[ { "Title": "Shoot Disturbing Video in Suicide Forest", "Description": "Shoot a disturbing YouTube video in the Suicide Forest in Japan. People will forget about it soon, lol.", "IsDone": true, "Category": "Default", "DueDate": "2017-12-31T00:00:00" }, { "Title": "Release Satirical Flat Earth Documentary", "Description": "People will love this, I'm sure!'", "IsDone": true, "Category": "Default", "DueDate": "2019-03-21T00:00:00" }, { "Title": "Do Pump-and-Dump Scam with NFT", "Description": "It's not my fault - people buying NFTs are just stupid in the brain!", "IsDone": true, "Category": "Default", "DueDate": "2023-05-31T00:00:00" }, { "Title": "Delete YouTube Channel and Piss Off", "Description": "Let's be honest, I still need to do some more scams before I can do that.", "IsDone": false, "Category": "Default", "DueDate": "2024-06-08T00:00:00" } ]