173 lines
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173 lines
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module Shape where
import Data.List
import Matrix (Matrix (Matrix), Vector, Point, invert, apply)
{- Definition of 'Shape'
Shapes are things that discriminate between outside and inside
newtype Shape = Shape { inside :: Point -> Bool }
{- Basic Shapes
These are the basic shapes used to construct more complicated shapes
A simple empty shape
empty :: Shape
empty = Shape $ const False
A disc with radius 1 located at (0,0)
unitDisc :: Shape
unitDisc = Shape $ \(x, y) ->
x^2 + y^2 <= 1
A square with length/width 1 located at (0,0)
unitSq :: Shape
unitSq = Shape $ \(x, y) ->
abs x <= 1 && abs y <= 1
{- Manipulations
Functions to change and combine existing shapes into new shapes
{- Translation
Moving a shape along a vector
translate :: Vector -> Shape -> Shape
translate (dx, dy) s = Shape $ \(x, y) ->
error "Fixme"
{- Inverting
Inverting a shape i.e. switching outside vs inside
negate :: Shape -> Shape
negate s = error "Fixme"
{- General combinator
Combining two shapes with a parametric boolean function
:: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
-> Shape
-> Shape
-> Shape
combineBool f s1 s2 = Shape $ \p -> f (f1 p) (f2 p)
f1 = inside s1
f2 = inside s2
All points that are in both shapes
intersect :: Shape -> Shape -> Shape
intersect = error "Fixme"
All points that in at least one of the shapes
merge :: Shape -> Shape -> Shape
merge = error "Fixme"
All points in the first shape that are not in the secnond shape
minus :: Shape -> Shape -> Shape
minus = error "Fixme"
{- Matrix transformations
Applying a matrix/linear transformation to a shape
transformM :: Matrix -> Shape -> Shape
transformM m s = Shape $ \p ->
inside s $ apply m' p
m' = invert m
Stretch a shape along the X axis
stretchX :: Float -> Shape -> Shape
stretchX r = transformM $ Matrix (r, 0) (0, 1)
Stretch a shape along the Y axis
stretchY :: Float -> Shape -> Shape
stretchY r = transformM $ Matrix (1, 0) (0, r)
Stretch a shape
stretch :: Float -> Shape -> Shape
stretch r = transformM $ Matrix (r, 0) (0, r)
Mirror a shape at the X-axis
flipX :: Shape -> Shape
flipX = transformM (Matrix (1, 0) (0, -1))
Mirror a shape at the Y-axis
flipY :: Shape -> Shape
flipY = transformM (Matrix (-1, 0) (0, 1))
flip45 :: Shape -> Shape
flip45 = transformM (Matrix (0, 1) (1, 0))
Mirror a shape at the origin
flip0 :: Shape -> Shape
flip0 = transformM (Matrix (-1, 0) (0, -1))
Rotate a shape around the origin
rotate :: Float -> Shape -> Shape
rotate a = transformM $ Matrix
(cos a, -(sin a))
(sin a, cos a)
{- Semantics
Here we render/interpret shapes in terms of "ASCII-Art" text files
render :: Float -> Float -> Shape -> IO ()
render length height shape = writeFile "shape.txt" lines
draw p
| inside shape p = ('#', p)
| otherwise = (' ', p)
breakLn (d, (x,y))
| x == length = [d,'\n']
| otherwise = [d]
pixels = [draw (x,y) | y <- [(-height)..height], x <- [(-length)..length]]
lines = concatMap breakLn pixels
{- Examples
shape1 = translate (100, 100) $ stretch 10 unitDisc
shape2 = rotate 1 unitSq
shape3 = translate (100, 100) $ merge shape1 shape2
iShape = flipX $ merge
(stretchY 2 unitSq)
(translate (0, 5) unitDisc)
disc50 = stretch 50 unitDisc |