Mary 5545297ea6 amadeus: Update to REV11
This should implement all ABI changes from REV11 on 14.0.0

As Nintendo changed the channel disposition for "legacy" effects (Delay, Reverb and Reverb 3D) to match the standard channel mapping, I took the liberty to just remap to the old disposition for now.
The proper changes will be handled at a later date with a complete rewriting of those 3 effects to be more readable (see https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/pull/3205 for the first iteration of it).
2022-03-23 19:46:17 +01:00

483 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Ryujinx
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using Ryujinx.Audio.Common;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Common;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp.State;
using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.Memory;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using static Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Parameter.VoiceInParameter;
namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Dsp
public static class DataSourceHelper
private const int FixedPointPrecision = 15;
public struct WaveBufferInformation
public uint SourceSampleRate;
public float Pitch;
public ulong ExtraParameter;
public ulong ExtraParameterSize;
public int ChannelIndex;
public int ChannelCount;
public DecodingBehaviour DecodingBehaviour;
public SampleRateConversionQuality SrcQuality;
public SampleFormat SampleFormat;
private static int GetPitchLimitBySrcQuality(SampleRateConversionQuality quality)
return quality switch
SampleRateConversionQuality.Default or SampleRateConversionQuality.Low => 4,
SampleRateConversionQuality.High => 8,
_ => throw new ArgumentException(quality.ToString()),
public static void ProcessWaveBuffers(IVirtualMemoryManager memoryManager, Span<float> outputBuffer, ref WaveBufferInformation info, Span<WaveBuffer> wavebuffers, ref VoiceUpdateState voiceState, uint targetSampleRate, int sampleCount)
const int tempBufferSize = 0x3F00;
Span<short> tempBuffer = stackalloc short[tempBufferSize];
float sampleRateRatio = (float)info.SourceSampleRate / targetSampleRate * info.Pitch;
float fraction = voiceState.Fraction;
int waveBufferIndex = (int)voiceState.WaveBufferIndex;
ulong playedSampleCount = voiceState.PlayedSampleCount;
int offset = voiceState.Offset;
uint waveBufferConsumed = voiceState.WaveBufferConsumed;
int pitchMaxLength = GetPitchLimitBySrcQuality(info.SrcQuality);
int totalNeededSize = (int)MathF.Truncate(fraction + sampleRateRatio * sampleCount);
if (totalNeededSize + pitchMaxLength <= tempBufferSize && totalNeededSize >= 0)
int sourceSampleCountToProcess = sampleCount;
int maxSampleCountPerIteration = Math.Min((int)MathF.Truncate((tempBufferSize - fraction) / sampleRateRatio), sampleCount);
bool isStarving = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < sourceSampleCountToProcess)
int tempBufferIndex = 0;
if (!info.DecodingBehaviour.HasFlag(DecodingBehaviour.SkipPitchAndSampleRateConversion))
voiceState.Pitch.ToSpan().Slice(0, pitchMaxLength).CopyTo(tempBuffer);
tempBufferIndex += pitchMaxLength;
int sampleCountToProcess = Math.Min(sourceSampleCountToProcess, maxSampleCountPerIteration);
int y = 0;
int sampleCountToDecode = (int)MathF.Truncate(fraction + sampleRateRatio * sampleCountToProcess);
while (y < sampleCountToDecode)
if (waveBufferIndex >= Constants.VoiceWaveBufferCount)
waveBufferIndex = 0;
playedSampleCount = 0;
if (!voiceState.IsWaveBufferValid[waveBufferIndex])
isStarving = true;
ref WaveBuffer waveBuffer = ref wavebuffers[waveBufferIndex];
if (offset == 0 && info.SampleFormat == SampleFormat.Adpcm && waveBuffer.Context != 0)
voiceState.LoopContext = memoryManager.Read<AdpcmLoopContext>(waveBuffer.Context);
Span<short> tempSpan = tempBuffer.Slice(tempBufferIndex + y);
int decodedSampleCount = -1;
int targetSampleStartOffset;
int targetSampleEndOffset;
if (voiceState.LoopCount > 0 && waveBuffer.LoopStartSampleOffset != 0 && waveBuffer.LoopEndSampleOffset != 0 && waveBuffer.LoopStartSampleOffset <= waveBuffer.LoopEndSampleOffset)
targetSampleStartOffset = (int)waveBuffer.LoopStartSampleOffset;
targetSampleEndOffset = (int)waveBuffer.LoopEndSampleOffset;
targetSampleStartOffset = (int)waveBuffer.StartSampleOffset;
targetSampleEndOffset = (int)waveBuffer.EndSampleOffset;
int targetWaveBufferSampleCount = targetSampleEndOffset - targetSampleStartOffset;
switch (info.SampleFormat)
case SampleFormat.Adpcm:
ReadOnlySpan<byte> waveBufferAdpcm = ReadOnlySpan<byte>.Empty;
if (waveBuffer.Buffer != 0 && waveBuffer.BufferSize != 0)
// TODO: we are possibly copying a lot of unneeded data here, we should only take what we need.
waveBufferAdpcm = memoryManager.GetSpan(waveBuffer.Buffer, (int)waveBuffer.BufferSize);
ReadOnlySpan<short> coefficients = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, short>(memoryManager.GetSpan(info.ExtraParameter, (int)info.ExtraParameterSize));
decodedSampleCount = AdpcmHelper.Decode(tempSpan, waveBufferAdpcm, targetSampleStartOffset, targetSampleEndOffset, offset, sampleCountToDecode - y, coefficients, ref voiceState.LoopContext);
case SampleFormat.PcmInt16:
ReadOnlySpan<short> waveBufferPcm16 = ReadOnlySpan<short>.Empty;
if (waveBuffer.Buffer != 0 && waveBuffer.BufferSize != 0)
ulong bufferOffset = waveBuffer.Buffer + PcmHelper.GetBufferOffset<short>(targetSampleStartOffset, offset, info.ChannelCount);
int bufferSize = PcmHelper.GetBufferSize<short>(targetSampleStartOffset, targetSampleEndOffset, offset, sampleCountToDecode - y) * info.ChannelCount;
waveBufferPcm16 = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, short>(memoryManager.GetSpan(bufferOffset, bufferSize));
decodedSampleCount = PcmHelper.Decode(tempSpan, waveBufferPcm16, targetSampleStartOffset, targetSampleEndOffset, info.ChannelIndex, info.ChannelCount);
case SampleFormat.PcmFloat:
ReadOnlySpan<float> waveBufferPcmFloat = ReadOnlySpan<float>.Empty;
if (waveBuffer.Buffer != 0 && waveBuffer.BufferSize != 0)
ulong bufferOffset = waveBuffer.Buffer + PcmHelper.GetBufferOffset<float>(targetSampleStartOffset, offset, info.ChannelCount);
int bufferSize = PcmHelper.GetBufferSize<float>(targetSampleStartOffset, targetSampleEndOffset, offset, sampleCountToDecode - y) * info.ChannelCount;
waveBufferPcmFloat = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, float>(memoryManager.GetSpan(bufferOffset, bufferSize));
decodedSampleCount = PcmHelper.Decode(tempSpan, waveBufferPcmFloat, targetSampleStartOffset, targetSampleEndOffset, info.ChannelIndex, info.ChannelCount);
Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, $"Unsupported sample format " + info.SampleFormat);
Debug.Assert(decodedSampleCount <= sampleCountToDecode);
if (decodedSampleCount < 0)
Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.AudioRenderer, "Decoding failed, skipping WaveBuffer");
voiceState.MarkEndOfBufferWaveBufferProcessing(ref waveBuffer, ref waveBufferIndex, ref waveBufferConsumed, ref playedSampleCount);
decodedSampleCount = 0;
y += decodedSampleCount;
offset += decodedSampleCount;
playedSampleCount += (uint)decodedSampleCount;
if (offset >= targetWaveBufferSampleCount || decodedSampleCount == 0)
offset = 0;
if (waveBuffer.Looping)
if (waveBuffer.LoopCount >= 0)
if (decodedSampleCount == 0 || voiceState.LoopCount > waveBuffer.LoopCount)
voiceState.MarkEndOfBufferWaveBufferProcessing(ref waveBuffer, ref waveBufferIndex, ref waveBufferConsumed, ref playedSampleCount);
if (decodedSampleCount == 0)
isStarving = true;
if (info.DecodingBehaviour.HasFlag(DecodingBehaviour.PlayedSampleCountResetWhenLooping))
playedSampleCount = 0;
voiceState.MarkEndOfBufferWaveBufferProcessing(ref waveBuffer, ref waveBufferIndex, ref waveBufferConsumed, ref playedSampleCount);
Span<int> outputSpanInt = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, int>(outputBuffer.Slice(i));
if (info.DecodingBehaviour.HasFlag(DecodingBehaviour.SkipPitchAndSampleRateConversion))
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
outputBuffer[j] = tempBuffer[j];
Span<short> tempSpan = tempBuffer.Slice(tempBufferIndex + y);
tempSpan.Slice(0, sampleCountToDecode - y).Fill(0);
ToFloat(outputBuffer, outputSpanInt, sampleCountToProcess);
ResamplerHelper.Resample(outputBuffer, tempBuffer, sampleRateRatio, ref fraction, sampleCountToProcess, info.SrcQuality, y != sourceSampleCountToProcess || info.Pitch != 1.0f);
tempBuffer.Slice(sampleCountToDecode, pitchMaxLength).CopyTo(voiceState.Pitch.ToSpan());
i += sampleCountToProcess;
Debug.Assert(sourceSampleCountToProcess == i || !isStarving);
voiceState.WaveBufferConsumed = waveBufferConsumed;
voiceState.Offset = offset;
voiceState.PlayedSampleCount = playedSampleCount;
voiceState.WaveBufferIndex = (uint)waveBufferIndex;
voiceState.Fraction = fraction;
private static void ToFloatAvx(Span<float> output, ReadOnlySpan<int> input, int sampleCount)
ReadOnlySpan<Vector256<int>> inputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector256<int>>(input);
Span<Vector256<float>> outputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector256<float>>(output);
int sisdStart = inputVec.Length * 8;
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.Length; i++)
outputVec[i] = Avx.ConvertToVector256Single(inputVec[i]);
for (int i = sisdStart; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = input[i];
private static void ToFloatSse2(Span<float> output, ReadOnlySpan<int> input, int sampleCount)
ReadOnlySpan<Vector128<int>> inputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector128<int>>(input);
Span<Vector128<float>> outputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector128<float>>(output);
int sisdStart = inputVec.Length * 4;
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.Length; i++)
outputVec[i] = Sse2.ConvertToVector128Single(inputVec[i]);
for (int i = sisdStart; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = input[i];
private static void ToFloatAdvSimd(Span<float> output, ReadOnlySpan<int> input, int sampleCount)
ReadOnlySpan<Vector128<int>> inputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector128<int>>(input);
Span<Vector128<float>> outputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector128<float>>(output);
int sisdStart = inputVec.Length * 4;
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.Length; i++)
outputVec[i] = AdvSimd.ConvertToSingle(inputVec[i]);
for (int i = sisdStart; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = input[i];
public static void ToFloatSlow(Span<float> output, ReadOnlySpan<int> input, int sampleCount)
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = input[i];
public static void ToFloat(Span<float> output, ReadOnlySpan<int> input, int sampleCount)
if (Avx.IsSupported)
ToFloatAvx(output, input, sampleCount);
else if (Sse2.IsSupported)
ToFloatSse2(output, input, sampleCount);
else if (AdvSimd.IsSupported)
ToFloatAdvSimd(output, input, sampleCount);
ToFloatSlow(output, input, sampleCount);
public static void ToIntAvx(Span<int> output, ReadOnlySpan<float> input, int sampleCount)
ReadOnlySpan<Vector256<float>> inputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector256<float>>(input);
Span<Vector256<int>> outputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector256<int>>(output);
int sisdStart = inputVec.Length * 8;
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.Length; i++)
outputVec[i] = Avx.ConvertToVector256Int32(inputVec[i]);
for (int i = sisdStart; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = (int)input[i];
public static void ToIntSse2(Span<int> output, ReadOnlySpan<float> input, int sampleCount)
ReadOnlySpan<Vector128<float>> inputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector128<float>>(input);
Span<Vector128<int>> outputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector128<int>>(output);
int sisdStart = inputVec.Length * 4;
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.Length; i++)
outputVec[i] = Sse2.ConvertToVector128Int32(inputVec[i]);
for (int i = sisdStart; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = (int)input[i];
public static void ToIntAdvSimd(Span<int> output, ReadOnlySpan<float> input, int sampleCount)
ReadOnlySpan<Vector128<float>> inputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector128<float>>(input);
Span<Vector128<int>> outputVec = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, Vector128<int>>(output);
int sisdStart = inputVec.Length * 4;
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.Length; i++)
outputVec[i] = AdvSimd.ConvertToInt32RoundToZero(inputVec[i]);
for (int i = sisdStart; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = (int)input[i];
public static void ToIntSlow(Span<int> output, ReadOnlySpan<float> input, int sampleCount)
for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
output[i] = (int)input[i];
public static void ToInt(Span<int> output, ReadOnlySpan<float> input, int sampleCount)
if (Avx.IsSupported)
ToIntAvx(output, input, sampleCount);
else if (Sse2.IsSupported)
ToIntSse2(output, input, sampleCount);
else if (AdvSimd.IsSupported)
ToIntAdvSimd(output, input, sampleCount);
ToIntSlow(output, input, sampleCount);
public static void RemapLegacyChannelEffectMappingToChannelResourceMapping(bool isSupported, Span<ushort> bufferIndices)
if (!isSupported && bufferIndices.Length == 6)
ushort backLeft = bufferIndices[2];
ushort backRight = bufferIndices[3];
ushort frontCenter = bufferIndices[4];
ushort lowFrequency = bufferIndices[5];
bufferIndices[2] = frontCenter;
bufferIndices[3] = lowFrequency;
bufferIndices[4] = backLeft;
bufferIndices[5] = backRight;
public static void RemapChannelResourceMappingToLegacy(bool isSupported, Span<ushort> bufferIndices)
if (isSupported && bufferIndices.Length == 6)
ushort frontCenter = bufferIndices[2];
ushort lowFrequency = bufferIndices[3];
ushort backLeft = bufferIndices[4];
ushort backRight = bufferIndices[5];
bufferIndices[2] = backLeft;
bufferIndices[3] = backRight;
bufferIndices[4] = frontCenter;
bufferIndices[5] = lowFrequency;