FICTURE7 1aa6bde574 Merge integer & vector register set
Improve handling of caller saved registers as well.
2022-09-05 00:01:49 +04:00

497 lines
19 KiB

using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation;
using ARMeilleure.Translation;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operand.Factory;
using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operation.Factory;
namespace ARMeilleure.CodeGen.RegisterAllocators
class HybridAllocator : IRegisterAllocator
private struct BlockInfo
public int FixedRegisters { get; }
public BlockInfo(int fixedRegisters)
FixedRegisters = fixedRegisters;
private struct LocalInfo
public int Uses { get; set; }
public int UsesAllocated { get; set; }
public int Sequence { get; set; }
public Operand Temp { get; set; }
public Operand Register { get; set; }
public Operand SpillOffset { get; set; }
public OperandType Type { get; }
// Cached to avoid redundant computations.
public RegisterType RegisterType { get; }
private int _first;
private int _last;
public bool IsBlockLocal => _first == _last;
public LocalInfo(Operand local, int uses, int blkIndex)
Uses = uses;
Type = local.Type;
UsesAllocated = 0;
Sequence = 0;
Temp = default;
Register = default;
SpillOffset = default;
RegisterType = Type.ToRegisterType();
_first = -1;
_last = -1;
public void SetBlockIndex(int blkIndex)
if (_first == -1 || blkIndex < _first)
_first = blkIndex;
if (_last == -1 || blkIndex > _last)
_last = blkIndex;
private const int RegistersCount = 16;
private const int IntMask = (1 << RegistersCount) - 1;
private const int VecMask = IntMask << RegistersCount;
// The "visited" state is stored in the MSB of the local's value.
private const ulong VisitedMask = 1ul << 63;
private BlockInfo[] _blockInfo;
private LocalInfo[] _localInfo;
private static bool IsVisited(Operand local)
Debug.Assert(local.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable);
return (local.GetValueUnsafe() & VisitedMask) != 0;
private static void SetVisited(Operand local)
Debug.Assert(local.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable);
local.GetValueUnsafe() |= VisitedMask;
private ref LocalInfo GetLocalInfo(Operand local)
Debug.Assert(local.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable);
Debug.Assert(IsVisited(local), "Local variable not visited. Used before defined?");
return ref _localInfo[(uint)local.GetValueUnsafe() - 1];
public AllocationResult RunPass(ControlFlowGraph cfg, StackAllocator stackAlloc, RegisterMasks regMasks)
_blockInfo = new BlockInfo[cfg.Blocks.Count];
_localInfo = new LocalInfo[cfg.Blocks.Count * 3];
int localInfoCount = 0;
for (int index = cfg.PostOrderBlocks.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
BasicBlock block = cfg.PostOrderBlocks[index];
int fixedRegisters = 0;
for (Operation node = block.Operations.First; node != default; node = node.ListNext)
foreach (Operand source in node.SourcesUnsafe)
if (source.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
else if (source.Kind == OperandKind.Memory)
MemoryOperand memOp = source.GetMemory();
if (memOp.BaseAddress != default)
if (memOp.Index != default)
foreach (Operand dest in node.DestinationsUnsafe)
if (dest.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
if (IsVisited(dest))
if (localInfoCount > _localInfo.Length)
Array.Resize(ref _localInfo, localInfoCount * 2);
GetLocalInfo(dest) = new LocalInfo(dest, UsesCount(dest), block.Index);
else if (dest.Kind == OperandKind.Register)
fixedRegisters |= 1 << Index(dest.GetRegister());
_blockInfo[block.Index] = new BlockInfo(fixedRegisters);
int usedRegisters = 0;
int freeRegisters = Merge(regMasks.VecAvailableRegisters, regMasks.IntAvailableRegisters);
int callerSavedRegisters = Merge(regMasks.VecCallerSavedRegisters, regMasks.IntCallerSavedRegisters);
Operand[] active = new Operand[RegistersCount * 2];
Operation dummyNode = Operation(Instruction.Extended, default);
for (int index = cfg.PostOrderBlocks.Length - 1; index >= 0; index--)
BasicBlock block = cfg.PostOrderBlocks[index];
BlockInfo blkInfo = _blockInfo[block.Index];
int freeLocalRegisters = freeRegisters & ~blkInfo.FixedRegisters;
int activeRegisters = 0;
for (Operation node = block.Operations.First; node != default; node = node.ListNext)
bool folded = false;
// Set of registers currently being used on the operation. These registers are __not__ candidate for
// allocation or spilling in the current operation.
int activeCurrRegisters = 0;
// If operation is a copy of a local and that local is living on the stack, we turn the copy into a
// fill, instead of inserting a fill before it.
if (node.Instruction == Instruction.Copy)
Operand source = node.GetSource(0);
if (source.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(source);
if (info.Register == default && info.SpillOffset != default)
Operation fillOp = Operation(Instruction.Fill, node.Destination, info.SpillOffset);
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, fillOp);
node = fillOp;
folded = true;
// If the operation is folded to a fill, no need to inspect sources; since sources of fills are
// constant operands which do not require registers.
if (!folded)
foreach (ref Operand source in node.SourcesUnsafe)
if (source.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
source = UseRegister(source);
else if (source.Kind == OperandKind.Memory)
MemoryOperand memOp = source.GetMemory();
if (memOp.BaseAddress != default)
memOp.BaseAddress = UseRegister(memOp.BaseAddress);
if (memOp.Index != default)
memOp.Index = UseRegister(memOp.Index);
// If operation is a call, spill caller saved registers which are in the active set.
if (node.Instruction == Instruction.Call)
int toSpill = callerSavedRegisters & activeRegisters;
while (toSpill != 0)
int reg = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(toSpill);
SpillRegister(ref GetLocalInfo(active[reg]), node);
activeRegisters &= ~(1 << reg);
activeCurrRegisters |= 1 << reg;
active[reg] = default;
toSpill &= ~(1 << reg);
foreach (ref Operand dest in node.DestinationsUnsafe)
if (dest.Kind == OperandKind.LocalVariable)
dest = DefRegister(dest);
Operand UseRegister(Operand local)
ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(local);
Debug.Assert(info.UsesAllocated <= info.Uses);
// If the local does not have a register, allocate one and reload the local from the stack.
if (info.Register == default)
info.Register = DefRegister(local);
FillRegister(ref info, node);
Operand result = info.Register;
int reg = Index(result.GetRegister());
activeCurrRegisters |= 1 << reg;
// If we've reached the last use of the local, we can free the register "gracefully".
if (info.UsesAllocated == info.Uses)
// If the local is not a block local, we have to spill it; otherwise this would cause
// issues when the local is used in a loop.
// If the local has only a single definition, we can skip spilling because the definition
// will be spilled at the block where it was defined's exit or it will be spilled because it
// was evicted.
if (!info.IsBlockLocal && local.AssignmentsCount > 1)
SpillRegister(ref info, node);
activeRegisters &= ~(1 << reg);
active[reg] = default;
info.Register = default;
return result;
Operand DefRegister(Operand local)
ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(local);
Debug.Assert(info.UsesAllocated <= info.Uses);
// If the local already has a register it is living in, return that register.
if (info.Register != default)
return info.Register;
int typeCount;
int typeMask;
if (info.RegisterType == RegisterType.Integer)
typeMask = IntMask;
typeCount = 0;
typeMask = VecMask;
typeCount = RegistersCount;
int mask = freeLocalRegisters & ~(activeRegisters | activeCurrRegisters) & typeMask;
int selectedReg;
// If we have inactive registers available, use one of them.
if (mask != 0)
selectedReg = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(mask);
// Otherwise we spill an active register and use the that register.
int spillMask = activeRegisters & ~activeCurrRegisters & typeMask;
int spillReg;
Operand spillLocal;
// The heuristic will select the first register which is holding a non block local. This is
// based on the assumption that block locals are more likely to be used next.
// TODO: Quite often, this assumption is not necessarily true, investigate other heuristics.
spillReg = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(spillMask);
spillLocal = active[spillReg];
if (!GetLocalInfo(spillLocal).IsBlockLocal)
spillMask &= ~(1 << spillReg);
while (spillMask != 0);
SpillRegister(ref GetLocalInfo(spillLocal), node);
selectedReg = spillReg;
info.Register = Register(selectedReg - typeCount, info.RegisterType, local.Type);
// Move selected register to the active set.
usedRegisters |= 1 << selectedReg;
activeRegisters |= 1 << selectedReg;
activeCurrRegisters |= 1 << selectedReg;
active[selectedReg] = local;
return info.Register;
// If there are still registers in the active set after allocation of the block, we spill them for the
// next block.
if (activeRegisters != 0)
// If the block has 0 successors then the control flow exits. This means we can skip spilling since
// we're exiting anyways.
bool needSpill = block.SuccessorsCount > 0;
dummyNode = block.Append(dummyNode);
while (activeRegisters != 0)
int reg = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(activeRegisters);
ref LocalInfo info = ref GetLocalInfo(active[reg]);
if (needSpill && !info.IsBlockLocal)
SpillRegister(ref info, dummyNode);
info.Register = default;
activeRegisters &= ~(1 << reg);
active[reg] = default;
void FillRegister(ref LocalInfo info, Operation node)
Debug.Assert(info.Register != default);
Debug.Assert(info.SpillOffset != default);
Operation fillOp = Operation(Instruction.Fill, info.Register, info.SpillOffset);
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, fillOp);
void SpillRegister(ref LocalInfo info, Operation node)
Debug.Assert(info.Register != default);
if (info.SpillOffset == default)
info.SpillOffset = Const(stackAlloc.Allocate(info.Type));
Operation spillOp = Operation(Instruction.Spill, default, info.SpillOffset, info.Register);
block.Operations.AddBefore(node, spillOp);
info.Register = default;
var (vecUsedRegisters, intUsedRegisters) = Split(usedRegisters);
return new AllocationResult(intUsedRegisters, vecUsedRegisters, stackAlloc.TotalSize);
private static int Index(Register reg)
int index = reg.Index;
if (reg.Type == RegisterType.Vector)
index += RegistersCount;
return index;
private static int Merge(int vecSet, int intSet)
return vecSet << RegistersCount | intSet;
private static (int, int) Split(int set)
int intMask = (1 << RegistersCount) - 1;
int vecMask = intMask << RegistersCount;
return ((int)((uint)(set & vecMask) >> RegistersCount), set & intMask);
private static int UsesCount(Operand local)
return local.AssignmentsCount + local.UsesCount;