bin/bash WIN_DISK="${WIN_DISK}"; workingDir="$(pwd)"; overlayDir="$(mktemp -d)"; pushd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" > /dev/null; . "./.env" > /dev/null 2>&1; . "./lib/choose-disk.sh"; if [ ! -z "$WIN11_IMAGE_PATH" ] then WIN11_IMAGE_PATH="$(bash -c "realpath $WIN11_IMAGE_PATH")"; fi; if [ ! -f "$WIN11_IMAGE_PATH" ] then if [ ! -f "./.env" ] then cp .env.template .env; fi; echo "Please specify the path to the Windows 11 ISO image in your .env file located at:"; realpath --relative-to "$workingDir" "$(realpath .env)"; else buildDir="build"; mountPath="/media/wininstall"; bootPath="/media/boot"; dataPath="/media/data"; setupLabel="winiso"; intelNetworkArchive="./$buildDir/intelNetwork.zip"; marvellNetworkArchive="./$buildDir/marvellNetwork.zip"; gitArchive="$(realpath "./$buildDir/git.msi")"; pwshArchive="./$buildDir/pwsh.zip"; editionField="Edition ID"; mkdir -p "$buildDir"; cp -r winfs/* "$overlayDir"; if [ ! -f "$intelNetworkArchive" ] then curl -L "https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/04LAN/DRV_LAN_Intel_I211_UWD_TP_W10_64_VER12151841_20190306R.zip?model=ROG%20ZENITH%20EXTREME%20ALPHA" -o "$intelNetworkArchive"; fi; if [ ! -f "$marvellNetworkArchive" ] then curl -L "https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/04LAN/DRV_LAN_Marvell_TP_TSD_W11_64_V3130_20211118R.zip?model=ROG%20ZENITH%20EXTREME%20ALPHA" -o "$marvellNetworkArchive"; fi; if [ ! -f "$gitArchive" ] then curl -L "https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.41.0.windows.1/PortableGit-2.41.0-64-bit.7z.exe" -o "$gitArchive"; fi; if [ ! -f "$pwshArchive" ] then curl -L "https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v7.3.4/PowerShell-7.3.4-win-x64.zip" -o "$pwshArchive"; fi; mkdir -p "$overlayDir/drivers"; tempDir="$(mktemp -d)"; unzip "$intelNetworkArchive" -d "$tempDir"; cp -r "$tempDir/x64" "$overlayDir/drivers/IntelNetwork"; rm -rf "$tempDir"; tempDir="$(mktemp -d)"; unzip "$marvellNetworkArchive" -d "$tempDir"; cp -r "$tempDir/x64" "$overlayDir/drivers/MarvellNetwork"; rm -rf "$tempDir"; mkdir -p "$overlayDir/git"; pushd "$overlayDir/git" > /dev/null; 7z x "$gitArchive"; popd > /dev/null; unzip "$pwshArchive" -d "$overlayDir/PowerShell"; sudo mount --mkdir "$WIN11_IMAGE_PATH" "$mountPath"; isoFile="./$buildDir/win.iso"; mkdir -p "$(dirname "$isoFile")"; mkwinpeimg --iso --arch amd64 --overlay "$overlayDir" --windows-dir "$mountPath" "$isoFile"; sudo umount "$mountPath"; if [ ! -b "$WIN_DISK" ] then chooseDisk WIN_DISK; fi; sudo shred -vfzn 0 -s 1G "$WIN_DISK"; { echo "o"; echo "n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "+2G"; echo "y"; echo "t"; echo "c"; echo "a"; echo ""; echo "n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "y"; echo "t"; echo ""; echo "7"; echo "w"; } | sudo fdisk "$WIN_DISK"; while true do disks=($(bash -c "echo $WIN_DISK*")); [ "${#disks[@]}" -ge 3 ] && break; done; bootDisk="${disks[1]}"; dataDisk="${disks[2]}"; sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 -n "BOOT" "$bootDisk"; sudo mkfs.ntfs -fFL "$setupLabel" "$dataDisk"; sudo mount --mkdir "$bootDisk" "$bootPath"; sudo mount --mkdir "$dataDisk" "$dataPath"; sudo mount --mkdir "$isoFile" "$mountPath"; sudo cp -r "$mountPath"/* "$bootPath"; sudo umount "$mountPath"; sudo mount "$WIN11_IMAGE_PATH" "$mountPath"; sudo cp -r "$mountPath"/* "$dataPath"; sudo cp Autounattend.template.xml "$dataPath"; sudo cp -r "$mountPath/efi" "$bootPath"; wimFile="$dataPath/sources/install.wim"; while [ ! "$(echo $(wiminfo "$wimFile" 1 | grep "^$editionField" | cut -d ":" -f2))" == "Professional" ] do sudo wimdelete --soft "$wimFile" 1; done; while wiminfo "$wimFile" 2 2>&1 > /dev/null do sudo wimdelete --soft "$wimFile" 2; done; sudo -- bash -c "umount -vf '$mountPath'; umount -vf '$bootPath'; umount -vf '$dataPath'; rm -rf '$mountPath' '$bootPath' '$dataPath';"; fi; popd > /dev/null;